Industrial AI is Supporting the Indian Startup Industry to Establish a name beyond e-Commerce


India is ranking as the third-largest country of startups globally. Most of the business to consumer (B2C) businesses are popular around the world represented by e-commerce website. For example, Flipkart or Ola for shopping and ride-sharing e0commerapplications. This time business to business (B2B) startups niche is considering making a comprehensive effect on the market. Increasing from streets and roads of rural parts of the country breaking out unreasonable obstacles. The worldwide gas, oil majors, and extensive producers are their clients. These companies are opting for artificial intelligence (AI) fields for better business performance.

Elementary case

An enlarged conjugated large gas and oil, expecting to enhance the safety and smoothness of safety and drilling machines are spread across the range of thousands of kilometers engages Indian startups supported by app development in artificial intelligence(AI). Such several collaborations are growing that is effective in mind that how a playbook of AI development for Indian startups. Now the time to discover a detail.

Indian success ingredient

For such a numerous year the group of industries in few well-developed urban cities like Coimbatore, Chennai, Bengaluru, and Pune has grown a large number of businesses on a small scale. Most of the startups are of the AI industry niche. This is the reason companies headed to the AI in our country.

The development and growth in the AI field of India, have revealed to the whole globe. The quality is cluster talent and ideas. For example, cities like Chennai, Pune, and Bangalore have automobile equipment manufacturers (OEMs), manufacturing, and defense respectively as the common base for industrialism. Along with this in Bangalore the expertise engineers and IT professionals have enhanced ecosystem too, this is almost has become the base for defense and aeronautics. Now, there is a solid cluster of engineering bases in cities of southern India. these witnesses a progression in this great intersection of engineering and analytics. Indian startups have the low capital expense and operational cost, this is how the solution is very reasonable as well as valuable.

Breaking through the global opportunity

A 2016 report by McKinsey states that, while “feeling” prepared, just 30% of the technology suppliers and 16% of the producers have a general technique for Industry 4.0 set up, and only 24% have doled out clear responsibilities regarding that.

The whole global organizations invest a large amount of money in research and development, many companies take the risk of challenges and team hiring for new researches. Those organizations that work under specific enterprise, are tightly bound networks. The approach to win trust is communication in language and money based on small and big projects. Once you get connected to them, you will automatically get more connections.

The playbook for early sales

Innovation and technology are integral to the progress in production and will be the same as it is to an extent. The ongoing slowdown in the economic growth of nations worldwide is very visible nowadays, despite other things manufacturing and productions are the driver of the economy in the well-developed and underdeveloped nations, research shown by the world economic forum white paper.

What would help Indian startups in this space is larger government grants, akin to what the US, China, and Israel provide? Indian talent is also slowly warming up to this space; thus, engineering colleges must modify their curriculum to keep pace.

[ Also Read: Impact of AI and its Implementation in Mobile App Development]


Artificial intelligence(AI) is simplifying the path of startup establishment. In Today’s every business needs to have an online presence. Startups in the app development niche that integrates artificial intelligence(AI) and great functionalities that can boom wonders in the technological market. If you are setting up the business and need help, contact us now. Being a leading mobile app development company, we are trusted globally. 


WhatsApp business app gets its ‘Catalog’ features help to showcase small businesses and startups

Business app

Whatsapp was owned by Facebook in recent years and released WhatsApp business app for easy navigation on business purpose. Now the app is introducing a new feature expanding its capabilities dedicated to the business owners. Whatsapp is helping out businesses to reach their customers with the help of smartphones and another device like a tablet. Inspiring e-commerce app development companyintegrating into their apps. The new catalog feature in WhatsApp business app allows a showcase to the service providers. This feature offers a section to the businesses where they can upload details of products and services. Customers can reach directly to the businesses and browse photos, prices, and descriptions help to make their purchase decision.

How it works

Items you add in the catalog after creating it, you can send items from the catalog as a direct message in WhatsApp chats. For instance, if someone like your relative, friend, or customer asks for a particular item as a recommendation by a particular purpose. A business owner can select a particular item, tap on it, and send it to the customer wants to see it, the catalog will have already every info about the product.

Catalog in your WhatsApp business is designed based on emerging standards of markets. This is trending a lot that people are heading to the markets on applications instead of the open wider web. New users are willing to come online for services and business too, they are avoiding the PC and revolution has headed to smartphones straight to handy activities.

How catalog feature benefits your business

The catalog serves a wireframe of your business, your catalog is a reflection of the services or product you are providing. There is no need to design a webpage or additional material and the customers related to your stay always connected as a permanent customer. It becomes easy for the customer to reach a recommendation or particular item from the catalog by watching out a list of data.

The Facebook trademark and Market share

Whatsapp has 5 billion users on the globe and 5 million downloads on the WhatsApp business. That is already a very large portion of the market. Enhanced features and integrated trends in the WhatsApp business app make it very synchronized with iOS and Android. Businesses residing in countries like Germany, Brazil, India, Indonesia, the USA, the UK, Mexico, and Brazil. The catalog feature has joined other features like the business requirements like on mind businesses, quick replies for messages, automated messages, chat labels, and business profiles.


The app gives complete data and description to the clients easily on an end to end encryption. Secured chats and processes are very successful for instance, connections to the website and other important things. You will feel free to just tap save and distribute the listing. You can include similar things to your index, or catalog.


Augmenting the Future: Exploring Practicality of AR Apps

AR Apps

Augmented reality (AR) has become more common in the world of games and entertainment these days. Gamers adopted this technology as this technology allowed for more immersive experiences. AR-based applications such as Pokémon Go, Zombie Go, etc. went viral in no time and kept users hooked onto the game. Regardless of this, AR has struggled to gain widespread adoption outside the gaming and entertainment domains. Here we will be exploring how AR apps will bring a revolution to the other industries too who are deprived of AR apps and feel isolated.

So now let’s get onto exploring the practicality of AR in apps other than the gaming and entertainment industry.

AR apps in eCommerce

AR apps in eCommerce

There are significant AR applications in eCommerce, so it seems an odd combination. In the time of online shopping, many prefer shopping in a traditional brick-and-mortar store because they can feel the stuff of the cloth, smell a perfume. Sometimes, things shown online are not the same as what users receive. For instance, in the case of lipstick, the shades might seem to be different so while shopping in the stores, you can check that which is not possible in online shopping.

Some of the organizations tried to overcome this and started providing samples (the price of it is combined with product’s costs) to customers so that they can try it and get them satisfied once before purchase. AR applications can resolve this hurdle by bridging the gap between online and physical stores. Ikea, Cambria, Wayfair, Overstock, etc. are some of the AR-based apps which are available today as e-commerce applications.

AR apps in education

AR seems to be exceptional for the education industry as the technology applies impressive graphics, which entices children. Interactive Flat Touch Panel Display (Smart Boards) is considered revolutionary. Now with the integration of immersive and interactive technology, it is expected that schools will be the largest adopters of AR technology. It won’t be wrong to say that maybe children will learn using AR apps.

AR apps don’t need any supplementary instrument, unlike the VR apps, making it handy for mobile app developers and users both. AR furnishes educators with a chance to improve student engagement and learning. AR apps can be practiced to animate historical timelines, show galaxy composition/ structures, convert case studies or illustrations into 3D images. The scope of AR is unlimited and integrating AR and you can make the study sessions more exciting and interactive for the students.

AR apps in healthcare

Dr. Rafael J. Grossmann was the first person to operate utilizing google glass, and also thinks these types of operations will be common shortly. HoloLens – an AR tool by Microsoft is nowadays assisting in spinal surgery. This tool projects visuals on the patient to guide the surgeon throughout the operation. With such tools, doctors can operate their patients effectively. AR can be useful in keeping a check on a patient’s vital information like heartbeat rate, blood pressure, and so on.

Many of you must be thinking that doctors using technology to operate is absurd. But AR developers are working hard to make healthcare safer. You have to trust healthcare apps and its integration with AR devices till the time robots with artificial intelligence are on-board. Not only for operating, but AR can also be employed to provide training to aspiring doctors.


If we look back into the past, we will find AR holds a plethora of opportunities in games and entertainment apps, but the current scenario has changed dynamically. Mobile app developers all around the world are grappling with user acceptance still it is expected that AR technology will generate revenue of $120 billion by 2020. It will be fun watching how a mobile application development company will utilize this opportunity for better. AR will be seen making our realities more augmented and more dynamic.