How to develop an iOS App make it compatible with the Android operating system?

iOS App

If you are searching for a thorough guide on changing from an iOS app to an Android app — you are at the perfect spot. Through believer iOS app development to Android this post, we will assist you with doing precisely that. On the off chance that that sounds energizing, we should work. 

Having an iOS mobile app for your business or brand to advance it among your clients is an extraordinary thought because the stage has ended up being the correct decision for a beginning. It permits you to get more cash-flow from the App Store

Presently, if you are believing that for what reason to change over iOS app to Android, here are a portion of the significant reasons that will persuade you and recruit a development group for the equivalent. 

Why develop an iOS App for the Android App? 

  • A Better Opportunity to Occupy Consumer Markets: As you realize that Android OS makes sure about 80% of the mobile OS renditions market and for this situation if you just have an iOS application, you are losing a major level of possible clients. 
  • Expand Your Reach: Android phones are received all the more broadly, and there are colossal users that you are missing and there are high possibilities that they can turn into your expected clients. 
  • Monetize Options for your Android App: If you are believing that you can’t adapt a mobile app, you have to alter your perspective since you can without much of a stretch adapt your app with various alternatives. Indeed, even the overall iPhone app development income equivalents to $52 billion, as indicated by the ongoing measurements report. Normally, the number will develop to $100 billion by 2020. 

More Number of Features: When you choose to change over your iOS app to Android, you can likewise focus on different conceivable outcomes that have been added by Google. 

  1. The Physical Back Button 
  2. Android Intents 
  3. Widgets and Push Notifications 
  4. Android Wear 

Regardless of whether you have decided to change over an Android app development to iOS or iPhone app to Android, the significant thing that you ought to consider is the cycle of transformation to Android resemble? Is there any instant converter or device that can be utilized? 

No, there are no such instant instruments or converters that you can use to port your iOS app developer conversion to Android. Rather than looking for such instant devices and converters, you ought to decide on customized and demonstrated practice to change over iOS apps to Android apps. Here are 3 stages that you can follow: 

Analysis and Make a Plan With regards to dissect and make an arrangement, it suggests your present iOS app, its highlights, plan, work process, and qualities. You can likewise consider the potential blunders and issues that can emerge and should be resolved about those issues. 

You can consider the arrangement or improve the Android app variant. Back-end independences, app porting cycle, instruments, and structures must be checked profoundly for similarity. 

Valuation and Execution of Plan 

You have to assess all the specialized issues with the code, libraries, and outsider administrations. Presently, pick the correct tech stack to make app porting exact and less-an an ideal opportunity to burn-through and at last start the development. 

The app development or building up an app without any preparation time relies on the kind of the app that you need to change over, and by and large, changing over the iOS app to Android or we can say one stage to another is very like building up a solitary android app, so you shouldn’t anticipate that it should be finished in seven days. 

It contains highlights and material plan change by creating Android-explicit UX and usefulness, setting up the back-end, and adaptation apparatuses. 

Testing the App and Releasing 

Like any app development measure, quality affirmation is critical to change over iOS app to Android or Android and iOS applications. You can utilize genuine Android gadgets or imitating apparatuses for testing, contingent upon the acts of the iPhone app development company that you have recruited for your change necessity. 

Aside from this, you can likewise go with various types of versatile app testing, including load testing, approval, user acknowledgment testing, and beta testing. Once, it appears fine to you, you can present the application to the Google Play Store, and begin promoting your app. 


Thus, these are the customized steps that any expert iOS app development company named AppSquadz software will follow the changeover iPhone app to Android over OnDemand. Instead of picking any instant apparatus or iOS to android converter, you can examine your app engineering prerequisites with any veteran Android app designers’ group and get the correct arrangement.


Apple renovates user experience now in iOS 14

iOS is the most engaging and popular operating system in this world. Apple has its tagline “think different” the iPhone app developers at apple company are motivated to think differently from the world that has resulted in the apple’s amazing status in the gadget market. The devices and operating system of apple make it unique this is the reason the apple company has sold its device more than the people living on this globe. Well, the company has sold its Phones alone more than the population of earth that is 7 billion. The company has worth more than 29% in the international market.

How iOS different from other operating systems?

Apple always thinks of user experience, it has always eyed on the user experience and user interface. iOS app Developers at the apple company only think of giving the feel of safety and cyber protection of their data. People love to use iPhone devices in well-developed countries there are 90% iOS devices including MacBook, iPad, etc. Users and on another hand 100% iPhone users. Similarly, the youth of this country always reams for iOS devices only. Once the person opts for any iOS device it never thinks of switching operating systems. Apple has everything unique, despite these things’ apple has the largest number of customers in global market share. The market size of an apple is beyond our imagination despite the costliest products. Apple devices are a gamut of amazing features and integrity. The level of comfort appl provide keeps the user engaged to it for a long time.

iOS 14 vs previous versions

With this status apple always thinks of introducing something new, in its new operating system version or a device like the iPhone model. Whether in terms of model design or features trend in the iOS, apple always stays unbeatable. Now have a look at the iOS 13 that was released last year, it had camera improved and other features that iOS 13 users might have experienced. Likewise, now apple is going to launch iOS 14. Every company and iOS software development research persons are making several assumptions on expected features of the new iOS model and version. Now as iOS is famous and popular. A maximum number of people use the iPhone, that the businesses and enterprises that stabilize their market by the help of applications must make their app compatible with iOS 14.

To keep business as it is for the years it was, your iPhone app needs to have features to keep it synchronized with the iPhone. For this, you must know the new features. All the iPhone app development companies look for such research reports. Go through the context you will know about the expected features your app should be integrated with to run better in iOS 14.

To understand the needs of iOS 14, what changes and features need to be added to your application are can be understood by the help of points mention here.

Dark Mode 

The dark mode is the greatest client confronting change that we saw, bringing a framework wide appearance that fulfilled the evening people among us. Actualizing it very well may be amazingly simple, and it allows you to refine your advantages, evacuating copy hues as you make new ones that can react to the framework interface mode.

Modal Presentation Styles 

You’ll see when you utilize the framework applications in iOS 13, or anything that has been upgraded, that modals present somewhat better at this point. This is because the default introduction style has changed from UI Modal Presentation Full Screen to UI Modal Presentation Automatic, which changes depending on its specific situation. The default introduction style for programmed is UI Modal Presentation Page Sheet.

Scene Delegate 

iOS 13 carried with it the spic and span Scene Delegate and backing for numerous windows. You ought to consider if your mobile app development is one that may profit by this — most efficiency applications will see an incredible improvement by permitting clients on Mac and iPad to open various occasions. Take a gander at how notes act on your iPad, permitting you to open two one next to the other.

App Library 

The new iOS 14 brings a genuinely necessary design to patch up to the home screen. Rather than utilizing old fashioned school-home screen with all the symbols masterminded in lines and segments, iOS 14 will permit sorting these applications in envelopes. It incorporates organizers like Suggested Apps which are applications dependent on the client’s use. At that point there are a lot of different classes of organizers with application symbols inside that clients can just tap and open.

App Clips 

One of the promising highlights that iOS 14 shows up with is App Clips. The element lets clients use applications that they would prefer not to introduce however attempt previously. It is a lot of like Google’s Instant Apps where you look at a good application on Play Store, give it a shot and download it on the off chance that it merits your time.

Changing Default Apps 

For a considerable length of time, iPhone clients needed to depend on a default application, for example, Safari for perusing, etc. With iOS 14, Apple has changed the viewpoint by offering clients alternatives to switch its default iPhone app development however they see fit. Even though the component is restricted to program and mail applications as of now, one can anticipate that it should turn out for different kinds of applications too. 

The changes in iOS 14 can give a solid idea to come up with a unique and productive iOS strategy. These points are mixed up with the changes coming in iOS 1 and the changes required in your iOS app development


The content is an analysis over expectations from the iOS users and the pattern with which iOS has introduced itself in its every new version till now. the company introduces something new every time. iPhone app development company, AppSquadz has a professional iOS developer team that keeps coordination over new ideology. Contact us now.


iOS App Development- how it can Expand your Business?

iOs App Development

In this age of motion, it is not only difficult but it seems impossible to live and manage without smartphones. The cause of this dependency is the mobile apps that have made human life so simple. The mobile apps do anything and everything to assist us in our daily lifestyle.  Not just that, we still need many more apps to suit our needs so that we can get our things done. This revolution has pressurized many iOS app development companies to develop more iPhone/iPad applications. The numbers are big and will get bigger with time. This only tells how promising it is going to be to have a brand application for one’s business. There are several benefits of having iOS apps, mobile apps for industries, be it small or large.

The iOS app development services render a platform to promote the services of an industry. Therefore, iPhone applications should have an innovative way to attract customer at the earliest. Be it healthcare industry, restaurant industry, the entertainment industry, none of the avenues are now restricted to their four walls. They have rapidly shifted to mobile usages due to the iOS apps, Android apps, iPad apps. Improved revenue, the growing industry, and brand responsiveness are certain rewards of having iOS apps.

Why does a business need an iOS app development?

The iOS apps, iPad apps are relentlessly refining, since the apps and mobile have become a lifestyle, in order to get the most out of them. The iOS app development company develops apps for varied categories in the industry. The company makes changes for good of business and the users in the apps. iOS applications have come out to be very advantageous for a variety of industries. It assists as follows:

Building an Audience

Due to growth in the mobile phone usage, industries are considerably taking benefit from the iOS apps and iPad application development to increase their patron database. Such mobile apps make interactions easy with users.  Building an audience is one of the huge benefits of owning a mobile app for small business in the industry. For small scale industry, it is a great help to gather customer though mobile applications.

Creating brand awareness

Mobile applications are a one-stop shop where one can get relevant information about the brand. It is even here where one can showcase what he has got. Latest products and services are made public on the apps and endorsed via advertisements.

Analytics for business strategies

Mobile apps help in tracking business analytics. Such as the number of visitors, users most viewed product, time spent on each section of the app, and a lot more. Analytics are critical for marketing and advertising as it makes sure that the targeted audience is right.

Competitive advantage to businesses

There are sadly many companies that do not use mobile app services to their full potential. There are even some industries who do not own a
iOS app development -website mobile app.

Helping small businesses in the industry

iOS apps for small scale businesses are very advantageous. As the applications acts like a sole medium to gather customers from a cheapest way possible. Mobile iOS apps for business are the topmost instrument for progress.

Ease of payment

E-Commerce, travel, etc. and other industries usually need online payment for their products and services. Again for secure payments a business needs mobile app for hassle-free experience on the customer support request.

Deliverance of Powerful Messages

Powerful messages are conveyed to the customers at the preeminent conceivable rate so that the business organization saves money. These messages are effectively delivered to the potential customers. Thus it is an effective way for business promotion and adding more customers to one’s list.

iOS is more secure as it offers its clients to stay away from external threats, which is the best part of the iOS platform. Also iOS mobile app interface is very attractive and liked by all. Thus, mobile apps are extremely useful in satisfying user hopes. Customers are happy to discover an iOS app that is cool; app that connects and offers customers the needful to interact with the business application.


The reason why many industries are investing money to go mobile is quite clear. On for app development service, many industries have witnessed rise and improvement in profits. There are notable benefits of mobile apps for business. However, there are many other industries too that have benefited from mobile apps. Others like, social network, e-scooter, have gained popularity now. Businesses that have gone mobile have noticed a speedy increase in their business revenue.  


The Future of Mobile Application Design in 2019

Mobile App Design

The use of mobile app design continues to grow, but analysts point to a slowdown in general and greater use of messaging and social networking applications to the detriment of other types of applications. The data also indicates that few applications are used but it is true to them.

From the point of view of mobile app developers, whether individuals or companies, there have always been complaints about the commercial limitations of mobile applications, especially for Apple:

• The time it takes Google to approve an application is usually less than 24 hours. Apple usually takes four days. If a bug is discovered in an application, even if it is corrected immediately, it will take four days to reach the users.

• For an application to be approved, it must follow rules that tend to lean more towards the interests of Apple than of the developers. The confrontation between Apple and Spotify was famous last year.

• When you buy an app, you buy it forever and for the next updates. This is negative for many companies because it does not allow them to charge for the work of developing updates. There is a solution: publish a new application in the stores, but this implies abandoning the previous application and starting again because you start with the download counter at zero and without the users’ ratings.

• Stores do not allow free trial periods. Users are reluctant to pay for an application to find out if it really interests them. Google Play allows you to cancel the purchase (and returns the money) if it has not been more than two hours since the purchase, a clearly insufficient time to test many applications. Apple Store does not impose this time limitation, but top app developers complain that many users request the return of purchases, Apple grants it, but still use what they have bought, because Apple does not disclose to developers the identity of users to those who have been granted a refund.

Despite these drawbacks, it must be said that mobile applications by UX design company have advantages, are useful and are indicated in many cases. There are many companies whose business model is not resented by the conditions imposed by the stores, in-fact there are millions of apps, but there are also other companies that faced these conditions have preferred to develop a web application instead of a mobile application, but not It is always possible because mobile app design company allow agility and performance that are not available to web applications.

Progressive Web Apps

Without going into many technical details you could define the “Progressive Web Apps” as a way to develop web applications (reside on a website and used with a web browser) using technologies that allow them to offer functions of the mobile applications that we usually install on our phones and tablets. These are the characteristics of this type of web applications:

Findable: unlike apps, they can be indexed by search engines and easily found by users. They also include an informative file that identifies them as an application and allows them to be recognized as such, not just as a website.

Adaptable design: its presentation in the browser adapts to the orientation and dimensions of the screen.

They work disconnected: despite being a website, they are designed to work without an internet connection. They may have saved information locally to present it later or save user information locally and synchronize it with a server when there is internet access.

Secure: they use the HTTPS protocol to ensure that communications are encrypted and thus protect the information transmitted.

Installable: ‘Progressive Web App’ application can be included in the home screen of a device just as mobile applications are added.

Progressive: the web application by mobile app design company should work on all devices, in the same way as a normal website would, and should progressively take advantage of the features offered by the browser on which it is used.

So that everything said above is possible and that despite being a web application behaves as a mobile application uses a technology called “Service worker”. A mobile application by iPhone app developers can perform tasks even if we are not using it. For example, we can have the phone in a bag or in a pocket and we get a WhatsApp message. This is possible because that application still in operation even though we are not using it.

A website that we access with a browser responds to our requests, reacts to the actions we perform with a mouse or with a finger on the screen. If we do not use a website, the browser will be waiting. Therefore, in order for a website to send us notifications or collect updated information without our intervention, and thus function as a mobile application, he must be able to perform tasks on his own, and that is where the so-called “Service worker” comes into play.

Those who have done so are adding more features of this technology progressively. Firefox, Chrome and Opera have “Service worker”. Microsoft is currently developing it for its Edge browser. Safari, Apple’s browser, does not support “Service Worker” and has not notified plans to do so in the future.


The advantages of mobile app development technology are enormous. The experience for users is similar to mobile applications, they work without internet connection, and they allow notifications or perform tasks in the background, being able to perform functions while they are unattended. For companies, it is also an advantage to use the same technology for any device, mobile or not. They do not have to carry out specific developments for a specific mobile platform because everything works on a browser. They can also publish their “Progressive Web App” applications wherever they want and update them at any time, without depending on the application stores.


Android Pie Vs iOS 12; Which is Better for the Industries?

Mobile App Development

Today we are asking the question in  – “Is Android Operating System extra enjoyable than Apple iOS?”

Android Pie vs iOS 12:- Google’s Android OS is about openness (but that can lead to fragmentation), whereas Apple’s iOS is about making a tight device work properly (but many offerings solely within Apple’s extraordinarily slim device ecosystem).

Android Operating System

Google’s acquisition of Android Inc in 2005 had the Android Operating System is called robot names in inner releases (Astro; Bender). Allegedly modified to muffins to keep away from trademark issues.

The inquiry remains “Is Android better than Apple?” (Android Pie vs iOS 12)

Apple’s working gadget is only supported by way of units offered by way of Apple, their Apps go via a lot more rigorous approval technique than Google’s earlier than being hosted in the iTunes Store.

Google has made Android 9.0 Pie respectable — it is out of beta and working on current phones, Android Pie vs iOS 12 while iOS 12 is nevertheless in beta. That capability we can determine their contemporary points facet by means of the side, but with the understanding that Apple and Google are probably to store some surprises for the true launch of their rumored devices.

This isn’t a closing evaluation by any stretch.

Android Operating System is an open source OS, used by means of many manufacturers from all over the world to produce Smart Phones and Tablets with many exclusive designs. No Android Phone producer has managed to compete with Apple’s iPhone in phrases of the wide variety of gadgets sold – iPhone is currently selling about 375000 devices per day!

Android has about 500000 income per day and climbing!

Apple makes it is earnings from producing fantastic (and some would argue expensive) products with its exclusive iOS. Google on the different hand has never been a manufacturing company, but alternatively has a net presence that is unequaled by way of any other company in the world! They saw, a large market that used to be just opening to emerge again in 2005 – The Mobile Smart Phone/Tablet. They knew it would be the next step for not only Cell Phones, but also the WorldWideWeb! Everybody would favor to be Mobile and connected!

Android 9 Pie vs. iOS 12

Gesture controls

Android Pie vs iOS 12:- Android is sooner or later doing away with buttons and adopting easy swipe gestures for control. And they’re almost exactly like those currently introduced to iOS for the iPhone X. The massive distinction between Android 9 and iOS 12 on the iPhone X is that Google lets you select which navigation method you prefer. If you don’t like the swipe gestures, you can proceed to use on-screen navigation buttons. In fact, Pie makes use of on-screen buttons with the aid of default; the swipe gestures won’t emerge as general till the arrival of the Pixel 3 later this year.


Android’s notification device has been vastly most appropriate to iOS’ for years, however, Apple is catching up with iOS 12. Grouped notifications are eventually coming to iPhone and iPad, alongside with a number of different welcome improvements.

iOS 12 will enable you to control your notifications in real-time from the Lock screen. You can press an alert to disable notifications from person apps that won’t maintain quiet. Or you can have them despatched quietly to the Notification Center.

Do Not Disturb

Apple is additionally introducing Bedtime Mode in iOS 12. This sends all notifications you obtain all through the night time to Notification Center. That way, if you appear to wake up and test your cell phone to see what time it is, you can’t be distracted by content messages and different alerts.

Android nonetheless gives customers a little extra manage over notifications. Its priority machine lets you choose which notifications you see at the top of your lock screen, and which ones show up silently. You can also do a lot greater with Android’s notifications.

Notch support

Apple’s rivals along with plenty of Android fans mocked the iPhone X’s notch when the machine made its debut ultimate September. They all concept it was laughable. Less than a year later, nearly each and every flagship smartphone has one.

As a result, Google had no choice but to add notch guide to Android P. This potential Android will mechanically adapt for handsets with cutouts in their screens so that producers don’t have to put in force changes themselves.

Facial recognition

Another function rival smartphone makers are adopting from iPhone X is facial recognition. And in Android P, there’s a new biometrics API that makes these structures simply as beneficial as Face ID.

You can liberate your phone, log into apps, and authorize purchases clearly through looking at your telephone (if it has facial consciousness technological know-how or iris scanning). Some handsets are additionally using this technological know-how to replica iPhone X’s Animoji.

Augmented reality

Apple has been creating a tremendous push into expanded reality with ARKit. The iOS system considers a wide range of applications and recreations that let our gadgets connect with this present reality more than ever. Subsequently, the App Store houses a developing inventory of amazing AR encounters.

iOS 12 even presents Apple’s first AR application called Measure, which, as its name proposes, gives you a chance to gauge questions in reality essentially by pointing your camera at them.

ARCore in Android gives engineers similar chances, however, it doesn’t yet bolster all gadgets. There is a possibility, at that point, that the Android gadget you pick won’t have indistinguishable AR abilities from an iPhone. You additionally won’t discover very the same number of AR applications in Google Play.

Virtual assistants

Apple has created tremendous enhancements to Siri in iOS 12. Its virtual partner is altogether more helpful at assisting when you require it, and with Siri Shortcuts, you can do nearly anything utilizing voice directions.

Siri can do straightforward things like propelling your most loved applications or do more mind-boggling undertakings that require a few distinct advances. For example, you can make Shortcuts that transform Live Photos into GIFs or compute your time for a gathering. The open doors are interminable.

The Google Assistant doesn’t pretty much offer similar performance in Android Pie, but users can imagine being ahead with smart home controls, brand new voices, and more. Its most dazzling new showcase is its ability to make calls and reservations for you.


iOS 11 introduced outstanding latest multitasking functionality to iPad. It, in the end, gave users the potential to execute2 applications side-by-side, while using other apps in the background, and to the drag-and-drop content material between two windows.

Sadly, the same enhancements aren’t available on iPhone. So, when it comes to multitasking, Android stays on top. Android Pie lets you use 2 applications simultaneously on smartphones and tablets.

Some units can even be attached to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, permitting a desktop-like interface that lets you run apps in person windows simply like on your PC. It’s a dream for staying productive on the go, and there’s nothing like it on iOS.


It’s nevertheless too early to tell which operating mechanism is best. These are all super trends for consumers, and humans are completely happy that Apple and Google are striving to create new improvements like these. Also, every one of them has its wonderful blessings and it thoroughly relies upon on you that what is most treasured to you. This competition between Apple and Google is the benefit for users because it encourages software groups to decorate their products fastly.

To know more about our development company click here mobile app development company


How to Re-download Old Images & Videos on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is an essential part of our ordinary verbal exchange, and any loss of statistics is tremendously irritating. Losing your WhatsApp photos and videos is sort of a nightmare. However fantastically it happens often than you realize, and restoring these deleted WhatsApp snapshots and WhatsApp videos is not smooth until you have a strong answer like a Re-download image and videos on WhatsApp.

How to Recover Deleted WhatsApp images/pictures selectively on iPhone?

There is a couple of recovery software to be had in the market. However, to get the validated results, you need to attempt dr. fone – recovery (iOS), the arena’s 1st iPhone and iPad statistics recovery software. This software gives entire solution for the repair and restoration of deleted records which includes contacts notes, messages, pix or even WhatsApp facts from an iPhone or iPad.

Immediately get deleted WhatsApp pics from iPhone

  1. Download dr.fone and release it in your laptop, and click on recover.
  2. Connect your iPhone for your pc thru a USB cable, then choose to get better iPhone records.
  3. Tick “WhatsApp & Attachments”.
  4. Click on “begin experiment” to scan the deleted WhatsApp images.
  5. While scanning completed, the recovered items will seem in categories.
  6. Pick the items you need to get better and click on “recover to laptop”.

Repair Deleted WhatsApp pictures/pictures from iTunes Backup

Step 1: download & launch dr.fone – recover (iOS)

  • Download and launch the software program, click Recover.
  • Choose to get better iOS records and then pick get over iTunes Backup document tab.
  • All of the iTunes backup documents in your pc could be displayed.
  • Select the folder containing your deleted WhatsApp photos.

Step 2: WhatsApp pix Recovery

  • When the process has concluded, review the data and choose the WhatsApp files you want to recover.
  • Tick on “Recover” to save the file to your computer.
  • You could additionally immediately keep them for your iPhone.
  • Now you can Re-download image and videos through WhatsApp.

Recover deleted WhatsApp pictures/videos Selectively on Android

Step 1: Don’t Overwrite

  • while you lose WhatsApp information, do not overwrite it. Never update documents or ship messages else, you may lose the facts all the time.

Step 2: download and release dr.Fone – get better (Android)

  • download and install the software in your pc
  • connect your Android Apps tool to your pc the usage of a USB cable.

Step 3: Debug the device

  • permit debugging of your Android tool.
  • For debugging, follow the instructions of dr. Fone – recover (Android).

Recover WhatsApp pics from Backup (Android)

Usually, we accidentally delete photos and regret later. But, you do not need to feel dissatisfied approximately the lost gadgets as you could get better them the use of car-backup that WhatsApp creates every time you use it.

The simple technique just requires uninstalling and re-putting in of WhatsApp to your phone. This can enable WhatsApp to get better all of the deleted records using car-backup. Check out the easy steps to accomplish the assignment in no time.

Step 1: Uninstall WhatsApp from your device

Step 2: Re-install WhatsApp for your device

Step 3: click “repair” when requested.

If you are looking to develop or design a web application, contact us for any support and best mobile and web app developers.