Now Travel Smartly with the Google Maps Pilots Feature

google maps pilot features

Recently, Google has added a new functionality feature called pilot program to the google maps. The app permits google maps users to select in the market and follow the topmost local guides just you need to click the follow button on the user profile page. With this method when you will be on google maps your locality will be displayed from the recommendations of your favorite local guide. You will observe the recommendations about the area and you will see “for you” tab from local guides in your google maps app.

For now, Google is piloting the program in nine cities, which includes:

  • Bangkok
  • Delhi
  • London
  • Mexico City
  • New York
  • Osaka
  • San Francisco
  • São Paulo and
  • Tokyo

If all goes well, it will grow to more markets.

The feature of google maps is the most contemporary progress that considered facebook at first to locate area business and keep a piece of proper news check out sales and development. One year ago, Google revealed the new feature named “follow” to trace business on map application later came in iOS.

In mid-2019, Google launched a tool host for local businesses that help to update profile pictures and details on google maps, this enables them to leave a short URL as a pathway for the visitors, also they can grant offers to the customers.

Local guide program requires a good source and data for their business at the best level in mapping and avigation niche. This is supported by individuals as well as publicly, without proficient analytics or critics. This implies that the activity can draw or miss reviews can do themselves. Till now, Google has emphasized the engagements and quantity of reviews, not the precision and quality of reviews.

Not all the local guide reviews are relevant, many do the best, observing the review a mark written by a local guide is not the sign of the quality of the review. In any case, the feature of coming to the nine test markets concentrated on the local guide profile and photographs. Rather than improving the expressions, it will be helpful to improve the accuracy and quality of the reviews. You can help from the displayed photo and the “for you” tab of google maps present the best recommendations. The displayed collages and pictures are best for the assistance.

At Google’s annual Local Guides summit, the latest feature was announced, along with it, Google also shared how the Local Guides community has now expanded to roughly 120 million across 24,000 cities & towns. In any case, this is another confirmation that the organization is commending client growth, yet not really with an eye on review quality. Clients will have the option to discover top Local Guides in the ‘For You’ part of the Google Maps application, from where you can follow them. When you follow them, Google Maps will begin indicating recommendations by the guides.


How Augmented Reality changing Mobile Travel Apps for better

augmented reality

So far, mobile technology and the internet have made the public dependent on themselves. The upcoming mind-boggling Augmented Reality can enhance everything to which it is added. Mobile app development company using augmented reality by eliminating the distance between that offers a digital experience of the real world from anywhere and everywhere.

Tourism is one of the growing industries around the globe. People now and then have to travel to other parts of the countries and the world. It is here that the augmented reality can make a massive difference in the experience of the travelers. Before commencing the trip, it is essential to have all the reservations made, for instance, the lodging, transportation modes, and so on. A perfect trip has all its booking is done prior, which can be stressful for the traveler. It’s a demanding task to plan every activity and adhere to it while on the journey in an unknown city. The recent updates augmented reality technology in mobile applications help travelers a lot while planning out their trips and tours to different parts of the world.

There are many ways in which the AR has made planning for a trip a piece of cake. Let us see how.

Selecting and Booking the Room

Much mobile development company has developed applications that offer virtual tours of the hotels and their rooms. During the journey, it is the stay that has to be very comfortable and also per the budget of the traveler. So with AR, the apps can provide more information about the rooms, hotels, spa, pool room, restaurant and much more. Accordingly, the tourist can make reservations.

Live Navigation

Besides the hotels, the apps with AR integration also provide interactive information about various places in the city. People can look for sites where events and parties are being organized. Not just that the apps also include information about the places and maps to guide the traveler to reach the destination. This helps the traveler get acquainted with the places nearby and look for the desired location during their journey very quickly. Such mobile application development help in enhancing the user experience while traveling through the world.

Language Translator

One of the exciting features added in mobile apps is a language translator. A traveler from any part of the world can freely travel to a new place without any hesitation of language as the apps come with a language translator. One can make use of the app and speak through it to the other person. The app will translate what one speaks to the native language of the person. Even anything written anywhere can be scanned and turned into the required language. The AR and AI help with such facilities.

Augmented Reality

The AR technology has managed to deliver breathtaking experiences to the end users. People can explore new places, cultures, features, histories, and so much more with such aided applications. The apps enable the user to understand what is being studied in a meaningful manner fully. The users gain virtual experience of the place beforehand through their mobile applications. Almost seventy-five percent of the real world can be witnessed from these apps on the mobile phone and smart devices.


Our mobile application development company the USA has been using the latest technology in various mobile app development processes to deliver the best services and facilities to the clients. The purpose of integrating augmented reality to mobile apps is to enhance and upgrade the level of user experience. If you have an idea of integrating AR uniquely to your travel and tour mobile apps for growing your business then get in touch with our expert team. We will make sure to deliver the product with an unmatched user experience that will surpass the competitive applications.