Developing an E-Learning Mobile App – Market Size, Statistics, and Trends

e-learning mobile app

Today, mobile apps have become an integral part of our day to day lives and therefore people are aware of such thing in a better way how to use such a mobile app. Therefore, to introduce a mobile app with high technology, there is no time now than ever. These e-learning mobile app developments are very appealing and will have the entire attention of learners. And among all this, one such concept is e-learning app development. Before these mobile apps came into existence, people will receive a warm welcome whether it is parents or teachers or admins which also provide major benefits to them.

In this way, we can say that mobile technology has transformed the education industry and hence make it more comfortable for the learners. At the same time, with the help of e-learning mobile app development they can be financially accessible to students; hence without worrying about the tuition fees go for these apps.

Amazing stats on e-learning mobile app

As per the statistics, to find accessing their training content from mobile devices, about 64% of people do this. 43% of the learners see improved productivity levels as compared to non-mobile users. When it comes to downloading, 89% of Smartphone users download apps, and among which 50% is of learning. It has also been recorded that 46% of learners use LMS mobile app before they get back to their sleep.

Reports have also suggested that 27% of growth has been observed in mobile-only users, by surpassing 14%, desktop-only users. Around 45% of faster course completion rate has been seen among Smartphone learners than selecting a computer. According to the reports, 65% of digital media is viewed on a Smartphone daily.

If we look at present stats, the average person generally spends 2 hours on their Smartphone’s and about 221 times they touch their mobile screens.64% of research has started on a Smartphone is finished on a computer or tablet. 70% of learners felt motivated when they have been given training on the mobile device.

Types of e-learning mobile app

Let’s learn the types of e-learning mobile app development which can help you to understand and choose better for your business as:

  1. Course Software: With the help of this software, learners can learn with the help of videos and other mechanisms.
  2. Software for classroom: With the help of this software, students can study on white screens or whiteboards.
  3. Test software: With the help of this software, students can highly take part in the quiz and test just to increase their skills and knowledge in the same.
  4. Software for reference: This kind of apps covers up the category where users get knowledge about encyclopedias and dictionaries.
  5. Specific educational software: These apps are developed for niche markets such as typing tutors, healthcare, and much other software.

Market size trends and Stats on e-learning mobile app

e learning app development statistics

As per the current statistics, e-learning app development is the third most frequently installed apps on mobile devices which have the current rate of 8.47%. And hence to hire e-learning app developers are increasing in demand. Other than that, there come stats that the global market of m-learning apps was seen $165.36 billion in past years and is expected to grow by $243 billion in 2022.

Hence, there is no doubt that it is a profitable opportunity for businesses to develop an e-learning mobile app development to scale up revenues from the best mobile app development company. After all, the demand in education mobile app has never witnessed a downfall and these mobile apps offer the best support to earn massive profits for each student thereby.

Working of e-learning mobile apps

The e-learning mobile app development has majorly 4 types of users such as students, super admin, teachers and parents as well. So, working for all 4 of these is entirely different from each other. Let us look at the working of e-learning app development on these 4 types of users as:

For Students

Students are considered as the largest target audience of these e-learning apps and therefore the entire business model revolves around them. With the help of the LMS mobile app, students can collect the entire course material and can learn anytime and from anywhere on their devices.

For Teachers

The e-learning mobile app development provides another special feature to the teachers and therefore teachers can sign up to the apps as teaches and can upload the entire course which is designed by students for their help.

For Parents

Not all LMS mobile app business models have dedicated app for parents and require parents to login and using this app, parents can keep an eye and can track their children’s activity and their progress.

For Admin

A super admin has control over each activity what students, parents; teachers are doing and can view all statistics like overall incomes, no of active users and so on.

Benefits of e-learning mobile app

benefits e learning mobile app

There are several benefits of the learning management system which we will be discussing today as below:

  • E-learning mobile app allows users to learn by using videos and other machines on their mobile phones or tablets which makes the entire process of learning quite easy and flexible.
  • This also helps to have better completion rates and higher retention rates and concisely present the content, so learners can finish the course and can start with a new one.
  • It also ensures higher engagement and is easily accessible by the students at any time and any place thus learners can stay on track with their training.
  • One of the best benefits of e-learning mobile app development is multi-device support therefore users can access it either on smartphones, tablets or desktop.
  • With the help of e-learning mobile app, you can offer collaborative learning with the help of online learning communities within the app.

Features of e-learning mobile app

The features of e-learning app development also include 4 users such as students, admin, teacher, and parents. Let us have a look at each user’s features from e-learning mobile app as below:

For Students
  • Easy sign/sign up for the user
  • Pay for the subscription plan
  • Students can search for tutors
  • Can post questions and can view and select tutor
  • Testing knowledge through the quiz and online exam
For Teachers
  • Teacher register account
  • Can enhance their detailed profile
  • Can manage their account setting
  • Can connect with students on video, audio and chat as well
  • Can view the available questions and can answer them
  • Can edit their account details
For Parents
  • Social sign up and log in
  • Course progress tracking
  • Check assessment
  • Track student attendance
  • Access leader board
For Super Admins
  • Admins can manage users
  • Can manage the badges and session
  • Can manage locations and subjects and credits as well
  • Can manage question and notification
  • Can manage subscription package


Educational mobile apps are becoming a hype in the current era and thus to ensure the creation of fully functional and innovative e-learning mobile apps, businesses need to pick the right mobile app development company.


The Future of Mobile Application Design in 2019

Mobile App Design

The use of mobile app design continues to grow, but analysts point to a slowdown in general and greater use of messaging and social networking applications to the detriment of other types of applications. The data also indicates that few applications are used but it is true to them.

From the point of view of mobile app developers, whether individuals or companies, there have always been complaints about the commercial limitations of mobile applications, especially for Apple:

• The time it takes Google to approve an application is usually less than 24 hours. Apple usually takes four days. If a bug is discovered in an application, even if it is corrected immediately, it will take four days to reach the users.

• For an application to be approved, it must follow rules that tend to lean more towards the interests of Apple than of the developers. The confrontation between Apple and Spotify was famous last year.

• When you buy an app, you buy it forever and for the next updates. This is negative for many companies because it does not allow them to charge for the work of developing updates. There is a solution: publish a new application in the stores, but this implies abandoning the previous application and starting again because you start with the download counter at zero and without the users’ ratings.

• Stores do not allow free trial periods. Users are reluctant to pay for an application to find out if it really interests them. Google Play allows you to cancel the purchase (and returns the money) if it has not been more than two hours since the purchase, a clearly insufficient time to test many applications. Apple Store does not impose this time limitation, but top app developers complain that many users request the return of purchases, Apple grants it, but still use what they have bought, because Apple does not disclose to developers the identity of users to those who have been granted a refund.

Despite these drawbacks, it must be said that mobile applications by UX design company have advantages, are useful and are indicated in many cases. There are many companies whose business model is not resented by the conditions imposed by the stores, in-fact there are millions of apps, but there are also other companies that faced these conditions have preferred to develop a web application instead of a mobile application, but not It is always possible because mobile app design company allow agility and performance that are not available to web applications.

Progressive Web Apps

Without going into many technical details you could define the “Progressive Web Apps” as a way to develop web applications (reside on a website and used with a web browser) using technologies that allow them to offer functions of the mobile applications that we usually install on our phones and tablets. These are the characteristics of this type of web applications:

Findable: unlike apps, they can be indexed by search engines and easily found by users. They also include an informative file that identifies them as an application and allows them to be recognized as such, not just as a website.

Adaptable design: its presentation in the browser adapts to the orientation and dimensions of the screen.

They work disconnected: despite being a website, they are designed to work without an internet connection. They may have saved information locally to present it later or save user information locally and synchronize it with a server when there is internet access.

Secure: they use the HTTPS protocol to ensure that communications are encrypted and thus protect the information transmitted.

Installable: ‘Progressive Web App’ application can be included in the home screen of a device just as mobile applications are added.

Progressive: the web application by mobile app design company should work on all devices, in the same way as a normal website would, and should progressively take advantage of the features offered by the browser on which it is used.

So that everything said above is possible and that despite being a web application behaves as a mobile application uses a technology called “Service worker”. A mobile application by iPhone app developers can perform tasks even if we are not using it. For example, we can have the phone in a bag or in a pocket and we get a WhatsApp message. This is possible because that application still in operation even though we are not using it.

A website that we access with a browser responds to our requests, reacts to the actions we perform with a mouse or with a finger on the screen. If we do not use a website, the browser will be waiting. Therefore, in order for a website to send us notifications or collect updated information without our intervention, and thus function as a mobile application, he must be able to perform tasks on his own, and that is where the so-called “Service worker” comes into play.

Those who have done so are adding more features of this technology progressively. Firefox, Chrome and Opera have “Service worker”. Microsoft is currently developing it for its Edge browser. Safari, Apple’s browser, does not support “Service Worker” and has not notified plans to do so in the future.


The advantages of mobile app development technology are enormous. The experience for users is similar to mobile applications, they work without internet connection, and they allow notifications or perform tasks in the background, being able to perform functions while they are unattended. For companies, it is also an advantage to use the same technology for any device, mobile or not. They do not have to carry out specific developments for a specific mobile platform because everything works on a browser. They can also publish their “Progressive Web App” applications wherever they want and update them at any time, without depending on the application stores.


Why it is Necessary to Hire a Top Mobile App Development Company?

Mobile App Development Company

With a number of advantages a mobile application provides for businesses as well as for individuals, you think to build a mobile application as to add a new strength to the way you run your business. But you are not sure how and where to start. Whether you should hire dedicated app developers or have a team of app design and development professionals or outsource your project to a renowned app development firm. Of course, it is the best idea to outsource your project. This way, you not only make sure your project is accomplished within your budget but also get it done within stipulated time.

World-Class Security:

Whether you outsource your project to or hire app developers from a mobile app development company, your data and project are highly secured. They take pride to provide your world-class security. In addition, your project is completed within the time frame.


Widely Trusted Android App Development Company India & USA

Android App Development Company

Digital revolution has a great impact on our life – be professional or personal.  It is hard to imagine a life today without access to digital tools. From searching information, internal communication to connecting with people across different locations, digital revolution has made it all incredibly convenient and fast. Every business outfit – no matter what they do – is increasingly resorting to getting mobile applications, particular android app that has the largest users across the world.  AppSquadz as a top android app development company in India explicitly tells about the benefits of android enabled apps over apps with other OS.


Mobile App Development: Hire Dedicated Android Developers

mobile application development hire dedicated android developers

In the world of technology emergence, world is quickly moving from Computer System to Mobile phones. Today the world has compressed and become a small Smartphone. The reason behind such a shifting is Mobile Application Development and the efforts from top rated mobile app development companies, which provides more efficient result with less cost. Through mobile application right from chatting to purchasing is in our small world of smart phone.

In previous era, of web development we use to say we are just a click away of things but now with Mobile app developers, we can say we are a touch away. The mobile applications can be integrated with web applications so that the data at both the ends remain same. Likewise, by sharing of data in the cart, login data and many more.

Mobile application development is the major reason behind the growth of today’s retail market. This revolutionary technology is both fast, easy to learn and use.  Big companies which deal in eCommerce deal with such development and are more focusing on mobile application. According, to report maximum orders received by such companies are through mobile applications. Web development requires a higher framework as it is more detailed. Mobile application development involves two categories namely Android and iPhone application  development. Which work on different platforms. The world globalization needs are making the use of these applications incremented to a get extent. Large amount of data are available over internet which are stored and delivered easily. These applications tend to work on cloud. The complex data here in such application can be stored and fetched from anywhere.

There are many mobile application development companies, which work to provide a better interactive environment. One of such top rated mobile app development company is ‘Appsquadz’, with 80+ clients it strives to deliver a world class quality product. Here in Appsquad we believe that ‘Client satisfaction’ is the ultimate goal. We work on Mobile UI design to make it more users friendly and attractive. Our team with top app developers dedicated towards, leading the work of organization in a direction where clients are receiving a Quality product beyond comparison. Our mobile app developers are efficient enough to work on different platforms so that we deliver a product which matches the requirement of the client.

Aiming towards making short and compressed, by optimizing the content and also allow SEO which increase the demand of the application developed. With increase in competition level we need a fast working ad providing a ‘On time’ product is compulsory. Standardization of the work with focus on time constraints is our main feature. Our mobile application provides the facility of security of data, that is, our application deals with firewalls, which makes it secure from hacking threats. The application provides a regular update to the mobile user who has installed it. Thus, providing benefit to our clients (by increasing the business) and their customers. We provide highly prompt and crafted solution to our clients. Thus, providing them maintained service. We are having a dedicated team to provide the application manual of the application developed and top android application developers for development. Thus, with the above advantage we are ready to help everyone. So, hire dedicated android developers AppSquadz Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Contact: +0120-4238296, +91-9717270746 Email us: [email protected]


Mobile Application Development Company – Hire Top App Developers

Mobile Application Development Company

After websites that provide a good way for businesses to connect with customers and allow them to get to know about their products and services, now businesses are resorting to mobile app development. A mobile application aims to offer the most, secure and safe and pleasant browsing experience to users. It is a powerful tool used as the most effective and affordable means of adverting, being the preferred choice for startups in particular as well as those with many years into their business. Work with a leading mobile application development company to get your project done in a professional and timely manner.