After Uber, PayPal MasterCard and Visa- Facebook to Launch Cryptocurrency


Facebook being the world’s largest social media platform has more than 2 billion users worldwide. After playing on such a large scale, Facebook is now ready to launch its Cryptocurrency- Libra, which the users can use by sending digital coins to one another to purchase on Facebook and the internet.

What is the reason behind launching a new Cryptocurrency?

Facebook has been planning to develop a stable coin that is a digital currency attached to the money issued by the government, to reduce its unpredictability. Its price will remain stable, so it is also called a stable price currency.  It plans to have the currency in 12 countries by the year 2020. Libra association is an autonomous group that will govern the new digital coin, and it intends to remain autonomous of the parent company Facebook Inc. It is decided that none of the group members will have any control over the currency and that they are only limited to verify the transactions and maintain the records of the cryptocurrency chain.


The new Cryptocurrency can be used on the existing social platforms like Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, and WeChat in China.  According to the latest report from the Wall Street Journal, Silicon Valley is a group of leading companies like Visa, MasterCard, Uber, PayPal, and many others that are backing up the upcoming latest currency. Altogether 100 companies are set to capitalize USD 10 million each to raise the development of the money. The new launch is expected to open a new source of revenue generation for the company which has been struggling.

About Libra- Stable coin

Libra is nowhere near other crypto currencies like Bitcoin, etc., as it has strict rules and regulations for its action. The Libra group of association has met with the Bank of England governor, various money transfer companies along with the US Treasury officials to discuss the risks and opportunities involved in the whole venture. It would not be wrong to compare Libra with the Blockchain oriented payment methods like JPM coin and many more. The popularity of the stable coin is due to its contract compatibility and its predictability, unlike the actual currencies which are highly volatile. Also, the transaction cost, which is increasing ever since then is a reason for it is now and then in the news.

Is it a parallel economy?

Without any doubt, Facebook has already enhanced the way people communicate with each other and given a new picture of the mode of communication. The level of acceptance for Libra among the people is huge as it is a Stable coin. With the terminal similar to ATMs where people can exchange their digital currencies, they will need a large number of funds to establish the physical infrastructure. It is also believed with the incoming of stable coin more number of people will start to have faith in the digital mode of currencies. It will even prove valuable to people who are living in developing countries.


Soon Facebook will allow people to shop and spend money on things to their loved ones at zero fees, which is its way to reinvent the money. With support from expected financial companies, Facebook will be able to launch its new blockchain-based Cryptocurrency by 2020. Our blockchain app development company has already drawn the attention of leading firms with the successful blockchain app development. Contact our app developer for your business app now.


Is Blockchain a Boon to Mobile App Development in Tech World?

mobile app development

Blockchain has come into the limelight after its first design of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency in 2008. Blockchain created digital ledgers to keep an account of all transactions distributed all around the network. It allows all the members of blockchain spread around the network to have the view of the transaction and contracts that are committed securely between two parties. Its unique problem-solving features are making the leading fields of industries adopt it to channelize their businesses. Blockchain app development companies have begun to deliver blockchain development services to many areas like health, banks, media, education. The technology is used in many websites and mobile applications to increase performance by all means.

Mobile application development and blockchain

Increased security

The transparency of blockchain makes it reliable to use for committing a transaction. The robust nature of technology makes it tough against any crash. The availability of data at every point in the network again makes it reliable. This makes it impossible to fake transactions and contracts. Thus, blockchain is secure to use. It can safely store more data as per the need by expanding itself. The blockchain is anytime suitable for blockchain app development that needs to save vast amounts of information.

Tamper resistant

Since the blockchain is reliable due to its robust nature to survive any crash, it is not possible to fake any information or data into the blockchain. The data is stored at every point in the network called blocks. Changing any information in one block leads to altering the neighboring block. Blocks count can vary from million to billions making it impossible to change the cryptographic information. The blockchain application development company is familiar with all properties and benefits of the technology to use it for blockchain app development.

Simpler – The better

Blockchain being a simple technology to use, develop applications, integrate into the system; is a fast-growing technology as compared to other technology serving a similar purpose. On cutting down the development time opposite to the sophisticated techniques that take a long development time, blockchain considerably reduces the cost of development.

Agile in itself

The blockchain is developing at a lightning-fast speed with the latest innovations taking place. With the ease of to access blockchain technology, there is an excellent scope for delivering exceptional applications shortly concerning all leading fields of technology.

A digital ledger

Blockchain technology works like a digital ledger, where the information is stored at different locations around the computer network. This works in maintaining consistency among all the members of the system. Whenever there is a change in one block, the changes are conveyed to all the other blocks holding the same data, and the data is maintained at the same time.

The blockchain is proving out to be an exception in mobile application development. The technology is so new with huge scope to show its grandeur. There are immense prospects to use Blockchain in association with other leading technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and so on. Blockchain so far has shown how it can securely improve businesses against malicious attacks that intend to degrade the performance of the system.


With the budding features of Blockchain technology, there is a visible growth in blockchain app development services in the mobile industry. Blockchain application development company is using the technology to prove it a boon for mobile app development. With the level of security that it provides along with the benefits offered by blockchain development services, avail the blockchain app development services for your business and get secured.