Role of Google AMP in Developing Splendid Web Apps

Google AMP in Developing Splendid Web Applications

Google’s another initiative called AMP- accelerated mobile pages works by increasing the speed of the web on mobile. This platform is being used by any browser, web page and web application to improve the mobile user experience. Being an open source project launched by Google and Twitter AMP aids in faster loading of web pages, increasing their performance and mobile visibility and further improving the search engine optimization. It consists of HTML, cache libraries, JS and various extensions which make a lightweight web page. The optimized code can work on mobile devices with limited resources across any platform. The code being open-source is available at GitHub for the developers who want to benefit with Google’s research.

Various platforms like Google, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn and many more are using accelerated mobile pages to enrich the mobile experience. The efficient coding of AMP has managed to exclude the factors that lead to increased time while loading the images and content on web pages. The combination of mobile pages that load quickly along with the optimized content lends a better mobile UI/UX.

Benefits of Google Accelerated Mobile Pages

Better speed:

The new project is aimed at curating an overall better experience for both the user and the content publisher on the mobile devices.  It delivers various ways in which the publisher can develop both rich and interactive content. With AMP, the pages load quickly, and when the user knows that the pages will load at a click’s speed, instantaneously, they tend to make more clicks and stay longer. Along with high page loading speed and better content for the users to read, the users remain a long time on the web page which further helps in generating revenues. 

The users and publishers are more satisfied. As the user gets to see what he wants then and there and the publisher gets more content views. Even the Google search engine is doing better than ever as people are happy to search more on it.

Better interaction

The protocol works by eliminating the use of CSS- external and internal style sheets and using just one style tag in the header of the document to limit the size of the style rules by 50 Kb. These limitations are meant to develop tidy pages by not loading unnecessary coding. Instead, Google provides important components like amp-img, amp-youtube, etc. Furthermore few components support animation, tweets and other app services which offer other interactive features and making web pages highly interactive.


For the smooth functioning of the code with Google’s new project, it provides a validator that checks if the code is easily understood and used. The AMP will point put as to where the code breaks the rules to code in AMP framework. The validator is assigned to make sure that the code doesn’t include CSS or third-party codes so that the pages always load faster.


Google’s new project understands that many of the websites are run for advertisement as they generate revenue. Therefore, it is no way trying to get rid of the ad played on sites. It works by making sure that the website using AMP will load the content first than any ad.


The usage of mobile devices has become common in everyone’s life. AMP is an essential tool that helps web pages to gain ranking and their search-ability increase on mobile web. Its well-organized codes are lightweight and easy to maintain. Our mobile app development company will customize your web pages according to your choice. Our app developers have a proper understanding of AMP development technologies.


Choosing the right Technology Stack & Maximize the Bang for your Web App Development

Web App Development

Deciding the technology stack for the web app development is a tedious task, in case of startups and small businesses, as the initial budgets are usually low. It is imperative to choose the technology stack that is right for the company and one which is beneficial in terms of conversions. But what is technology stack? A technology stack is a group of tools, frameworks, programming languages that the web app development company uses to develop the web app.  It is always better to decide it first than to find out later that there is no market for the product you have produced.

Key Aspects to Consider while Choosing the Technology Stack

Type of Web Applications:

There are various kinds of web apps, ranging from the simple one-page web application to multiple paged e-commerce websites. There are three types of web applications based on the level of complexity. The web applications with just one page or the landing page are the simplest ones which can be developed using CMS. The enterprise applications or ones designed for e-commerce are complex to create. The mid-level of web applications are developed using frameworks. The web applications developed using development technologies and various programming languages are highly complex applications called the complex types. The kind of app decides the development method suitable for it.   

Time to Develop the Web App

Various technology stacks differ in the time involved in web development. Application development like out of the box, third party web application development; which uses open source codes; and developing brand new code for the web application can take an expert developer and time to develop the web app. Time is money. The early you develop and release the application better you perform in comparison to your competitors.

Cost of Developing a Web App

For every technology stack, there is a developer who develops it. The more complex and latest is the technology, higher is the cost of developing an app in it. Maintenance of the application comes along with its development. Likewise, maintaining an application in a complex and latest technology stack is costlier than simpler ones.

Secure Web Application Development

A lot of web applications are developed each day that contain a huge amount of necessary data and credentials. Choosing a technological stack is one job, but making sure that it is developed implementing security procedures is another. As long as the product is not safe to use, its development goes in vain. So choosing a technology stack that fits well with the type of application and safeguarding it from malicious thefts is very important for the success of the web application development.

Scalable Web App Development

A scalable technology stack is one which can accommodate new users with the growing time without damaging to the working of the application; and one in which more component or modules are added without affecting the performance of the application. Choosing a scalable technology stack is useful while making changes in the future without harming the application.


Choosing a suitable technology stack is a difficult task. One has to wisely select a stack according to the type of web application. It is not sure that fast developing technology is always a better option. Every option will have its highs and lows. Proper consideration with the suggestion of our developer team is required before you start with the web app development. Our web app development company has developed many fully-functional web applications using the right technology stack that suits your type of web application. Are you ready to create one for you? Contact our app development company to avail web app development services.


Features That Make JavaScript more Trustable & Worthy

In the area of net engineers and surfers, JavaScript is particularly mainstream as client scripting dialect for net programs. In any web application, JavaScript can be utilized to put in power simple viewpoints like rollover of pics as legitimately as to make offbeat solicitations to the server.

Browser support

To inspire admission to streak content, you need to convey streak module in your program. Be that as it may, to utilize JavaScript, you don’t need to utilize any module whatsoever. This is on the grounds that all programs have frequently happening JavaScript as a scripting dialect for them and gives coordinated help for it. You should simply to deal with a portion of the undertakings that are organized on DOM (Document Object Model) of particular programs appropriately.

Can be used on the client side as well as on server side

As JavaScript has admission to the content of a program, you can without a doubt change the structure of web pages at runtime. Because of this, JavaScript can be utilized to add particular impacts to website pages. On the diverse hand, JavaScript should be utilized on the server aspect also. For instance, in Alfresco which is a famous open source substance organization framework, JavaScript is utilized in creating web scripts. This makes adding tasks very straightforward.

Functional programming language

In JavaScript, the highlight might need to be doled out to factors simply like any unique information kinds. Not just that, anyway a component can accept conveyance of another trademark as a parameter and can likewise restore a capacity. You can have highlighted with no title too. Obviously, this offers you the ability to code in utilitarian programming style.

Support for objects

JavaScript underpins a large portion of the question arranged standards while being easy to inspect and utilize.

These are among the extraordinary highlights inside Javascript one will find plausible extremely valuable.


  • Provides strong help of key specialized viewpoints with accentuation on expressiveness, quick and convenient coding, and the DOM.
  • Contains rapid and succinct JavaScript Library that rearranges how you cross HTML reports, control occasions, make activities, and incorporate Ajax for quick web advancement.
  • Robust chart and calculated displaying required for genuine web applications.
  • It incorporates some straightforward UX improvements with the central library and comprises of a few gadgets or segments that make the advancement of eye-getting interfaces significantly less demanding.
  • Includes a wide fluctuate of issues that can be utilized to solid the viewpoints to your own one of a kind one of a kind net site or web application


  • The precursor to the mass appropriation of dynamic web utility improvement defaced by utilizing issues with DHTML
  • An open source DHTML toolbox is written in JavaScript.
  • Contains part of highlights, for example, Ajax, occasions, bundling, CSS-based questioning, liveliness, JSON, dialect utilities.
  • Excellent documentation and highlight many enchanting models and demo applications.
  • Includes people group with a functioning discussion, IRC channel and mailing records.
  • Easy APIs for custom gadgets.
  • Most cunning pictures package that invigorates components, and DOM.


  • Light JavaScript library for simple utilize, anyway performs entangled capacities
  • Small and clear documentation
  • Ajax coordination
  • Smart spring up menus
  • Capable of utilizing CSS selectors and brisk goals from in excess of a couple of utility strategies treat, frame, string, and DOM for undertakings


  • Widely considered as the most grounded structure which is being an expanding number of utilized in the endeavor with solid help to central specialized highlights.
  • Robust outline and theoretical demonstrating for genuine web capacities with more than 20 design designs, comprising of Flyweight, Fa莽ade, Visitor and Observer.
  • It moreover bolsters a tough customer side certainties mannequin and helps for component model and configuration designs.
  • It comprises of a plenty of factor models with help for expansions and module, some powerful matrix controls with the guide for inline altering, pagination, separating, gathering, rundowns, buffering, and certainties authoritative.
  • Rich library of cross-program all around coordinated gadgets comprises of tabs, graphs, windows (discoursed), trees, plan directors, more noteworthy structure controls, toolbars and menus, intuitive, and coordinate remoting.
  • Contains a prosperous library of gadgets, consolidate with various JavaScript libraries in some way,
  • Supports AJAX, DHTML and DOM scripting


  • Exciting cross-program application capacities.
  • Includes a stage free improvement apparatus chain.
  • Advanced customer server correspondence layer.
  • Advanced UI/UX components with gadget accumulation
  • Small designer network help for the library, for example, online journals, gatherings, and so on.
  • Open supply underneath LGPL/EPL

Fundamentally, HTML labels make what you put into your page and JavaScript grants you to control what you put into your web page. Simply consider a web page that just has HTML on it. It would simply resemble a certain composed record. You would not be skilled to go to the consequent page. Be that as it may, in the event that you utilize JavaScript on your web page, you would have the capacity to move matters around.

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Advantages of the utilization of JavaScript in the HTML code

  1. JavaScript will enhance ocular examples. As referred to prior, if a net page will be evident HTML, it would be only a site page brimming with text. You would now not be skilled to move around, and you may not be in a situation to go to the following page.
  2. JavaScript will permit many page results Some page impacts that JavaScript permits are:
  • Client’s chance on page
  • Popups and tooltips
  • Crumbling content
  • Page timeout
  • Shading adjustments and blurs
  • Font sizing and blurs
  • Extreme fader
  • Installed sound
  • Print page/component
  • Looking over standards
  • Flying content
  • News scroller
  • Robotized popups
  • Picture advances
  • Flip catches
  1. JavaScript will include user intuitiveness

The particular results that are conveyed to the web page will make it additional intuitive. The client/guest of your site will continue investigating inside the net site.

  1. JavaScript will give consistent incorporation client modules

JavaScript now not exclusively offers to get the section to HTML objects, it additionally offers to get admission to the program and stage particular items like program modules (e.g. Adobe Acrobat, Media Player).

  1. JavaScript will allow customer side client shape approval

In the event that JavaScript is accessible, a starter approval of the site’s buyer can be refined to test for simple oversights, for example, missing certainties or non-numeric characters erroneously situated in a non-numeric field. Therefore, the individual of the web website gets snappier input than sitting tight for a reaction from the server.

  1. JavaScript will allow getting passage to some machine data

You require JavaScript to make your site outwardly attractive to practicable clients and site guests by utilizing including intelligence and elements to HTML pages. All things considered, who might support to go to a web webpage that just had one website page loaded up with content? The net page would not appear to be great, now also exhausting.

If you are looking to develop or design a web application, contact us for any support and best mobile app development company and web app developers.