What Extended Reality is & what all We can be Done with It?

Extended Reality

Statistics demonstrate that the market share of augmented and virtual reality is suspected of surging by 2022 – it will scale eightfold as corresponded to 2018, amounting to $209 billion. At the same time, extended reality (XR), the new family member to virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) is also gaining steam & driving various processes and events.

Let us figure out what exactly XR is, what its core abilities are, and what market value it has.

The Genesis of Extended Reality

XR encompasses virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality, and the reason why XR has emerged is their (AR, VR & MR) proliferation and convergence. So in order to get a thorough understanding of this platform that fuses above-stated terms, we have to discuss them separately.

Virtual Reality

VR, also known as the computer-simulated reality, is a technology that lets humans immerse into a reality that is distinguished from the existing one or that replicates reality. Alternately, it forms a digital reality that supersedes a user’s real-world totally. Virtual Reality is authorized with specific headsets that present an environment by pragmatic pictures and sounds (audios), while a perfect VR environment comprises of all senses that include smell, taste, and touch. This approach furnishes individuals with a possibility to attain new experiences. VR technology is extensively used in the gaming & entertainment industries and various kind of training. VR may look very pragmatic or may resemble cartoon images, depending on the ultimate goal.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is not an environment that is distinct from an existing one entirely, unlike Virtual Reality. AR technology augments the existing physical environment by particular features such as enriching it by adding graphics, video (visuals), sounds, and additional data. Users can’t interact with an artificial environment, and as it adds some attributes but doesn’t replace it absolutely, it can be said AR is on the top of our reality. In simple words, it places an overlay on our environment; moreover, the camera of smartphones and headsets help humans put an overlay on their existing environment. AR has got an extensive utilization in the gaming industry for intensifying the presentation of games. Pokémon Go is probably one of the most vivid examples of AR and implementation.

Mixed Reality

Mixed Reality, as the name suggests fuses components of real & virtual environments both. It generates a new environment where physical & artificial objects come together and interact, reaching each other on a real-time basis. Compliance is a vital characteristic of Mixed Reality; that is why it compiles the best attributes of real and artificial environments. MR makes the best use of augmented reality and virtual reality, all while allowing users to view the real world along with some virtual objects. These objects are attached to a specific real point, letting the users treat them as real objects.

The Essence of Extended Reality

Now that we have a clear concept of AR, VR, and MR- phenomena that emerges XR, we will see the definition of extended reality and the critical features of XR. 

What Does XR Mean?

VR, AR, and MR are the three pillars on which Extended Reality stands. XR combines the core features of all the three and everything within these interrelated phenomena. XR incorporates real and virtual environments and concerns technologically powered interactions between humans and machines, according to the definition of XR. Innovations that bring on changes formulate new XR experiences as XR depends on underlying technologies, i.e., AR, VR & MR.

Why various verticals and business operations are increasingly using XR? 

The main cause of its employment is that it helps eliminate distance barriers. 36% of CEOs contemplate it to be the principal factor in adopting XR as per Accenture’s survey. Extended Reality assists in addressing issues that are due to remoteness as a large number of operations become geographically disbursed. XR solutions such as 3D environments significantly heighten obtaining valuable insights.

The Advantages of XR Reality

Now the question is extended reality restricted to improving the user experience, or it is good for business? Companies employing ER do get valuable advantages, such as:

The provision of a fantastic experience

A dive into a completely different reality enables companies to present their users with the opportunity of visiting areas of interest or experiment something and that too without leaving the house.

Efficient data uptake

XR presents its users with a more realistic view of their subject matter, which lets them be trained extra efficiently.

Secure training

Those who demand to practice in high-risk circumstances, like military or chemists, can practice securely from traditional classrooms.

Seamless data access

XR eliminates distance barriers, making it easy for humans to access remote data smoothly.

The Disadvantages of XR Reality

XR does have drawbacks as well in spite of the fascinating opportunities. These are:

Endangered privacy

XR is prone to cyber-attacks and in particular data thefts when compared to other technologies. Since XR-based solutions have access to individual information of tons, it can result in severe damage.

Decreased social engagement

Extended reality presents various means of amusement that may engross human minds and endanger to eradicate the need for interaction. Though XR enables people to interact, it lets it in a diverse way that lacks contact and personal communication.

Physical harm

Long-term use of VR devices and AR glasses can lead to eye disorders, nausea, faintness, and headache.

Massive cost of implementation

The development & implementation of XR solutions and devices that support this technology are high-priced, due to which it may come at costly prices.

Final Thought

Extend your business opportunities with Extended Reality as it provides valuable advantages to a business. Thousands of companies around the globe have already got the best of it. At the same time, just like the other emerging technologies, the implementation of Extended Reality is also still a bit risky and demands significant investment. If you choose to implement XR in your business, you will win half of the battle while finding a reliable mobile application development company. A right service provider must have considerable expertise that allows users to evade errors and minimize risks.


How the VR Apps are Navigating Mobile App Development Market?

VR Apps

The advent of virtual reality and augmented reality in the field of mobile app development has upraised the expectations of the app users. The increase in the demand for superior user experience has led to a rise in the need for VR app development.

App users are now aware of technologies and look for groundbreaking applications for their use. Consequently, the entrepreneurs have shifted from traditional mobile apps to apps that offer technical user experience to the end-users. The majority of industrial companies that deal with manufacturing of units, retail, and fashion technology have applications based on virtual reality.

The apps offer more affluent experience by rendering virtual perceptions of products and goods they provide. This virtual availability of products online helps the user to shop efficiently, more often, and feel satisfied. The trend is gaining popularity and becoming a part of mobile application development services universally. Companies have realized the profits and now look forward to integrating VR into their business apps.

VR has brought a revolution in the field of mobile application development: how?

Equal use of VR apps by all types of users

Various brands and companies have shifted to this realm of mobile app development to gain profit from the un-prejudiced use of VR apps. The launch of VR apps has bridged the gap between the users. Thus, these apps are equally accessed by a large number of users in the market. The use of these apps has led to an improvement in the manner various businesses were handled. For instance, it is convenient to have a teleconference now over the phone between two colleagues who are sitting in two different parts of the world. This has saved the travel time and money that would cost to travel and meet the other colleague in person.

Immersive experience

Mobile apps based on VR technology offer great UX to the customers by providing 3D view of the product. The users remain engaged in activities like gaming, staying connected to a friend; colleague via the services offered by the VR equipped apps. The attractions offered by the apps to the customers have managed to give a competitive edge over the apps that do not use this technology. High revenue generation and increased sales are the benefits of integrating VR technology in the business app. The apps have managed to deliver the user a better experience; further, this has improved the businesses in a way that no one would want a non-VR app for their business in the coming time.

Marketing and brand awareness

Virtual reality enabled app in itself has been successful in gaining much appreciation in the market, along with brand awareness and loyalty of the customer. The companies have been found hosting VR events through web and mobile applications quite useful. Such an event encourages the clients to interact and engage themselves with the brand. For instance, the launch of a new mobile phone via a mobile company can be witnessed by people and the impressed customers may buy it as well.

Enhanced efficacy and productivity

The VR apps are meant to have an uninterrupted and smooth functioning of the application to deliver flawless user experience and user interface. Today’s digital market is un-explicable without VR technology. The presence of features like virtual reality in the app itself improves the efficiency and productivity of the app. It is vital to integrate virtual reality into the business to meet business needs.


The growth in the use of VR technology by the mobile app development company certainly describes the digital market and evolving technological trends. The majority of brands has realized the potential and is moving towards the integration of technology into the business. Our VR mobile application development company is developing groundbreaking apps for leading brands. Contact us to own your business app based on VR now.