An Overview of EHR Development for Healthcare Mobile Apps

EHR Development

The healthcare sector is extensively using EHR software, and the reason behind it is it was touted as a key to increasing of quality care. An electronic health record is a systematic compilation of patient and community electronically-stored health data in a digital form. As per the reports of Grand View Research, in 2018 the global EHR market worth $20.4 billion and by 2023 it is anticipated to touch $33.294 billion. As of today, the EHR technology has grown as an upper-level system that assembles, interprets, and maintains information for prompt treatments, medical prescriptions, and much further. The application of EHR development has got lots of potentials, and we will be discussing it in detail and unveil various aspects here.

The electronic health record may comprise the below-written information:

  1. Practices demographics
  2. Information about the Insurance
  3. Medical records and procedures
  4. Health evaluation notes, graphics, health vitals
  5. Medical examinations, lab results, radiology images, etc
  6. Hypersensitivities
  7. Prescriptions and medication plans
  8. Analytical data of medical sufferers
  9. Billing and additional data for patient management

How does EHR work?

EHR software systems operate efficiently. The healthcare specialist inscribes data regarding a new patient into the EHR system, which later generates a unique digital record. This record portrays the patient’s card where the latest health status can be updated and extended in the real-time. The computerization of medical data and EHR development presents plenty of advantages for medical practitioners and patients both.

Benefits of EHR

Patients can benefit from EHR software in a few ways, namely:

  1. Track and save personal healthcare data efficiently
  2. Realize enhanced and on-time medical attention
  3. Receive a faster and better diagnosis and further treatment
  4. Have rarer mistakes in personal healthcare records
  5. Deal with wellness concerns in a cost and time-efficient method
  6. Get personalized reminders and appointments
  7. Access the patient’s portal anytime and anywhere

Practitioners and healthcare providers get the following benefits from EHR development:

  • Progress in practice and the hospital’s effectiveness and productivity
  • Simplification in the job for medical personnel
  • Enriched quality of medicinal services such as superior e-prescription abilities
  • Consolidated and updated digital medical records
  • Interoperability over diverse healthcare professionals and departments
  • Stable and uniform interaction in different hospitals, laboratories, medicine stores, insurance providers, and so on
  • Feasibility of aged patient monitoring and consultations
  • Lessened bureaucracy
  • Elimination of flaws/faults/errors
  • More meticulous patient administration
  • Option to get and assess patient data for interpretation, refined service, and more
  • Intelligence to supervise organizational responsibilities and billing

EHR software development owns several benefits, and this list can be continued. The gist is that the Digital medical records are identified to be safe, readily accessible, and united across medical professionals, practices, and patients.

Special features of EHR design

The design plays a crucial role in EHR development, and EHR design from human information processing and perception are equally important. Indeed, the designs contribute to the smooth functioning of the software.

Features and processes of EHR design creation

Keep in vision all the below-stated considerations during EHR design creation:

EHR design process is to be iterative

The design should be such that it initially focuses on the needs of the users. So you have to be prepared with a well-planned software concept and detailed functional documentation. So it is advised to have a consultation with medical practitioners, attendants, patients, and other parties associated with the system so that your design is apt to the user needs.

Simple documentation and recording layouts for practitioners

As the software deals with an enormous amount of data, EHR usability is crucial. So, try implementing eliminate undesirable checkboxes, optimize areas for filling in the information, exclude data replication, apply easily to manage templates and forms, etc. The layout is to be such that practitioners can document and report information easily and built-in shortcuts and search intelligence can help to limit work with documentation.

Well thought out processes, roles & responsibilities

The EHR workflow should start with a review and update (if any) in the patient’s medical records so that it can be delegated to the patient before visiting the doctor. Practitioners should not be confused with the tasks; instead, the system should direct jobs to attendants and other medical staffs to perform their part. And a smart notification system and visual alerts might play a significant role in managing the EHR software by both the parties at the specified time.

Patient-centered representation in EHR design

EHR programs take the patient’s history as the essence of the service. Collected data should be accessible, simple to review, exhibited in chronological sequence, and acceptable for doctors and patients.

Association of the mobile app developers for available EHR screen design

Last but not least, during the EHR design stage, the platform and its scalability should be examined. The assistance of mobile app developers lets avoidance of inefficiencies and expensive variations on the way which enhances the product’s operability and pace.

How to get started with EHR software development:

In the next couple of years, EHR development, particularly concerning recording apps in the healthcare system, will certainly be a lucrative segment. In the form of SaaS (Software as a System), the Web-based and mobile responsive EHR systems will offer advantages such as augmented data usage, backups, soundness & security, expense reduction, and performance competence.

It is mandatory to undertake with the following steps if you aspire to start with EHR development sensibly:

  1. Establish definite purposes for the electronic health record system.
  2. Propose the EHR program adoption in the healthcare organization beforehand.
  3. Discover an experienced EHR software development vendor who can help you with the same.
  4. Build a detailed functional blueprint along with the selected team.
  5. Conduct surveys and investigation within the target audience of your future software.
  6. Compose an inherent and feature-rich EHR software program.
  7. Develop EHR functionality that complies with the health industry’s measures and guidelines.
  8. Contemplate including technology modifications in following EHR software versions like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, the Big Data, Blockchain, and other new emerging technologies.

Last words

Technologies are advancing each sector and allowing them to furnish than ever before. In this blog, we have discussed how EHR development has supported the healthcare industry so far. To conclude, the healthcare industry is amongst those industries whose operating environment keeps on changing always. If you are a doctor or associated with this industry and convinced to get this modern healthcare solution as cybersecurity & data protection is a focus element in any Electronic Health Record system, don’t forget to reach a healthcare app development company. Discuss what to want to have an application that will serve you as well as your patients and their family members.


Impact of AI & its Implementation in Mobile App Development

mobile app development

In the epoch of cutting edge technologies, several devices and technological tools are available in the market. Smartphones namely, Google’s Android and Apple’s iPhone are the most widely used smartphones and are profoundly popular nowadays. With a combined mobile app development market share close to 99%, both Google and Apple work to bring more innovations and new features into their smartphones as billions of people all over the globe are utilizing them daily.

In the limelight comes the significance and role of Artificial Intelligence in mobile application development, which gives more fuel to Google & Apple to bring advanced changes to their respective platforms. AI is beneficial for developers and even for the general users. With implementing AI features into application development, then the smartphones can perform various advanced technology functions like face recognition, text recognition, voice recognition, image labelling, and barcode scanning etc. Being an entrepreneur or a business owner, you must understand how AI will cause an immersive user experience and how it simplifies the work for smartphone users?

Benefits of AI in mobile apps

AI plays a pivotal role in mobile app development, as it has several advantages. Also, Smartphones with AI features in it are playing a significant role in mobile phone experiences for the end-users. For instance, Apple’s iPhones, Google’s Pixel phones, Samsung’s Galaxy phones, and Huawei’s Mate range phones have specialized hardware designed specially to perform AI-based tasks efficiently. A couple of years back, this capability was possible only in 3% phones, and by 2020 it is supposed to rise to 35% of all smartphones.

AI features and capabilities needed in smartphones

All mobile application development companies aspire to present the best user experiences to their users. Accelerometer, Gyroscope, GPS, Barometer, Camera, and more things which are inbuilt within your phone closely observe the usage behavior. By implementing AI (Artificial Intelligence) and MI (Machine Learning) in smartphones leads to the learning of the users’ behavior and producing fantastic results.

According to a recent report, annual global AI software revenue is projected to rise from $9.5 billion in 2018 to $118.6 billion by 2025. With introducing the advanced features, AI is at the center of the customers’ demand for a swift and real-time response for their queries. AI has helped in taking mobile application development to the next level. The role of AI in mobile application development can’t be underestimated as of now, and AI is bringing so many innovative mobile applications to us.

Let us now examine how innovation in AI is causing remarkable results in mobile applications and the Smartphone world.

Applying AI ideas in mobile apps

There are multiple ways by which a mobile application development company can implement AI in its mobile application development solutions. As per the responsibility, mobile app developers learn to incorporate AI within their app development project so that it becomes more innovative and productive.

AI in face recognition

Both Apple and Google have been using AI for years and working in this significant technology, and they have become successful now. Both the companies mentioned above state that their new system for recognizing faces is the best one that recognizes faces with high accuracy. Not only this face recognition technology can detect and recognize an individual’s face, but it also serves the digital image/video into various frames.

Mobile app development companies employ AI for unlocking the phone and securing folders and applications comprising confidential and sensitive data through a phone’s camera. AI algorithm also assists in several additional simplistic features like smile shutter, creating depth in an image, adjusting the camera’s lenses in different light conditions, and more to deliver the best user experience.

AI in voice and image recognition

Undoubtedly, AI is changing the mobile app industry for better. With AI, apps are now integrated with image recognition and voice recognition features where users can search by text or by using images and voice. Siri on Apple iPhones is an example of AI which works like a Virtual Assistant using voice recognition. For Androids, Google voice assistant is an example of AI technology. This is possibly due to AI and ML technologies that these assistants are also more efficient than humans. AI Algorithm is powerful, and also works in noisy backgrounds with up to 98% of accuracy for voice recognition.

AI backed automatic intelligent digital assistant or chatbots

Now, people dislike writing long letters or making calls to access customer support services as most of the process is done online. Hence, customers do not expect opening hours, unlike the traditional one as customer service should be available round the clock. This is why numerous mobile app development companies started to adopt AI integration and built an intelligent digital assistant like Chatbot to provide customers with 24×7 support services to answer their queries. Chatbots need no recognition anymore as they have already become famous for their exceptional conversational experience. It is expected that the world business will be using Chatbots for grievance handling by 2020 as Chatbots can handle multiple queries at the same time and provide quality responses.

AI for video or audio recognition/ optimize the searching process

AI can also be used to recognize the videos or audios which the smartphone users watch or listen. Also, AI-based algorithms and techniques help in optimizing the search process for the users who are using it on either the Android or iOS platform. When it comes to entertainment purposes, AI is doing incredible work for mobile app users. When talking about Siri, it can do such a job if programmed to do so like for using the implemented AI technology. You can tell the singer of the music audio/video, the name of the movie/ album it belongs to, and or the actors playing roles if you are searching for an audio or video. Also, to search for something you can instruct Siri and you will get the desired results.

AI technology can analyze a large amount of users’ data

AI requires a large amount of data to operate effectively and accurately. Its efficiency depends on its capacity to efficiently analyze data like the upcoming trends, past trends, market changes, the effectiveness of an app, behavioral patterns, financial ratios, comparisons, historical data, likes and dislikes data, and much more. Therefore, AI is essential for many business verticals which are operating over mobile apps.

AI helps in securing your mobile app

These days, there is a sudden jump number of cybercrimes and safeguarding highly sensitive data, and personal information is a big challenge. Therefore, mobile app development companies are looking forward to using AI for building highly secure mobile applications for keeping sensitive data and personal information secure and safe. AI can be adequately used with other technologies to provide a speedy and highly-secure authentication process to provide an extra bit of security to the users’ data.

AI can help in mining big data

Big Data domain is notably accessible these days. Many apps are created to mine the big data; however, if AI is used to develop these apps, they become more efficient and produce astounding results and patterns. Also, AI helps in refining the method of acquiring precise information by analyzing different kinds of data.

Final thought

Artificial Intelligence has got a lot of potential in mobile application development. We have discussed the benefits of AI, how AI technology is helping us in enhancing the quality and the features of mobile apps, and its implementation in the mobile app. If you are too need an AI-based app and are influenced by AI and apps developed based on AI, then should explore this field more. Also, you should endeavor to find out a renowned mobile app development company which can effectively do it for you. Also, Contact it today to get your AI-based mobile app developed and attain your desired success.


Internet Of Things and other Trending Technologies- How are they Connected?

Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things has finally entered into many of the industries, and it has popped the bubble of buzz around the same. As of now, there are around 31 billion devices around us that are connected and help in performing daily tasks for us. It is because the products are completely focused on the needs and the requirements of the customer, it is extremely popular. The development of IoT product has taken over the world and many app development companies now, are providing that as a service.

There are typically two types of devices in IoT, one is a device that will read the data around you using sensors and it will provide that as the data. For instance, the thermostat of the air conditioner. The second type of device is the one that actually performs some action and these could include the actuators and locks for instance. Since IoT is not the only prevalent technology in the world right now, let us see the magic it creates when combined with other trending technologies.

  • IoT combined with Artificial Intelligence

These are two broad fields which have common use cases. The former deals with capturing data and the latter, with making the devices that capture data smart. Thus the overall process becomes much more efficient and readily usable by the user, the technology companies are working with these two to create products like never before.

The customers can now learn more about the industrial equipment that they hire or buy so that it can be assessed thoroughly before it starts to impact the on–time. The downtime can be reduced to a large extent. IoT can provide the data that can make the business understand the needs of the customer and AI can be used to automate the solutions for the same.

  • IoT combined with AR/ VR

When these two technologies combine, they can create solutions just like the real world. AR/ VR deals with providing a new world in front of us that overlaps in the real world. The IoT can be used to enable the objects in the real world to work exactly the same when they are placed in the virtual world. This is causing major leaps in how the world is viewed and worked with.

The concept of telepresence allows people to be present at locations that are distant. The combination of these two technologies can also change the way, video conferencing is done and we can then move freely with the connections of the mobile data. The network of transportation in cities can be made more efficient.

  • IoT combined with the Blockchain

Many people say that the combination of these two technologies can be deadly but it is yet to be proven. Separately though, these two are causing the major impact in the business world. Internet of Things is basically the merging of everyday devices into our life which can now use sensors and actuators to detect and work with data. On the other hand, blockchain works on the principle of having a filing system that can be used to manage records that are real-time with more security. If you combine these two, then you would have a smart solution that can capture and store the data obtained from the smart devices.


One can install a system by which many organizations can track the activities that are happening in the supply chain. The machines can then store the data in them which are accurate and does not require the intervention of humans. Also, contract facilities will ensure that the contract is placed when certain pre–determined agreements are fulfilled.

  • IOT combined with Big Data

This use-case is almost obvious because IoT involves sensing and capturing of large amounts of data, and how can it be possible without introducing the concept of Big Data? They are connected so closely, that is almost impossible to separate them out for different functionalities.

Because of this merging, companies are now able to work with more data which makes their business more efficient and powerful. Also, business can visualize their supply chain from one end to the other end, and they can assess the success parameters of their business and take the required measures.

  • IoT combined with Machine Learning

IoT when combined with Machine learning provides a significant solutions because the latter, deals with knowing when to shift certain parameters so that the end goal is achieved the most efficiently. IoT cannot be always static, it will need something to understand the change in environmental factors and parameters and then adjust the data accordingly.

The industries can save their costs massively if they install ML along with IoT. For example, it can warn the users when the machine needs maintenance. The ML can also help the businesses understand the psychology of their customers and they can tune their businesses accordingly. Further, the ML can help realize the temperatures that you need when you enter a room and the Internet of things technology can help provide it.


The Internet of Things are transforming our life, one app at a time. Companies around the world are innovating every single day by combining these technologies, with others, to create solutions which one would have conceived to only exist in novels before!


Artificial Intelligence in the World of Mobile App Development

Mobile Application Development

Artificial Intelligence in the World of Mobile Application Development

With an intelligent assistance in your Smartphone all the time is just like a dream come true. Performing daily task using the intelligent applications is remarkable. Well AI feature of the application is not confined just to the digital assistance, but it is integrated with a range of security to eCommerce applications. Many companies are using AI with the modern mobile application technology for a more promising and efficient customer experience. AI in the world of mobile application development plays a crucial role. So what exactly is AI?