What type of Architecture does your Mobile Application need?

mobile app

When you get to develop an app, as aware of types of applications and their use. The platform which suits most to their utilization. There are different types of software, it might be web, native, or hybrid that completely depends on the service you are going to provide at application development company. You have to notice all the demands in the market, depict the trend going on as well the ethics depending on the design. This is also important to notice that how much percentage of demand for app demand for functionality or design.

2.87 million Apps are currently available in the play store according to the study from 2009 to 2020 as well around 2.56 have been uploaded yet on the app store. The presented data is enough to analyze how much the app startups and dedicated companies willing to provide the app development services to the organizations. Downloading applications is surely not enough and never gives a surety about its installation. Even after installing when the user finds to comfortable in first impressions only after that it gets to stay and use the app. A perfect layout and attractive mobile app architecture get you in the top mobile app chart in the app store and play store.

Mobile app development company faces similar problems and some challenges like inconsistent HTML and CSS in mobile browsers, cross-browser compatibility. Some selected layouts are prepared to create virtual satisfaction while surfing on the browser as a web app.

Premium sections of a mobile application layout

The mobile app design has various strategic ethics and ideas followed by the application developer. Creating a successful application requires huge concentration and care for design and development. Not only programing important the content you put inside the app must be relevant. Keep eyes on the service you are willing to provide through an app.

1. Presentation or visual layout

This pattern made up of proper synchronization between UI and UX. Is the design prepared by mixing elements consists of fonts, colors, themes, and backgrounds, etc.

2. Navigation pattern or processing layer

This pattern is like a connection between the user interface and the composition of the app. It is composed of workflows, components, and business entities. This helps to depict the way data move from step to step.

3. Services layer/data layer

This level accounts for the data access components, server communication, storage, and logic. It composed of data access components, data utilities, and service agents define a particular set up of app functionality, and the design reused all over the application to create uniqueness.

Major features of a successful app are listed below:

  • Behind every great app is a great idea
  • Identifies a Target Demographic
  • Encourages User Engagement
  • Beautiful UI Design
  • Follows Platform Design Guidelines
  • Use of Familiar Screens
  • Frictionless Navigation Feature
  • Responsive.

Key points to be taken care of while creating a mobile application

Unbeatable app development foundation has base delivery of a successful application. The company tends to create the best design but Before the preparation of a framework. Here are some main points that must take care of. Must drag the main points into the blueprint of the app. Perfection in the application can be made by the complex design only but the design and content creation only can make it unmatchable.

  • Bandwidth Consistency:

The app designed keeping in mind about the serves, browser, and operating system accessibility also the confidentiality as per user convenience. The internet speed and the size of the app. The developer must think of functionality so that the app would be operable on the slow internet too.

  • Notifications and Updates in Real-Time:

Regular update in new design and notification pop up to keep the user up to date.

  • Navigation:

Options to navigate through an app needs expertise in front-end and back-end development– Modular controller, scroll view, gesture-based, tab controller, stacked navigation bar, search drove, Stacked navigation bar, Tag driver, single view, Single view, scroll view, Gesture-based navigation and Search driven navigation.

  • User-Interface:

A rich and interactive featured but the sober user interface Keep device type in mind while development: For memory, screen size, CPU features, storage space, screen resolution, availability of the development framework, etc.


A unique mobile app comes from creative ideas from different minds. The app design requires a team that has a graphic designer, an excellent content resource person for interactive content inside the app, an expert developer that all are available at AppSquadz the reputed mobile app development company with happy clients across the globe in major countries.


The Future of Mobile Application Design in 2019

Mobile App Design

The use of mobile app design continues to grow, but analysts point to a slowdown in general and greater use of messaging and social networking applications to the detriment of other types of applications. The data also indicates that few applications are used but it is true to them.

From the point of view of mobile app developers, whether individuals or companies, there have always been complaints about the commercial limitations of mobile applications, especially for Apple:

• The time it takes Google to approve an application is usually less than 24 hours. Apple usually takes four days. If a bug is discovered in an application, even if it is corrected immediately, it will take four days to reach the users.

• For an application to be approved, it must follow rules that tend to lean more towards the interests of Apple than of the developers. The confrontation between Apple and Spotify was famous last year.

• When you buy an app, you buy it forever and for the next updates. This is negative for many companies because it does not allow them to charge for the work of developing updates. There is a solution: publish a new application in the stores, but this implies abandoning the previous application and starting again because you start with the download counter at zero and without the users’ ratings.

• Stores do not allow free trial periods. Users are reluctant to pay for an application to find out if it really interests them. Google Play allows you to cancel the purchase (and returns the money) if it has not been more than two hours since the purchase, a clearly insufficient time to test many applications. Apple Store does not impose this time limitation, but top app developers complain that many users request the return of purchases, Apple grants it, but still use what they have bought, because Apple does not disclose to developers the identity of users to those who have been granted a refund.

Despite these drawbacks, it must be said that mobile applications by UX design company have advantages, are useful and are indicated in many cases. There are many companies whose business model is not resented by the conditions imposed by the stores, in-fact there are millions of apps, but there are also other companies that faced these conditions have preferred to develop a web application instead of a mobile application, but not It is always possible because mobile app design company allow agility and performance that are not available to web applications.

Progressive Web Apps

Without going into many technical details you could define the “Progressive Web Apps” as a way to develop web applications (reside on a website and used with a web browser) using technologies that allow them to offer functions of the mobile applications that we usually install on our phones and tablets. These are the characteristics of this type of web applications:

Findable: unlike apps, they can be indexed by search engines and easily found by users. They also include an informative file that identifies them as an application and allows them to be recognized as such, not just as a website.

Adaptable design: its presentation in the browser adapts to the orientation and dimensions of the screen.

They work disconnected: despite being a website, they are designed to work without an internet connection. They may have saved information locally to present it later or save user information locally and synchronize it with a server when there is internet access.

Secure: they use the HTTPS protocol to ensure that communications are encrypted and thus protect the information transmitted.

Installable: ‘Progressive Web App’ application can be included in the home screen of a device just as mobile applications are added.

Progressive: the web application by mobile app design company should work on all devices, in the same way as a normal website would, and should progressively take advantage of the features offered by the browser on which it is used.

So that everything said above is possible and that despite being a web application behaves as a mobile application uses a technology called “Service worker”. A mobile application by iPhone app developers can perform tasks even if we are not using it. For example, we can have the phone in a bag or in a pocket and we get a WhatsApp message. This is possible because that application still in operation even though we are not using it.

A website that we access with a browser responds to our requests, reacts to the actions we perform with a mouse or with a finger on the screen. If we do not use a website, the browser will be waiting. Therefore, in order for a website to send us notifications or collect updated information without our intervention, and thus function as a mobile application, he must be able to perform tasks on his own, and that is where the so-called “Service worker” comes into play.

Those who have done so are adding more features of this technology progressively. Firefox, Chrome and Opera have “Service worker”. Microsoft is currently developing it for its Edge browser. Safari, Apple’s browser, does not support “Service Worker” and has not notified plans to do so in the future.


The advantages of mobile app development technology are enormous. The experience for users is similar to mobile applications, they work without internet connection, and they allow notifications or perform tasks in the background, being able to perform functions while they are unattended. For companies, it is also an advantage to use the same technology for any device, mobile or not. They do not have to carry out specific developments for a specific mobile platform because everything works on a browser. They can also publish their “Progressive Web App” applications wherever they want and update them at any time, without depending on the application stores.