What type of Architecture does your Mobile Application need?

mobile app

When you get to develop an app, as aware of types of applications and their use. The platform which suits most to their utilization. There are different types of software, it might be web, native, or hybrid that completely depends on the service you are going to provide at application development company. You have to notice all the demands in the market, depict the trend going on as well the ethics depending on the design. This is also important to notice that how much percentage of demand for app demand for functionality or design.

2.87 million Apps are currently available in the play store according to the study from 2009 to 2020 as well around 2.56 have been uploaded yet on the app store. The presented data is enough to analyze how much the app startups and dedicated companies willing to provide the app development services to the organizations. Downloading applications is surely not enough and never gives a surety about its installation. Even after installing when the user finds to comfortable in first impressions only after that it gets to stay and use the app. A perfect layout and attractive mobile app architecture get you in the top mobile app chart in the app store and play store.

Mobile app development company faces similar problems and some challenges like inconsistent HTML and CSS in mobile browsers, cross-browser compatibility. Some selected layouts are prepared to create virtual satisfaction while surfing on the browser as a web app.

Premium sections of a mobile application layout

The mobile app design has various strategic ethics and ideas followed by the application developer. Creating a successful application requires huge concentration and care for design and development. Not only programing important the content you put inside the app must be relevant. Keep eyes on the service you are willing to provide through an app.

1. Presentation or visual layout

This pattern made up of proper synchronization between UI and UX. Is the design prepared by mixing elements consists of fonts, colors, themes, and backgrounds, etc.

2. Navigation pattern or processing layer

This pattern is like a connection between the user interface and the composition of the app. It is composed of workflows, components, and business entities. This helps to depict the way data move from step to step.

3. Services layer/data layer

This level accounts for the data access components, server communication, storage, and logic. It composed of data access components, data utilities, and service agents define a particular set up of app functionality, and the design reused all over the application to create uniqueness.

Major features of a successful app are listed below:

  • Behind every great app is a great idea
  • Identifies a Target Demographic
  • Encourages User Engagement
  • Beautiful UI Design
  • Follows Platform Design Guidelines
  • Use of Familiar Screens
  • Frictionless Navigation Feature
  • Responsive.

Key points to be taken care of while creating a mobile application

Unbeatable app development foundation has base delivery of a successful application. The company tends to create the best design but Before the preparation of a framework. Here are some main points that must take care of. Must drag the main points into the blueprint of the app. Perfection in the application can be made by the complex design only but the design and content creation only can make it unmatchable.

  • Bandwidth Consistency:

The app designed keeping in mind about the serves, browser, and operating system accessibility also the confidentiality as per user convenience. The internet speed and the size of the app. The developer must think of functionality so that the app would be operable on the slow internet too.

  • Notifications and Updates in Real-Time:

Regular update in new design and notification pop up to keep the user up to date.

  • Navigation:

Options to navigate through an app needs expertise in front-end and back-end development– Modular controller, scroll view, gesture-based, tab controller, stacked navigation bar, search drove, Stacked navigation bar, Tag driver, single view, Single view, scroll view, Gesture-based navigation and Search driven navigation.

  • User-Interface:

A rich and interactive featured but the sober user interface Keep device type in mind while development: For memory, screen size, CPU features, storage space, screen resolution, availability of the development framework, etc.


A unique mobile app comes from creative ideas from different minds. The app design requires a team that has a graphic designer, an excellent content resource person for interactive content inside the app, an expert developer that all are available at AppSquadz the reputed mobile app development company with happy clients across the globe in major countries.


All You Should Know About Cross-Platform Apps Development

App Development

As of today, the world mobile app market has undergone several notable innovations. With the myriad of the app being updated and developed periodically, the global mobile application market has traversed all the expected limits and is supposed to behold the new heights. Mobility has now risen as an integral part of the digital world as well as leading the global economy towards further growth by mobile application development along with web app development. The scenario today is that mobile app engagement is causing a dramatic change in millions of businesses in a way that has made ”Mobile first” as a default approach.

Mobile apps are an excellent medium for enhancing brand awareness & recognition and marketing specialists have admired this move. The future of mobile phones has come under the vague periphery, with the increasing integration of Artificial Intelligence. Nowadays, nearly about 99% of mobile users either use Android or iOS as their mobile app platform. Potential users of both the platforms are scattered unevenly, making it tough to classify the prospective users and their preferences. For small entrepreneurs or SMEs, developing a mobile application for both these platforms is a time-consuming and financially crippling task.

Cross-platform application development has solved this problem for the vendors, and it is anticipated to catch a massive share of the customer’s market. Traditionally, native apps have ruled the market with a significant advantage, but now cross-platform app development has taken a hold over native mobile apps. With the advent of cross-platform application development, web and mobile app development have stepped a bit ahead. Earlier small entrepreneurs and startups find native app development comes out heavy in their pocket, but cross-platform app development is pocket-friendly.

What is a Cross-platform application?

Cross-platform applications are flexible that advances the source code’s usability and facilitates the cross-platform app developers to employ it on different platforms. Cross-platform app development caters all mobile operating platforms without making the user notice and that too by saving time, cost, and efforts.

Benefits of Cross-platform application

The underlying vision of every organization is to connect with broader customers to acquire a large target audience and revenue generation. Cross-platform app development offers many advantages; this is why mobile application development company worldwide prefer this technology.

Some of its advantages are as follows:

From the prospect of developers

Development speed

Cross-platform apps require less time than that of native web or mobile apps, in turn, increasing the development speed of the cross-platform apps and reducing the expenditures incurred.

Reusability of codes

Mobile app development companies globally are lured with the versatile features of cross-platform development. The code once written is reusable in another web and mobile development tasks also, saving the company from deploying a different development team for a specific app.

Easy use of plug-in

In order to develop various features, Plug-ins are superb. Handy tools, namely PhoneGap, Appcelerator, and much more ease out the access to plug-ins.

Cloud integration

When integrated with the Cloud, the versatility of cross-platform apps improves.

From the prospects of business owners

Uniform view for clients

The apps look similar no matter what the mobile platform is used. A single time investment demonstrates a more critical power and magnifies visibility as the app can be installed and operate on any platform.

Shorter Development time

The time and efforts spent in creating, coding, and examining web and mobile development projects are directly proportional to the cost of the development. With cross-platform apps, businesses will save cost by reducing the required. If the right technical stack and plan are flexible, the businessman can use 80% of codebase. By shortening the development time with cross-platform apps, you can save cost, which in turn, leverages the marketing purposes and other core business conducts.


A standard native app having basic features ranges around $100,00 and has a variety of complexities through the development process. However, cross-platform apps are cost-effective and do not have many complications with its development process.

Exposure to a large number of users

As the app can be operated and installed anywhere, cross-platform apps increase the reach to consumers. Its additional benefit is uniformity that makes it extra comfortable to know and handle on any device.

Low maintenance cost

The ever-changing standards and requirement of the businesses force administrators to push updates 48 times in a year, which demands a higher price and nullifies the app revenue for small businesses.

The drawbacks of Cross-platform app development

Though it comes with a wide range of benefits, it has some disadvantages as well. These are:

From a business point of view

No updates

As only native apps are entitled to get the update information, there are any timely updates from the Apple Store and Google Play Store. No updates are amongst the significant drawbacks of cross-platform app development. It has been a hot topic within the developers concerning the future of cross mobile app development when comparing to native web and mobile app development.

Performance issues

The computing ability of mobile phones is minute and inappropriate for handling complex HTML5/CSS user interface components and also increases the response time with lots of load time over GPU/CPU resources.

Time-consuming compilation

The time for code compilation is quite slow. It demands time and must be done individually for all platform, unlike the native code compilation. Furthermore, the rendering time is also much time-consuming.

From the developers’ point of view

Challenging UX requirements

Matching the UX necessity of both the platform is not a simple task for the app developers. It is understandable that any app’s success heavily depends on its UI design. Poor UI design accounts for 20% of app store rejections, so it demands developers to be very careful during the development process.

Last Lines

Despite highlighting handy tools, cross-application development also incorporates a few frameworks that utilize particular languages and tools, so you have to learn the tools & languages from scratch. Cross-platform apps come with advantages and drawbacks both and choosing between native app development and cross-platform development depends on your business requirements, budget, and goals. If you are a small entrepreneur or startup, cross-platform is the best alternative for you as it can provide you an extra edge. If money is not a matter, a native app is the best option in this case. And yes, cross-platform is prone to be given red light if you don’t contact a mobile app development company to assist you in the same.


Best UI Trends To Build Your Application For 2019

UI Trends

As a proficient team which develops mobile apps, one should prepare for the challenges of the upcoming year by focusing more on the app designing rather than researching the latest technologies. With every passing year, the expectations of the users rise and in a competing market like Mobile app development, keeping the users satisfied is the key to create an impression. Every year witnesses updated UI trends. To keep up with these trends is one of the basic tasks you should be sincere at if you’re looking forward to getting your mobile application more downloads.

There is never a guarantee that your new application will face the same rate of getting success in the case like Uber and Amazon. Statistical reports point out how 60 out of 100 applications are hardly downloaded on the phones by the users. To make things worse, statistics also show that of the apps that are downloaded, 21% have been employed only for one time in 2018. Admittedly, there could be numerous reasons why users do not download a mobile application, data storage, and utility being some of them. But it has been found that the absence of user-friendly interface is a major cause for this.   

Apart from creating an intuitive user interface, utilizing and adopting the latest design trends for the user interface that alters frequently is also a significant measure. Mere updating of your mobile application twice a year may not bring you to the desired position, given the competition that prevails in the market. The following are some of the latest trends in designing a user interface that could aid you in being ahead of the race.

1. Using the Illustrations that explain for themselves

Engaging through high-quality content is now an out-dated version of introducing them to your app’s features. Try the same by telling a story. This has been proved to be more efficient and less time to consume for the users to receive the information that you are trying to convey. Illustrating the features and functionalities of your mobile app can even be through the depiction of characters that are similar to humans for fruitful interactions with the people using the app. This makes your app more vibrant, favorable and interactive.

2. Being Transparent

This is the tried and tested method of increasing the impact of the interface of the app is to add opacity to boost the transparency of the application. Use a variety of settings for transparency to accomplish a beautiful surface design. This feature can be used to design the app logo as well.

3. Interface that is flawless

The feature should be treated with the utmost priority in case of a mobile application development team. The best mobile app is one that reaches out to the targeted audience and gives them a great experience. Your page should load systematically and that the viewers get to the important content right from the beginning.

4. Employing the Impacts Wisely

Use of the overlapping feature for fonts and designs are critical. It makes the user interface look more spacious and furnished. This is a widely used tool by the designers, and it is recommended that you combine features along with shadows for an enhanced UI UX designing.

5. Pictures that fill the screen

Coming to the forefront in recent times is the trend of using the design components and to employ them as fully – scaled images that fill the screen. This component has the intensity to appeal to a huge audience effectively. While theuser tries to retrieve more information about your app, he will browse throughdifferent pages, and these pictures would make such browsing more refreshing.

6. Employ Colors Intelligently

Colors speak louder than words, especially in the design of the UI of a mobile application. It is the easiest and convenient ways of exhibiting your creativity and designing skills. Colors play an important role in the design of a mobile application, which has an equal impact as that of background images. It grabs the attention and helps to set the artistic tone of the app. Even theexperts of the market like Whatsapp and Instagram keep renovating their colorcombinations to give their UI a fresh look.

7. UI Without Buttons

Welcome to 2019! Now the UI Trends of a mobile app would not need buttons to navigate the user. An example of this is the Instagram stories; you don’t have to press anything to shift between the stories and change them, it changes by itself. This has made the UI more user-friendly and convenient for usage than ever before. Even the e-commerce applications do not have separate buttons to add items to the cart these days: all you have to do is drag the product on to the checkout cart.

8. Usage of  Animations

Theseplay an important role in the design of a UI, particularly for a mobile application. Designers are looking forward to more communications and the animations for functionals in 2019 to represent fonts and images.

9. Voice Assist

With 2019 just a few weeks away, interfaces with voice – assists have become application becomes a convenient way of guiding the users throughout the mobile app.

10. Images of heroes in the landing pages

Themain pictures are usually placed at the top portion of the app UI and are asignificant part of a UI UX development  interface. They describe the functions andfeatures of the application as a whole.

11. Navigation Becomes Smoother 

With the advancements in the UI UX Development Company designs, navigation through your mobile application becomes faster and simpler.