Microsoft’s Math Solver App is out, applies AI to solve Mathematical Problems

Math Solver App

Microsoft has launched the Math Solver app, which is an app-in-one solution to solve mathematical problems instantly for Android or iOS devices. The app runs by applying artificial intelligence (AI) which identifies numerical questions and suggests solutions for an extensive array of mathematical concepts. The users of the Microsoft Math Solver app need to add their mathematical questions by drawing, scanning, inserting pictures or typing on the screen. Additionally, the app is composed in a way that presents graphs and a step-by-step explanation of the answers.

How it works-

In the case of beginning with the Microsoft Math Solver App, you either have to capture a picture of your math problem or type the same through your built-in scientific calculator on the screen. Likewise, you can even add your problem statements by drawing the pictures using your fingers or stylus on the smartphone’s screen or tablet’s screen. After your question instructions are inserted, the app will make use of its AI algorithms to identify your instructions given and afterward show the question on your smartphone’s screen.

Once the AI algorithms identify and understand your mathematical queries, the Microsoft Math Solver app presents you with instant explanations to your questions asked. Not only instant solutions but the app also provides highlights step-by-step explanation to the questions so that you learn to solve your mathematical questions without taking the help of the app.

Which Languages it Support-

In the Microsoft Math Solver app, Microsoft has presented language support for 22 languages. Among the 22 languages, 12 Indian languages are included which are namely Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Punjabi, and Tamil, to name a few. Foreign languages like German, Spanish, and Russian are also included in the language support. The language support is beneficial for the users as they can customize as per their preferred language to understand how different math concepts function with different questions.

How to Use it-

The Microsoft Math Solver app offers added learning support, which covers video tutorials and related worksheets, making it apparent for the students to practice and understand different concepts applied in the mathematical problems. Microsoft Math Solver provides multiple approaches to solve a single mathematical problem so that students can answer questions without finding any glitch. To make users understand the correlations efficiently, Microsoft has incorporated an interactive graph to the app. Thus, for linear and non-linear functions, you may scan or type and plot X-Y data tables.

Furthermore, using Bing the Microsoft Math Solver app notes related questions from Web search. Besides this, you also get similar concepts based on your mathematical problems. You have the option to bookmark questions of your choice or view the history of the app so that you can find the details of the math’s questions whenever needed. When you are on the app, you will also find the list of some examples for the sake of practicing the concepts.

You will find concepts such as algebra, fractions, rational equations, quadratic equations, arithmetic, trigonometry, matrix multiplication, and differentiation, and many more. The Microsoft Math Solver app is a distinct offering for the students who are weak at mathematics. This handy app comes certainly with simple problem-solving capability. The way the Artificial Intelligence works in this app makes it the all-inclusive solution for the students.

Mathematical concepts supported on Microsoft Math Solver app:

Elementary: Arithmetic, real & complex numbers, LCM, GCD, factors, roman numerals

Pre-Algebra: Radicals and exponents, fractions, matrices, determinants

Algebra: Quadratic equations, inequalities, rational expressions, linear equations, quadratic and exponential graphs, word problems on math concepts, number theory, probability, volume, surface & area

Basic Calculus: Summations, Limits, derivatives, integrals

Statistics: Mean, Median & Mode, Standard Deviation, permutations & combinations

The Android users and iOS users can seek help in solving your math problems on the Microsoft Math Solver app by downloading its package from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store, respectively. For compatibility, make sure your device is running at least on Android 5.0 Lollipop or iOS 11.0 to be compatible with the app.


Various Phase Involved in Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development

Developing an app might sound pretty straight forward, but might not be that easy at the end of the day. Simply, you have a clear case for the development of an app, it doesn’t warranties that you should go ahead and develop the app. The app as a business idea might be a lucrative option since millions of apps are listed, both in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The best part is, these apps are generating revenues for the developers.

Since the app is software that is run on the mobile, one should adopt the conventional framework provided by the software development life cycle (SDLC). This will ensure that you develop an app with a systematic approach, right from the inception of the idea to app testing. Mobile App Development is not a difficult task but adopting a systematic approach based on SDLC, can ensure the successful development of an app for a mobile app development company.

So, how do we develop an app with a systematic approach?

This can be done by involving the phases that are required for Mobile App Development.

Research the proposal

It is understood that that app is an idea or to be precise a business idea. But we don’t know this idea is going to click or not amongst the potential customers. Hence, initial research needs to be done. This research should emphasize what should be the basis of the development of the proposed app. It should highlight who will be users of this app, and how the app should behave. As a mobile app developer, one needs to understand the user requirements even before writing the first line of code. The initial research should highlight the behavioral patterns of the users, mobile platforms for app development, competitor analysis, estimated cost and estimated time.  At this point, one should be clear if he is opting for iPhone app development or Android App Development, based on the required platform. This phase should equip a Mobile App Developer with everything that is required for the beta release.

Wireframe the app using the mockup tools

Once the research has been done, it is time to visualize the app or conceptualize the app, with the available data from the research. This will help to visualize the functionalities which the app should have, and the functionalities that can be added in the future. For example, if the app can be converted into a web app in the future through web application development. Wireframing will help to refine the raw idea and make it more meaningful for app development. It will help to identify the different components of the app and their functionalities. It is just like putting a sketch of the proposed Mobile App Development on to a storyboard, by the mobile app developer. Wireframing of the app could be easily done with the help of the mockup tools available in the market. This includes tools like InVision, UXPin, Prott, etc.

Feasibility assessment

By this time as a developer, you are clear about the visual concept of the app. Hence, this is the phase where it needs to be checked technical how much feasible the app is? One can do this by sourcing public APIs. Some of the key decisions that need to be taken include which devices the app will support and on what platforms the app will be available? This will help to understand, how the app is going to be deployed technically.

Development of the prototype

In this phase develop the prototype of the app, based on the app development idea conceptualized as well as visualized so far. The prototype should be based on the rough wireframes, and it should help to understand whether the developer of the app is going in the right direction or not. Ensure that as a developer you get feedback from all the involved stakeholders, and implement the feedback in the final version.

Design & Develop

Now it is time to design the app, and UX designer from the team should take over to do the needful. The UX design will singlehandedly determine the look of the app, and how the user feels about the app. Once the UX is designed, connect the interface to the backend components to make it completely functional. The complete development of the app should be completed in this phase.


Once the app is developed, it is time to look out for the bugs and get into a bug-fixing exercise. This will be accomplished through testing.


Once the app is ready, you need to formally submit to the app store for approval and final publishing. Once the app is published, your users can download and start using it.


An app is simply not a utility for the users. It is more than an idea for a business; it is a developer’s dream. This dream could be achieved at ease with a development approach that has got the phases discussed in this article. This not only helps to develop a robust app as per the user requirements but also helps to keep complete control over the development cost and development timeline. This simply means, your app can be launched at a shorter development cycle with a controlled budget.


An Overview of EHR Development for Healthcare Mobile Apps

EHR Development

The healthcare sector is extensively using EHR software, and the reason behind it is it was touted as a key to increasing of quality care. An electronic health record is a systematic compilation of patient and community electronically-stored health data in a digital form. As per the reports of Grand View Research, in 2018 the global EHR market worth $20.4 billion and by 2023 it is anticipated to touch $33.294 billion. As of today, the EHR technology has grown as an upper-level system that assembles, interprets, and maintains information for prompt treatments, medical prescriptions, and much further. The application of EHR development has got lots of potentials, and we will be discussing it in detail and unveil various aspects here.

The electronic health record may comprise the below-written information:

  1. Practices demographics
  2. Information about the Insurance
  3. Medical records and procedures
  4. Health evaluation notes, graphics, health vitals
  5. Medical examinations, lab results, radiology images, etc
  6. Hypersensitivities
  7. Prescriptions and medication plans
  8. Analytical data of medical sufferers
  9. Billing and additional data for patient management

How does EHR work?

EHR software systems operate efficiently. The healthcare specialist inscribes data regarding a new patient into the EHR system, which later generates a unique digital record. This record portrays the patient’s card where the latest health status can be updated and extended in the real-time. The computerization of medical data and EHR development presents plenty of advantages for medical practitioners and patients both.

Benefits of EHR

Patients can benefit from EHR software in a few ways, namely:

  1. Track and save personal healthcare data efficiently
  2. Realize enhanced and on-time medical attention
  3. Receive a faster and better diagnosis and further treatment
  4. Have rarer mistakes in personal healthcare records
  5. Deal with wellness concerns in a cost and time-efficient method
  6. Get personalized reminders and appointments
  7. Access the patient’s portal anytime and anywhere

Practitioners and healthcare providers get the following benefits from EHR development:

  • Progress in practice and the hospital’s effectiveness and productivity
  • Simplification in the job for medical personnel
  • Enriched quality of medicinal services such as superior e-prescription abilities
  • Consolidated and updated digital medical records
  • Interoperability over diverse healthcare professionals and departments
  • Stable and uniform interaction in different hospitals, laboratories, medicine stores, insurance providers, and so on
  • Feasibility of aged patient monitoring and consultations
  • Lessened bureaucracy
  • Elimination of flaws/faults/errors
  • More meticulous patient administration
  • Option to get and assess patient data for interpretation, refined service, and more
  • Intelligence to supervise organizational responsibilities and billing

EHR software development owns several benefits, and this list can be continued. The gist is that the Digital medical records are identified to be safe, readily accessible, and united across medical professionals, practices, and patients.

Special features of EHR design

The design plays a crucial role in EHR development, and EHR design from human information processing and perception are equally important. Indeed, the designs contribute to the smooth functioning of the software.

Features and processes of EHR design creation

Keep in vision all the below-stated considerations during EHR design creation:

EHR design process is to be iterative

The design should be such that it initially focuses on the needs of the users. So you have to be prepared with a well-planned software concept and detailed functional documentation. So it is advised to have a consultation with medical practitioners, attendants, patients, and other parties associated with the system so that your design is apt to the user needs.

Simple documentation and recording layouts for practitioners

As the software deals with an enormous amount of data, EHR usability is crucial. So, try implementing eliminate undesirable checkboxes, optimize areas for filling in the information, exclude data replication, apply easily to manage templates and forms, etc. The layout is to be such that practitioners can document and report information easily and built-in shortcuts and search intelligence can help to limit work with documentation.

Well thought out processes, roles & responsibilities

The EHR workflow should start with a review and update (if any) in the patient’s medical records so that it can be delegated to the patient before visiting the doctor. Practitioners should not be confused with the tasks; instead, the system should direct jobs to attendants and other medical staffs to perform their part. And a smart notification system and visual alerts might play a significant role in managing the EHR software by both the parties at the specified time.

Patient-centered representation in EHR design

EHR programs take the patient’s history as the essence of the service. Collected data should be accessible, simple to review, exhibited in chronological sequence, and acceptable for doctors and patients.

Association of the mobile app developers for available EHR screen design

Last but not least, during the EHR design stage, the platform and its scalability should be examined. The assistance of mobile app developers lets avoidance of inefficiencies and expensive variations on the way which enhances the product’s operability and pace.

How to get started with EHR software development:

In the next couple of years, EHR development, particularly concerning recording apps in the healthcare system, will certainly be a lucrative segment. In the form of SaaS (Software as a System), the Web-based and mobile responsive EHR systems will offer advantages such as augmented data usage, backups, soundness & security, expense reduction, and performance competence.

It is mandatory to undertake with the following steps if you aspire to start with EHR development sensibly:

  1. Establish definite purposes for the electronic health record system.
  2. Propose the EHR program adoption in the healthcare organization beforehand.
  3. Discover an experienced EHR software development vendor who can help you with the same.
  4. Build a detailed functional blueprint along with the selected team.
  5. Conduct surveys and investigation within the target audience of your future software.
  6. Compose an inherent and feature-rich EHR software program.
  7. Develop EHR functionality that complies with the health industry’s measures and guidelines.
  8. Contemplate including technology modifications in following EHR software versions like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, the Big Data, Blockchain, and other new emerging technologies.

Last words

Technologies are advancing each sector and allowing them to furnish than ever before. In this blog, we have discussed how EHR development has supported the healthcare industry so far. To conclude, the healthcare industry is amongst those industries whose operating environment keeps on changing always. If you are a doctor or associated with this industry and convinced to get this modern healthcare solution as cybersecurity & data protection is a focus element in any Electronic Health Record system, don’t forget to reach a healthcare app development company. Discuss what to want to have an application that will serve you as well as your patients and their family members.


Role of Mobile App Analytics in App Engagement

Mobile App Analytics

Nothing is more challenging for businesses than to engage the users and retain them, despite many app downloads, and how to boost the app performance today. In the struggle to resolve user engagement & retention and app performance issues, mobile app analytics is regarded as the authentic rescue system. Though app analytics tools are robust and offer insightful details about the app-user association, at times, they turn out to be an obstacle for mobile app developers and stakeholders for several reasons. Since app analytics is data-driven, the data-driven strategies and arrangements always come up with more pragmatic and more potent results. Tracking app downloads and rankings in the app stores have a substantial role in measuring the real performance of the mobile application.

Mobile app development is not only confined to conceptualization and development of your mobile app as a whole but also to improve it further with all the necessary data to guide you. Now, this is where the need for mobile app analytics is significantly highlighted as it can give you a crisp of beneficial information concerning who is utilizing your app and their behavior towards your app. Several applications are dropping out the download which they continuously gain. Ever thought why this happened? The answer is due to the lack of monitoring and analysis, and analytics enables you to see a crisp and clear image of your mobile app performance to reach your goals.

Any idea about why you need to use mobile app analytics? And how it would assist you in measuring your mobile app performance and increasing your app downloads? Mobile analytics is critical for the perpetual advancement of the app itself, along with assembling valuable business intelligence. A multifaceted mobile analytics plan will help an enterprise quantify their mobile app strategy applying the best practices. Also, the data-driven techniques and selections always result in a pragmatic and more high-grade performance of your mobile app.

Moving on further, let us know the role of Mobile app analytics in boosting your app engagement & performance.

For creating a robust and effective strategy concerning mobile app marketing

 If you desire to set a measurable goal, then you obligate to know which technique harvest the most significant results to your mobile app. If for any reason, you don’t know your app has an adequate ROI for your overall campaign through the data; at that point, you cannot create a powerful marketing campaign.

To know your app functions with respect to User Experience

Mobile app analytics can give you an insight in regard to UI of your app right from searching to download to engagement. Also, mobile app analytics assists you in viewing the multiple screens and paths that a user takes while navigating your application. By investigating which functions or screens users visited or used the most and which they don’t, you can improve your app using these insights.

Know who all your users are

On average, there are thirty-six apps available on the Smartphone of the users, but they use only 26% of the apps they have downloaded.  You must know who all are actively on your app once you determine your acquisition or retention strategy. For creating a marketing plan, you must be aware of the devices used by the users; it can be Android or iOS. You can effortlessly scrutinize the problems and acquire a better insight within your target audience after knowing all the necessary information.

How can you use mobile app analytics to boost your app downloads

Already mentioned earlier that on an average a user has 36 apps on the mobile phone and to your surprise, this number has declined from last year. This happened because today, users download apps more consciously. Analytics disclose that 100 Mb is a psychological threshold for users to download an app and another critical point current app usage ratio. With utilizing App analytics, many metrics can be sorted and prioritized following your KPIs. To keep your mobile application and audience live, perform an A/B test. Through analytics, you may obtain substantial results from that test, and the corresponding logic is valid for all your ASO practices.

Save your time and resources by concentrating on the right audience

After identifying who all are using your app and which features they admire the most, you need not pay your attention and allocate your time and resources. Ideal mobile app analytics tool lets you observe user’s behavior for several functions of the app on a specific day with some distinct parameters.

Use User-friendly features to archive more downloads

You must stay updated on how users are using your app and for how much time they use the app in a single session. With the use of App analytics, you can monitor the engagement and the length of the session to analyze it. Moreover, you can get a more helpful insight if your app is user-friendly. This aids in providing a compelling user experience by enhancing the features if in case the features are not user-friendly as getting users to download the application is inevitable.

Know deviation in app downloads and app usage

With App Analytics, you can differentiate between app downloads and app usage. If a one-time perk only tempts a user, they are likely not to use it again or uninstall the application. Also, you can track the churn rate metric and separate those from the lifetime value of users. As per data you obtain, you can track it through analytics and take action, and act accordingly.

Building and upgrading the marketing technique

Mobile app analytics is an ingenious tool that helps you in making the right choices and defines an effective strategy. You can divide your marketing channels and observe them in investigating which campaign will work in the right way, which can help you to monitor and track your mobile app ROI effectively. You need a reliable, competent, precise analytics to enhance your app marketing strategy and app downloads in the meantime with an adequate audience.

Wrapping Up

Don’t let go of your chance of success! Use the data in every single step you acquired by using Mobile app analytics, an intelligent tool that can help you to make the right decisions and define a powerful strategy. With Mobile app analytics tools, you can fasten your operational and behavioral data of an app which are in turn known as they are the drivers of improvement. With a plethora of options available to analyze key metrics, the mobile app development team can collaborate with the business owners to know the goals of the app and embed the tool accordingly. 


Updates to your Android Apps Will Now Be Half of What They Used to Be

Android apps

Android Apps Development Updates

Lack of storage in your Smartphones will no longer be an issue as Google has made a significant change in its Play Store app delivery system which will help to boost up updates and lower data consumption by shrinking their size. Now mobile app development companies will have something more in their hand to play with.The number of mobile application updates being given by Android apps developer has been seen on a stable rise. An updated algorithm will lower the size of updates by as much as fifty percent by downloading only the necessary changes to APK files and integrating them with current files – introducing a far more proficient system than earlier implemented.