10 Easy Steps to Design a Virtual Classroom

Virtual Classroom

Before we dive much into the successful steps to design a virtual classroom and its implementation, it is better to understand the basics and important definitions of it. The classroom can be majorly defined as the communication system which makes it possible for the group of people who come together to dialogue about something being it a visual or theory.

On the other hand, the virtual classroom is the system that provides the same opportunity for learning as well as a teaching process, all thanks to the computing communication networks. This is because of the ubiquity and the popularity of the internet which is particularly the World Wide Web and most of the virtual classroom implementations are web-based.

Now, let us summarize the major 10 easy steps for the designing of virtual classroom software as below:

Assess the needs and necessary conditions

One of the major purposes of this step is to make sure that the existence of the need for the proposed classroom and the basic infrastructure for developing it. A virtual classroom is normally too big of a task which can be highly carried out alone without the explicit support of the institution.

Estimate the development cost, efforts, and implications

The major purpose of this step is to reach a clear, accurate, and quantitative estimate of the overall cost to develop a virtual classroom. This is equally hard to estimate the duration of the project and the development of the this classroom and hence there is no exception in it at all.

Plan the virtual classroom

Now, it is high time to look more closely at the project from the point of an educational way. To develop a list of educational goals is one of the important parts of the planning process and the difficulties are coming up with more warnings about the overall validity of the approach.

Design the virtual classroom

Now, that you have assessed the entire proposed project it is the time to start the actual designing process. The HTML pages should be organized in such a way that it makes the navigation easy, simple, and consistent and decrease the amount of work important for site maintenance.

Prepare and distribute content

It is strongly advised to you to make a complete research, compare and evaluate the web design tools and supplementary software before you adopt a certain set of tools. To do HTML editing, one chooses to select from the simple, free tools to create fully-featured packages.

Enable communication

The effective communication between the students and the teacher among the students themselves must be on high priority issues at the time of the design of the virtual classroom software. There is two possible way to implement the communication between both of them such as synchronous and asynchronous way.

Implement assessment methods

Should the virtual classroom contain quizzes? These are the kind of questions that address the problem of assessing students’ performance in the virtual classroom environment and it lies in the need for fast, frequent feedback both for the students and the instructors.

Implement class management procedures

The class management tasks are clerical and administrative tasks which are important to ensure that the classroom can operate effectively. These are the tasks that many of the educators wish that they do not have to perform even knowing they’re important for the operation of the class.

Set up the system

It is now the time to get more towards the technical and discuss some of the major issues that can be made involved in setting up the system and can make the virtual classroom available. The first step is to choose the system which will act as a web server and its operating system and then choose the operating system which is quite a critical step since many software components depend on the underlying operating system.

Maintain and update

If you create a virtual classroom, it demands a lot of work but that is just the start of the phase and as with any other computer based on the information system, the virtual classroom needs maintenance and frequent updates to retain its important as well.


Despite the increase in demand for online learning and the courses available on the web and the hype all around the internet, the present need for the web-based virtual classroom has become very limited. This can build a gap by providing the reader some useful, up to date, and objective information about the process of designing implementing and thus marinating the way virtual classroom software can be highly designed.


Reasons to Employ Virtual-Reality Technology at the Workplace

Virtual Reality Technology

The impact of technology at the workplace cannot be overstated. In the present scenario, technology has become imperative in all businesses all over the globe, with such a large number of diverse applications from traditional desktop PCs to correspondence smartphone apps. Contingent upon your company and your viewpoint, you can get enormously creative with tech in the working environment. The more you innovate with the technology, the more you will find how astounding the opportunities are for boosting profitability, workplace life, sales and more.

As you witness more technology advances, you can anticipate that the outcomes of its usage in the business get better. Furthermore, new avenues for experimentation unlock the basics of office set-ups, and one such ‘new avenue’ is Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality is a technology that appeared to be the case of science fiction a decade ago. Today, the scenario has modified, implying that VR has sound and practical applications in the regular workplace. The VR app development solutions offer benefits that you probably won’t anticipate. So, here we will investigate some valid justifications to utilize VR in the workplace.

Virtual Reality Training Programs

We can say that by now, the application of Virtual Reality by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the military for providing training to personnel is pretty well-established. Earlier, VR training was more for the sake of jobs, where to train under distinct situations or in the correct scenarios was rather high-priced or risky. Time has changed now, and all sorts of big companies are opting for Virtual Reality to render training to their staff.

Indeed, it has attained the level now where it has become economical and capable enough, creating a fantastic and enjoyable approach to prepare new employees or update practices for the existing ones. Imparting training is an integral part of business organizations. So, it is advisable to investigate it a little and witness what the consequences are. Review whether it is helping your workplace or not.

Virtual Reality Interviews

Frankly, it is a bit futuristic for sure. Although it undoubtedly plays an influential part in future company practice if you desire to be ahead of the curve. The video call interview is something for which the people were excited, yet it has demonstrated itself a bit underwhelming. It has got pros, yet it has not stood as a real world-beater.

Virtual Reality interviews improve the interview experience. The candidate experiences all in all an immense degree, just like a face-to-face interview. No travel needed as you have the option to be ace to face with applicants. Virtual Reality interviews would be a truly excellent addition to companies as companies can conduct interviews anywhere in the world.

Customer Service

This one is a restless department of companies. There is invariably some different theory, or practice specialists continue to experiment and comprehend how about the effectiveness of raising customer satisfaction and sales. Admittedly, by instant chatbots, customer service messaging & social media cooperation, the accentuation is profoundly on connectivity among customers and the support staff.

The network doesn’t generally get more prominent at a distance than through Virtual Reality. On account of this innovative technology, you can hugely hoist your service side to the workplace. It will give customers a sense of direct connectivity that already wouldn’t have been heard. Efficiency in customer support is continually pursued after concept, one that has been appeared to have a considerable effect on organizations in each area. Along these lines, it’s a good investment.

Design and Collaboration

Consistently individuals at workplaces have opinions that don’t exactly come across effectively merely through words. Visual projects regardless of whether that is an architect’s concept or by week bulletin design templates, are sometimes hard to display in a manner that can be clear and collective both. Virtual Reality has a complete host of software explicitly focused on this area, permitting employees to view and work on physical, visual thoughts in an inventive three-dimensional space. This will prompt quicker outcomes that better reflect the work of the representatives.


You can now understand the consequences that VR is having on a wide range of various zones of business. Furthermore, that isn’t even a hint of something more substantial. There is a lot more to come. Prepare for some experiments and get involved. If you are planning to get yourselves a VR application, contact a VR app development company that can help you stay ahead of the curve.


Internet Of Things and other Trending Technologies- How are they Connected?

Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things has finally entered into many of the industries, and it has popped the bubble of buzz around the same. As of now, there are around 31 billion devices around us that are connected and help in performing daily tasks for us. It is because the products are completely focused on the needs and the requirements of the customer, it is extremely popular. The development of IoT product has taken over the world and many app development companies now, are providing that as a service.

There are typically two types of devices in IoT, one is a device that will read the data around you using sensors and it will provide that as the data. For instance, the thermostat of the air conditioner. The second type of device is the one that actually performs some action and these could include the actuators and locks for instance. Since IoT is not the only prevalent technology in the world right now, let us see the magic it creates when combined with other trending technologies.

  • IoT combined with Artificial Intelligence

These are two broad fields which have common use cases. The former deals with capturing data and the latter, with making the devices that capture data smart. Thus the overall process becomes much more efficient and readily usable by the user, the technology companies are working with these two to create products like never before.

The customers can now learn more about the industrial equipment that they hire or buy so that it can be assessed thoroughly before it starts to impact the on–time. The downtime can be reduced to a large extent. IoT can provide the data that can make the business understand the needs of the customer and AI can be used to automate the solutions for the same.

  • IoT combined with AR/ VR

When these two technologies combine, they can create solutions just like the real world. AR/ VR deals with providing a new world in front of us that overlaps in the real world. The IoT can be used to enable the objects in the real world to work exactly the same when they are placed in the virtual world. This is causing major leaps in how the world is viewed and worked with.

The concept of telepresence allows people to be present at locations that are distant. The combination of these two technologies can also change the way, video conferencing is done and we can then move freely with the connections of the mobile data. The network of transportation in cities can be made more efficient.

  • IoT combined with the Blockchain

Many people say that the combination of these two technologies can be deadly but it is yet to be proven. Separately though, these two are causing the major impact in the business world. Internet of Things is basically the merging of everyday devices into our life which can now use sensors and actuators to detect and work with data. On the other hand, blockchain works on the principle of having a filing system that can be used to manage records that are real-time with more security. If you combine these two, then you would have a smart solution that can capture and store the data obtained from the smart devices.


One can install a system by which many organizations can track the activities that are happening in the supply chain. The machines can then store the data in them which are accurate and does not require the intervention of humans. Also, contract facilities will ensure that the contract is placed when certain pre–determined agreements are fulfilled.

  • IOT combined with Big Data

This use-case is almost obvious because IoT involves sensing and capturing of large amounts of data, and how can it be possible without introducing the concept of Big Data? They are connected so closely, that is almost impossible to separate them out for different functionalities.

Because of this merging, companies are now able to work with more data which makes their business more efficient and powerful. Also, business can visualize their supply chain from one end to the other end, and they can assess the success parameters of their business and take the required measures.

  • IoT combined with Machine Learning

IoT when combined with Machine learning provides a significant solutions because the latter, deals with knowing when to shift certain parameters so that the end goal is achieved the most efficiently. IoT cannot be always static, it will need something to understand the change in environmental factors and parameters and then adjust the data accordingly.

The industries can save their costs massively if they install ML along with IoT. For example, it can warn the users when the machine needs maintenance. The ML can also help the businesses understand the psychology of their customers and they can tune their businesses accordingly. Further, the ML can help realize the temperatures that you need when you enter a room and the Internet of things technology can help provide it.


The Internet of Things are transforming our life, one app at a time. Companies around the world are innovating every single day by combining these technologies, with others, to create solutions which one would have conceived to only exist in novels before!