Will Edtech help to overcome the challenges of virtual schools due to COVID-19?


Using a learning management system to interact with students in online learning programs is a key to making sure they learn effectively and acquire the foremost out of each learning session.

The COVID-19 pandemic in the Country has placed the spotlight on remote learning like never before. As a result, the e-learning market in the country is increasing, and it’s the second-largest eLearning app development market once the United States.

However, dominant virtual learning practices don’t address significant learning and development challenges. It seems they are doing the alternative students feel that the present model of online learning compromises education quality.

This is how the educational system loaded with technology works. On time delivery of learning material can make sure about amazing stuff inspired from new ideas of learning. When people are inspired from technological ideas all a company can help is a development firm. Especially when you are looking to get a good learning experience you can have eLearning software just as it make sure about amazing deliveries. Reach a reliable company for good metaphoric examples. eLearning mobile app with beautiful user experience engage learning and ensure your successful educational content delivery. Maintain a good educational balance in between the pandemic.

Using a learning management system (LMS) to interact with learners in your online learning program is a key to making sure they learn effectively and acquire the foremost out of each learning session.

The gaps within the current online teaching infrastructure

Most schools in Country heavily rely on networking and video conferencing platforms to conduct their categories. However, being online is not enough per se solutions weren’t engineered for online teaching and learning. Each lecturer and learner doesn’t have access to essential tools to contour learning and analysis.

Students’ expertise varied potential challenges, starting from inadequate access to online learning materials and also the inability to try to dodo things at their own pace. Meanwhile, lecturers’ area unit overpowered with their daily tasks.

They are unable to organize and deliver categories in step with the most straightforward practices. They can’t track students’ progression, and analysis takes an excessive amount of their precious time.

The benefits of utilizing the LMS platform

The challenges that area unit printed on top of area unit merely the results of inappropriate tools for the duty. Online learning software may be a platform specifically designed to facilitate online learning. Victimization LMS platform can bring the following benefits:

Increased teacher potency

With networking platforms, lecturers have issues utilizing their time and resources with efficiency. LMS platform addresses these challenges with success. It delivers automation to assist lecturers in performing mundane and repetitive tasks like grading, chasing absent students, and news.

This tech start up brings physical lecture rooms online, plans to aboard 500,000 students in 2021.


Every student has distinctive personal preferences, a private learning pace, and a favourite learning material. However, lecturers are unable to supply individualized learning experiences once their area unit has over twenty students online on a networking app.

With educational mobile app development, lecturers will automatize personalization and forestall students from falling through the cracks with the assistance of prognosticative learner analytics. Students themselves may set a lot of manageable milestones and goals and opt for their learning path. They’ll learn on their most popular device and at their own pace.

Increased student engagement

Virtual learning environments create it borderline not possible for lecturers to grab students’’ attention. The strategies that job in classic lecture rooms merely don’t work online. Learning Management System delivers many ways to mitigate the danger of poor student engagement in an internet setting.

Cutting-edge LMS platforms go together with Gamification options that alter lecturers to form learning a lot of fun and fascinating. Gamification options embrace additive grading, progressions systems like levels and leader boards, and awards like badges.

Improved collaboration

Most often, students are unit a lot of accustomed to social and mobile technologies than their lecturers. They’ve learned to collaborate and work as team data communication channels. The web learning expertise needs to incorporate this component to be compelling and fascinating. That’s wherever LMS with virtual schoolroom capabilities comes in. It permits visual, face-to-face communication between lecturers and learners, creating a lot of partaking and cooperation. LMS additionally facilitate collaboration and peer-to-peer virtual classroom software via discussion forums out there among and doors courses.


Emerging education technology can facilitate resolve the training and development challenges that cooperative and communication technologies merely cannot. Recently, the educational app development company has suggested some tips to adopt amalgamated education methodologies, which will bring a transformational amendment to the establishments in the Country.

Adopting LMS as a part of the virtual program can facilitate bridge the gaps in education and improve future colleges in the Country.


What are the advantages of Integrating LMS into Education?


Education has been always the most necessary part of national growth and development. Things have changed a lot and are still changing from this decade most. The introduction of technological assistance to the world like smartphones and other portable electronic devices has completely changed the aspect of every activity we perform. Technology has most helped learning and training as well in the education and corporate sector. Old traditional methods got beaten up with the learning management system methodology introduced by software research and development organizations.

By using the LMS tools and software the colleges, universities and even schools got great benefits in various processes. LMS is open source and personalized also, it is up to you and the purpose you are working for. This blog post will tell you the benefits of opting for LMS development for training and learning purposes.

Centralized Pool of Information Learning management system is a centralized space where data can be easily processed, stored, and shared in consolidated form. All the study material like notes, course content, lecture videos are available at one place to access anytime and anywhere from even remote location that serves a flexible learning and good use of leisure time. LMS completely minimizes the problems of administration and maintenance of student lists or details including learning material.

Personalized Approach

There are few hours made in school time and those are divided into few periods of several minutes maybe 30 to 40 minutes now let’s have a small analysis. There are 30 to 40 students minimum in a classroom and somewhere more like in university or government school there are more students. That time how a teacher can concentrate on every student personally and some students are disturbing in class that time the students that are curious it will not be able to concentrate. LMS is most successful in such operations.

Anytime, Anywhere Accessibility

Software is designed in such a way at LMS App Development Company, so that it can be installed in portable remote devices, and the student can access learning material and lecture videos from anywhere any time. Only LMS can serve this specialty as per the convenience of the learner. This facilitates a path to learn at their own pace. This is the top reason for its most preference by students in online learning.

Flexibility in Teaching

Traditional classroom learning methods used to have a single one and the only methodology to teach students that is the writing and learning methods. But this does not imply on every student. Because every student is not similarly capable this is why the old learning system was discriminative. LMS encourages flipped learning, storytelling, gamification, rapid learning, and social learning. It is a great blend of modern teaching patterns.

Interactive Learning

A Learning management system powered by great ethics of skilled team at LMS Software Development Company can enhance the concentration and generate interest for studies in students of every age group. Mostly the children on growth age are very serious and the LMS software is surely synchronized with their mind. Instructors can use it as there all-time permanent online tutoring platform it engages a large number of learners with you.

Room for Customization

The logo, design, name, integration, experience at the software everything can be customized according to your comfort. The software designed is highly customizable with reminders, notifications, restricting attempts, authentication, and more. Your specific teaching methodology can be surely integrated into the software.  

Advanced Tracking System

LMS have special racker that trace the activity of student to figure out the performance of the learner. The assignments, test series, sample papers, manuals, instructions, and other materials are found at online learning software. Teachers find it very handy and helpful to catch results over any time. Teachers and trainers find it very comfortable to perform test checking online.

Involvement of Guardians

The parent-teacher communication through the software introduced by the Education Application Development Company is comfortable. The teacher that wants to tell about students to its parents and the annual parent-teacher meeting is not successful. But through the LMS software parents and teachers can contact each other anytime.


Since everything from the study material to course content present at a single location. Now the teacher can perform tasks like grading, reporting, and feedback, easily at any time. This fast forward process lets students give time in other activities, for example, music or sports. Additionally, fast course completion helps to get time to revise. Different groups of students and teachers feel comfortable in Broadway. The comfort with extraordinary functional features of the software introduces an amazing user experience.


We are trusted globally as the Education App Development Company willingly serves the best educational software development services to integrate technology with education leading to enhancement in the learning system. LMS is very helpful and engaging to help out tutors to perform teaching with all kinds of students easily. Grab the opportunity no and contact us for amazing services.


How to Leverage flexibility of Online Learning?

Online Learning

Online learning is the methodology of a new era; most of the matter depends upon education. Technology is helping us at the most. Especially from recent years, everyone has learned the benefits of technological perspectives in daily life, along with growth and development. Education is simply engaging with the help of technology this is what we call online learning software introduced by numerous leading Learning Software Development CompanyMost of the educational aspects slowly going very fast and smooth with technology.

A study over engagement of online learning

This is not a long time of education entered the common world and soon from a research study, it has observed that more than 22% of the global population people are learning completely online. In the future, it will be going to reach around 90% due to convenience offered in online learning software. More than 70% of the people love to learn from internet sources or devices but it is not surely possible due to poverty and lack of internet. The lack of education is the main reason behind this and after all, education is important if it is performed by the help of a setup it will be beneficial as well as faster. Most of the well-developed countries like USA or UK have an online learning system.

Online education has numerous advantages for instant learning and makes enough time to give to another activity. With online learning a person can perform full-time work, campuses studies as well as full fill family as well as personal responsibilities. Perhaps online processes reform education but technology in the hands of teachers can be transformational. Online education makes learning flexible and convenient.

Online Learning: A Complete Package of Features

Also, online classrooms use more interactive and better concept clearing ways. For example, recorded lectures, animated videos, and perfectly designed point-wise material. Online learning involves featured trends like gamification, augmented, and virtual reality that provides a rich learning experience. The learner will have more options and get immersed in an educational course.

Think about the days when the learner used to dream of the time if there is no need to move to the school or universities, or the classroom would be beside the bedroom. And the Learning App Software Development has made this very possible with amazing ideas and assistance. 

Here are some tips and tricks that will help you out to manage your online studies leading to better results:

Ways that can leverage the Online Education

The main benefit of education is flexibility and it must be the thing that can completely change the environment and levels of learning with students. Enrolling in an online course enables you to study and review the course any time anywhere you wish to. One can easily continue to spend time with loved ones and perform proper responsibility toward full-time work or other roles. Online learning has made education possible for poor people too that can earn and study during the same period. This saves the time wasted in commute, rent, and other expenses.


Normally, the traditional classroom means a location where every student needs to gather and perform the class. For example, the students living far away like in another city or state that time it goes too far by the cost of commute and living. However, location is not a limit in Learning Software Development Company you can learn even from another country and students nowadays are doing so. Many students dream of education from grand universities like Harvard or Oxford but they cannot afford it. Online learning has made this very possible for everyone. Direct lectures from the professional staff of the university are available on the online learning software. Earn your education and degree anywhere all you need is a strong internet and a suitable device.

Meet people from different backgrounds

A recent study showed that the globe comprises more than 7 billion people. People find difficulty in meeting people with different backgrounds and things have common in. An online degree program gets numerous friends and helps out to meet new people independent of difference.

How to Succeed in Online Classes?

Although eLearning software has many benefits it does not require much cost or energy as compared to traditional classrooms. If there is a question of online classes success and succeeding are ensured.

Determine whether you’re a morning or a night person

There is a need for you to check whether at what you are best whether you are morning or night person. Because you require staying active to regularly respond, perform discussions, and reply to your classmates. One more thing that is flexible is that you do not need to work daily you can accomplish on the last day of the course as per your proficiency. Night type of person that feels its mind more active you can complete your classes and assignment at night. Just need to remember due dates.

Be persistent

If you need your course completed in a bit, and then be persistent, get all the points, tips, and tricks while the lectures. You must be getting ready for the technical problems, and seek assistance as required. Online learning needs self-motivation, independence, and a strong sense of concentration and responsibility.

Be a good time manager

The flexibility of the online class has a better impression if you are managing your time. Sometimes the students skip the due date. So, need to stay committed to complete assignments on the remainder of the instructors, whether you can set your schedule.


We are loaded with high-quality development techniques; advanced technological perspective leading to an app idea that is productive as well as unique makes us the reputed Online Learning App Development CompanyThe team is making a leveraging effort leading high potential to your business.


5 Reasons why you need LMS with Social Media Integration


We all know that social media has become one of the most crucial parts of our day to day lives. We all are constantly connected with friends, family, relatives, colleagues, peers, and the entire world for various purposes with social media. We all can even gather the knowledge in the form of video, blogs, podcast along with engaging with people through games, discussion, and experiences as well.

 This interaction is not just limited for chatting for sharing useful information but also has become one of the prominent tools for personal as well as professional growth in terms of learning. Therefore, many organizations are now opting for Learning Management System (LMS) which can integrate social media to make eLearning more engaging, interactive, and interesting at the same time for their employees.

The Learning management system along with social media integration not only helps to support online training goals but also helps to increase the participation and engagement of the users. The major effectiveness to include social media in your learning or training programs will surely depend upon the fact that how positively your business supports the use of social media in your entire work culture.

We all know that as there are more and more people logging into Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn on daily basis and are connected on social media platforms for latest updates and what’s happening in the world, but it becomes imperative to customize your LMS and align your training session with social media and analytics. Your LMS can be highly measurable by adding social meaning features and analytics to your training and learning programs.

In this guide, we have listed the 5 major reasons to explain how social media integration of LMS can provide an engaging and interactive eLearning as below:

Content outreach

As your LMS users are highly connected online, hence they can share the information in the real-time world by various social media channels. They can share what they have learned using your LMS and what best practices you have to create an impactful eLearning mobile app platform. All this is not because you need to boost the outreach of your content but also it helps to increase online visibility. Social media integration also provides you an opportunity for connecting with your target audience swiftly and thus builds credibility among them in the most natural way.

User-generated content

We all love to share our experiences, achievements, and success on social media so that the world would come to know about us. The learners can also share their experience with their peers, who all would be benefitted from your training. This will provide them an opportunity to use your leaner’s feedback as original content and reach out to potential target audience by posting it on various platform or industry forums with lms mobile application development. In addition to all this, it is the user-generated content that can help you to organically promote your business, eLearning course, etc.

Measurable analytics

With the increase in demand for internet and mobile devices, the learning has gone beyond time, demographics, and physical appearance. When your LMS has social media integration, then it can offer 24*7 accessibility to all the leaners and can encourage them to help themselves in achieving their daily goals. Along with this, if the learning program is using LRS, then you can store data about your learner experience thus analyzing their social media habits.

Interactive learning

Social media when connected with the Learning management system, allows the admin to create interest-based polls, surveys, and discussion thus to engage learners as well as the trainers. We all know that people are constantly connected with their mobile or laptop, therefore they tend to interact more by sharing their common interests. It not only helps to spread the main aim of the eLearning program but also enables to close communication among all the leaners.

Compound learning

With social media integration along with LMS, the learners can get to learn things in multiple styles such as by video, audio, infographics, and distribute the same by using social media. By doing so, the learning methods will become more interactive and shareable hence every one or the other person enjoys learning things quickly. This way you can also opt for third party integration which can act as a medium to deliver your training with the help of LMS.


If you are still wondering whether you should incorporate social media learning in your eLearning system or not, then you must think about it once again and perform these actions. The customized learning management system will enable social media connection, user analytics, payment integration for all learning, and business solution needs.


Major Techniques to Create eLearning Applications in 2020

eLearning application

Although eLearning application development is not a big deal for a globally stable organization still there is a difference between the task related to the educational practices and other option of the app developmental tasks. If you are thinking of app development to create a successful application in the field of educational app development than must take care of numerous standards and guidelines. Rather than any other field people Have to take care of more thing in the educational mobile app.

When you tend to create an eLearning application for another purpose you just take care of the few points here listed below:

  • The development level the stage has reached.
  • The sum and nature of available documentation.
  • How rapidly the establishment should be possible?
  • What administrations and advantages are being given?
  • Ability required to bring modified changes according to the client needs?
  • Accessibility of an online colleague for giving 24X7 help.

When you get to create an eLearning application think of its complexion and just fill up it with the required content no tension of management, on the other hand, when you render teaching service to the students an app must have lots of things some of them are listed below:

  • Developing A Powerful and Supportive Database
  • Comprehensive and Valuable Content
  • Interactive Session with Tutors with Live Tutorials
  • Offering Regular Mock and Practice Test on Various Topics
  • Easy to Login Profile with Dashboard Facility
  • Not Ignoring the Vitality of User Interface
  • Providing That Personal Element or Individual Space
  • Using the Powerful Social Media Platform to Good Effect
  • Any Idea Regarding Push Notifications
  • Integration to Reach Targeted Audience

Now as you are willing to get a successful educational software, then follow up the steps mentioned here:

1. Choose your niche

First of all, you must know about the educational field most, it is the only field with plenty of options and scope for the career similarly if you get to create a platform, for such a field then there will be a gamut of different type and purpose of the app design and function. Even in the educational purpose, you have to choose the type of eLearning app you are willing to launch and what type of audience you want to cover up. When the question comes to educational software product you have to decide whether it an inter-school or institutional management software, open-source learning management system, design virtual learning software, live class software, and many more.

2. Develop the idea and strategy

You must be aware of rules about any job that it is more effective after the strategic approach of the infrastructure going to be used in it. Several things are only important in the developmental ideas like a blueprint, elemental keys, a professional team and after that a good platform to promote the app for the maximum number of downloads. Simply if you have to get the app then you would create an idea and a type of design for your app that how you want to serve educational content to your users. You can get help from the reputed mobile app development company for the most effective results.

3. Find Your Team

After such practices, the surest and important as well as difficult step is to look for a gathered expertise team with knowledge of world-class skills for best app development. An eLearning application must have easy navigation design, as well the attractive content representation because it will be used by students most and they seek entertainment only. For example, social media integration will be a great idea to make the app very interesting to use as well as easy to monitor student performance for better academic results.

4. Promote and Advertise

The team will surely serve you the best results and synchronization between content and app design. You must contact a company that would provide you with the app development and promotional service together, you can choose a better place for such services. When you have your app in your hands, the most important step comes. No matter how interactive and intensifying your app is, because there are millions of apps at PlayStore and AppStore there is no such special thing in an eLearning application until it reaches to the user, creates its engagement and gets reviews on publicly active sites. It is the only platform where you find your app successfully emerging forward and accomplishing the motive.


The content is presented in order to serve readers with a helpful approach before getting an App to be developed. Must have a look at ideas and strategies approached by AppSquadz technologies, serving globally with the best educational mobile app development services. We have numerous satisfied clients overseas, including made easy, iCareer point, next IAS, Kautilya academy, etc.


Online Learning- How to Gain New Skills During Lockdown?

Online Learning

As per the current situation updates, the coronavirus pandemic has affected a lot of many almost countries. Also, it has gone endemic to some cities, of the world. According to the official research studies outcomes and government orders, we all have locked ourselves in our homes, on isolation mode to maintain social distancing. The COVID-19 has drawn the whole world process on hold for undepicted time. There is an official notice about the opening of lockdown yet.

In such stagnant conditions, everyone is at home. There was a time when people used to wish for some leisure time for themselves. The office persons and students always wished to have free time for relaxation and the rest of the body and mind. This lockdown has stopped almost everything. Even most busy people do not have any task to think about. People have gone tired of doing rest now, but there is something that can help at this time.

In the digital era of software and technology, people are accessing the internet and social media to pass their time in entertainment. This technology can help them with the learning experience. This time to utilize in some fruitful activities. There are incredibly uncountable ways that help you to use your free time as well as learn something new always that would be very germane in the future.

How to utilize time in learning? 

Already several online learning platforms that are on the top of the best online learning web app and software of the world. Various apps and websites like Lynda, Udemy, Khan Academy, edX, Coursera, Alison, future learn, Udacity, Bloc, code academy, etc. are emerging throughout the world as useful online learning services providers. Technology has assisted us a lot in this decade, many major companies and online platforms are serving us. However, major payment gateways, social platforms, gaming apps, food ordering apps, car and bike apps these all have gone are irremovable part of our lives.

Now the question comes to the topic of learning something new online. If we can perform other major activities online, then why not learning. According to the situations and requirements of distance learning made educational practices vital on a technical basis. Learning management system has turned technological now, you can access various courses available in a wide range of scope and future basis. Most of the people are now independent including males and females, they are doing the job from small age mostly in developing countries’ survival is very difficult. Youngsters and growing adults have to struggle so much to live a life of their choice and move ahead toward stabilizing success in order to settlement. These conditions stuck the, to leave studies in between, or they are not able to perform the activities of their choice.

In the above-explained conditions software provided by eLearning, mobile app development company enables strugglers and candidates to enjoy the studies in their free time so that they can pursue courses of their choice. Moreover, there are many courses like IT field subjects, Graphic Designing, Online MBA, Social Media Marketing, Programming, Foreign Language Courses, App Development, Film Making, Human Resource Management, etc. are available online for the finest skill development.

Why online learning is better?

eLearning mobile apps available online help to learn better, the finest functionality in the software offers stable learning. A simple software installed in mobile devices enables interesting studies. Infographics, images, animated presentations, interesting colorful content merged with vibrant colors and images, designer videos are available in the online learning platforms and applications that are very helpful to learn better. Gathered proficient knowledge and content is very easy to grab now to make learning easy the technological stakeholders have designed a vast number of interesting apps and software.

Here are the number of benefits explained downside so that you will not be able to stop yourself from accessing the online services for learning that is all time beneficial for you.

  • Career advancement and hobbies: Gathering education online offers you scope in the future career, also the internet opens up the doors of opportunities to learn uncountable courses and certification that are completely recognized from the major companies like Google.
  • Online education enables you to learn any time anywhere, even you are traveling, relaxing, or doing something different, this is very flexible and time saving for anyone.  
  • The major feature of the learning online is it is very cost-effective, it saves the cost consumed in notebooks, course, navigating to the institute or school, extracurricular fee, and other expenses are prevented by eLearning.
  • The technological education practices make a person Self-disciplinary and responsible. This is very useful to improve skills and make self-dependent and manage the habits of yourself. It teaches you to survive alone.
  • While gaining education from the web you have More choice of course topics, you can access any course of your choice, it is one of the unique features offered by the internet that you have a vast option where you must select the better option. The Number of courses is only offered by a few universities and at a very high cost but online platforms have very low-cost optional services.


The App Development Company, AppSquadz provides online learning services like live streaming, live classes, online study material, video lectures, content management, animated pen drive classes creating a virtual learning environment for the student. Betterment in educational practices and extra skills, for the advanced and stable future of this world, is made by the technological organizations making proper efforts for the beautiful future.