Apple & Google Accerlates Coronavirus through Contact Tracing Apps

Contact Tracing App

Apple and Google have recently announced that there is a huge collaboration between both of them to create a contact tracing app. The main aim of creating this app is to slow the spread of the COVID19 Pandemic by allowing the users to log in to their mobile phones. This is one of the rare collaboration that is happening between two Silicon Valley Companies and whose operating system is powered 99% of the world’s smartphone.

There is a rare collaboration between the two Silicon Valley companies who have the operating system that powers about 99% of the world’s largest smartphones. These mobile applications will help to trace the patients if any of the COVID 19 pandemic and will help them to get treatment instantly so that others may not get affected. The usage of mobile applications can help to accerlate the potentially affected patients into testing or can be mad quarantine quickly so that other may not get affected from the virus.

This contact tracing app will play a significant role in managing the spread of coronavirus pandemic in this lockdown. So, those others may not get affected by this spread and will have a safer environment in the future. By suing this technology all the infected will come into the contact and can be sent for the treatment so that others may not get affected from the same. In this way, you can favor the decentralized system thus to trace the contacts and government in Asia and Europe where the spread of COVID is much more than any other country.

How does Contact Tracing App Will work?

With the pushing movement of centralized approaches, that have resulted in technical weakness and potentially let the government understand with whom the people are associated is far much better. With Apple and Google, people will get all the public functions that they might need with the decentralized approaches and a privacy friendly app. The centralized solutions are also proposed with other major countries such as Germany and Britain and they will also not work under the new technology until the spread is not decreased.

This application is very useful especially in the place where the infected persons do not have any idea whom they had been close to for the extended duration. While it is not mandatory that people have to use this mobile application, but if anyone is using then they have to open or turn on their Bluetooth settings in their mobile devices so that tracing can be done perfectly.

The need to enable the push notification is also required if you are using this mobile application and your location permission in the app is also mandatory which is available on the Google Play Store or Apple Play Store. Currently, this has not been recorded how many people are using this mobile application.

In this mobile application, the official contact tracers can provide the code which users can match up to with the verification process or the code on their app. Once the verification code is authenticated, then the users will get a PIN that will allow the data to be submitted. The traces will never ask from the user for any personal financial details or the request to transfer any amount over their mobile devices, so be aware of the fraudulent.

When users are using this mobile application, then they will also be asked for sharing their data logs. If the user does not share their data logs, then they will be prosecuted under the Infectious Diseases Act and they will have certain legal actions to be taken.

Is the Mobile Application Substitute for testing?

Apple and Google have panned to release this software for mobile applications in the mid of May to contact tracing apps which they and the public health authorities will approve and also said that the new tool will enable them to drop potentially unreliable work all around. The apps will help to focus on developing a simple interface so that everyone or the other person can use this mobile application.

The interface of this mobile application is kept very simple and user friendly so that the users and the workers of healthcare industry can use it. With Apple and Google handling Bluetooth and privacy issues, this app will play a significant role in controlling the spread of this virus and thus will help to prevent and cure people much faster.  However, this mobile application is being launched in the mid of the month, and therefore users need not have to separate app to log nearby phones.

It has also been stated that this is not a substitute for testing but the users must be aware of that it produces the actionable results so that people can act responsibly and self-isolate themselves to avoid the spread and in contact of this virus and thus decrease the anxiety in the community about the spread as a whole.


Lastly, this mobile app development of developing contact tracing app will help not only the users but also the healthcare department to prevent the spread of this virus and make people free and aware of the anxiety that they are facing in the community.


How do Companies benefit when Employees Work Remotely?


In today’s highly competitive market, it is imperative to find the best solution in any category. Working smarter is actually means the manifold to benefit of working remotely. Whether you are saving your traveling cost or business is saving their clamoring up to the mark, there are lots of benefits to working from home for various companies.

There are many companies who often think that working remotely can help to increase their business growth and can streamline their productivity. We all are aware of this pandemic prevention of coronavirus update that has made shut down almost all the organizations and forced their employees to work from home.

Today, working remotely is one of the best and useful trends in the market which allows employees to work from their home at any time with all comfort zones. There are more employees, who actually want to change the way they work by sitting long hours in their office premises. It has predominantly become harder and harder to thus secure the talent to offer to entice with the best employees. As per the reports, it has been noticed that 43% of Americans work remotely for years and will continue the same in the near future.

How to isolate the benefits of working remotely?

While working remotely, the productivity of your business does not decrease because they are the same employees who were working earlier with you at the office premise. The only thing that matters the most is how passionately the employees are still working for you and your business.  When on the limited basis employee’s work for your organization, then the productivity actually increases by about 4.4% from their location.

This is because they have the smoothness towards your work and feels fresh and undisturbed. By allowing your workers to work remotely, will help you and your business to cut down the salaries less costly and effectively will increase their real incomes. Hence, it is a supplement that working remotely can help your business in better ways than working from office because it allows employees the freedom to work from anywhere at any time with no disturbance and no boundaries that make them fresh and relaxed.

Benefits of companies when employees working remotely

To learn more about how working remotely can help and benefit app Development Company and also can create a positive impact on your businesses as below:

Increased productivity

This is one of the most important and strongest benefits when it comes to working remotely for companies. To incorporate remote workers into your workplace, your business will have increased productivity to a greater extent towards your target audience. In a survey, it has been noted that around 45% of the employees who work from home are able to work smartly and less time. It has also been seen that about 44% of the people say that when they do work from home then they have less distraction and they accomplish their work accurately than they do in the workplace. Therefore, working from home can highly increase the productivity of your business and the employees working standards as well.

Work-Life balance

The work-life balance majorly describes the employee’s ability and the standard that they meet to work in their professional as well as personal life. When employees work from home then they have the time frame to work in those 9hrs but they have flexible scheduling that allows employees to take breaks in different working hours and can manage themselves in better ways. As per the report, around 53% of employees value their work from home miniature and promote the work-life balance in the best possible way.

Improved employee retention

One of the biggest headaches of all businesses especially small businesses who always have a kind of fear of losing the employees and that ticks their mind every time. Small organizations cannot always beat them in the competition of salary or benefits, but yes they can in some other aspects. Homeworking might help your employees to be stable at your organizations no matter what condition it made them stay with you. This is another one of the major advantages that organizations can have from allowing the employees to work from home which results in their brand reputation management also.

Increased savings

By empowering the workers to get engage in working from home is a good option to save your business in terms of money. This way you can lead with a good amount of money to be wasted on many perpendicular activities. Lots of activities like parties, electricity, journals, and other overhead stuff you might be giving the rent off in your office. In this way, your electricity bills, your furniture, food, and many more items can help you save money for your business if you allow work from home to your employees.Reduced salary

Here we are not suggesting you that just pay your employees a cut of salary in return to more flexible workplace practices, but yes, about 36% of employees choose to work from home and that might reduce their salaries. It might happen that your employees might be working for the full day and then the amount of work is decreased from their end. This way you can reduce their salary so pay for what hours they are working for your business.


After having a clear understanding of how app Development Company can benefit if they allow their employees to work from home. Based on these statistical analyses, the remote working is one of the best options for your business that can help you and your business to stay updated, flexible, and fresh and relaxed in terms of work and other activities.


How AI is becoming a Propitious Tool in Response to the Global Outbreak- Coronavirus


The start of the year 2020 isn’t pleasant as it was thought to be, as at the end of December and the rear start of January an outbreak of a deadly virus was detected in the world’s most populated country and our near neighbor i.e. China. The virus named Coronavirus(2019-nCoV) was first reported from Wuhan, China on 31st December 2019 and has now reached up to a number of 20,438 confirmed cases in China with a death toll of about 435 people. The virus possesses a potential threat of becoming a worldwide epidemic.

Another outlook to the outbreak- AI

A positive outlook among this obnoxious news and thoughts is the use of Artificial Intelligence towards the global virus outbreak. In the present scenario with the outbreak of a fatal and deadly virus that possesses the threat to abolish the human population, any help would be a sight for the sore eyes. And believe it or not, AI is proving its worth by becoming a useful tool in monitoring and responding to the crisis.

For the past years because of the minimalistic data and ideas, AI wasn’t that useful in monitoring outbreaks and witnessing or checking the spread of the epidemic. But with today’s tech-savvy approach and smartphone oriented era, the spread of millions of posts about coronavirus are spreading faster than the virus itself. That allows algorithms to generate lightning-fast information about the virus for the health officials and helps in a better understanding of the virus and finding aid.

AI Smart Aid

AI-backed technologies are used to help contain the virus by using robotic cleaners spraying disinfectants to Artificial Intelligence voice assistants calling people to give advice at home. In addition to these AI, powered voice robots are in use to monitor the health of the individuals and provide necessary and important medical instructions to the needy in need. According to the local news report, AI bots can categorize the collected information and help to maintain daily reports thus helping in monitoring the spread of the virus. The use of AI by Mobile App Development Company to create apps that monitor the symptoms of the people is also in great use and has proved to be very useful.

AI and machine language are very good at identifying patterns in the data and the risk factors that might supplement the virus outbreak and might help the medical officials towards effectively identifying and stopping of the coronavirus outbreak. AI tools may help to accelerate research and in responding to the coronavirus outbreak.


By the above thoughts, you can have an idea about the propitious use of AI as a tool against the coronavirus outbreak and its related consequences. Furthermore, that isn’t even a hint of something more substantial. AI Chatbot App Development Company has developed various AI chatbots application for medical agency and hospital that help you in defeating this deadly virus, So if you are planning yourself to have an AI chat over your symptoms or might want to take advice, feel free to step yourself in AI automated treatment that will keep you stay ahead of the curve.