How Oxygen OS is based on Android 10?

Android 10

After a hold up of just about a half year, Android 10 is at last out of Google’s hands and connecting with a few Android telephones from the outset. In India, OnePlus has just made accessible the first open beta of Android 10 for OnePlus 7 series, with the OnePlus 6 series phones scheduled to get it soon. Oxygen OS receives two or three visual enhancements just as in the engine modifications with Android 10. Oxygen OS additionally gets quick updates, and OnePlus even keeps on supporting more established gadgets at a steadfast pace.

On the off chance that you don’t possess an OnePlus gadget yet might want to think about a portion of the new choices incorporated with Oxygen OS, look at our gathering of the top highlights beneath!

Application storage 

Application storage verifies your information, delicate applications from prying eyes. For opening an app, you want to use a PIN or the unique fingerprint scanner which means no one else can use it. The component can be empowered for each application on your gadget.

The element is too helpful, particularly on the off chance that you have meddlesome companions (or children) who love playing with your gadget. You can utilize it for planning applications to ensure nobody sees your money related information or apps like Messenger that contains private discussions among you and others. I additionally use it for Google Photos because I don’t need anybody experiencing my pictures.


A shelf is an efficiency apparatus on your home screen. You can likewise alter notes, even though this component wasn’t accessible from the earliest starting point. You can’t pick which gets in touch with it appears, as Shelf records the last five to ten you’ve called.

You can get to Shelf which a fabulous element by swiping straight on your home screen. It can be used most for making notes and checking my information utilization. Rather than opening a different application to take care of business, I should swipe directly on the home screen, and I’m ready.

Gaming mode, Fnatic mode, and Smart Boost 

Gaming mode is an Oxygen OS feature that is designed android developers to eliminate diversions while you’re messing around. It gives you a chance to hinder all warnings aside from alerts and calls, and lock capacitive catches to ensure you don’t press any of them inadvertently. On more up to date OnePlus gadgets, you can likewise debilitate programmed brilliance during gaming sessions.

With the OnePlus 6T, the organization improved Gaming mode much further. Alarms from informing and calling applications can show up as little coasting notices. You can likewise modify them with the goal that they appear as white content at the highest point of the showcase.

Zen mode 

With the presentation of the OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 Pro, the organization propelled another Oxygen OS highlight called Zen mode. Zen mode takes the thought behind Gaming mode, and Fnatic mode, however, applies it to your regular daily existence by compelling you to put down your telephone. When you enact Zen mode, your telephone goes into a sort of lockdown: you will be not able to do anything with your phone for an entire 20 minutes. The main individual cases are taking photographs and making crisis telephone calls. 

Zen mode places your OnePlus gadget into a lockdown state to enable you to concentrate on reality. When Zen mode is actuated, there is no turning back. Regardless of whether you shut down and restart your gadget, Zen mode will even now be dynamic for the full 20 minutes. Zen mode is presently accessible on the OnePlus 7, 7 Pro, 6, and 6T. In the end, OnePlus will acquaint new element changes with Zen mode, including the capacity to timetable out to what extent the mode endures.

Refreshed Oxygen OS UI is fascinating

With each Android update, OnePlus overhauls the UI on Oxygen OS to make it additionally invigorating. The Android 10 update doesn’t change much on the home screen; however, somewhere else, and you will see a smartened-up Oxygen OS. The majority of the progressions can be found in the Settings menu where OnePlus has combined a portion of the things under essential titles. You get a Customization setting that contains all the customization alternatives OnePlus ideas in its Oxygen OS, for example, the Accents shading, Icon shapes, all general topics, encompassing showcase structures and the sky is the limit from there.

[Read More: Google Launched Android 10 with Fascinating Features]


What makes Oxygen OS like Android 10 are its features. Apart from the elements, we have discussed above, some of the features which come to mind are also explained here. Face Lock and Night Mode which eventually unlock the device by just looking at it and filters blue light. An option to capture the screenshot and ability to hide the notch is also the features on the OnePlus 6, 6T, and 7. Mobile app development company are gearing up with these features and developing the latest applications compatible with this OS so that users can make the best use of their apps.


Google Launched Android 10 with the Fascinating Features

Android 10

Google has finally launched the latest version of Android, and this version is expected to be hit amongst millions of android user. However, Android 10 is currently rolling out for Google’s Pixel, and soon other android devices will receive the latest version of Android in the near future. So, for non-Pixel users, the wait is going to be a bit longer. There are some fascinating features in the newer release of the Android, and these features could be a real game-changer for Google in its cold war with Apple. Let’s take a look at some of the fascinating features.

What are the new features on Android 10?

There are many new features on the latest Android. These features are going to benefit both the Android users and the android app developer as well. However, specifically, if you are an android app developer working for a mobile app development company, then you should be definitely aware of these new features which Google just released.

Dark mode

Probably, this was the most awaited feature on the Android platform. The good news is dark mode is finally available on Android 10. This is an integrated feature now, instead of app-based as it was previously. A user can simply activate it from settings, in accordance with the night theme. It looks cool, but at the same time, it is soothing to the eyes during the night time. As an android application developer, one can use this feature straightway in their apps as initially, this will be available only to the first-party apps.

Smart reply

You won’t believe that now your mobile OS is going to predict your reply to a particular message. So, it will predict, and if you like the predicted message, then you can reply with it instantly. Your messaging has got just smarter. This feature has been extended to other messaging apps as well, such as WhatsApp & Skype. Undoubtedly, it makes the user’s life much easier by saving some time. If you are a developer part of android application development team, then you can extend these features to your messaging apps.

Gesture navigation

This is definitely influenced by Apple’s gesture focussed platform. What does this mean for the users? This means that the “three buttons” back options are gone. Instead, there is a white bar at the bottom. If you swipe this bar up, it will go to the home screen directly. If you swipe the bar across, it is going to toggle between the apps. If you want the multitasking view, then simply swipe it up and then drag across the screen. For an Android user, it might take some time to get used to this cool new feature. But, for someone who is switching from Apple to Android, it should be tad easy.

Focus mode

You might have heard about the digital well-being suite previously, the focus mode is just an improvised extension of that suite. This mode allows the user to focus on a specific app, by greying out the other apps which might distract. Even the notifications of the greyed-out apps will be hidden. This mode also has parental control. It must be noted that parental control previously was not integrated with the platform. Instead, it was available as a separate feature. There are other features available in digital well-being suite, and we hope those features are also under focus mode in a given period of time.

Better access to settings

How many times it has happened to you that you are accessing a webpage and the Wi-Fi connection has gone down? It is a common scenario. The solution would have been going to settings and turn on the mobile data. Then finally you come back to the browser and start browsing. With Android 10, you don’t need to do this. In case the connectivity is not there, the browser pops up the settings screen automatically, prompting you to change the connectivity option. This is a cool new feature on Android, where the apps can automatically call the settings panel, whenever it is required. Again, iPhone users would say, this option is already there in iOS. This is important for the Android app developer as well, as he can incorporate this cool feature in his new app.

Standard depth format

We get a standard depth format on the new platform, which is referred to as Dynamic Depth Format. This can help in tweaking the metadata related to the depth of the image. For a user, it might not be a useful feature straightaway. However, for a mobile app development company that is developing apps-based image editing, could open up a lot of opportunities. One can get the bokeh mode and other forms of blurs, by merely tweaking this option. This is possible even though the mobile camera doesn’t support it.

QR codes based Wi-Fi connection

One can share the Wi-Fi credentials in the form of QR code. This is definitely not a brand-new feature, as a native interface of Huawei, as well as Xiaomi, already has this option. It is just Google adopted it as a standard feature on its platform. But there is no doubt that this is going to be a handy feature for the users.


Android 10 has got cool new features, which are beneficial to both the users as well as the developers. The new Android platform has become more intuitive and user-friendly. On a different note, it seems Android has been trying its best to catch up with the iOS platform. Even though the new platform brings in a plethora of improvement, users will take some time to get used to some of these cool features. One of them will be discontinuation of the iconic back button, which has been there since the inception of the platform itself.