5 Reasons why you need LMS with Social Media Integration


We all know that social media has become one of the most crucial parts of our day to day lives. We all are constantly connected with friends, family, relatives, colleagues, peers, and the entire world for various purposes with social media. We all can even gather the knowledge in the form of video, blogs, podcast along with engaging with people through games, discussion, and experiences as well.

 This interaction is not just limited for chatting for sharing useful information but also has become one of the prominent tools for personal as well as professional growth in terms of learning. Therefore, many organizations are now opting for Learning Management System (LMS) which can integrate social media to make eLearning more engaging, interactive, and interesting at the same time for their employees.

The Learning management system along with social media integration not only helps to support online training goals but also helps to increase the participation and engagement of the users. The major effectiveness to include social media in your learning or training programs will surely depend upon the fact that how positively your business supports the use of social media in your entire work culture.

We all know that as there are more and more people logging into Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn on daily basis and are connected on social media platforms for latest updates and what’s happening in the world, but it becomes imperative to customize your LMS and align your training session with social media and analytics. Your LMS can be highly measurable by adding social meaning features and analytics to your training and learning programs.

In this guide, we have listed the 5 major reasons to explain how social media integration of LMS can provide an engaging and interactive eLearning as below:

Content outreach

As your LMS users are highly connected online, hence they can share the information in the real-time world by various social media channels. They can share what they have learned using your LMS and what best practices you have to create an impactful eLearning mobile app platform. All this is not because you need to boost the outreach of your content but also it helps to increase online visibility. Social media integration also provides you an opportunity for connecting with your target audience swiftly and thus builds credibility among them in the most natural way.

User-generated content

We all love to share our experiences, achievements, and success on social media so that the world would come to know about us. The learners can also share their experience with their peers, who all would be benefitted from your training. This will provide them an opportunity to use your leaner’s feedback as original content and reach out to potential target audience by posting it on various platform or industry forums with lms mobile application development. In addition to all this, it is the user-generated content that can help you to organically promote your business, eLearning course, etc.

Measurable analytics

With the increase in demand for internet and mobile devices, the learning has gone beyond time, demographics, and physical appearance. When your LMS has social media integration, then it can offer 24*7 accessibility to all the leaners and can encourage them to help themselves in achieving their daily goals. Along with this, if the learning program is using LRS, then you can store data about your learner experience thus analyzing their social media habits.

Interactive learning

Social media when connected with the Learning management system, allows the admin to create interest-based polls, surveys, and discussion thus to engage learners as well as the trainers. We all know that people are constantly connected with their mobile or laptop, therefore they tend to interact more by sharing their common interests. It not only helps to spread the main aim of the eLearning program but also enables to close communication among all the leaners.

Compound learning

With social media integration along with LMS, the learners can get to learn things in multiple styles such as by video, audio, infographics, and distribute the same by using social media. By doing so, the learning methods will become more interactive and shareable hence every one or the other person enjoys learning things quickly. This way you can also opt for third party integration which can act as a medium to deliver your training with the help of LMS.


If you are still wondering whether you should incorporate social media learning in your eLearning system or not, then you must think about it once again and perform these actions. The customized learning management system will enable social media connection, user analytics, payment integration for all learning, and business solution needs.


Small Business Owners: Utilizing Mobile App Technology to increase profits

Mobile App

Mobile app development is on high trend from the day smartphones came in to existence and in reach of most of the users. A current study reveals the dependence of small businesses on mobile technology. The AT&T Small Business Technology Poll of 2013 states 85% of small companies now employs smartphones for doing business. Furthermore, the survey also showed that 80% of small firms established two years ago or fewer use tablets. Nowadays, smartphone users are increasing exponentially day by day. People stick to their mobile phones at least for 2 hours in one day. So, if you utilize mobile app technology, it will boost your business profits.

Grow your business with mobile app development technology

1. Direct Communication and Geo-Targeting Marketing 

Portable applications have demonstrated to be snappy and viable in drawing in client intrigue and imparting item dispatches, new administrations, special offers, improved highlights, and limited rates. These immediate correspondences likewise bring important data, for example, socioeconomics, geological areas, and shopping conduct as for your items and administrations, helping you to comprehend the market request and better your deals and showcasing procedures.

2. Expanded Recognition Builds Customer Loyalty 

Building client steadfastness is a basic and dubious part of advertising a business. Business applications help smoothen this street by building up an association between the client and the brand through consistent updates and notices. When the customer gets regular engagement from the service provider as well as notification about new products.

3. Site Creates Awareness and the App Makes the Sale 

At the point when potential clients require an item or administrations, all things considered, they will find it on their cell phone as opposed to on a PC. The examination uncovers that most pursuits are made in a hurry while voyaging, mingling, and sitting tight for arrangements instead of during relaxation time where one approaches the PC or work area framework.

4. A Great Tool for Customer Engagement 

While business-to-client correspondence is significant for advertising, a converse correspondence is similarly imperative to keep up client devotion. Clients love it when their interests and protests are heard out and settled with negligible slack time and this, thusly, assists organizations with building brand devotion. This is the place mobile app development comes into the image. A customer has a particular app in its phone native to the device using accessibilities provides amazing user experience once it gets engaged ever thinks of another resource for the same service ever in future.

5. Encourages You Stand Out from the Crowd 

The significance of an application in getting your business to stand apart from your rivals can’t be underscored enough. Now, applications are as yet an uncommon thing and by having one for your business, you can catch the eye of possible clients and catch an enormous piece of the pie. When your rivals get on, you would have by at that point, ideally, adequately oversaw client commitment and constructed solid client dedication.

6. Lifts Brand Recognition 

Concerning publicizing, there is so much happening that it’s hard to get your business to stick out. Paper promotions, open-air hoardings, garish sign sheets, internet-based life showcasing… each different business is doing it. The uniqueness required to manufacture a brand is a lot of lacking. Yet, similar ads when joined with mobile app development those rates high on client commitment can do miracles to support your image reliability.

7. Improved permeability 

Over the most recent couple of years, there has been an extraordinary move in what people look like for items and administrations. Where once verbal suggestions and site perusing was the go-to arrangement, individuals presently want to look into stuff on their cell phones while voyaging, hanging tight for an arrangement, and in any event, during their relaxation time. Applications are an extraordinary showcasing instrument to take advantage of this turn of events. It catches the eye of the intended interest group and improves the general permeability of your business.

[Also Read:- WhatsApp Business App gets its ‘Catalog’ Features help to Showcase Small Businesses and Startups]


Since you comprehend the basic pretended by applications in acquiring the business, ensure you are putting resources into an accomplished, inventive, and creative dedicated application developer. For proficient exhortation and direction on the issue, connect with the AppSquadz group.


Digital Marketing & Social Media in the Mobile Era

Digital Marketing & Social Media in the Mobile Era

Digital Marketing & Social Media

Undoubtedly, Digital Marketing is on a journey to surpass offline marketing in almost every industry. The only business owners who will be able to survive in the near future will be those who will understand the relation between targeted audience and persistent engagement now. With advent of Digital marketing, the growth of Social media has also shown significant rise. With AppSquadz Web Content Management System, you can make use of all the tools require to engage visitors across wide spectrum of platforms at your fingertips. As anyone lands on your page, our tools ensure that they receive what they are searching for in a best possible way – which compels them to deeper conversion and interaction. Digital marketing and social media in the mobile era are playing a crucial role in promoting a business to the world-level.


Top Five Rules for Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

There are two billion potential clients utilizing online networking around the world. All things considered 2.13 billion by 2016 as indicated by appraisals. Be that as it may, such as anything worth doing, Social media marketing or online networking promoting is ultra-focused. Worldwide advertisement spending on online networking has as of now come to over $23 billion yearly. The business sector driving Facebook will make $15.5 billion in promotion income this year.