Is Mobile App Development still Important in 2022?

Mobile Application Development Benefits

Nowadays, millions of smartphone users worldwide have access to numerous applications present online. These users spend several hours using these apps and completing regular activities. Moreover, mobile apps are used at a massive scale for accomplishing commercial tasks. Thus, a business can grow continuously using the facility these apps provide. As a result, these apps have transformed the way we perform business.

Therefore, mobile app development is vital for accomplishing business activities. Applications have made it simpler for all businesses to flourish in this competitive world. Adding a feature to improve an application for reaching a wider audience, is valuable for earning more revenue. Therefore, the significance of app development has increased remarkably. At the same time, it has also made a customer aware of the business details faster.

Every mobile app development software is unique as it offers all customers the ability to stay updated with the latest business activities. Moreover, apps are vital for expanding the reach of a business and delivering customers with massive exposure to a brand. Therefore, mobile application development is still valuable in 2022 to augment the online activities of both business and target audiences.

Now, we need to see the importance of mobile apps through the vital points given here.

  • In 2021, there were more than 2.5 billion active Android users and over 1 billion active iOS users.
  • Billions of applications are developed to date, and most are currently active.
  • The mobile app development industry has grown many folds in the current year.
  • Compared to the previous year, there will be a 47% increment in mobile app downloads.
  • Businesses are relying more on mobile app development software to complete their tasks.

In this blog post, we will know the importance of mobile application development and its uses. Not only this, more interesting facts will be discussed here.

Let’s get started!

Number of mobile users from 2020 to 2025 – Prognostication

Indeed, mobile apps were the backbone of a business operating in the online world. Earlier, many mobile users were operating through numerous apps. However, this number is going to augment in the coming years. It has been forecasted that about 7.5 billion (approx.) mobile users will be here in 2025.

We have witnessed that around 6.95 billion mobile users were available; this number will increase massively in the upcoming years. These users consume a lot of mobile apps, which may belong to the entertainment industry (movie apps), financial sector, online shopping, and many more. Moreover, these apps are used extensively worldwide by various businesses.

Therefore, app developers have an enormous demand to develop a great mobile app. It is fruitful to employ these applications due to their extraordinary features. This has substantially increased the role of a mobile app development agency to develop a useful app for a business. Furthermore, these apps are always available on the Google play store or app store. Therefore, many customers can download it from there without paying anything.

Currently, Android 11 and iOS 14 are most used by mobile users, and businesses are aware of that. Thus, all top mobile application development companies are building apps compatible with these versions. Therefore, everyone looking to accomplish the commercial activities and flourish online develop excellent applications.

However, all app developers need to build a mobile application that is valuable and efficient. They can attain this by integrating the most suitable UI UX design in mobile apps. At present and in the future, having impeccable UI/UX is necessary for the growth of a business.

Top 3 Points to know how mobile applications are beneficial

mobile app benefits

In 2021, there were almost 7.1 billion mobile application downloads worldwide. All smartphone users have installed about 35 apps which they use daily. This has provided every business an opportunity to build valuable applications and use them correctly to flourish in the market. Lately, many businesses have invested heavily to develop excellent and helpful mobile apps.

To date, most smartphone users have an Android OS, which they use properly. These users use a perfect method by Google play store app to download and upgrade their existing apps. Therefore, all app developers build applications having a feature to upgrade them. One of the best examples of android apps is the Telegram app downloaded and used by millions.

Undoubtedly, mobile app development is vital in 2022 to contribute significantly to business development. Every app is important in one aspect or another for a business. Earlier, there was a big surge among mobile users, and experts have already estimated that it will expand by leaps and bounds in the coming years.

Mobile application development is growing exponentially due to its importance in growing any business using the online platform. Here, social media apps are most valuable for the augmentation of online activities. It is vital for all businesses to update apps so that they can work without any obstacles. Nowadays, it is vital for a business to have a digital arm that will operate perfectly in the mobile world.

Let’s check out the top 3 benefits of mobile apps in a business!

24/7 Availability

Today, the importance of being available around the clock is significant for a business to expand without hindrance. Moreover, customers want to transact with only those businesses that are available online. Thus, mobile app development is acquiring a lot of significance. It increases the ROI of a business by expanding its operation and reaching a wider customer base.

This new technology will help a business be present every time and use its business. The most popular among all categories are social media apps which act perfectly to augment any business and develop its revenue. Therefore, 24/7 availability is valuable for every business operating online.

Easy Advertising

Advertising is another magnificent advantage of using mobile applications to represent a business. Advertising is a way of promoting a business through the brand loyalty factor generated by these impeccable ads. Moreover, these applications are useful to generate more revenue. It is possible due to the use of mobile apps for promoting the activities of a business.

Advertising is easy due to the advertising in billions of available applications via image, text, or video. In addition, social media boost a business operating online to employ extraordinary advertising methods that are cost-effective. Here is the little icing on the cake, all social media handlers can view these ads and become aware of a specific brand and its services. This feature shows the importance of mobile app development in 2022 and further years.

Remarkable Customer Reach

Major business houses operating in 2022 witnessed a notable increment in reaching a wider customer network. Another excellent benefit of the mobile app is increasing the reach of a business. This ensures every business grows continuously in this competitive world. The mobile apps make it easier for a business to reach the remote part of the world without any need to have a physical presence.

In this, social media sites play a crucial role by augmenting the reach to a broader audience. It is useful to increase the earning capability of a business in the online world. This has increased the need for mobile app development in this world for a business. In addition, businesses also have web apps that work directly through a remote server without any requirement to download it on a device.

Why is mobile application development necessary to excel in the future?

Indeed, mobile app development is necessary as it enables any business to stand to grow in 2022. According to a study, mobile apps are the future, and every business should have them. It is mandatory for them to use mobile apps to acquire a large customer base. Using great technologies is vital to have the edge over the competitors and outrank them to generate more revenue.

Some of the vital points to show the importance of mobile apps in the future are stated here:

  • It will boost the customer engagement level for a business.
  • Improve the brand awareness feature to increase sales.
  • Always allow scope for getting customer feedback.
  • Augment the visibility factor of a business.
  • Help a business to build a direct marketing channel.
  • Offer 24/7/365 available customer support.


From the vital points discussed above, any business can obtain information about the importance of apps in 2022. Even they will be able to use that to obtain fruitful results in the future. Therefore, employing mobile app development is significant for the growth of a business. Thus, every business requires a dedicated mobile application to represent their business online.


How Web App Development is Helpful and which one Suits you the Best?

web app development

For non-specialized foundation individuals, the structure is a lot of libraries, apparatuses that do normal undertaking in web development and it means to facilitate the regular exercises which need to act in Web App Development Company. Utilizing appropriate structure is fundamental for an engineer since it saves significant time and endeavours for building an app. The vast majority of the applications have a typical arrangement of usefulness, for example, dealing with meeting information approval and so forth and web system keep a designer from re-composing each time an equivalent code to make a web app. 

The motivation behind the structure is to permit planners and designers to zero in on building an interesting component for their online activities as opposed to re-imagining by coding. The structure is uniquely made to help you support the exhibition and effectiveness of your web app development task. They are outfitted with intriguing highlights like layouts and meeting the executives and information base access libraries. 

Contingent upon your comfort and undertaking you can choose from the huge scope of system offered on the lookout. Every structure can furnish you with the expanded decision of web app highlights which gives a less blunder inclined app. The system helps in the prototyping, plan and execution phases of the Web App Development Company lifecycle and improves on progressing support and upgrade of a web app. 

Saves time: 

The greatest benefit of structure is that it lessens time and energy in building up any app because engineer doesn’t have to stress over information disinfection, meeting taking care of, blunder dealing with and validation rationale. The majority of these capacities are very much taken into consideration by the system. It evades head-scratching and the designer can begin composing code for an application straight away without burning through additional time with those redundant coding. It bends over-development interaction and builds profitability. 

Well-coordinated app: 

Engineer ought not to need to stress over overseeing web catalogues and documents. Things get more coordinated because systems as of now have a decent skeleton construction to utilize. No compelling reason to rearrange documents from one spot to another. The system likewise offers to isolate business rationale from the interface documents. 

Flexibility and exceptionally adjustable: 

On the off chance that you are a MySQL client and you have been given a PostgreSQL data set to use for your app, I’m certain you’d have scratch your head to compose the web app without any preparation, yet the upside of structure helps you to not squander energy on contemplating things that don’t matter. A couple of changes can assist you with delivering your application starting with one stage then onto the next. Additional items, topics, modules, gadgets are on the whole names for things that create inside system networks and empower further quick customization on your application. 

Secure code: 

Structure makes the designer sure that the application utilizing great security estimations since the system itself deals with it. This is another immense benefit of utilizing structure for Web App Development Company. You as a designer ought not to need to stress over a programmer who can break your app. Structure causes you to have a sense of safety and better. 

Say no to re-concoct: 

Web structure offers numerous commonplace segments directly out of the crate, for example, client the executive’s usefulness which may somehow or another requires a very long time to fabricate. 

Scalable, quick and secure: 

The system is intended to be reused, this prompts quality control on a worldwide scale thus a very strong establishment from which to build up your web item from. Like Word Press; is as of now utilized by more than 60 million sites around the world. 

Well upheld: 

Networks of clients and engineers spring up around web structures where thoughts can be shared and information can be caught. 

Reduce development time and cost: 

For each specific programming language, there are web system made, each has its master’s and con’s expected industriousness ought to be taken while choosing a structure for your web app taking master exhortation if essential. 

Rapid development Boost Productivity: 

Practically every one of the accessible systems is intended to support the profitability of the designer by offering a simple to-utilize and straightforward nonexclusive application structure. Systems likewise support the quick prototyping, planning, execution and organization of the financially engaged application. 

Suitable for collaboration: 

Numerous systems likewise assist you with establishing a climate for collaboration. You can allow your originators to chip away at the perspectives, data set masterwork in the models, and let the brilliant software engineer construct reusable libraries and modules and so forth likewise you can allow somebody to assemble unit tests since they accompany instruments for that as well. For instance: PHP systems. 

How do choose the right system? 

There are many programming dialects thus as structures accessible to assemble a web app however all systems are truly a bunch of supportive libraries that are working to be utilized by a specific programming language. While choosing a system for your programming language you will see there are numerous structures accessible thusly putting solid standards are essential as portrayed underneath: 


Licenses are significant basically because they can essentially affect your application. Before you begin creating utilizing structure, look at what sort of permit the systems falls under. While most licenses are quite liberal to work with and permit you to make the business application and some of them are not all that liberal. See whether the permit permits you to circulate your application monetarily or not. 

Pick a system that you can be re-reason it into a segment appropriate to reuse in your other application or far superior deliver it to the overall population so they can utilize it in their application. 


While choosing a Web App Development Company make sure to pick one that has the qualified team with conceivable learning bend. A few systems are adaptable with regards to naming shows, registry structure and what not’s while others are exceptionally exacting hurling blunders at the smallest mix-ups.


How is UI & UX in Web App Development Raising ROI?

Web App Development

Before you make the slightest effort to improve your site’s user experience (UX), it’s imperative to plunk down, gauge your options, and figure it out. Only once the entirety of this has been considered can you appropriately execute a Web App Development Company that tends to your users’ experience and your primary concern simultaneously. 

The Link between Web Development and Your Bottom Line 

In any case, running an internet business storefront is a unique creature from a physical operation, and the battle to give a decent experience to your online clients can be significant.

In case you’re now in your UX venture, it’s critical to complete three things:

  • Break down what quality web-based business UX truly implies.
  • Figure out how to quantify your site’s UX viability.
  • We should begin with the initial step.

What Is Good UX? 

A great user experience is a nuanced concept that can take a limitless number of structures. Nonetheless, there are a few topics that will, in general, apply to all applications of good UX, regardless of what industry, specialty, or crowd your web app development is pointed towards:

•  Great UX is Easy on the Eyes 

While back-end development may zero in on the background code and website function, front-end web designers organize style, for example, text, pictures, and other visual components that crowds will see on your webpage. Web App Development Company will all be customized to the interests and inclinations of your intended interest group, from shading and picture decisions to tone and voice in your content. 

•  Great UX Includes Quality Content 

From deals channels to drawing in articles, quality UX relies upon setting up yourself as an authority with information and solutions for your client’s issues.

•  Great UX Is Functional 

Along with feel and reason, a decent user experience depends on functionality, for example, quick stacking speeds, being portably amicable, and keeping up broad web availability for your pursuers consistently.

•  Great UX Connects with Readers Where They Are 

Compassion is a vital trademark in business nowadays and not simply in the background by the same token. You need your content to resonate with your clients on whatever number of stages as could reasonably be expected.

•  Great UX Is Always Evolving 

A Web Development Company with great UX today might be out-dated tomorrow. Notwithstanding, this can be forestalled if the engineer rehearses social tuning in, accumulates input, tracks examination, and afterward adjusts to changes in client taste, state of mind, inclinations, and expectations. 

If you can hit these on your website, you can build up a heavenly user experience for your pursuers. The question is does the time and cost included make it justified, despite any trouble over the long haul?

Instructions to Measure and Manage Your ROI for Your UX 

While putting resources into UX is significant, it’s likewise fundamental that you put forth attempts to follow the adequacy (or inadequacy) of your site’s UX to legitimize or change the costs in question.

•  Plan Ahead 

Continuously plan your UX endeavours early. Start basic by only doing what is vital, for example, making fundamental points of arrival or building up a solitary online media account. Simultaneously, consider how you’ll, at last, have the option to scale your endeavours if you are effective.

•  Track Expenses 

Next, track the time and cost that you put into your client’s UX. A few things are anything but difficult to follow, for example, recruiting an independent essayist to make content. Others are trickier, for example, time spent by a worker taking a shot at site navigation. While is anything but an ideal science, it’s essential to put forth a valiant effort to track and gauge whatever you can.

Distinguish What You Can Measure 

Along with the following costs, you should put forth an attempt to quantify whatever you can to check whether your UX endeavours are having any kind of effect. You can do this in a wide range of ways including:

•  Conversion rates

This is how regularly someone arrives at the finish of your business channel and makes a buy.

•  Star evaluations and online surveys

These give a simple understanding of what clients think.

•  Time spent on page

This is otherwise called abide time and shows you how long a client went through connection with your content.

•  Drop off rates

What number of individual, abandon your business pipes before arriving at the end?

•  Increases in deals

This can be a simple marker that UX is improving.

•  Better efficiency

If your UX support lessens the time and money spent on your site, it can by implication sway your ROI.

A few things can’t be estimated, for example, client steadfastness, yet all in all, attempt to gauge whatever you can.


User experience is significant. Be that as it may, estimating your user experience endeavours is likewise significant. If you don’t consider how successful your Web Development Company is, you won’t have the option to know whether your site is functioning accurately, if there are mistakes in how your client venture plays out, or in case you’re overspending for results that you can accomplish at a more moderate rate.


Instagram Releases Progressive Web App with Direct Messaging Feature on Microsoft Store

Progressive Web App

Instagram has been the most widely used and popular social media platform nowadays. In the past couple of years, Instagram has shied away from many real features and has added a new layout for the users. The Facebook-owned app imperatively wants one or the other user to just keep belonging and downloading the mobile apps. But things are going to be changed, as they don’t seem too.

As per the current reports, Instagram has now released the progressive web app on Microsoft store with lots of enhancement for the users. The
the progressive web app is not a real desktop app but it gives us the feel of native Window.

The Instagram app, which is a Facebook-owned photo-sharing app has now availed progressive web apps and is available for the users on Microsoft store updates for Windows 10. This adds has supported message features or can say a direct message feature for the users which has been missing on desktop or web for long.

The companies have been testing the direct messaging features for so long for the desktop version and have now become available for the users. Instagram app users on Windows 10 can send and receive the direct message sent by their friends and family on their desktop itself.

This also signals that the newer Instagram has a lot many things to provide to users than the old version we already had. This latest update has also promised users to make it more stable and robust for desktop use.

With the help of direct messaging which is coming to desktop, users can close to get the feature on the web or desktop as well. Earlier, Instagram has also added a new feature that allows users to send or react to the GIPHY.

From Android and iOS mobile apps, Instagram has also removed the button of IGTV and has killed the standalone messaging app which is called direct messaging that allows users a customer-centric approach.


All You Should Know About Cross-Platform Apps Development

App Development

As of today, the world mobile app market has undergone several notable innovations. With the myriad of the app being updated and developed periodically, the global mobile application market has traversed all the expected limits and is supposed to behold the new heights. Mobility has now risen as an integral part of the digital world as well as leading the global economy towards further growth by mobile application development along with web app development. The scenario today is that mobile app engagement is causing a dramatic change in millions of businesses in a way that has made ”Mobile first” as a default approach.

Mobile apps are an excellent medium for enhancing brand awareness & recognition and marketing specialists have admired this move. The future of mobile phones has come under the vague periphery, with the increasing integration of Artificial Intelligence. Nowadays, nearly about 99% of mobile users either use Android or iOS as their mobile app platform. Potential users of both the platforms are scattered unevenly, making it tough to classify the prospective users and their preferences. For small entrepreneurs or SMEs, developing a mobile application for both these platforms is a time-consuming and financially crippling task.

Cross-platform application development has solved this problem for the vendors, and it is anticipated to catch a massive share of the customer’s market. Traditionally, native apps have ruled the market with a significant advantage, but now cross-platform app development has taken a hold over native mobile apps. With the advent of cross-platform application development, web and mobile app development have stepped a bit ahead. Earlier small entrepreneurs and startups find native app development comes out heavy in their pocket, but cross-platform app development is pocket-friendly.

What is a Cross-platform application?

Cross-platform applications are flexible that advances the source code’s usability and facilitates the cross-platform app developers to employ it on different platforms. Cross-platform app development caters all mobile operating platforms without making the user notice and that too by saving time, cost, and efforts.

Benefits of Cross-platform application

The underlying vision of every organization is to connect with broader customers to acquire a large target audience and revenue generation. Cross-platform app development offers many advantages; this is why mobile application development company worldwide prefer this technology.

Some of its advantages are as follows:

From the prospect of developers

Development speed

Cross-platform apps require less time than that of native web or mobile apps, in turn, increasing the development speed of the cross-platform apps and reducing the expenditures incurred.

Reusability of codes

Mobile app development companies globally are lured with the versatile features of cross-platform development. The code once written is reusable in another web and mobile development tasks also, saving the company from deploying a different development team for a specific app.

Easy use of plug-in

In order to develop various features, Plug-ins are superb. Handy tools, namely PhoneGap, Appcelerator, and much more ease out the access to plug-ins.

Cloud integration

When integrated with the Cloud, the versatility of cross-platform apps improves.

From the prospects of business owners

Uniform view for clients

The apps look similar no matter what the mobile platform is used. A single time investment demonstrates a more critical power and magnifies visibility as the app can be installed and operate on any platform.

Shorter Development time

The time and efforts spent in creating, coding, and examining web and mobile development projects are directly proportional to the cost of the development. With cross-platform apps, businesses will save cost by reducing the required. If the right technical stack and plan are flexible, the businessman can use 80% of codebase. By shortening the development time with cross-platform apps, you can save cost, which in turn, leverages the marketing purposes and other core business conducts.


A standard native app having basic features ranges around $100,00 and has a variety of complexities through the development process. However, cross-platform apps are cost-effective and do not have many complications with its development process.

Exposure to a large number of users

As the app can be operated and installed anywhere, cross-platform apps increase the reach to consumers. Its additional benefit is uniformity that makes it extra comfortable to know and handle on any device.

Low maintenance cost

The ever-changing standards and requirement of the businesses force administrators to push updates 48 times in a year, which demands a higher price and nullifies the app revenue for small businesses.

The drawbacks of Cross-platform app development

Though it comes with a wide range of benefits, it has some disadvantages as well. These are:

From a business point of view

No updates

As only native apps are entitled to get the update information, there are any timely updates from the Apple Store and Google Play Store. No updates are amongst the significant drawbacks of cross-platform app development. It has been a hot topic within the developers concerning the future of cross mobile app development when comparing to native web and mobile app development.

Performance issues

The computing ability of mobile phones is minute and inappropriate for handling complex HTML5/CSS user interface components and also increases the response time with lots of load time over GPU/CPU resources.

Time-consuming compilation

The time for code compilation is quite slow. It demands time and must be done individually for all platform, unlike the native code compilation. Furthermore, the rendering time is also much time-consuming.

From the developers’ point of view

Challenging UX requirements

Matching the UX necessity of both the platform is not a simple task for the app developers. It is understandable that any app’s success heavily depends on its UI design. Poor UI design accounts for 20% of app store rejections, so it demands developers to be very careful during the development process.

Last Lines

Despite highlighting handy tools, cross-application development also incorporates a few frameworks that utilize particular languages and tools, so you have to learn the tools & languages from scratch. Cross-platform apps come with advantages and drawbacks both and choosing between native app development and cross-platform development depends on your business requirements, budget, and goals. If you are a small entrepreneur or startup, cross-platform is the best alternative for you as it can provide you an extra edge. If money is not a matter, a native app is the best option in this case. And yes, cross-platform is prone to be given red light if you don’t contact a mobile app development company to assist you in the same.


Why do Businesses prefer Progressive Web Apps over Native Apps?

Progressive Web Apps

According to the data from Statista, nowadays, mobile currently accounts for over 60% of total internet usage. The chief reasons for it are ease in accessing the internet, portability, and cheap hardware. In this situation, UX obtains huge significance, and progressive web apps can aid in enhancing UX as they optimize websites on Smartphones. Flipkart, Twitter, Pinterest, and many more big businesses generated progressive web apps. These PWAs integrate characteristics of the web along with the mobile app, delivering the native or hybrid app-like User experience. Applications that offer an optimized website for mobile devices are referred to as Progressive Web Apps.

PWAs give access to the users to content via browsers and let users download the content whenever and wherever they browse. Native app development is suitable for a specific platform, whereas Progressive web apps are devised for usage in a browser. PWAs function similar to native apps almost, but they don’t command the complete hardware of the device.

Real-Life PWA Cases

Numerous well-established businesses adopted PWAs. The following case studies will present you with a better insight into the effectiveness of Progressive Web Apps.

Twitter Lite

Twitter ranks amongst the most popular social apps, with 328+ million users per month, and approx 80% of them access Twitter on mobiles. In April 2017, Twitter named PWA the default mobile mode for producing mobile quicker and more trustworthy for users.

Doing this, they realized:

  • A decline in Bounce rate by 20%
  • Posted Tweets progressed by 75%
  • Pages per session multiplied by 65%


Moreover, as PWA is just 600kB compared to the downloaded version, which is 23.5MB, Users save on their data plan with Twitter Lite. It takes only 5 seconds on a 3G network if you are downloading the first time and the app loads in less than 3 seconds for each return.

Pinterest is an image-based platform; assists users in making their catalog of ideas and has more than 200 million active users each month. In order to enhance user experience and augment the conversion to higher than app installation, the application development team revised the mobile website as a PWA.

They got tremendous results:

  • Weekly active users rose by 130%
  • Pins views number improved by 401%
  • Logins raised by 370% and new sign-ups rose by 843%
  • Page payload deducted from 490kb to 190kb
  • User engagement grew with an average session period surging by 296%

Flipkart Lite

Flipkart decided to close their mobile website tentatively and offer an app-only interface when India’s largest e-commerce website suffered the issue of addressing users with seamless experience because of various variables of network connectivity. They rethought their strategy and developed Flipkart Lite, a progressive web app as the PWA features replicated the native experience, and the consequences were significant.

The results were:

  • Time the users spent on the site increased by over 3x.
  • The re-engagement rate raised by 40%
  • Data usage diminished by 3x among users who visited the site through the option of Add to Home Screen
  • Conversion rate advanced by 70%

When to Consider Progressive Web Application development?

PWAs may not be a good option for the business whose customers don’t visit their website often as the app is not evident on app stores. Users become urged to download PWAs only if they are on the home screen. You must consider these points before deciding whether to go for Progressive Web Apps or not.

  • Customer acquisition cost: PWAs are vital for businesses looking at minimizing customer acquisition cost. Not all company can bear the high cost of user acquisition that native apps necessitate. PWAs can lessen customer acquisition costs can be reduced by ten times approx.
  • Importance of app store presence: Games and social apps that are special categories of apps are likely to be downloaded from app stores. Hence, if your company falls in a category that has more probability of displaying in web searches by keywords, then PWAs will helpful.
  • Processing requirement: While PWAs are accessible offline, so they are available in a limited version. They work well for e-commerce platforms, education portals, and other business websites that can operate with offline content.
  • Dependence on native features: PWAs gives push notifications that let businesses in reminding customers each time they advertise new content to launch a new product. In terms of accessibility, PWAs have limitations to access features like geofencing, accessing contacts/calendars or mobile payments and if these features are necessary for your app, go for native apps over Progressive Web Apps.
  • Existence of a mobile-optimized website: If your business has a mobile-optimized site already, then it would not be much expensive to convert to into a progressive web app as compared to building a native app from scratch.

How Do Progressive Web Apps Work?

Native apps can work without an internet connection as basic elements like UI components and data are stored on the device when a user downloads and installs them. The same goes with PWAs as well. By saving CSS files, HTML files, and images in the cache of the browser, Service Workers can be employed to provide developers full charge over the network call. When a user visits a website more than twice or thrice times, it implies they are interested in seeing content from the specific page. Browser is authorized to verify if the user visits adhere to decided frequency standards, following which the user gets a message to preserve the website as the app on the home screen. The user can visit PWA any time once the site is collected, even if they are offline, giving them a responsive and fast experience.

Will PWAs Replace Native apps

With a responsive design, the mobile web experience has been significantly enhanced. However, many website designs are not conceived as mobile-first as of which the experience lags in terms of speed where PWAs can help you to bridge the gap. Undoubtedly, Native apps provide a superior experience on mobile, but until your app stands amongst the top in its category, the high development and management cost is justified.

Progressive Web Apps: The Future for the Web

Despite the growing prevalence of native apps, there are numerous causes why Progressive Web Apps will be the future of the web.

  • Mobile websites with native-like experience: Native apps are preferred interface for seeing content, and this is likely to change as more businesses are adopting PWAs. They offer it all that users admire about the native interface like Offline access, app shell, navigation bar, and telephony, with other features.
  • Congested app stores: Competition is intense in the app stores, and almost impossible to compete with the giants like Facebook, YouTube, Facebook Messenger, Google Search, Google Maps, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and Google Play. Leading categories of apps when talking about share of minutes are Entertainment, Social Media, Instant Messaging, and Games. If your app does not fall in one of the categories stated above, it doesn’t make sense to spend on native app development.

Progressive web apps rank in Search:

The main advantage of PWAs is they rank in search engines, making it simple for businesses practicing SEO services for their website ranking. New apps won’t have the harm of the shortage of reviews/ratings, as well as the link of the website can be shared efficiently.

  • User retention and commitment: Native app development demands a substantial investment, and it isn’t simple to retain users, even if the initial downloads seem much promising. Native apps are reliant on users. Progressive web apps are more convenient as users not require to commit to downloading or to maintain the app in their home screen.
  • More revenue generation: Besides in-advertising, in most native apps, the app owners suffer a sizeable reduction in revenues as a portion of it is being payable to the app store owners for paid downloads, subscriptions and in-app purchases, among other sources. But with PWAs, all the revenue produced rests in the hands of the business.

Native, React-native or PWA, what to choose?

All frameworks have pros and cons that are to be evaluated before deciding on the most suitable option for your app.

Native Apps: Pros

  • As native apps development employs a language that is simple for the hardware to get, it makes it effortless for the developers to build features that the OS allows.
  • Performance is superior

Native Apps: Cons

  • As each platform expresses a diverse language, you have to study the language that the platform demands.
  • The app has to be developed independently for all platforms.

Progressive web apps: Pros

  • It runs across all devices and platforms
  • No limitations in style or design
  • Runs on all types of hardware
  • No requirement to be on the app stores

Progressive web apps: Cons

  • The app stops when the user closes the browser tab
  • It isn’t possible to administer background processes, so features like geofencing cannot be included.
  • It cannot be found on the app stores except Windows App Store

What features should Progressive Web Apps have?

Let’s see why web app developers are talking about progressive web apps being the future of mobile and the ones which are missing in non-progressive apps. Following are the features making the experience much better:

  • Reliability: Loading of pages is almost instantaneous, even when the device is not connected to the internet or connected on a low-speed network.
  • Speed: The transition and scrolling within pages are very smooth, accommodating users with a more satisfying experience.
  • Responsiveness: The app can respond across various devices, allowing fluidity in the design irrespective of the device utilized.
  • Easy to install: For PWAs to match native-like app user experience, they should be installable and accessible on the home screen of devices like native apps, enabling users to access them by a single click.
  • Splash Screen: The appearance of a splash screen at the startup can provide the PWA the native-like feel.
  • More engagement: PWA must have characteristics such as offline first, push notifications, and home screen icon that magnifies user engagement.

Technical components that form the foundation of PWAs

PWAs demand some components that run in sync to power them, which include Service Worker, Manifest file, and HTTPS.

  • Service Worker: It is a JavaScript code that works as a proxy between the browser and the network which stores resources in the cache of the browser during the first-time load. It also handles push notifications & works towards creating an offline-first web app by applying cache API, which speeds up the app performance.
  • Manifest file: It is a config JSON file with information for the application that could include details like featuring the icons on the home screen, when the app is installed, background color, theme, or any other information.
  • HTTPS: Service workers conduct actions on the client-side, like intercepting network requests and modifying responses. So, all PWAs require a secure protocol HTTPS.


If you are a business owner or an entrepreneur, this blog will help you allocate, which is better for your business. Progressive web apps have a bright future in the tech world, and this could be observed as businesses prefer Progressive Web Apps over Native apps. Before heading towards progressive web apps development, contact a mobile application development company that understands your client’s needs and your business needs. The company must be such that it can recommend the best framework for developing your app as per your budget and app strategy.