5G Edge Computing Solutions are now Superior by Google Cloud and AT&T Teamwork

Edge Computing Solutions

Google cloud and AT&T have come to a new collaboration to use 5G edge computing services that will help to bring businesses and industries to a new range. Highly advanced and 5G speed cloud computing services allow companies to process at high speed and store data more securely with Google cloud.

Why Google Cloud is Invincible:

  • Better Pricing Plans Available
  • Enhanced Execution
  • Benefits of Live Migration
  • Private Network
  • Commitment to Constant Development
  • Control and Security
  • Redundant Backups

This hybridization has simplified the data collection and computing produced from the Internet of Things (IoT). Edge computing solutions will use the core services of Google cloud, like Kubernetes, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Analysis. They are providing Edge computing data and applications for companies, to avail computing access in large storage and concoct them at high speed. Google and AT&T will also work with individual dealers, developers, software analysts, and other technological associations.

AT&T 5G Broadband will Provide:

  • Greater speed
  • More capacity of remote execution
  • Implementation of virtual networks is possible
  • Enhanced network to eliminate debility

In a recent press release Thomas Kurian, CEO, Google Cloud said, “Our co-innovation with AT&T aims to bring a multitude of 5G and edge computing solutions to address a diversity of use cases, driving real business value in industries like retail, manufacturing, gaming and more.”

Benefits of edge computing services are storage and processing access is easily available in a remote zone. Companies can easily optimize user interface to provide end to end amazing user experience. This will be a great revolution toward the improvement of b2b relations. Therefore, minimum quiescence in cloud computing services gives an extreme smoothness in running applications to deliver the best results to clientele.

“Combining AT&T’s network edge, including 5G, with Google Cloud’s edge compute technologies can unlock the cloud’s true potential. ” statement given by Mo Katibeh, EVP and also the chief marketing officer, at AT&T Businesses, in their press release.

Both the companies the Google cloud and AT&T are adjoined for revolutionary changes in business processing in developing and remote locations too. Edge computing will be a great present for industries like production, import/export, gaming, etc. They are also thinking of partnerships with more other companies for better development. Contribution from different companies will take these ethics to great betterment. Edge computing is being preferred over other sorts of data storage and performance to improve the user experience for various businesses.

[Read More: A New Era of Mobile App Development with 5G Technology]


The Google cloud foundation and AT&T networks are collaborating to provide outstanding edge computing services. They will improve data computing and storage for the companies and industries in areas with less or no network connection. Their teamwork is growing forward, to develop cloud computing services with the fastest network of this time.


Cloud Computing-redefining Mobile Apps Development

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has emerged as an efficient branch that provides seamless mobile application development. It offers mobile handlers with data storage and processing services on cloud computing platforms. Cloud computing technology allows information and data to move between the client and the server.

As the use of mobile applications for the majority of businesses is proving beneficial, there are large volumes of data that need to be processed.  Cloud computing development has provided a mobile world with a new infrastructure that processes data and stores it outside the mobile devices and offers an extended feature of mobility. Business companies allow their users and employees to access calendars and emails on mobile devices. So the companies that plan to integrate mobile devices into their business must evaluate the purpose, development, management, and maintenance of the application.

Review the mobile app development

The company must evaluate the app development process before starting with one. It must determine the application development company which will develop and deliver internal services. Once one decided with the development team, then one must figure out the infrastructure that will support the mobile application. Then it must be fixed if the app will be compatible with the smartphone, desktop, web, and other mobile devices.

On deciding the platform, the security needs of every platform have been met. But in case the app is going to play on servers in different data centers along with the data stored at the same place, then the app can play on any device, as the application will run on the browser of the device. It is essential to take care of that the app works equally well on all the platforms it is meant to run on from mobile screens to iPads and laptop screens.

With the tremendous growth in application development, there is always a need for a conducive environment for the applications to perform well. The right architecture of the application promotes and allows the app to work correctly. Further, it is essential to store mobile data and manage the app centrally. For this, the administrators have to deal with a large number of devices with their own operating systems. They will store vast amounts of data, including videos, images, and audios, which will be a threat if there is no adequate security system.

It is suitable to turn to cloud computing services to overcome the threat of security failure. The data is stored and processed by cloud computing services, and this provides potential advantages to users and developers. For example, the operating system of the device is no longer responsible for the functioning of the app. The users feel free to use many apps their mobile devices as the devices will be no longer storing and processing the data. This further encourages the mobile application development company to develop more apps of such kind. Even more, the data processing ability of cloud-based apps is more than the apps that are stored and run on the device. Thus, mobile apps based on the cloud are more productive.

Scope of cloud computing services

 As per the rate at which several apps are developed, cloud computing development has made it easy to access apps remotely. The cloud provides scalable data processing, data storage, centralized security management, and cost efficiency, which is compromised in other traditional data centers at some point. It is expected that the users will soon switch to cloud computing development services for mobile application development soon in the coming future.


It is suitable to switch to cloud mobile apps for the smooth functioning of the applications. It is beneficial for both the user and the developer. Meet experts from our mobile app development company for your upcoming cloud-based mobile application.


How are Emerging Technologies Completely Redefining Education Apps?

education apps

Classroom teaching has always been evolving. Earlier, where the blackboards were the only display item to look at and to explain the concepts now, there are innumerable ways implemented to make education a real-life practical experience and one such example is the advent of education apps. These emerging technologies have the ability to make studies enjoyable, complementing the methods of teaching and learning.

Now a single tap or a click can help students with their tasks and experiments at schools and colleges. With the variety of devices that can simulate and track experiments, students take up online courses from the education applications like ByJu’s, Khan Academy and so on to supplement their study. Education app development has made learning simpler and fast. Edtech has a significant impact on the way of learning.

Let’s explore the latest technologies in educational apps:

Virtual reality

Indulgence of VR in the field of education has given drastic results. Students tend to take more interest in studying the topic via VR as it is more engaging and exciting. The percentage of child’s retention is way more in studies supported by VR than the traditional methods.

Live and virtual interactions using 3D modeling are successful ways for engaging and learning experiences delivered through education apps that are in synchronization with the VR equipment. It provides unforgettable understandings in the simulated environment. It even gives a boost to the creative minds of children and is an effective and fast means of delivering education.

Augmented reality

The book based classroom can be transformed into engaging, and highly interactive space build on a stable base, augmented by videos, animations, sounds, and ideas. The educational apps help in increasing the rate of engagement resulting in better levels of learning of concepts. The curriculum lessons are made more exciting and help the teacher in transforming the entire object or even the whole classroom.

Students can take their own decisions, for example on using AR technology to visit back into a place and time. They can explore where and as they want to: Below, under, around the buildings, gardens, etc. The pattern of learning with AR has opened new channels for students to imbibe and learn in the right manner.


Children of any age click very well with games. Gaming is the way one deals with these educational apps. Games introduce the concept of competitors, scoring high points in quizzes and assignments, learning the value of time with the ticking of the clock and so on. Educators find gamification one of the most efficient ways to motivate students towards their studies and to enrich their overall performances.

Cloud-Blockchain technology

Students in colleges and universities use the Blockchain technology to send and receive notes, organize certificates and merit cards all via applications. The data in this format is accepted as valid proof besides relying on the paper-based documents. It is a practical and safe way to share learning material on cloud technology.

Maintaining their assignments and submitting them from anywhere in the world is more comfortable, faster and simpler. It has merely ruled out the process of carrying hard copies of books, assignments. The device containing the app has it all.


Technology in education has revolutionized the whole concept of teaching and learning. Collaborating study materials by using educations apps and similar programs on the internet along with the need to have Edtech in the field of education and training has opened a new realm of learning altogether.

Our education app developer pioneer in education app development so that knowledge doesn’t stay confined to four walls of the classroom. If you have a fresh concept, then contact our mobile app development company to deliver a promising learning experience to the students.


Upcoming Cloud Computing Trends in 2019

cloud computing

Business and IT executives are no longer looking at Cloud solely as a tool; it is a method of delivering  Software as a service (SAAS) for delivering/enabling scalable, expandable and almost perfectly elastic software services using internet technologies. The advent of the Cloud computing has created significant changes to the organizations in the past years with a way to store and retrieve an immense amount of information. The adoption of Cloud services continues to rise due to the improved usage of cloud-based services and digital transformation.

Here are some of the predictions highlighted that where the cloud is heading in 2019 in connection with technology as well as big vendors:

  1. Hybrid-cloud and multi-cloud adoption to accelerate: Multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud are going to become a norm in 2019. Hybrid cloud will become the dominant business model in the future. Multi-cloud solutions will continue to accelerate because companies have a choice of services. It helps growing companies to utilize public and private clouds as they operate, and increase the efficiency and effectiveness in delivering their services. Moreover, it also allows their systems to the cloud in any pace with high flexibility.
  2. Quantum computing: quantum computing is gaining more popularity and will continue to do so in 2019. All the major giants like Google, Microsoft, Intel, and IBM made an effort to pave the way for quantum supremacy implementation will turn out to be a game-changing trend this year. Quantum computing gained its popularity when 5 quantum bit was invented. With the help of this technology, supercomputers complete various tasks at higher accuracy and fast speed.
  3. Shortage of cloud computing skills to continue: Ironically, as the demand increases there is a shortage of supply. Staffing shortages are faced in IT can be exacerbated further by moving towards cloud computing, as it requires specialized skills that are high in demand and short supply. We expect this trend to continue because individuals with these skills are not only hard to find, but also in demand and thus they are very expensive.
  4. Artificial intelligence (AI) and Automation in the cloud: IT executives will accelerate their automation efforts, including the adoption of AI to simplify their increasingly complex and hybrid cloud environments to reduce costs in a variety of ways. AI platform supports a faster, more effective and efficient approach to work together with data scientists and other team members.
  5. Backup and disaster recovery: Cloud disaster recovery (cloud DR) is a backup and restore strategy that involves storing and maintaining copies of electronic records in a Cloud computing environment as a security measure. Cloud computing delivers faster recovery times and multi-site availability at a fraction of the cost of conventional disaster recovery.
  6. Security concern: As we rise with the technology, security would obviously become a matter of concern. As we are introduced with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), security concerns have risen much higher and are the most essential thing to look for. Many business organizations are shifting to cloud computing without any serious considerations to its security compliance protocols. It could be very difficult for small businesses to ensure their data is highly protected and is intended for specific uses in compliance with GDPR.

Conclusion: Cloud computing gained immense popularity in the past years. We already discussed the predictions of the trends of Cloud computing in 2019 above. Business houses are adopting cloud computing because it stores and retrieves the data and related files in an efficient manner.

For more queries, you may contact us or drop a mail at [email protected]


How is Cloud Computing Profitable for the Businesses?

cloud computing

Cloud computing is a fast-moving beast that many organizations are adopting to enable their digital transformation, with new trends and technologies popping all the time among the business environment. As per the latest Gartner report, the cloud tech services market is estimated to increase 17.3% ($206billion) more in 2019, from $175.8billion in 2018 and by the end of 2022, about 90% of organizations will be using cloud-based services.

In today’s digital world, a variety of organizations, ranging from nonprofits to government agencies to startups, have embraced Cloud technologies. Cloud services bring a momentous opportunity to accelerate business houses through their ability to be highly scalable, allowing us to be agile with our resources and providing new opportunities for collaboration to compete on a global scale and redefining the way you do business in the business environment.

Cloud computing enables a user to back up, storing and recovering the data. These significant features have been analyzed by all entrepreneurs, business owners, and start-ups as well, and they have already started using Cloud computing.

By what means cloud technology helps business:


Small business houses can avail of an advantage by shifting to the cloud for saving money. It provides small businesses and start-ups with scalable services at affordable and minimum costs. The companies can achieve more with lesser resources and funds. For small businesses, particularly, those savings are essential. It is beneficial because it has lower maintenance, installation, hardware & upgrade cost.

Enhanced Mobility

Enhanced mobility & flexibility in cloud technology can guide you to avail additional cost savings. Cloud can access data and related files from any location from any device at any time. Cloud computing helps employees to work outside the office premises as well as allows employers to manage their businesses whenever required.

Data Security

Another great aspect of cloud computing is improved data security, it is another asset of cloud computing. Traditionally, the data from the traditional data storage systems can be easily stolen or damaged. The threat of cyber-attacks like viruses, malware, and hacking was always there. But with Cloud computing, you will get an advantage of improved data security and reduced chance of data loss. In the Cloud, the data is protected using anti-virus, encryption methods, and many more.


This is an important feature of cloud-based services. Maybe in the current scenario, a small business requires limited data storage, mobility or more. Consequently, in the future, the needs and requirements will increase significantly with the growing business. Cloud-based services have the flexibility to scale up or to scale down as well as cloud-based solutions can accommodate all the increased requirements of the business organizations.

Effective Collaboration

Effective collaboration is possible through the cloud because it enables small businesses to track and oversee the workflow and progress in results. Nowadays, many Cloud collaborations tools are available in the market such as Basecamp, Google Drive, hive, etc. These tools help the users in creating, editing, saving and sharing documents for workplace collaboration.

Better Integration

Cloud-based solutions help in the creation of various intelligible opportunities with many cloud-based providers. Business houses can also avail of the benefits of specialized services to integrate with back-office operations such as Accounting, Marketing, and HR as well. This integration might play a significant role in making the business owners concentrated on the fundamental areas of the business.


As we have already discussed above, How Cloud Computing is profitable for business houses including start-ups and small-scale business. The requirement of Cloud Computing has grown extensively in today’s business environment. Cloud Computing is a boon for businesses because it’s scalable, mobile, economical, and highly integrated. It secures the data stored and related files for effective collaboration.

For more queries, you may contact us or drop a mail at [email protected]