How to choose the best certification between AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud?

Google Cloud

Cloud platforms are vastly trending for data storage and computing services in the IT industry. All of the IT companies and individuals themselves are dependent on cloud software for safe data storage for a long time without any damage to the risk of loss. No tension of maintenance or care. Your all data is safe in an ID and password.

From the view of the cloud, AWS Development Company (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud are the largest cloud platforms used by numerous IT companies across the globe. Professionals are looking for training and certification from theses platforms providing companies to upgrade their skills and enhance their career opportunities. Now as all three are amazing and better in every particular feature so which is best this is the question.

In this latest blog post, we will discuss the benefits and differences between the AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. This comparison will help you to choose a better option as per your skills, goals, and experience.

What is a cloud platform?

Collection of services, applications, and sometimes hardware like remote servers are included in cloud platforms to use for own service without the risk of any data loss or harm. Entire database management is encrypted including cloud storage, IoT services, security, and more. This can be called as Infrastructure-as-a-service.” Also.

AWS certified partners provide data storing, retrieving and manipulating expandable, services to the businesses. this helps out to grow and reach customer demands. Every cloud platform has a different plan and cost according to the accessibility businesses demand in a particular resource. Nowadays most businesses rely on cloud services.

The IaaS market is thought to be worth $50.4 billion

According to research from Gartner, the IaaS market is estimated to be worth $50.4 billion, makes it the worthiest skill as compared to any other IT platform.

AWS vs Google Cloud Certification vs Azure

Which certification is relevant and best, which has major scope, which has great future stability, which will get you greater pay these all questions might come to your mind?

AWS has the IaaS market since its rollout in 2006 among all the top IT companies in the market. Today Microsoft Azure at 16%, AWS maintains roughly a 33% share, and Google Cloud at 8%. In terms of pure numbers and demand, AWS CloudFront partner in India is the best platform and professionals can get the best returns.

Moreover, there is no right answer for any cloud platform. The final decision on any cloud service is not defined because every certification has a different specialization. We cannot consider that which is more relevant and which is not. To find that which is best suited you should know about your employer and find out which particular web service they work for and their business rely on.

AWS comes out on top with over 175 services in terms of the sheer scope of services, including:

  • Developer tools
  • Analytics
  • Storage
  • Database management
  • Compute
  • Networking
  • IoT
  • Security
  • Management
  • Enterprise applications

These major services make AWS certified partner in Noida a strong option for all the companies and make it a one-stop solution. Popularity AWS is going to make it the most expensive and complex pricing for the future.

Microsoft Azure is another popular platform with versatile services. Offers such as Office 365 and Teams with a wide range of services.

Google cloud has less focused on cloud computing but more versatile service in the world of machine learning via its powerful Tensor Flow platform. google cloud is an amazing option for futureproofing your skills and employability because machine learning has focused n modern businesses. the main thing is Google cloud has enhanced the open-source business services that are a good opportunity for any individual.

Which platform should you learn?

Still, confused? How to choose the best certification between AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud? Let’s take a look at AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud certification.

If you choose machine learning for the career that time Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure certification makes more sense, AWS certification is most preferred and on-demand nowadays of seen from the view of career and other aspects. Amazon Web Services CloudFront is the most trending platform tending for best job opportunities. For a better career here are the points.

A good option to start further is with the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification.

Microsoft’s Certified Azure Solutions Architect is additional support to your career. It will encounter all the opportunities relying on Microsoft services in the IT world. Microsoft’s Certified Azure Solutions Architect is a great certification in the world of machine learning you just will have to complete the AZ-300 and AZ-301 courses.

If you have the et of both AWS and Microsoft certification then why not complete your skill belt with Google’s Professional Cloud Architect certification. Businesses looking for machine learning have this certification on top priority. You should get thorough research over google cloud before attempting the exam.

When you are confused between AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud certification, then you have two options either you can do all three courses together or you should opt for AWS certification that is the best option from the view of career scope and demand in the market.


Generally, certifications alone are not enough for professionalism for working in the cloud. This is the reason people try to do all the three courses but still if you want to choose one the AWS is the most trusted IT firm and top listed under best companies from the item it entered to the IT world. It never has fluctuated its position from the top so you can larger salary with this certification.

There are numerous options to get the best certification and training. AWS Development Company like AppSquadz software are leading certified AWS partners for CloudFront are willingly supporting the best strategies for AWS certification for professionals.


How can your Business get benefits from Amazon Web Services?

Amazon Web Services

As a businessman or entrepreneur, it is highly important for you to constantly adapt to the environment and the way work is been processed. There are various new trends, business models, and tools available which are mainly revolutionized the way how the organizations are operating with each other. Information technology is one of the most expertise areas in who have experienced frequent development.

So, do you want the best IT solutions for your organization? Are you worried too much about spending right off the bat? Then, there is no need to worry about such instances, the Amazon web services or the hosting services are one of the greatest ways to assist the users with huge operations as productive as possible and thus maintain the cost at lower levels.

The Amazon web hosting actually does a lot more than it can offer, but the best part of all this is that the users need not have to hire an in-house team or have to invest in expensive infrastructure to reap the major advantages. Hence, heavy lifting is generously required to help many of the consultants or the organizations.

There are various solutions such as Amazon cloud services and web hosting services which have significantly and vastly improved the business operations and among which cloud hosting is the best choice. The small organizations and the large colorations are creating many advantages to gain from solutions like Amazon web services.

What can you do with Amazon Web Services?

There are various beneficial things that AWS (Amazon Web Services) can do for the business. But, there is a lot more than what you can do with AWS. Let us have a look at the below-mentioned points that will describe this more clearly:

  • Securely Store all your files

The organizations usually collect the data and then produce the documents in various segments and hence it becomes tough for the users to store and manage them both, sometimes. Not only the business documents are important for many operations but also they can help users to protect themselves from liability in many cases.

The organizations can be legally in need of certain major documents or the files that have been extended for a period of time and this is where AWS plays an important role and can help them. AWS can help to store the entire data function and could even need more than it seems to be. Hence, cloud backups are required to prevent data loss and give you the ultimate level of security.

  • Host your online stores

If you are thinking to sell any sort of product or service online, then AWS can help you to come to rescue yourself from problems that might occur. Rather than renting a server to run your store, it is better to host your business on Amazon Cloud services which will also give you the best performance and will help you dedicatedly at each possible step.

By running your website on several virtual servers, it is to keep your data protected and secured even if any server will have malfunction errors. Apart from all this, if you wish to make the transition to AWS, then you will be able to know that the AWS cloud migration is very important when it is working with a reputed company such as AppSquadz, one of the best app development companies.

  • Support your applications

Amazon cloud services majorly provide the important capacity for users to run their business applications and help them to continue even more. These services can save them from having run on premise applications. This might require building and maintaining expensive infrastructure. The web hosting will offer more such kind of benefits that will results in better outcomes such as scalability, reliability and cost savings and many more.

Benefits of Amazon Web Services for Businesses

There is no need to worry about the budget and the infrastructure for your organization. Hence, there are numerous benefits that AWS can get for your business. Among which some of them are described below as:

  • Security

The safety is one of the top prior things for every business and therefore you need not have to worry about the security of your data. All thanks to the Amazon web hosting, who highly assures you the unmatched data security.

  • Maximum Flexibility

When it comes to the hosting, there is enormous confusion about the operating system and languages. Therefore for business owners, it becomes difficult choice and they should highly concentrate on their core competence rather than managing the IT segments.

  • Cost Effectiveness

AWS is one of the well-known standards who provide quality hosting without having any draining to your business and your finances. Hence, by investing in AWS hosting, you can actually save lots of amount that is being putted over the hardware and the infrastructure.


If you are planning to move your business to Amazon cloud web services then it can really be beneficial for your organization at many times. Even if you need to improve your business’s current IT infrastructure and set some major standards for your organization, then you should not look further for any other option than Amazon cloud services.


AWS launches Amazon AppFlow: Its New SaaS Integration Services


Amazon Web Services (AWS) on 23, April 2020, (Wednesday) has announced the launch of its new third-party application which is AppFlow. Amazon AppFlow is one of the fully managed services that allow the data between the third party that assist you to create custom code. This new integration service assists customers and thus makes it easier for the developers to transfer the data between the SaaS applications and AWS such as Slack, Google Analytics, Marketo, and more.

Unlike the competitors, AWS (Amazon Web Service) is highly positioned with these services more and more as the data transfer services can help to automate the workflow. This data flow can be bidirectional in many ways and therefore, this announcement can be mostly focused on moving data from SaaS applications and can be read out for more future analysis. This AWS AppFlow offers a very easy and intuitive way to its customers thus merging with the data from AWS and SaaS applications, even though it does not move across the public internet. With the help of these mobile applications, the customers can help to bring together and can assist to manage the petabytes, megabytes, and exabytes of data spread all over the globe in applications.

This is all because without having a custom connector you can manage the underlying API and network connectivity in the best possible manner. The customers have also stated that they have appreciated and loved the ability for storing, processing, and analyzing their data in the AWS stage and are also using a variety of third-party SaaS applications. They also tell that it can be even difficult to manage the flow of data between all of these mobile applications and AWS.

How the AppFlow Application Runs?

There are millions of customers who can run mobile applications and data takes with large-scale analytics and therefore it creates a workload on AWS, machine learning, and IoT. In this, the customers have to often store the data in dozens of ways for the SaaS application, which highly results in silos and are disconnected from the data stores in the AWS live class software. The organizations also need to combine their data from all these resources but it also requires the customers to spend a lot of days writing the code in such segments.

With the SaaS applications, the customers can end up sprawling the connector and this can lead to the release of the difficulty level of real-time data transfer. All this can create a delay between the data when it is available in SaaS another when it is on another system to access the record. In big organizations, business users have to wait for a longer period for skilled and expert developers to create custom connectors.

Amazon AppFlow solves major problems with its user’s can, therefore, can allow customers with various diverse technical skills which usually include CRM administrators. Customers can also use this mobile application just to create and build the data transfer between each flow and with just a click, the customers can configure multiple types of triggers that data flows can occur at the time of launch. With the help of some instances, Amazon said developers must have the additional choice of some instance type that ranges from small CPU instances to multi-GPU instances which will allow them to choose the right ratio for cost and performance for their infrastructure prediction.

The developers can spend a large amount of time writing code that can provide the integration so that they can pass data between the SaaS applications and the AWS live class development services that can be analyzed as these are quite expensive and can often take months to finish. If data requirements can change then the cost and complicated modifications have to be made perfectly for the integration process. The organizations that do not have the luxuries engineering resources sometimes might find themselves manually importing and exporting data from applications which is time-consuming and risk data leakage which has a human potential error.


AWS Sponsored AppSquadz at the Greatest Educational Event- EdTech Review 2020


AppSquadz is one of the top app development companies on international levels. The company is rising with excellence in order to contribute to educational domains by live class services, educational content, software applications, and a wide range of educational Pendrive software for the online e-learning process.

EdTech review is a premier educational community, provides useful news, insights, researches, and product reviews to education stakeholders and learners. Edtech review is supporting educators and learners in the most possible ways about education technology. They are striving in technology to promote the educational experience of learners to endure incredible results in the future.


The event, named EdTech Review 2020 was a 2-day CONFERENCE | EXPO | PITCH | AWARDS at The Leela Ambience Gurgaon, Delhi-NCR (India) on 5-6 Mar 2020. The event was one of India’s biggest gatherings in educational history with 1000+ EdTech stakeholders (EdTech founders, venture capitalists, foundations, education publishers, institution leaders, educators, investors & NPOs, etc.). Moreover, visitors, attendees, buyers & investors, 50+ exhibitors, 20+ partners, and international participation from 10+ countries. Likewise, the 2 days were full of keynotes, panel discussions, startup presentations, case study presentations from institutions, & awards.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), which is a subsidiary of Amazon, and the world’s largest cloud computing and AI assistance services provider in the technological world. So, we are pleased to inform you that AppSquadz is a leading, certified consulting partner of AWS. AWS was one of the main focuses of the event. Therefore, they sponsored AppSquadz to support education indigents with technology.

A great speaker, as well as motivator, says:

“Technology cannot replace teachers but,

Technology in hands of teachers can be transformational”

AWS represented AppSquadz, there to form the future of the nation that is learners of the country. Above all, in this golden era of the digital world, where almost all things are processed by technology like payments, learning, processing, data handling, etc. Similarly, our collaboration has a motto to renovate the education system with technology. Because, we are emerging across the world as the top eLearning mobile app development company in the USA, India, UK, UAE, and throughout the globe.

Our educational products:

  • Audience Response System
  • Pen drive Classes Software
  • Smart Class Board
  • Interactive Flat Touch Panel Display
  • Encrypted Video Streaming
  • AWS Live Class
  • E-Learning Mobile App Development
  • Education Mobile App Development
  • Live Class Software Development

Key points radiating our cognitions:

  • India’s largest platform delivering Educational Live classes or E-learning solutions.
  • Trusted partner of the top Educational content provider.
  • 25 + premium partner in the Educational domain.
  • Serving 10M+ users across various Educational platforms.