How could Flutter be Beneficial for iOS Apps Development?

iOS app development

Recently launched Flutter has already created a strong presence amongst the mobile app development community. Launched by Google, the Flutter app development framework is a mobile UI framework. It allows developing an app for both Android as well as iOS platforms, with a single codebase. Isn’t it amazing? With a single piece of code, you develop an iOS app that can run on both Apple as well as Google devices. Moreover, it’s an open-source platform that allows the developer to develop an app in a faster time. We can say that the Flutter App development framework is all set to revolutionize the overall speed of the iOS app development process.

Why Google Flutter benefits the iOS apps development process?

The big question here is, why should you port your native iOS apps to the Flutter platform? Already, the word from the developer community suggests that Flutter is a better and efficient platform than the native iOS platform. Let’s quickly check the reasons behind his. This should also help you to understand as a developer, why Flutter is beneficial for iPhone app development.

Better technical architecture

It is an open truth that Apple’s development kit is a secret recipe, secretly developed by Apple for its iOS platform. But this secrecy has not hindered Flutter’s development as a hybrid platform. It has been able to provide equivalent or many occasions’ better features for developers, than ones available on the iOS platform. For example, say goodbye to Swift programming and use Dart which is an equivalent programming language but with better features, used on the Flutter app development platform. Similarly, Atom or Sublime is better to text editors than XCode on iOS. Dart has got a rich library with powerful typing options. It also facilitates async-await effective app building. Dart doesn’t communicate with the native app modules; it provides native features even without that. Also, its compiler is equipped with the tree-shaking feature. Undoubtedly, Flutter is a boon for iOS apps development with its rich features.

Faster development

Quick or faster development is the USP of Google Flutter, apart from being a hybrid mobile app development platform. With the usage of dynamic scripting language, app development can be much faster. This what Dart does on the flutter app development platform? Data comes with two distinct modes that are interpreted mode and compiled mode. The interpreted mode comes reloaded with experience which makes the development of apps much faster than the traditional iOS apps development platform. However, if you still want to compile down to the native machine code for the app launch, then you can use the compiled model.

UI development

If you are a member of an iOS apps development team, then you should be aware of the number of days it takes to develop the UI on the iOS platform. There is no doubt that UIKit used for UI development on the iOS platform is one of the most useful packages on iOS. However, Flutter has got UI components that are completely different from UIKit. UI components in Flutter are available in the form of widgets which allows faster iOS app development. These widgets also support Cupertino for the iOS platform. Even a complex layout could be designed at ease, in a shorter period.

Better support for testing

Flutter has a better testing framework. Some of the key features which are going to help the iOS developers are, data-driven testing, snapshot testing, and test grouping. Moreover, Flutter allows the developer to write test scripts at UI level, Functional Level and unit level. With the help of the widget testing, one can perform a quick UI testing. Flutter contains a Flutter Driver package that facilitates testing. So, we can see that the testing framework of Flutter is way better and comprehensive than XCTest, which is the native testing platform on iOS.

Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

iOS developers rue about the fact that CI/CD XCode is a pain for a broader team. Even Apple has introduced BuddyBuild for CI/CD but it is still at its nascent stage. On the other hand, Flutter has already engaged with Nevercode and introduced its Codemagic CI/CD solution. It is one of the most scalable CI/CD solutions which is capable of developing, detecting, testing and packaging the applications on the Flutter app development platform.


It can be said that Google Flutter is the future of iOS app development on the iOS platform. The reason is simple, it offers multiple benefits to the iOS developers, which are way better than the native development platform. So, should you hire a mobile app developer who is trained on Flutter? Yes, you should, if you are looking for the development of an app within a limited budget, with great UI and faster delivery.


What to Integrate into a Mobile Application to Boost Business Revenue?

Mobile App

Mobile apps could be the gateway to revenue. As per the renowned market research organization Statista, by the end of 2020 mobile apps are projected to generate a revenue of $189 million. Now that is a lot of money. This justifies why modern-day investors are more interested in mobile platforms. In this article, we will discuss some of the features that can boost business revenue from a mobile app.

Which features I should integrate into my mobile app? 

This is not an easy question, but with a little study as well as research on the current market this question can be answered perfectly. However, if you have don’t have time to perform a market study, then you can simply read this article. In this article, we will showcase some of the must-have features for your mobile app, that will enhance the revenue.

Paid features

Sometimes it is good to keep paid features in your mobile, rather than developing a completely paid app. A paid app might simply not click since you might find your competitor is offering the same at a lesser cost of may be free of cost. However, keeping paid features definite makes sense. For example, a mobile app development company develops a finance app. certain features like stock prices, news and updates can be kept as free features, while stock advice, market forecast, and some other features can be kept as paid features. The catch is, if the user likes the free features and finds them useful; there are complete chances that he will go for the paid features.

UI/UX design

You have got one of the best apps in the market. Post-launch you have seen multiple downloads of the app, but now you see users are abandoning your app. What could be the reason? Well, there could be multiple reasons, but one reason could be poor UI or UX design. Poor design can result in a lack of consistency, familiarity, and poor navigation through the app. After some time, the customer might simply uninstall the app rather than living with the difficulties. This can have a bad impact on your revenues. How to fix this? It is simple, engage a UI UX design company and get the most suitable design for your app. In short, your app should be intuitive, consistent and engaging, with a straightforward simple navigation flow.

Push notifications

One of the effective features to have in your app is “push notifications”. You won’t believe but the majority of the top merchants make use of push notifications to provide an update on their products and services, to their customers. For example, there is a flash sale, instant discount for a day, stock clearance sale or an upcoming launch. Push notifications can be used effectively as personalized service to the customers. In practice, it has been seen that customers also eagerly wait for these notifications. Many of the leading retailers use push notifications to clear off their inventory and spike up the revenue in a shorter time. However, merely sending the push notifications is not going to work. Someone from the marketing team has to strategize it, which again can’t be done by the mobile app development company.

In-App purchases

Ask your mobile app development company to enable “in-app purchases” on your mobile app. Customers can directly purchase your app, instead of going to a third-party seller or a different platform. Two clear benefits will boost your revenues. Firstly, you create a direct relationship with your customers, with more personalized service. Secondly, customers get a price advantage since they buy directly. This also means a onetime customer can be converted into a repeat customer.

In-App ad revenue

You can promote other apps or other products through In-App Ads. However, with bad positioning of the Ads, you can simply annoy the users. So, it is better to engage a UI UX design company to design the interface for your app and place the Ads effectively. Through promotion, one can not only earn the revenue for the ads displayed but can also earn a share of the revenue from each of the successful leads, generated from the app.

[Read more: Significant Tips That will Boost Revenue of Your E-commerce App]


We have provided the best strategies for boosting revenue from your app. These are the features which have already proven their worth in the apps market, and can also help your business to gear up the revenue. Apart from revenue, this also helps to develop a competitive advantage.


Everything you need to know about Live Streaming Apps Development

Live Streaming App Development

With each passing day, technology is expanding more electric and faster, and people are just accustomed to it entirely. In the past few years, video streaming apps have popularized because of the growing penetration of smartphones. The limitless border of live streaming has now enabled people to attend events, conferences and concerts and all by staying at home. With live-streaming apps, there will be an ability to perform video broadcasts and share globally in real-time to open up new experiences for the other users. As far as the live streaming market is concerned, by 2021, it is projected to plunge to $70 billion.

Not only in the entertainment industry but this technology became popular in business also.

Several corporations and start-ups have now started to build a live streaming app for goods and services promotion, training, team building, and much more. As far as the live streaming market is concerned, by 2021, it is projected to plunge to $70 billion. Research disclosed that about 82% of viewers prefer watching live videos over social media posts and 80% like it over reading a blog. In short, it can be understood that live streaming might help businesses to expand their reach, establish brand loyalty and capture more user attention.

What is live streaming?

Live streaming is a live broadcast of all the actions happening on a particular computer which many users can watch together in the real-time. Streaming not only stands for video games also to show the activity in real-time. Social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Periscope, launched live streams to show their actions in real-time to their potential users.

This article is somewhat a guide where you can study all about the live streaming app development. So, let us now start with our discussion.

Depending on their functions, live streaming apps can be categorized into two main categories. These are as following-

Apps for Video Streaming

These apps are about the video playbacks where videos are uploaded to the server where they are stored for an unlimited time. Users can view the videos anytime, anywhere, and the number of times they want. Alternatively, it doesn’t mean when is the video uploaded.

Apps for live video broadcasting

These apps are specially designed for online broadcasts. These videos are not uploaded to the server; instead, the videos are broadcasted directly to the subscribers. The videos are stored on a server, converting them into video streaming apps.

What all is to be examined before live stream video app development:

Being a mobile app developer, the following elements are to be considered before commencing the project.

Accessibility to many audiences

Due to the increased number of subscribers to live video streaming apps, you need to develop the app with a highly accessible back-end to cater to a more significant amount of audience.

Should support all video file formats

Your application must support all types of file formats so that the user can operate his video seamlessly without encountering any hassles.

Securing the uploaded videos

Pirated or plagiarized videos often lead to the infringement of copyrights, so mobile app developers must ensure to furnish adequate security to apps for preventing such situations.

Tools and technologies

Before you proceed to work on the project, you have to accumulate all the essential tools in the right position to have a smooth development process.

Selection of a Viable Platform

You need to think on the platform for which you are going to develop the app. An app is most built on native or a hybrid platform.

Why do you need a live streaming app?

It is beneficial for a business as specific challenges of business be resolved by streaming mobile apps. Let us consider them-

Grab more attention from potential customers

Live streaming helps you in capturing more attention from the users as it is perceived by users differently. People today are interested in real-time streaming, so live streaming attracts users easily and helps you hold more potential customers.

Brand loyalty improvement

You can display more about your brand to new customers with a live streaming application. In real-time, your product looks much brighter and captivating, giving a chance to increase the loyalty of your brand.

Richer content

Live streaming gives users a richer content that they feel more engaging and interactive. Users won’t get motivated to avail your product or services even after reading a detail description on social media, but live streaming can do that for you.

Real-time engagement

Streaming is a better option to interact with your customers. You may reach more potential customers and reply to all their queries which have a positive impact and bring you more lead generation.

An ad-free way of interaction

Users don’t like watching unwanted ads and get annoyed due to these ads on videos. However, live streaming will give users a pleasant ad-free experience that can turn your visitors into new users.

[Also Read: What is the Cost of Developing Video Streaming Mobile Apps Like Netflix?]


The topic is not over yet. Live streaming has got so much to discuss and has eliminated numerous obstacles. Here we have discussed everything you need to know about live streaming app development. It is essential to get updated with what’s new to learn in this field. Several obstacles might arise while developing and marketing your app, but a competent mobile application development company can inspire you with more ideas.


Things to consider while Planning Budget for On-demand Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps

On-demand mobile apps are building a niche in the world, and have grown as a rising trend in the mobile application development market- this is not an overstatement. These types of mobile apps are in demand due to their convenience and availability features, conclusively meeting the requirements of the users. Today, most of the new businesses are looking forward to getting an on-demand mobile application developed. Post success of on-demand business apps like Airbnb, Uber, and Postmates, it is evident that these apps will skyrocket your business in terms of revenue generation and profits.

A study suggested, by the end of 2025, on-demand market revenue is estimated to touch $335 Billion.Moreover, with each passing day, the number of users of on-demand apps is rising exponentially in recent years because of its accessibility. So, with these stats in hand, it won’t be wrong to say that on-demand businesses will be ruling the digital economy in the years to come.

The beauty of on-demand apps is that it allows performing tasks within seconds. With the advent of On-demand mobile apps, smartphones seem like a magical instrument and making life much more comfortable.

Why are On-demand business apps getting popular?

Applications that are exclusively built to meet the particular requirement of the users are referred to as on-demand apps. Basically, these apps emphasize on consumer demand and reshaping the living habit of urban elites by providing accessibility and convenience. From food deliveries to laundry pick-up, chauffeur-driven vehicles to plumbers, all activities can be materialized instantly within seconds. On-demand apps offer gratification, superior shopping experience, mobility, and quickest delivery, making it a more viable option for users. Numerous tasks consume time, efforts and energy if all such tasks can be accomplished through technology, why not to go for it and just hit the jackpot.

The Structure of a Typical On-demand Mobile App:

The structure includes three components:

User app

App for the customers who will be using the services. In the user app, a user has got the search option for products & services, reviews, map navigation, shopping cart, order history, pricing details, tracking orders, product recommendations, best sellers, alerts and other services. For the user app, the overall cost incurred for the development scales from $10,000 to $15,000 for iOS or Android.

Service provider app

It is for service providers which consist of profile, portfolios, active orders, product description, chat history, and offer an interface to clients. You may expect that the cost of development can be around $6,000 to $8,000.

Admin panel

It is a maintenance element which efficiently maintains users and services providers. It answers all the queries and abuse reports to offer a seamless experience to services providers as well as users. Also, it adds news feeds, track payments and user access. Development of this panel will require you $4,000 to $5,000 approximately.

Why Budgeting is necessary for On-demand Mobile Apps?

The cost incurred on an on-demand app depends on several factors and considerations. Budget planning may give a rough idea of the estimated cost that you will need for your on-demand application development. Not only a rough idea, but it also helps you prepare a blueprint of the development process. Budgeting is tricky; still, undoubtedly it will provide you with an insight into the project’s technical and business feasibility.

By any chance, if you are planning to get an on-demand app developed, then you should strategize its development budget properly. Here we have specified some guidelines and the information for you that must be applied while planning the budget of your on-demand business app. These tips will help you make the best estimate of your budget to get started with your project within no time.

Factors that are to be considered while planning the budget of an on-demand mobile app:

Identification of your market domain

Before you get started, think once for which specific industry you are getting your app developed. It is to be done at an early stage as on-demand services include multiple sectors viz food industry, transportation, laundry services, and so on. As soon as you are done with the identification of the market domain, your budget planning becomes a little bit easier.

The platform for on-demand app development

Here, you will be deciding the platform for which you want your app to be developed if you wish for native platform or cross-platform app development. You may choose the one which best suits your requirements based on the concept of your on-demand app as both native and cross-platform have got certain limitations.

Prepare a product requirements document

It is a technical requirement document which is to be prepared while estimating the budget the app. This document covers the whole on-demand application development process, including the micro details. This document helps mobile app developers in determining the cost at each development phase like back-end development, testing, design, and other processes involved in the development process.

Outsourcing or In-house development

It is crucial to decide whether you are outsourcing the project or developing it in-house while preparing the budget for an on-demand application. This decision significantly impacts the overall cost of the project. In case you want to outsource, then you should find a mobile application development company with the quality of work, experience and expertise. Here, the cost of development is much higher contradictory to when you are developing in-house.

[Also Read: Must-have Features of On-Demand Apps and their Advantages]


On-demand apps are in vogue and trending nowadays. All thanks to its usability and the accessibility it offers to its users. By understanding and applying the points mentioned above, you can get a detailed insight into the cost incurred in the development.

On-demand application development is quite a challenging task but at the same time retrieves maximum revenue. If you hire a mobile application development company for the development purpose, there is a low chance of suffering losses.


Ways the Wearable Devices Transfiguring Healthcare Industry

Wearable Devices

It may be surprisingly shocking that wearable devices have been around for centuries. Since then, mobile application development companies have been engaged in developing wearable mobile apps. In today’s world, the popularity of Wearables has shifted to the healthcare industry also. There emerged the need for the Wearables ultimately as people are a bit busy and can’t take care of their well-being in a conventional way.

The Emergence of Wearables- need for Wearable Technology

These devices are the perfect solution which is worn continuously on the body that monitors several health parameters, and suitably transmit information about the health conditions to the users and doctors. In the last four years, the use of wearable technology has tripled because of the increasing demand of consumers More than 80% of users are willing to use fitness Wearables- a study from Business Insider Intelligence stated.

Under the influence of medical Wearables, the traditional patient-doctor model is undergoing significant changes. Sensors in wearable devices automate processes, speed up diagnosis procedure, and treatment. 

In the past decade, Wearables like fitness bands, Smartwatches, or Google glass are adopted extensively by consumers. As per the current research, by 2027, the wearable technology market is set to reach $150 Billion. These wearable devices are connected to the Internet of Things, (which is again an impactful technology) is disrupting medical practice at a vigorous pace forming a modern era of the healthcare industry.

What is Wearable Health Technology?

Wearable technology is about the electronic devices that users wear for accumulating diverse natures of data of their health conditions that can be used for multiple purposes. These kinds of devices are incredibly user-friendly and unobstructed. Healthcare Industry uses these Wearables extensively; especially Hospitals most often use Wearables. Healthcare sector uses Wearables because doctors and nurses have to keep constant updations of patient’s vitals and conditions that too in very less time.

Some factors that propel the popularity of medical Wearables are:

Grant more innocuous working conditions and predict employee injuries and fatal accidents due to fatigue or other factors

  • A rise in the number of smartphones in the present scenario
  • Integration of sensors into user devices
  • A more convenient approach to take medical support
  • More freedom
  • Elevated health and fitness awareness
  • Involvement of giants like Apple, Google, and Microsoft
  • Promote customer service
  • Raise productivity

Where there are so many advantages of wearable devices, then it is obvious it also has some restrictions.

Here are the factors that prevent the implementation of Wearables.

  • Huge Cost incurred
  • Private data security concerns
  • Absence of common standards
  • Interoperability issues may arise

Discussing further, let us move onto way by Wearables are transfiguring healthcare industry and what devices are out in the market and how they are benefitting the users and the doctors.

How wearable devices are driving the healthcare sector:

Wearable Fitness Trackers

Wearable Fitness Trackers, one of the simplest and innovative forms of wearable health technology, are wristbands that have in build sensors in it, which keeps track of a user’s physical activity accompanying the heart rate. This wearable device provides recommendations by syncing to several smartphone apps which makes it useful from the perspective of the users.

Smart Health Watches

Presently, Smartwatches have transformed into clinically viable healthcare tool. In 2017, Apple launched the Apple heart study app that observes the heartbeat of the users and alerts those who were experiencing atrial fibrillation. With the Smartwatch, the user may also perform tasks of the routine like reading notifications, send simple messages, and make phone calls. Also, it suggests some of the health tracking benefits of fitness trackers.

Wearable ECG monitors

Wearable ECG monitors can measure electrocardiograms and send the reading to the user’s doctor, as well as detects atrial fibrillation. Along with this, Wearable ECG Monitors can also track the pace, distance, and elevation. Also, automatic tracking for walking, running, swimming, and biking can also be done with these monitors.

Wearable Blood Pressure Monitors

This year, Omron Healthcare launched the first wearable blood pressure monitor named HeartGuide. It is an oscillometric blood pressure monitor which can measure blood pressure along with daily activities such as steps taken, distance walked, and calories consumed. Wearable Blood Pressure Monitors can store, track, and share data with the doctors, which can help provide the best treatment to the patients.


Biosensors are entirely different from wrist trackers and Smartwatches. A biosensor is a self-adhesive application which enables patients to move around while accumulating data on their movement, heart rate, respiratory rate, progress, and temperature. This wearable again has got great potential and ability to improve patient’s outcomes and perhaps lessen staff workload.

[Also Read: Wearable Devices App Development – The Next Big Thing in IT Industry]


Wearable technology has got enormous potential, and this fact is no more a mystery. With lots of dependence of each industry on technology, daily new inventions and discoveries take place to make the functioning of these industries comfortably. The potential that Wearables possess is not hidden in today’s world. People are likely to adopt wearable devices because Wearables have become a trend. Wearable technologies are making a splash in the market due to increased demand. In the fast-moving digital world, if you want to know more or get a wearable application developed that would benefit many, connect to a wearable app development company.


Top Mobile Application Development Companies in Thailand

mobile app

Technology keeps on reinventing itself and becoming more better day-to-day than ever before. Mobile applications are one such example of the reinvention of the technology in the current scenario. With the increasing rate of technology adoption, no business can be marketed offline, be it a giant or small business. Mobile applications are also renowned as mobile apps which are software programs for mobile devices. Mobiles apps have turn mobile devices like smartphones and tablets into the miniature powerhouse of use and recreation. Ever since the introduction of the mobile app, numerous tasks and work can be done within no time. The efforts of the mobile app developers have not gone in vain as they have come up with a useful thing in the form of mobile applications.

The mobile application development companies are doing a good business along with serving the users. The efforts of the app development companies can’t be overlooked as they attempt the most desirable to provide the output that will be loved by the end-users always.

Here we will be discovering and discussing the professional mobile application development companies in Thailand so that businesses in Thailand don’t lose potential business opportunities. Mobile applications are a prominent source of marketing to augment your business revenue. Not only business revenue, but apps also deals with and adapt the latest technologies to offer efficient productivity and hassle-free task management.

Let us discuss in detail about the top mobile application development companies in Thailand:


AppSquadz, which was founded in 2014, topped the chart and is at the number one position while talking about app development companies in Thailand. The squad has been extremely talented and versatile to keep up the expectations of the users in Thailand. They have successfully deployed 650+ applications so far. They offer services in Mobile App Development, UX/UI Design, and Mobile & App Marketing. Additionally, with collaborative industry exposure of 12+ years, they have now become proficient in android, iOS, gaming, Web development, and the other related platforms. They also focus on open-source technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and WordPress, Symfony framework, Vue.JS, Angular JS, or React JS, mobile applications with React Native.


Following AppSquadz, IWA Ltd is at the second spot in Thailand. Founded in 2009, the company design, develop and operate web services and mobile applications. They believe in combining the existing ideas and concepts with substantial expertise to plan, design, and create user-friendly web and mobile solutions. They excel and deal in Web Development, Mobile App Development, and Wearable App Development. Using the latest web and mobile technologies, they try to enhance the core processes of development.


Among the top mobile application development companies in Thailand, Gomeeki also stands third which was founded in the year 2008. They have all the capabilities and insights that are required to engage and manage mobile users in real-time, making it easy for businesses to grow their business. Coming to their services and products, they furnish services like Digital Strategy, UX / UI Design, Mobile (iOS & Android) App Development, Customer Identity Management, SMS, Marketing Automation, Lead Generation, and Debt Collection. Having its headquarter in Sydney, Australia, the company has a power-packed and passionate team of 40 mobile app developers.

Lockstep Labs

Now, the company founded in 2015 has also made up among the top mobile application development companies in Thailand. They work with a small number of long-term clients, so the client and CEO would be determining the technology. So, depending on needs, you can hire the developers for your work who will recommend you the best advice. They have their core competencies in Web Development, Mobile App Development, and Application Testing to improve the scalability of the applications be it existing or a new one.


Outsourcify has also been a name in the list of top mobile app development companies in Thailand. Founded in 2012, Outsourcify is a web design and development agency. Being a Thailand-based company, they develop websites, apps, and mobile apps for customers globally. They enhance the work process and enforce quality control which helped us in having an extensive portfolio of customers from all parts of the world. They focus on open-source technologies like HTML, JavaScript, WordPress, Symfony framework, Vue.JS, Angular JS, or React JS, mobile applications with React Native. They currently hold 30+ web designers and developers who bring their expertise to every project. They offer services like Custom Software Development, Web Development, and Mobile App Development. They currently hold 30+ web designers and developers who bring their expertise to every project. They offer services like Custom Software Development, Web Development, and Mobile App Development.

Senna Labs

Founded in 2015, Senna Labs is a full-service digital agency that offers services in custom web and mobile application development, DevOps, digital marketing, product development, and project management. Having offices in Bangkok, Thailand, and San Francisco, CA, USA, we leverage e latest and best industry tools, standards, and techniques. They quickly develop digital solutions for global markets and offer Silicon Valley quality digital services and value at competitive prices. They provide a range of services in Web Development, E-Commerce Development, and Mobile App Development.


As a client, you have the right to decide to opt for the company you want to select. It ultimately depends on the requirement, expectation, and budget of the client. You can choose as per your requirement and expectations. AppSquadz has topped the charts yet again, and our mobile app developers have been acknowledged as the top mobile app developers in Thailand. We feel proud to be at the top and would like to pay heed to our clients for believing and supporting us continuously. Our mobile app developers and the squad has been very supportive and hard working. AppSquadz will never let or your expectations down in any situation, and we will give the best to the clients in the industry, and that is what we can assure you.