Is Mobile App Development still Important in 2022?

Mobile Application Development Benefits

Nowadays, millions of smartphone users worldwide have access to numerous applications present online. These users spend several hours using these apps and completing regular activities. Moreover, mobile apps are used at a massive scale for accomplishing commercial tasks. Thus, a business can grow continuously using the facility these apps provide. As a result, these apps have transformed the way we perform business.

Therefore, mobile app development is vital for accomplishing business activities. Applications have made it simpler for all businesses to flourish in this competitive world. Adding a feature to improve an application for reaching a wider audience, is valuable for earning more revenue. Therefore, the significance of app development has increased remarkably. At the same time, it has also made a customer aware of the business details faster.

Every mobile app development software is unique as it offers all customers the ability to stay updated with the latest business activities. Moreover, apps are vital for expanding the reach of a business and delivering customers with massive exposure to a brand. Therefore, mobile application development is still valuable in 2022 to augment the online activities of both business and target audiences.

Now, we need to see the importance of mobile apps through the vital points given here.

  • In 2021, there were more than 2.5 billion active Android users and over 1 billion active iOS users.
  • Billions of applications are developed to date, and most are currently active.
  • The mobile app development industry has grown many folds in the current year.
  • Compared to the previous year, there will be a 47% increment in mobile app downloads.
  • Businesses are relying more on mobile app development software to complete their tasks.

In this blog post, we will know the importance of mobile application development and its uses. Not only this, more interesting facts will be discussed here.

Let’s get started!

Number of mobile users from 2020 to 2025 – Prognostication

Indeed, mobile apps were the backbone of a business operating in the online world. Earlier, many mobile users were operating through numerous apps. However, this number is going to augment in the coming years. It has been forecasted that about 7.5 billion (approx.) mobile users will be here in 2025.

We have witnessed that around 6.95 billion mobile users were available; this number will increase massively in the upcoming years. These users consume a lot of mobile apps, which may belong to the entertainment industry (movie apps), financial sector, online shopping, and many more. Moreover, these apps are used extensively worldwide by various businesses.

Therefore, app developers have an enormous demand to develop a great mobile app. It is fruitful to employ these applications due to their extraordinary features. This has substantially increased the role of a mobile app development agency to develop a useful app for a business. Furthermore, these apps are always available on the Google play store or app store. Therefore, many customers can download it from there without paying anything.

Currently, Android 11 and iOS 14 are most used by mobile users, and businesses are aware of that. Thus, all top mobile application development companies are building apps compatible with these versions. Therefore, everyone looking to accomplish the commercial activities and flourish online develop excellent applications.

However, all app developers need to build a mobile application that is valuable and efficient. They can attain this by integrating the most suitable UI UX design in mobile apps. At present and in the future, having impeccable UI/UX is necessary for the growth of a business.

Top 3 Points to know how mobile applications are beneficial

mobile app benefits

In 2021, there were almost 7.1 billion mobile application downloads worldwide. All smartphone users have installed about 35 apps which they use daily. This has provided every business an opportunity to build valuable applications and use them correctly to flourish in the market. Lately, many businesses have invested heavily to develop excellent and helpful mobile apps.

To date, most smartphone users have an Android OS, which they use properly. These users use a perfect method by Google play store app to download and upgrade their existing apps. Therefore, all app developers build applications having a feature to upgrade them. One of the best examples of android apps is the Telegram app downloaded and used by millions.

Undoubtedly, mobile app development is vital in 2022 to contribute significantly to business development. Every app is important in one aspect or another for a business. Earlier, there was a big surge among mobile users, and experts have already estimated that it will expand by leaps and bounds in the coming years.

Mobile application development is growing exponentially due to its importance in growing any business using the online platform. Here, social media apps are most valuable for the augmentation of online activities. It is vital for all businesses to update apps so that they can work without any obstacles. Nowadays, it is vital for a business to have a digital arm that will operate perfectly in the mobile world.

Let’s check out the top 3 benefits of mobile apps in a business!

24/7 Availability

Today, the importance of being available around the clock is significant for a business to expand without hindrance. Moreover, customers want to transact with only those businesses that are available online. Thus, mobile app development is acquiring a lot of significance. It increases the ROI of a business by expanding its operation and reaching a wider customer base.

This new technology will help a business be present every time and use its business. The most popular among all categories are social media apps which act perfectly to augment any business and develop its revenue. Therefore, 24/7 availability is valuable for every business operating online.

Easy Advertising

Advertising is another magnificent advantage of using mobile applications to represent a business. Advertising is a way of promoting a business through the brand loyalty factor generated by these impeccable ads. Moreover, these applications are useful to generate more revenue. It is possible due to the use of mobile apps for promoting the activities of a business.

Advertising is easy due to the advertising in billions of available applications via image, text, or video. In addition, social media boost a business operating online to employ extraordinary advertising methods that are cost-effective. Here is the little icing on the cake, all social media handlers can view these ads and become aware of a specific brand and its services. This feature shows the importance of mobile app development in 2022 and further years.

Remarkable Customer Reach

Major business houses operating in 2022 witnessed a notable increment in reaching a wider customer network. Another excellent benefit of the mobile app is increasing the reach of a business. This ensures every business grows continuously in this competitive world. The mobile apps make it easier for a business to reach the remote part of the world without any need to have a physical presence.

In this, social media sites play a crucial role by augmenting the reach to a broader audience. It is useful to increase the earning capability of a business in the online world. This has increased the need for mobile app development in this world for a business. In addition, businesses also have web apps that work directly through a remote server without any requirement to download it on a device.

Why is mobile application development necessary to excel in the future?

Indeed, mobile app development is necessary as it enables any business to stand to grow in 2022. According to a study, mobile apps are the future, and every business should have them. It is mandatory for them to use mobile apps to acquire a large customer base. Using great technologies is vital to have the edge over the competitors and outrank them to generate more revenue.

Some of the vital points to show the importance of mobile apps in the future are stated here:

  • It will boost the customer engagement level for a business.
  • Improve the brand awareness feature to increase sales.
  • Always allow scope for getting customer feedback.
  • Augment the visibility factor of a business.
  • Help a business to build a direct marketing channel.
  • Offer 24/7/365 available customer support.


From the vital points discussed above, any business can obtain information about the importance of apps in 2022. Even they will be able to use that to obtain fruitful results in the future. Therefore, employing mobile app development is significant for the growth of a business. Thus, every business requires a dedicated mobile application to represent their business online.


How Mobile Application Development is Changing Online Marketing?

Mobile App

Digital marketing has experienced a great change in the recent decade, companies are investing more and more in online market as compared to other platforms for a better market experience. But, large businesses are now heading to the reputed mobile app development companies to expand their online presence and establish a strong relationship with their clients in the global market. Potential of growth, revenue and scalability that mobile apps offer have affected the flow of digital marketing. Mobile app development has led to the proposal of newer and more efficient marketing strategies every day now. Digital marketing service providers are looking for better service providence at a faster rate than before.

The trend of mobile app development has taken digital marketing in a storm, businesses look for mobile apps to mark in the market and establish themselves as industry leaders. Mobile app development technologies are also emerging day by day with a new storm of brain exploration proposing newer ideas. Mobile apps are winning the market in every manner from accessibility, cost reduction, one-time investment, data analytics, personalized experience, and long term value. Features are so engaging that business owners and users as well are keen to take advantage of them.

Mass Infiltration

Mobile apps can infiltrate the personalized ads and promotions and out them into the user’s smartphone that keep engaging them with the new products and services. The revenue rate is achieved by push notifications and ads. Rather than waiting for the customers to visit and shop, mobile applications bring the product suggestion itself to customers. Generally, whenever a consumer looks at the marketing campaign it wonders the physical place where they can purchase and experience it. This methodology is called passive encouragement that delays the communication between company and customer but keeps it engaged to experience without pressure and buy the product in the end.

Infiltration can be seen across different platforms, mobile application allows the companies to take advantage of the social media market more efficiently. Social media is the connectivity of billions of people, they create the network and raise its value, and the mobile app integration with interlinking takes the customer to that platform in a few taps on the smartphone. This clearly shows how personalized network experience is a great motivator toward mobile app usage and changing digital marketing values.

Data analytics, Personalization and optimization

Business needs to keep moderation on evolving ideas according to customer activity and review. Company overview their customer activities to observe their needs and responses help to customize products and services improving the experience. Mobile apps are native to the device and access up ahead all the data and performance to introduce the best user experience. All the customer activity is observed and analyzed to personalize the further interface using artificial intelligence. Mobile apps are reshaping market activities giving them a new trend.

Data optimization is the key trend of leading ideas, this is done to personalize the offers and optimize ad campaigns. A complete demo graph for the business is oriented to client attraction. Mobile apps are helpful in marketing and brand enhancement that maximize value in between the clients.

Personalization is successful in targeting a brand seeking audience, as the increased engagement turn a business into a specific brand. Gives the potential to target major problems in brands, create loyalty and help bring more businesses on collaborative value.

Cost Efficiency

Mobile applications might cost a moderate amount of money as per expectations it is not so cheap but not too high also. The best things to know more about our app development is efficient to saving a lot of time, resources, energy and eventually money. Outsourcing a mobile app development company decreases the cost to an extent becomes easier to create a customer base. App provide you to get more followers and people put an interest in your blogs, latest updates, you’re provided attractive vouchers and discounts because anyone would not be able to utilize them on the spot but it will look ahead later.

Digital marketing is predicted maximum outreach during the time, every business found web app development one of the most important parts of online marketing. By 2019 maximized reach of mobile phones observed, this is how mobile app development became not just the investment sector but also the necessity for the business and a better option to make sure about better online market appearance.

Integration of VR

Virtual reality is an entire world initial, video game lovers are experiencing it a lot, and along with the eLearning programs through automotive software decreasing the need for staff. One time investment in software has relieved businesses from excessive recruitment and introduced boundless business experience. We can understand this from an example, in the COVID pandemic government of India conducted the Bharat Parv through the virtual setup on the official web app of the government due to social distancing concern. This clearly shows how software and virtual reality technology is capable of leading the market. The interface generated by VR is the spectacle and helpful to consider an immersive product visualization. Virtual reality holds the potential to lead the online market. Technology is something that helps to experience something new every day emerged from need, curiosity and comfort.

Product Authenticity

The trust created by the mobile application developer is successful in the establishment of a successful B2C and B2B relationship. Mobile apps are a sign of authenticity because a business that is investing in a mobile app must have a good customer strength in the market and optimism regarding better service providence to the audience. The online industry is the place, everyone has an opinion and open to speak for themselves, where reviews are stronger for consideration more than the ad or product description. The app can become a sign of authenticity, determine a company trustworthy and successful. Generally, when users get to know a business is introducing an app also, they find it closed and become filial to it. You can represent your business in more creative and exploratory ways with the mobile app.


Mobile app development is dominating the craze of web apps at a faster pace, a web app asks for high connectivity for a smooth user experience. On the other hand, people find mobile app better option designed for moderate network and save all the activity you perform. Integrative high-performance mobile app development is important for a better business appearance. Feel free to contact us for more.


Developing a Secure IoT App for Smart Household

iot application

The emergence of IoT apps has transformed the market in various fields such as automation, smart city, industrial automation, smart house and much more. Due to technological advancement and low cost of the internet connectivity Internet of things application has been very prevalent. Secure development technology (SDL) is a security system which has been incorporated in IoT for enabling advanced security. IoT application developed by IoT app development companies are going to open a new door of financial growth in the time to come.

Features to include while developing IoT apps

While developing the IoT apps it is very important to take good care of the security, privacy, connectivity, and compatibility of the IoT apps in order to bestow a smooth experience to the users.

Challenges of IoT

1. Data Protection

As these IoT apps receive a lot of data from the users, these should have the encryption facilities so that the data can remain secure in the application.

2. Authentication protocols

Cybercrime has been very prominent in this highly technological era and IoT applications become a soft target for those. The IoT apps should have an inbuilt authentication protocol between the encrypted devices in order to maintain security.

3. Latency and capacity

It has been observed that if the capacity of the IoT apps is upgraded, the latency of the IoT apps decreases. So, it is the challenge for the IoT app developers to maintain a perfect balance between the latency and capacity of the IoT apps.

Important consideration for developing mobile apps

Use of a readymade platform

It is advisable to build an IoT app using an existing platform as an existing platform has few reliable features such as authentication, encryption on a well-designed framework.

Use of secure hardware

It is very important to buy the sensors from the trusted vendors. The IoT developer should purchase from those vendors who can help in ensuring user privacy with EPID technology.

Hiring the Expert developer

It is very important to hire mobile app developers who have worked with various platforms and has the necessary experience. It is also important to define the user base in a way that it can target the right audience.

Security system

Mobile app development companies are ensuring that smart security system is enabled in the IoT application. This SDL enables things such as static/dynamic analysis, threat modeling, secure coding, Authentication to all IOT services has been made compulsory. Authentication deals in end-user communication, machine to machine communication. The system should have the features of updating of the user’s information during the lifespan of the product. Also, IoT should have inbuilt encryption system which needs taking information from the customers and it runs the information through a mathematical formula so that only someone having the special key can unlock the data. A secure update mechanism should also be instilled which ensures that a cryptographically signed update has been received from the vendor to ensure that the update has come from the same vendor.

Smart household

Using of IoT application, the rooms can be decorated with various lighting. The light can be set or the temperature of the room can be regulated using IoT application.


Developing an IoT application for smart home devices will transform our way of living. You will be habituated to a contemplative life as the burden of turning off the device, cooking in low heat, maintaining the speed of the car will be taken care of by these automated devices. You will be able to utilize your time and be thoughtful in your activities that you can run parallelly.