Online learning will not let Education Stop in Lockdown

Online learning

As there is a changing example in education, individuals are shifting from one mode to numerous methods of learning now and keeping in the psyche the education prerequisites Online classes, e-learning stages, virtual classes via web-based media stages have begun arising to proceed with the teaching-learning measure and scholarly arrangements like Education app development acting like some assistance in this pandemic circumstance for understudies.

Such stages are offering a smoothed out educational plan through very much planned incorporated parts which incorporates teacher’s handbook, understudies coursebook and practice book, appraisal backing, and teacher training.

What is Education app development and its key highlights and USPs? 

Education app development is a keen educational program that was imagined with a dream to acquire the change education that causes understudies to learn better through Empowered Teaching, Easy Learning.

The program is equipped towards making intuitive learning encounters with its assorted substance and action-based learning highlights that make a participative learning experience, in this way improving the psychological capacities of understudies and expanding their ability to focus. It additionally offers a smoothed out educational plan through very much planned incorporated segments which incorporate Teachers Handbook, Students Coursebook and Practice book, Assessment Support, Digital Content, Resource Kit, and Teacher Training.

How would you intend to make a new biological system in schools? 

Education app development is making an eco-framework in which schools see the educational plan program differently than they see their present sellers. It goes about as a scholastic accomplice to the school which normally implies that the occupation doesn’t get over once the ideal item/arrangement is delivered to the school.

Thorough teaching and learning materials alongside the help of its organization make it a capable scholastic accomplice whose achievement is connected to the school’s prosperity. With the schools previously grappling with difficulties like confirmations, funds, marking, teacher shortage and so on this mutual duty in scholastics comes as a consolation, so this makes the school tilt towards educational plan arrangement, and Education app development company specifically.

What changes have you seen amid the COVID-19 circumstance? 

Education app development, in contrast to different items in the business, really got a lift during school building terminations achieved by the Covid-19 pandemic. Schools were bolted and books didn’t reach on schedule, Education app developer brought the whole educational program online, utilizing a digital entry and mobile app, and prepared the teachers to lead online classes so that teaching/learning keeps during the lockdown. Simply in this period, the online teaching and learning through Education app development came to over 1.5 lac understudies across India.

To stay aware of the interest and its movement, the Education app development uphold group needed to adjust to the test and locally available schools to the program practically 100% distantly. Indeed, even the new schools who bought in for Education app development during this period were joined through online engagements. This significantly diminished our working costs and demonstrated a better approach to deal with our school tasks.

How is this application helping teachers and understudies with online learning? 

The teachers associate with understudies over a video call where they can show or share digital just as disconnected materials to engage and all the more critically, since the substance on the app is totally matched up with the scholastic books which the understudies have, and digital assets gave to the teacher are totally in a state of harmony with the evaluations they should give throughout the year.

What are your perspectives on the opening of schools amid COVID19? 

That is for the public authority to choose premise bigger interests. Nonetheless, what satisfies us is the way that our schools and we are prepared for any circumstance in the future and regardless of whether schools don’t open for the whole of the leftover scholarly year, the learning won’t stop.

In 2018 Education app development had numerous Schools with simply over a large number of understudies however this has now developed to around hundreds of schools and more than a lakh understudies in a time of only a few years. We anticipate that these figures should now develop at a lot quicker movement in the coming years. In the COVID drove lockdown stage, we have seen an expansion in the app downloads by 500% and the utilization of the application by guardians has additionally expanded by 70% which is an enormous bounce.


We will grow more online professional development intercessions for teachers, some key state sheets, and increase educational plan taking a gander at new open doors like coding and so forth in NEP 2020. AppSquadz, the leading Education app development company emerged with the vision to give a total scholarly arrangement guaranteeing better learning for the understudies as far as ideas, aptitudes, and comprehensive development and supporting teachers to turn out to be more compelling and arranged while teaching in class.


Top 5 Online Live Classes Platforms for Successful Remote Learning in 2021

Online Live Class

Online education is easily accessible around the world it is more accessible to the learners and education seekers across the world. Learners living in the rural parts of various countries lack educational services and proper online learning platform even we can see this in many parts of our own country where there is a lack of teacher’s physical appearance.

Along with this. not only the rural learners there are many people with a financial crisis who cannot keep studies continue and have to do the job to keep their studies continue. That time due to job work they do not get time to keep studies continue. Online learning software enables working people to enhance their skills and keep studies continue with job simultaneously.

The Growing Demand for Online Learning

Technology has been stable in the American classroom for the past 5 to 10 years that means around a decade. Old school perspective and the bulk of screens, projectors for the smart class are no more going to fill the classroom. Remote learning through online learning software has made many things simpler and cost-saving.

The traditional classroom has huge discrimination between learners. Students of many schools and universities require iPads and tablets for a better experience in concepts.

Key Features of Live Streaming Classroom Platforms

Live a streaming platform is a software integrated with web or cloud service that allows to broadcast live class, upload the video lectures, and share the video content worldwide. When it comes to broadcasting and hosting of video. Trainers and instructors have different requirements and specific needs differ from other industries.

Here are a few features that specifically help to create a proper platform for live streaming lectures and other online learning material. Our amazing live streaming platform development services create an urge in learners to study.

1. Security and Privacy Settings

Live streaming video platforms are loaded with security features, secure video upload, including password protection, end-to-end encryption, domain restrictions, and more. These tools allow complete access to control content management systems.

2. White-Label Service

White-label video stream over world-class Online Live Class help to do broadcasting and branding for paid promotions also without any kind of company watermark. The software you will get will have a completely transparent background only for your institution.

3. API Access

Application Programming Interface (API) is a tool that enables a customized creation of program with interactive integration of social media as well as another log in options. This is also used to create on demand custom mobile applications for various commercial purposes.

4. Video Monetization

Freelance teachers and instructors can create a package of the Online Live Class and earn at their best from the audience along with doing goodwill. This is very useful for monetization as well as enhance the earning and learning experience on the app better than the manual.

The Top 5 Live Stream Classes Platforms

Numerous platforms are appropriate for facilitating and streaming on the web addresses. You ought to pick a platform-dependent on its capacity to meet the particular necessities of your organization.

Here are a couple of the best online talk platforms for live streaming platform and other instructive substance.

IBM Cloud Video 

IBM Cloud Video utilizes the innovation behind the administration once known as UStream. Because of its long stretches of involvement with internet streaming, the platform highlights numerous ground-breaking alternatives and supports scholarly arrangements remembered for their live streaming and broadcast instruments.


Kaltura is a ground-breaking, huge Online Live Class equipped towards enormous foundations. Kaltura’s platform controls live and on-request learning encounters through their cloud-based video administrations for instruction.


Vimeo procured Livestream in 2017, and the administration currently gives a live streaming platform through Vimeo Live. The equivalent goes for white-name marking and adaptation choices. The Vimeo Live API is accessible on this arrangement, and custom plans are valued at much more significant levels.


The following of the online live class platforms we’ll investigate is Muvi. Muvi’s e-learning video entrance has a wide scope of highlights to live-stream classes. This platform underpins video adaptation using each of the three significant techniques: memberships, pay-per-view, and advertisements. Muvi additionally incorporates admittance to this API and white-mark video players.


The main live video streaming platform for instruction, Panopto is an online talk platform that was intended to serve colleges and other huge organizations. Their answers incorporate committed software for address catch and video search.

Online training is a way to grow. Educators who have been in the classroom for even many years have been compelled to take on a pristine job that can be very overpowering.


While the present status of the world has placed numerous educators in somewhat of a squeeze, web-based learning has demonstrated to be significant outstanding. Live streaming classes software development company named AppSquadz provide better Online Live Class experience though software development rather than essentially transferring notes causes understudies to process the materials, particularly if they are accustomed to viewing their instructors address face to face.


How to step up your Online Learning Experience to a better Phase?

Online Learning

Online learning is the chance of browsing a various scope of expert degrees and recognitions, going to addresses/classes whenever from cell phones or an open to learning condition, you’ll generally discover more than one convincing motivation to seek after online learning. Notwithstanding the advantages that this creative idea brings to the table, is there something that should be possible to improve the learning cycle? The response to this inquiry lies just here, as this article uncovers the main 8 techniques that can be executed to take the online learning experience to the following level.

In this our latest blog post we will consider the best strategies that can be used to enhance eLearning experience:

1. Successful Approach 

eLearning mobile app productivity is normally controlled by the cash, time, and assets that are urgent for getting wanted outcomes. This implies the learning cycle turns out to be better if fewer costs and less time are included. The thought here is to figure a viable methodology where both profitability and productivity can be expanded.

2. Courses Empowered with Videos 

As computerized recordings witness huge ubiquity, joining them into the eLearning cycle would carry an adaptable and advantageous flare to education. Hence, recordings ought to never be disregarded as they are an advantage for instructors, understudies, and Elearning mobile apps as well. All things considered, having recordings would prompt:

3. Grasp the Power of Communication 

Correspondence is the way to fruitful online education and, with time, this field has seen some emotional upgrades. In this time of systems administration, the courses should take advantage of the capability of correspondence through web-based media channels, messages, understudy visit gatherings, and the sky is the limit from there, giving understudies a medium to associate with their co-students and educators as well.

4. Actualize Virtual Reality (VR) 

Augmented Reality (VR) is a moderately new technology that has assumed control over the universe of eLearning at an unfathomable speed. The fundamental purpose of VR in education depends on how the human mental capacities. On a normal, the mind is equipped for recollecting 10% of what understudies read, 20% of what they hear, and about 90% of what is being done or invigorated.

5. Adaptable Lesson Plans 

Presently, when online learning, understudies do have the comfort of learning at their own pace, however, risks are the exercise plan may in any case be traditional. Rather than adhering to the old-fashioned standards, courses need to investigate adaptable exercise plans curated as indicated by the particular needs of the understudy. With this, they won’t need to battle at one theme for a considerable length of time however rather break things through with concentrated investigation time on troublesome ideas.

6. A Team of Competent and Skilled Teachers 

Regardless of how best in class or remarkable the eLearning software may be, it ought to consistently be sponsored by a group of equipped and talented instructors who take courses as per the prerequisites of the understudy. Such a course includes a restrained timetable, all-around thought educational plan, and related components that would make the learning cycle as consistent as it very well maybe. In any event, when moving to online education, the nearness of qualified educators ends up being basic.

7. Result-Oriented Assessments 

eLearning mobile app developer do realize that, similar to customary confirmation and expert courses, eCourses additionally evaluate the information on understudies through appraisals and’s an endless supply of these tests an understudy gets granted with an endorsement of acknowledgment. However, pause, imagine a scenario in which somebody neglects to accomplish the normal score. This is the place result-arranged evaluations have a significant task to carry out. This fundamentally examines the fields where understudies couldn’t score and afterward gives basic bit by bit learning programs followed by tests to assist them with improving.

8. Adequate Funds to Translate Methods into Action 

The pith of condition of-craftsmanship eLearning framework isn’t just founded on the modules however the measure of cash that you are eager to spend on making it beneficial. On the off chance that you do not have the necessary accounts for building up an outstanding online course, at that point a decent practice is to look for help from dependable online loan specialists. This is because the teaching method of online education is like monsters of the web and should be treated as a central business, where you need suitable planning and expected sources to satisfy these requests.


Each inventive methodology accompanies a cost supported by eLearning mobile app development services it tends to be an extraordinary alternative to interpret strategies vigorously. Thusly, when you are wanting to make an effective online course, at that point do consider us and previously mentioned practices and notice the distinction it can make to the learning cycle.


What are the advantages of Integrating LMS into Education?


Education has been always the most necessary part of national growth and development. Things have changed a lot and are still changing from this decade most. The introduction of technological assistance to the world like smartphones and other portable electronic devices has completely changed the aspect of every activity we perform. Technology has most helped learning and training as well in the education and corporate sector. Old traditional methods got beaten up with the learning management system methodology introduced by software research and development organizations.

By using the LMS tools and software the colleges, universities and even schools got great benefits in various processes. LMS is open source and personalized also, it is up to you and the purpose you are working for. This blog post will tell you the benefits of opting for LMS development for training and learning purposes.

Centralized Pool of Information Learning management system is a centralized space where data can be easily processed, stored, and shared in consolidated form. All the study material like notes, course content, lecture videos are available at one place to access anytime and anywhere from even remote location that serves a flexible learning and good use of leisure time. LMS completely minimizes the problems of administration and maintenance of student lists or details including learning material.

Personalized Approach

There are few hours made in school time and those are divided into few periods of several minutes maybe 30 to 40 minutes now let’s have a small analysis. There are 30 to 40 students minimum in a classroom and somewhere more like in university or government school there are more students. That time how a teacher can concentrate on every student personally and some students are disturbing in class that time the students that are curious it will not be able to concentrate. LMS is most successful in such operations.

Anytime, Anywhere Accessibility

Software is designed in such a way at LMS App Development Company, so that it can be installed in portable remote devices, and the student can access learning material and lecture videos from anywhere any time. Only LMS can serve this specialty as per the convenience of the learner. This facilitates a path to learn at their own pace. This is the top reason for its most preference by students in online learning.

Flexibility in Teaching

Traditional classroom learning methods used to have a single one and the only methodology to teach students that is the writing and learning methods. But this does not imply on every student. Because every student is not similarly capable this is why the old learning system was discriminative. LMS encourages flipped learning, storytelling, gamification, rapid learning, and social learning. It is a great blend of modern teaching patterns.

Interactive Learning

A Learning management system powered by great ethics of skilled team at LMS Software Development Company can enhance the concentration and generate interest for studies in students of every age group. Mostly the children on growth age are very serious and the LMS software is surely synchronized with their mind. Instructors can use it as there all-time permanent online tutoring platform it engages a large number of learners with you.

Room for Customization

The logo, design, name, integration, experience at the software everything can be customized according to your comfort. The software designed is highly customizable with reminders, notifications, restricting attempts, authentication, and more. Your specific teaching methodology can be surely integrated into the software.  

Advanced Tracking System

LMS have special racker that trace the activity of student to figure out the performance of the learner. The assignments, test series, sample papers, manuals, instructions, and other materials are found at online learning software. Teachers find it very handy and helpful to catch results over any time. Teachers and trainers find it very comfortable to perform test checking online.

Involvement of Guardians

The parent-teacher communication through the software introduced by the Education Application Development Company is comfortable. The teacher that wants to tell about students to its parents and the annual parent-teacher meeting is not successful. But through the LMS software parents and teachers can contact each other anytime.


Since everything from the study material to course content present at a single location. Now the teacher can perform tasks like grading, reporting, and feedback, easily at any time. This fast forward process lets students give time in other activities, for example, music or sports. Additionally, fast course completion helps to get time to revise. Different groups of students and teachers feel comfortable in Broadway. The comfort with extraordinary functional features of the software introduces an amazing user experience.


We are trusted globally as the Education App Development Company willingly serves the best educational software development services to integrate technology with education leading to enhancement in the learning system. LMS is very helpful and engaging to help out tutors to perform teaching with all kinds of students easily. Grab the opportunity no and contact us for amazing services.


Top 6 Listed Visual Design Tips for Effective Learning


Design and in visual form at online learning platforms. Traditional learning is no more effective numerous drawbacks can be seen accordingly from the several research studies present on different platforms like the internet and social media. There are numerous reasons why eLearning is important and attractive as well on the Elearning mobile app development.

Why designer integration important?

Designs are the overall look of the software; it is very similar to the framework that encompasses the better functioning of a car but the model above fit that gives a look that makes a car worth billion is just the body above it. Otherwise, the buyer will not agree to pay such a huge amount for a model without cover. This is how a designing process worth enhancing the value of things. The first impression is 94% dependent on the design that is why design can make a powerful impression.

The old-style traditional methodologies of learning used to be the reading and writing process where the student had to write as well as learn the thing but this is a high IQ oriented learning process where an average child has no surety that it can get it or not. Because a synchronized activity of writing and learning is not possible for every child of every age.

Now the new aspect of education where technology has integrated it into online learning is imparting equal education to all. The design makes learning more engaging children from the very start to find studies a point of fun and interaction, let’s explore up the importance of design and how it should be used to make eLearning app perfect:

Keep the design minimal

Educational things or the process related to learning or writing are always suites to the simple criterion in the perspective of design or layout. It reduces confusion in mind and keeps the students engaged to the point it is using for. The entire design is made a bit easy and simpler interface. The whole is aimed to reduce clutter and minimize space coverage. A simple, distraction-free modish design is expected to be in the eLearning software. Unnecessary images, text, border, and colors are avoided. Mostly white space should be preferred.

Use design to guide learners

A design with white color mixed with the integration of another light color. Course navigation and content highlighting become easy with the bright colors over a light background. Attention crawling tactics like motion graphics, highlighting, and annotations can be effective. Most students find studies boring but a focused designing of the educational software can create an urge of learning in them. Simplicity with tricky ideas will surely engage users with its interface improving the user experience.

Only use a handful of colors

Colors act like triggers for the human brain, colors can enhance concentration and power of memory also. Different text in different colors acts as a good dose of concept from the course content. A cohesive set of content indifferent colors attracts children as well as mature students. Differentiation between the content according to its importance and level of difficulty becomes easy with the help of colors. Guidelines for color usage will surely help you out to get a new palette in software.

Choose the right fonts

The Font is a very significant and effective speaker of the emotions in the text of the writer and gives a volume to the brand. A simple font in case of eLearning app is perfect, it should be easy to understand not too stylish. Mostly the fonts like Calibri, open sans, Roboto, and Arial are used to the extent. A readable font that would be able to understand in both standard small and capital. Avoid fonts like Papyrus, Comic Sans, and Impact can decrease the value of the content you use. Maintain size for heading and menu, font plays an important role in making the context attractive.

Be thoughtful about image choices

The choice of the image is very important, images are the most attractive point of the content you put in the software. Image is a simpler way, to represent the context you want to show. An image should support the content you are adding and it should be attractive and simple as well. Do not just use an image to fill the blank space, put some effort in section of the image. Use clipart, arrows, punctuations, for better representation. make a good effort to the educational development with software design and engaging user interface. Attractive AI integration and UX that can surely make your software interactive.


In an eLearning app development process, the better representation of the content that is the core of the software should have a good description. We have world-class skilled developers and designers work in synchronization for better app completion. Contact us for any kind of assistance for eLearning app development.


New Education Policy 2020- Renovating Education with better Ordinance

The government of India after a complete analysis and proper discussion released the new education policy on Wednesday, 29th of July 2020. The law and order have completely changed the 34-year-old national education policy to introduce a new pattern of learning to the students that also includes online learning.


  • Universalization of ECCE to secondary education.
  • The name of MHRD changed to the education ministry.
  • Public investment in the education sector to reach 6% of GDP.
  • 5+3+3+4 curricular and pedological education.
  • Common standards of learning for private and government schools.
  • eContent in regional language and AI integration in assessments.

Universal Access

The NEP 2020 prepared with rules and regulations to provide universal access to school education at all standards from preschool to secondary. The policy has the inclusion of bringing back dropouts, infrastructure support, and innovative education centers into a common stream. Providing multiples methodology to enhance learning in both formal and non-formal teaching modes. Association of well-trained social workers and counselors with schools to track student’s activity and their IQ levels. It offers open learning for classes 8, 5, and 3 even by open schools of states and NIOS. Secondary education courses that are similar to the 10 or 10+2 like life enrichment programs, vocational courses, and adult literacy.

Early Childhood Care & Education

The 10+2 structure of the schooling period is going to be replaced by a 5+3+3+4 curricular structure following to ages 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years respectively. This will bring up an age group study that will include pre-schooling or Anganwadi with global recognition.

Attaining Foundational Literacy and Numeracy

The policy also includes an articulation called Foundational Literacy and Numeracy that strictly represents that there will be no specialized strong separation between all three streams, vocational, and extracurricular activities in schools. Also, the students will get professional training including internships from class 6. A National Book Promotion Policy will also be formulated. A National Mission on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy will be established by the MHRD. 

Reforms in School Curricula and Pedagogy

This will aim the holistic development of learners using key 21st-century skills aimed to reduce curricular content to enhance critical thinking and essential online learning with a major focus on experimental learning. This will let students find to learn more versatile things. Students will have more choice and flexibility in taking the subjects of interest. Vocational education after 6 will make them professionally stable. A new and comprehensive National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE) 2021, will be devised by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) in consultation with the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).

Multilingualism and the Power of Language

The NEP 2020 advocates for local language/mother-tongue/regional language as the medium of instruction at least till Grade 5. This is not a compulsion but a strong recommendation from the education system. Sanskrit will be offered in all standards from primary education to higher education as an option for learners with a 3-language formula. An interesting thing is several foreign languages will also be available in the schools.

Assessment Reforms

A new National Assessment Centre, PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development), will be set up as a center to check out the standard and pattern. All students will give school exams in class 8, 5, and 3. The students of class 10 and 12 will give the board exams but will be differentiated to avoid mug up and grade-oriented learning.

Higher Education:

Holistic Multidisciplinary Education

The policy in higher education provides a holistic, broad-based, ad multi-disciplinary undergraduate education with the flexible curricular course, integration of vocational education, creative combinations of subjects with multiple entries, and exit points providing proper certification.

UG education can be of 3 or 4 years 

The versatile options for certification within the period of 3 or 4 years, and allowance for entry or exit in between the period. The course gives a certificate in 1 year, diploma in 2-year, bachelor’s degree in 3 years and a bachelor’s degree with research in 4 years.


Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) will make a proper layout on higher education, except for legal and medical education. This establishment has power and technological assistance in learning to channelize according to standards and norms.  

Financial support for students

The National Scholarship Portal will have support, track, and foster service in order to progress of students and help out to receive scholarships. Private HEIs will also offer scholarships and free ships to the students that need, the government organization will encourage them for it.


The new education policy has everything upgraded and reformed according to the system. NEP is supporting online learning. We are trusted across the globe, as the best mobile app development company. You can contact us for further assistance and consultation.