Event Cancelled due to COVID-19? See how a Virtual Event is a Viable Alternative?

Virtual Event

We all are aware of this Coronavirus Pandemic and as the count of many special occasions, like weddings, events and more have been canceled due to this. The growing segment of this COVID19 crisis has made the organizations be challenged and react quickly thus ensuring the warmest of businesses. If you were planning to attend or to organize any event in the coming days, but due to this COVID-19 crisis, it has been canceled then, there is a chance that they have already been called off. The technological industries are still challenging and luckily there is a silver lining which companies can consider with regards to the canceled events that they might have planned.

We all know, there are lots of best event mobile app development companies that provide an event mobile app to its customers for their business outreach. This can help them to stay aligned and plan for their events accordingly and can make the events or seminars a most profitable. We, people, have already seen that there is massive interest from businesses who are planning to move their seminars & conferences, career fair or any exhibition to an online setting thus keep engaged with the audience and stakeholders and mitigate not to lose their hope and their thought about a particular session. A virtual event is just like an online destination which helps the audience to connect with you or vice versa all around the glove on several different topics/niche.

Steps on how online event can replace the physical one

Are you still thinking of organizing an event physically or traditionally? Then, I think this is the time when you should go with the online events rather than the physical one. Doing this, it will help you to connect with more audience and more people. You can engage with more people rather than going for a traditional one.  This is because, in today’s economic market, social media is playing a huge role and everyone is using social media and is active on the social platform more than traditional-looking or going for the events. Hence, this is one of the major reasons you should opt for online events than physical/traditional ones.

Below are listed some of the reasons why online event can be replaced by physical one or the traditional ones:

1. Cost-Effective

When it comes to monetary investment, physical events can be more extensive and useful. But for a traditional event, it might cost you more than the online one in many terms such as booking a venue with appropriate capacity, providing hospitality to the visitors, acquiring marketing collateral, setting up booth, travel and accommodation cost, key speakers and guest, parking and valet facility, food and snacks and more. On the other hand, the online event just allows the organizers to spend a fraction of cost in physical space and it will also create marketing and awareness directions and keep up a note on behind the scenes. For this you can also go with any event app development company who can better assist you in this.

2. Reach Global Audience

Due to its online nature, the online events allow you to reach a set of a global audience through event mobile app development and can help you to maximize the visibility of your event thus by extending you to reach to the entire world. This might help you to understand the vocals and the issues of people what they need from your end to cover in the events, what topics should be covered and more. In comparison to traditional events, they have a limited capacity of the local audience which you can cover in thousands or sometimes maybe in lakhs, but not the entire world. Through online events, this can be made easily and quickly possible in many ways.

3. Measures Success

You might be having an object before you went into an event organization. Before setting up an event, you have some sort of preparation in your mind that can help you to connect with audiences in many ways. But, do you have any idea how can you achieve that or would you able to achieve it or not? At online event, measuring the success of your events through android event app development is very easy because it defines the nature of your event as you can track the attendance and engagement metrics in real-time.

4. Eco-Friendly Environment

This is true that online events are eco-friendly than traditional ones. This is because the place gets dirty when people come together. In the case of a physical event where the timing of climate can be tough to estimate and paper waste, carbon footprints and more will happen in this. But, if it’s online, where there is no paper waste no carbon prints or any other handmade documents are required. You can just simply be at your place and can enjoy the event from your home or office or anywhere else. This will lead to environment friendly and not just creating a bad impact on global warming.

5. Familiar Tools

One of the major reasons why professional attends conferences or seminars or events just to make good networks. The online events or even traditional events can help you to create good networks from the pocket. The modern professionals use Skype or WhatsApp groups to engage with the audience more and create an engaging network through event mobile app also but in traditional events, you might not have this opportunity to play on. Hence, you should go with the online events that enable you to create networking with people with some of the familiar tools for a long period.


While it is very unfortunate to experience this pandemic this has occurred and has disturbed a lot in terms of business. It is very important to go for precautionary measures to stay away from being affected by this coronavirus pandemic which has already created its space in the world. Hence, you can also keep you and your business up to the mark by using these steps and can arrange an online event for your business to engage with people and audiences more in this crisis also.


Shoelace- Google New Social Networking Platform


In a world of Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, web-based life and systems administration applications don’t have the best impressions as individuals contend their negative impacts around the world. Shoelace utilizes the interpersonal interaction air and prevalence to urge individuals to meet outside of the webspace and do some sort of movement. It’s a decent difference in pace and could support the two local people and individuals who have quite recently moved to another zone find new exercises and companions in reality.

What is Shoelace?

Google has naturally reported it has plans to dispatch another long-range informal communication application, Shoelace. In the wake of covering its Social systems administration stages, specifically Orkut, Google Buzz, and Google +, Google has now acquainted an application that plans with unite individuals progressively, Shoelace. Shoelace is a portable application that helps associate individuals, all things considered, not only carefully, through basic interests and exercises. It is excellent for people who as of late moved to urban communities or ones who are looking to arrive at other people who live close by.

Just a few months after Google shut down Google+, it has now made the most prominent attempt at building a social media platform. Shoelace is presently available on the Android Operating System and iOS Operating System, but Google is testing it in New York for the time being. The new social networking app is only available in New York City. Since it is a lot simpler and increasingly amusing to meet new individuals when you share things for all intents and purposes, the goal is to bring this app to the cities across the US.

What makes Shoelace different?

The name Shoelace is given to this social networking application is because this app will tie people together based on their interests, just like two laces in a shoe. People are tied together via activities termed as Loops. In this app, users can create their profiles where they can share their all essential information and loops to connect. For users who don’t want to suggest their loops have the option to show their interest in specific categories. In the above case, Shoelace will apply the information provided to recommend daily hand-picked activities.

Googlers are working the task as a piece of the Area 120 incubator, where representatives can explore different avenues regarding new thoughts full-time without leaving the organization. Along these lines, it’s not a Google item, yet may wind up ending up some portion of the Google family. Additionally, if Shoelace doesn’t make it, Google may have agreed to use its musings, features, and computations and fuse them with Google Maps or another future long-go relational correspondence endeavor.

Read More: [Attributes of Social Networking Mobile App]

What else this new social networking platform has?

Likewise, users may attain more info of other people in their crews and even make friends right away. It is also easy to find stuff to do and get plans to do them with others with this new launch. The best thing about Shoelace is that users can invite people to join this app, whether they use it or not. Though, the users need to have a Google account to join the app. Google is, at present, taking solicitations for recommendations on spots to go straightaway.

Sign up to share your proposals and jump on the welcome rundown when/if it dispatches in your general vicinity!


Attributes of Social Networking Mobile App

Social Networking Mobile App

The scope of social networking mobile app is quite vast than the typical applications like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and so on. From the business point of you, the presence of social plug-Ins in the applications provide unraveled effect on the value and growth of the business. The social apps help in growing the business network increases the business loyalty and credibility, increase the rate of conversions and assists in generating more revenue, provides a platform to interact with the customer and thus have happy and satisfied customers.

What all is to be kept in mind while developing social apps

Social connections:

The trend of using social platforms is increasing as it helps people to get connected to their friends and family from all around the world. The applications that allow people to stay connected socially engage people to do a variety of tasks on that application. One of the best methods is to speed up the login procedure. Lengthy signup processes make the customer lose his interest in the application increasing the abandon ratio. Easy, user-friendly login procedure builds user interest in the application.

Choose the best platform:

iOS and Android are the two most prevalent platforms that give a neck to neck competition with each other. Developing and testing the application from beginning to end on these platforms is highly recommended to increase the reach of the application at a global level.

Manage user profiles:

People are fond of staying in the limelight. Allowing users to add more to their social profiles besides a name, age, location and interests give the application an edge to engage people. People can be allowed to do a variety of tasks from adding and sharing photos, videos, music and other stuff related to their personal and professional front like events.

Building networks:

Just a click, can connect people with their far off friends and relative on the social web platform. People can relate to other people in two forms, either they can friend them or follow them. Followers are meant to increase the following of people.

News feeds and notifications:

Social networking mobile applications provide people with the podium to express their view to the heart’s content. News feeds can include photos, posts, videos created by users. There is added functionality where people can interact and comment on the posts made. Even this activity engages people to remain on the application.


Security and privacy are the prime factors of concern. Time to time these should be made tight and firm to keep people content and data safe. Then regular fixation of bugs and maintaining the application up to date in terms of the latest features is essential to keep the user intact.

Interactions with other facilities:

Integration of other interactive services like emails, messages, groups, searches provides an outstanding user experience. Interacting with the social website at the personal and professional front keeps people updated and connected and increase their social activities.

Private communication facility:

Despite the fact it is marvelous to have a public presence, there is much time when the user wants to have a private communication portal. Social networking app development techniques must incorporate this facility to provide everything at one stop. The user must not go to the third party portal to have a safe and protected private communication.


Social networking media app development, being the famous market in itself, aids in transforming the business. It is one place that allows people to stay connected to other people personally and professionally, both. Our app development company provides unraveled unparalleled services for developing application effectively for the social platform. If you even have a vague idea about your request, we are here to provide you with a quick plan for it and help you manifest it.


Role of Social Media in the Digital Marketing

Social Media

Social networking sites are increasingly becoming the inevitable part of our life. Be it connecting with people, sharing photos or making people aware of something important, social networking sites provide a great platform to interact with people. Over the last few years, the number of people using social networking sites has significantly racked up, creating opportunities for businesses market their products or brands more effectively while cutting on the overall cost of a marketing plan. Social media sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus, Facebook etc. are playing a crucial role in digital marketing.