Forthcoming Mobile App Development Trends to be followed in 2020 and Ahead

Mobile App Development Trends

Technology has continued to grow at a rapid pace and disrupted our lives by presenting us with smart solutions that fulfill our demands. Things that were science fiction till yesterday are today’s reality. From the advent of the personal computer, smartphones to the ascent of technologies like AI, Wearables, Beacon, and IoT technology has been exponentially progressing. As of now, when talking about the fastest-growing areas of technology, mobile technology is one of the fast-growing areas. Organizations are harnessing the power of technology, especially the mobile application industry is revamping their reality.

To accomplish enormous growth and sustainability, each organization needs to integrate the most recent mobile app development trends. The global app development industry is supposed to ascend to 6.3 trillion USD by 2021, and by 2023 the apps are expected to generate a revenue of 935.2 Billion USD. Mobile apps are enhancing the UX by making it speedy, simple, and effortless.

Recent Mobile App Development Trends 2020

New trends are emerging as people are shifting towards mobiles. Across the years, the mobile app industry will witness further improvements. In 2020, these are some of the trends that can be seen in action.

AI presenting the apps smarter

Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly the most suitable technology, making apps smarter. Smart assistants like Siri and Alexa are already in the market to accomplish particular tasks on voice commands. There is plenty of scopes where Artificial Intelligence can be adopted as a robust tool and can be integrated with mobile apps them considerably smarter.

Android instant apps

The user experience of the apps has been better after the launch of instant apps by Google in 2016. Instant apps act like websites and present an assortment of features to hold people with diverse functionalities. Instant apps are smaller in size, possess functionalities of a website, offer excellent user experience, and don’t utilize device memory.

IoT adoption in healthcare

Mobile apps integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) are meant to monitor patient’s health and provide them with health-related suggestions and tracking their fitness. Real-time health monitoring is the need of the hour right now, and it can be executed by a mobile app that integrates IoT, which not only saves time but also improves security.

The dominance of wearables

Wearables like smartwatches, fitness bands, health trackers or smart rings have changed the way Wearables are used in today’s world. These devices can be integrated with smartphones and will become more independent. By 2020, we will witness the increase in the usage of fitness trackers and a lessened dependence of wearable devices on smartphones.

Use of blockchain in mobile apps

Data breach security issues happen daily because of which the personal data is on the verge of exploitation. For this security purpose, Blockchain-based apps can turn out to be a savior. Blockchain is a distributed ledger and applies a cryptographic layer to present data security. In 2020, the Blockchain apps will be dominating the mobile app industry for sure.

Accelerated mobile pages (AMP)

Website building and its maintenance is not a simple task. However, practicing a stripped-down version of HTML, i.e. AMP that accelerates the pace of mobile pages, can be performed smoothly. AMP lets mobile app developers build bulky websites & pages with high-speed loading and lower bounce rates to realize tremendous performance on mobile devices.

Prominence edge computing

Data handling activities, for example, computation of data & its storage can be put nearer to the spot where it is demanded, which saves time plus bandwidth. The influence of such activities permits unlimited data to be processed and more reliable storage with stabler data analytics.

Impact of 5G Wireless Services

Speed is the chief concern that comes in our heads after reading 5. By the end of 2020, we may see 5G services in action, and it will go to great extents to transform the app development industry. Alongside the high speed, the 5G will introduce various additional features like data security, 3D gaming, augmented reality, to name a few. With such elevated requirements and services, mobile app developers should design the applications in a manner that meets the ideal prerequisites.

The evolution of beacon technology

For transmitting signals, Beacon makes use of Bluetooth technology which is one of the most vital mobile app development technologies used in museums, hotels, hospitals, and so on. They are remote, simple to utilize and pretty efficient in location tracking and proximity marketing. They have a considerable extent of applications when converged with IoT, for example, mobile payments beacons, automated machine learning algorithms, and beacon treasure hunting.

[Read More:- Top Emerging Technologies & Trends]


In 2020, the mobile app development industry will continue to progress with all the above-discussed mobile app development trends. New technologies bring in new possibilities, but its quick adoption is uncertain. By understanding these trends, its adoption can be made more accessible. Since you are aware of the trends now, you won’t confront any difficulty coexisting with them. But if you still face any trouble getting along with them, you can connect with a mobile app development company.


Top Emerging Technologies & Trends that will Drive the Future by 2020

Emerging Technologies & Trends

There are some innovation inclines that bubble out after some time, and after that, there are the most recent emerging technologies & trends that stay aloof and afterward gain footing after it either gets significant subsidizing or an industry abruptly coordinate it in their procedure. Numerous such advances have just made their unmistakable imprint in 2018 and are just a couple of more applications from getting to be standard. Those are the ones that we have recorded as the up and coming and most recent innovation patterns that would move toward becoming slanting continuously 2020.

Right away, here are the innovation patterns for 2020 –

Artificial intelligence 

AI to a great wonder has been proceeding to have its spot in the rundown of top innovation patterns for very a few years and now has discovered a place in 2020 innovation forecasts also. PCs are presently fit for finding out about the world similarly to us people. This jump artificial intelligence ability has been conceivable on account of the enormous increment in registering force and information.

The speed at which AI is developing will set it up to embrace increasingly human tasks by 2020.


The eventual fate of advances in 2020 will stay inadequate without Voice. When the primary connection between voice and innovation used to be the point at which we used to chat on our cell phones is a distant memory. The present time of content informing being the leader in web-based business and a predominant piece of clients’ cooperation with their gadgets, is likewise gradually cruising us by. 

While innovations like Alexa and Siri have just familiar us with the intensity of voice in leading ordinary undertakings, the applications have stayed insignificant. In any case, the future that it has set for itself has set Voice-based applications in the rundown of innovation patterns for 2020.


In a year or two, Chatbots would have arrived at their market potential, with most of the organizations utilizing them to rethink their client commitment arrangements. In any case, by 2020, chatbots would come at an entire distinctive level with the reconciliation of NLP.

PCs, applications, and gadgets will currently have the option to comprehend the genuine significance behind what is said. Mockery plays on words, and two-sided connotation settings will be evident to the up and coming advancements with the assistance of NLP. What’s more, clients will presently have the option to ask of things in their appropriate method for talking and not in words that are “right” for machines and programming to get it.


The rate at which Blockchain development has put it at a significant point in the rundown of top innovation patterns 2020. Blockchain innovation is digging in for the long haul. While pervasive in just a bunch of enterprises at present, by 2020, the world will see its mass appropriation.

Cryptographic forms of money, the significant Blockchain component, will likewise wind up separated into numerous monetary standards and would be drifted in the market only like fiat financial forms. Individuals who are as of now unconscious of what Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies are and where they can spend them will begin doing their ordinary exchanges with them.


IoT Development has been ending up in the rundown of best in class innovations to pay unique minds to, since the past numerous years and now again in the outline of the year 2020 advancements.

Even though it has been somewhat delayed in interfacing gadgets and home with one another for a long while, the future displays an alternate story for IoT inside and out. Practically everything would be made brilliant whenever.

Edge Computing 

One of the least discussed, yet one of the most recent up and coming advances will become the overwhelming focus the day IoT turns into a standard innovation. While organizations are directly working efficiently in their Cloud arrangement, things are going to change genuinely soon.

Edge computing is a figuring component where everything from – data handling, content gathering, and its conveyance are arranged near the wellspring of data. Inactivity and availability challenges, transmission capacity limitations, and higher usefulness are a portion of the advantages that get installed at the edge of the source.


When 2020 begins, the world would be under the spell of quick web association and all the different advantages that come appended with it. 5g will discover its place in the market very soon, carrying with itself pros, for example, high web speed, lower inactivity, and higher limits. The benefits that will make it one of the prime future mechanical patterns in 2020 and past. The advantages would make it feasible for independent vehicles and remote VR to work with insignificant specialized reluctances. The upside of 5G would be two-overlay. In addition to the fact that it would improve the client experience by offering higher information rates when we talk by VR/AR, yet it will likewise be a lot of wellbeing favoring, which is the place inertness point comes in.

Facial Recognition 

Your face will turn into the perfect innovation accomplice by 2020. What began with iPhone X with its face ID will be taken ahead by numerous businesses that might now utilize your face for a progression of various applications?

From the present capacity to open your telephone just by taking a gander at it, the innovation in 2020 will enable you to open your home and vehicle, which would be associated with the web. You would even have the option to pull back cash from the ATM utilizing only your face.


Automation has pushed forward from its inclusion in the creation lines. There are a few different ways computerization will make its essence around us by getting to be one of the most anticipated new advances of 2020.

From bundling juice boxes to conveying pizza in self-driving vehicles, mechanization is quickly climbing the natural way of life from doing routine undertakings to much increasingly convoluted, necessary leadership errands.

Big Data 

With the ever-growing measure of association among machines and people, the gadgets that we convey with us each waking hour have turned into a big archive of information. Information that is holding on to be changed over into essential data and knowledge for organizations to use for offering better assistance.


It has just been set up that Chatbots are molding the business development story by making business accessible 24*7. The coming years will discover the change magnet ending up progressively close to home and smart with the intensity of AI and prescient examination innovations.


With the growing emerging technologies & trends in the market, it will be worth watching to see what these technologies and trends can do in 2020. We all are awaiting that the trends will help in a better digital transformation. Users are already curious to know what’s next for 2020 and how it will cater to their needs than before. If you wish to keep track of these technologies, then stay tuned with more upcoming news and information regarding the same.


An Overview of EHR Development for Healthcare Mobile Apps

EHR Development

The healthcare sector is extensively using EHR software, and the reason behind it is it was touted as a key to increasing of quality care. An electronic health record is a systematic compilation of patient and community electronically-stored health data in a digital form. As per the reports of Grand View Research, in 2018 the global EHR market worth $20.4 billion and by 2023 it is anticipated to touch $33.294 billion. As of today, the EHR technology has grown as an upper-level system that assembles, interprets, and maintains information for prompt treatments, medical prescriptions, and much further. The application of EHR development has got lots of potentials, and we will be discussing it in detail and unveil various aspects here.

The electronic health record may comprise the below-written information:

  1. Practices demographics
  2. Information about the Insurance
  3. Medical records and procedures
  4. Health evaluation notes, graphics, health vitals
  5. Medical examinations, lab results, radiology images, etc
  6. Hypersensitivities
  7. Prescriptions and medication plans
  8. Analytical data of medical sufferers
  9. Billing and additional data for patient management

How does EHR work?

EHR software systems operate efficiently. The healthcare specialist inscribes data regarding a new patient into the EHR system, which later generates a unique digital record. This record portrays the patient’s card where the latest health status can be updated and extended in the real-time. The computerization of medical data and EHR development presents plenty of advantages for medical practitioners and patients both.

Benefits of EHR

Patients can benefit from EHR software in a few ways, namely:

  1. Track and save personal healthcare data efficiently
  2. Realize enhanced and on-time medical attention
  3. Receive a faster and better diagnosis and further treatment
  4. Have rarer mistakes in personal healthcare records
  5. Deal with wellness concerns in a cost and time-efficient method
  6. Get personalized reminders and appointments
  7. Access the patient’s portal anytime and anywhere

Practitioners and healthcare providers get the following benefits from EHR development:

  • Progress in practice and the hospital’s effectiveness and productivity
  • Simplification in the job for medical personnel
  • Enriched quality of medicinal services such as superior e-prescription abilities
  • Consolidated and updated digital medical records
  • Interoperability over diverse healthcare professionals and departments
  • Stable and uniform interaction in different hospitals, laboratories, medicine stores, insurance providers, and so on
  • Feasibility of aged patient monitoring and consultations
  • Lessened bureaucracy
  • Elimination of flaws/faults/errors
  • More meticulous patient administration
  • Option to get and assess patient data for interpretation, refined service, and more
  • Intelligence to supervise organizational responsibilities and billing

EHR software development owns several benefits, and this list can be continued. The gist is that the Digital medical records are identified to be safe, readily accessible, and united across medical professionals, practices, and patients.

Special features of EHR design

The design plays a crucial role in EHR development, and EHR design from human information processing and perception are equally important. Indeed, the designs contribute to the smooth functioning of the software.

Features and processes of EHR design creation

Keep in vision all the below-stated considerations during EHR design creation:

EHR design process is to be iterative

The design should be such that it initially focuses on the needs of the users. So you have to be prepared with a well-planned software concept and detailed functional documentation. So it is advised to have a consultation with medical practitioners, attendants, patients, and other parties associated with the system so that your design is apt to the user needs.

Simple documentation and recording layouts for practitioners

As the software deals with an enormous amount of data, EHR usability is crucial. So, try implementing eliminate undesirable checkboxes, optimize areas for filling in the information, exclude data replication, apply easily to manage templates and forms, etc. The layout is to be such that practitioners can document and report information easily and built-in shortcuts and search intelligence can help to limit work with documentation.

Well thought out processes, roles & responsibilities

The EHR workflow should start with a review and update (if any) in the patient’s medical records so that it can be delegated to the patient before visiting the doctor. Practitioners should not be confused with the tasks; instead, the system should direct jobs to attendants and other medical staffs to perform their part. And a smart notification system and visual alerts might play a significant role in managing the EHR software by both the parties at the specified time.

Patient-centered representation in EHR design

EHR programs take the patient’s history as the essence of the service. Collected data should be accessible, simple to review, exhibited in chronological sequence, and acceptable for doctors and patients.

Association of the mobile app developers for available EHR screen design

Last but not least, during the EHR design stage, the platform and its scalability should be examined. The assistance of mobile app developers lets avoidance of inefficiencies and expensive variations on the way which enhances the product’s operability and pace.

How to get started with EHR software development:

In the next couple of years, EHR development, particularly concerning recording apps in the healthcare system, will certainly be a lucrative segment. In the form of SaaS (Software as a System), the Web-based and mobile responsive EHR systems will offer advantages such as augmented data usage, backups, soundness & security, expense reduction, and performance competence.

It is mandatory to undertake with the following steps if you aspire to start with EHR development sensibly:

  1. Establish definite purposes for the electronic health record system.
  2. Propose the EHR program adoption in the healthcare organization beforehand.
  3. Discover an experienced EHR software development vendor who can help you with the same.
  4. Build a detailed functional blueprint along with the selected team.
  5. Conduct surveys and investigation within the target audience of your future software.
  6. Compose an inherent and feature-rich EHR software program.
  7. Develop EHR functionality that complies with the health industry’s measures and guidelines.
  8. Contemplate including technology modifications in following EHR software versions like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, the Big Data, Blockchain, and other new emerging technologies.

Last words

Technologies are advancing each sector and allowing them to furnish than ever before. In this blog, we have discussed how EHR development has supported the healthcare industry so far. To conclude, the healthcare industry is amongst those industries whose operating environment keeps on changing always. If you are a doctor or associated with this industry and convinced to get this modern healthcare solution as cybersecurity & data protection is a focus element in any Electronic Health Record system, don’t forget to reach a healthcare app development company. Discuss what to want to have an application that will serve you as well as your patients and their family members.


How is Blockchain and JavaScript Best Suited in Mobile App Development?

Blockchain and JavaScript

The Blockchain and JavaScript development company together have realized the potential in combining the two technologies in the process of app development. The blend of two techniques offers developers and programmers the facility to develop applications with pellucidity, improved security, and at low costs.

Technology today is evolving at high-speed and has accelerated the growth of app development at the stake of innovations. One of the promising platforms- Lisk allows users to develop apps using Blockchain using JavaScript code without any expertise in Blockchain technology. Being a quite flexible multi-paradigm, JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that has many functional patterns that people are still keen to learn and work on it.

Abecedarian developers can also have benefited from Blockchain technology.  It has restructured the traditional app development processes by enhancing the transactions and efficacy of the application. It has been seen that Blockchain and JavaScript form an unprecedented combination. So what makes the above technologies so better.

How has this combination altered the approach of developing a platform for apps?

Whatever platform is chosen, there is always a need for authority at the central level to look into the interactions with the user, like for instance it is the case with eBay or messaging portals like Twitter there is a body that takes care of the interactions with the users.

Next, it becomes essential to safeguard and manage the data owned by these authorities. With decentralized platforms like Blockchain, there is no need to secure or maintain the data. One is only accountable for its data without depending upon the data provided by any other party. It helps in improving the network size and interactions with the user.

How developing an app on Blockchain different for the developers?

No wonder that traditional and Blockchain app development technologies have much in common, like the way of fetching data from API, front-end development. But the significant difference that the developers feel when working with the latter technology is that there are a variety of options to collect data from trustworthy sources.

As the developers need to be aware of the traditional database and the Blockchain, they should know to use the nodes to solve inconsistencies that keep arriving and be competent enough to handle and take security measures as and when needed.

How is JavaScript a suitable choice for Blockchain?

Using JavaScript with Blockchain applications makes apps readily available to everyone. It is best to choose JavaScript as it keeps upgrading itself with new developments and improvements, for instance, ES 2015. The reason that it is available on any browser with any of the front-end and back-end processors, with the facility to be used on any number of nodes, like GUI clients and command-line interfaces has made it a suitable choice to team up JavaScript with Blockchain.

What type of applications are developed using the above combination?

When combined, both the technologies work to develop decentralized applications that need the developer is used to create at least the server-client apps. In the Blockchain, a developer has to deal with nodes and other complexities, which requires one to have experience with handling the nodes. This helps in developing applications that are pellucid with no particular authority to make changes to the data and information that is available to everyone. The apps provide efficient communication and interactions, and the data which is once available in the system remains there forever.


Though the programming language has several resources to work on, a developer needs to be an expert in JavaScript to develop anything on Blockchain. Our expert, JavaScript and Blockchain developers, create highly customized business apps for social media, gaming, networking, e-stores, etc. These two technologies are dominant now and in the future. Contact our mobile app development company now to develop a useful business app using the latest technologies to maintain your competitive edge today and in the foreseeable future.


Is Blockchain a Boon to Mobile App Development in Tech World?

mobile app development

Blockchain has come into the limelight after its first design of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency in 2008. Blockchain created digital ledgers to keep an account of all transactions distributed all around the network. It allows all the members of blockchain spread around the network to have the view of the transaction and contracts that are committed securely between two parties. Its unique problem-solving features are making the leading fields of industries adopt it to channelize their businesses. Blockchain app development companies have begun to deliver blockchain development services to many areas like health, banks, media, education. The technology is used in many websites and mobile applications to increase performance by all means.

Mobile application development and blockchain

Increased security

The transparency of blockchain makes it reliable to use for committing a transaction. The robust nature of technology makes it tough against any crash. The availability of data at every point in the network again makes it reliable. This makes it impossible to fake transactions and contracts. Thus, blockchain is secure to use. It can safely store more data as per the need by expanding itself. The blockchain is anytime suitable for blockchain app development that needs to save vast amounts of information.

Tamper resistant

Since the blockchain is reliable due to its robust nature to survive any crash, it is not possible to fake any information or data into the blockchain. The data is stored at every point in the network called blocks. Changing any information in one block leads to altering the neighboring block. Blocks count can vary from million to billions making it impossible to change the cryptographic information. The blockchain application development company is familiar with all properties and benefits of the technology to use it for blockchain app development.

Simpler – The better

Blockchain being a simple technology to use, develop applications, integrate into the system; is a fast-growing technology as compared to other technology serving a similar purpose. On cutting down the development time opposite to the sophisticated techniques that take a long development time, blockchain considerably reduces the cost of development.

Agile in itself

The blockchain is developing at a lightning-fast speed with the latest innovations taking place. With the ease of to access blockchain technology, there is an excellent scope for delivering exceptional applications shortly concerning all leading fields of technology.

A digital ledger

Blockchain technology works like a digital ledger, where the information is stored at different locations around the computer network. This works in maintaining consistency among all the members of the system. Whenever there is a change in one block, the changes are conveyed to all the other blocks holding the same data, and the data is maintained at the same time.

The blockchain is proving out to be an exception in mobile application development. The technology is so new with huge scope to show its grandeur. There are immense prospects to use Blockchain in association with other leading technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and so on. Blockchain so far has shown how it can securely improve businesses against malicious attacks that intend to degrade the performance of the system.


With the budding features of Blockchain technology, there is a visible growth in blockchain app development services in the mobile industry. Blockchain application development company is using the technology to prove it a boon for mobile app development. With the level of security that it provides along with the benefits offered by blockchain development services, avail the blockchain app development services for your business and get secured.