Mobile App Security Checklist- Best Practices to Secure a Mobile App

Mobile App Security

Several cybercrimes arising has brought the mobile app security into suspicion, and if you also wonder whether your app is reliable or not, think about security assessment. Since several apps demand access to user data, mobile app developers need to implement optimum security for their respective platforms. Today, each organization, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, are progressing and moving towards getting their mobile applications developed. It is not that easy to outshine others in this dog-eat-dog competition in the mobile app industry.

App Security remains a big challenge for mobile application development companies so far. Apps provide businesses with quick and consistent connectivity with their customers, and at the same time, the app security offers a more satisfactory user experience. Companies investing in mobile applications fear security issues, so they’re looking forward to getting high-end solutions that make their apps more reliable and secure.

To help such businesses, here are the best security testing measures to protect your mobile app and make your applications safer from cybercrimes.

While a mobile app security assessment, mobile app developers must implement best practices, including:

  • To evaluate the security strengths and weaknesses of your app, you must examine the vulnerabilities through simulated attacks.
  • Investigating internal checks and reviews the code to examine possible malware and risk.
  • Observing the app interface and infrastructure to discover security flaws.
  • Enhance the security aspect and craft an actionable security plan under expert supervision.

Mobile app checklist-

Secure source code

Unquestionably, securing the source code is one of the most indispensable aspects of mobile application development. Letting the source code accessible to the public is like inviting hackers for data theft. If the projects are left without a passcode, anyone can see, download and change the source code.


Difficulties in encryption can cause severe issues in the security of mobile applications, so secure encryption along with its proper implementation is exceptionally crucial. Broken cryptography happens in two cases, one when you have weak encryption algorithms and the other one is when an incorrect execution of strong encryption is conducted. At times, to speed up the mobile app development process, Android and iOS developers apply some encryption that induces the hackers to crack passwords.

Transit encryption

At the time when data is transferred, it is exposed to several risks. Some sensitive data such as passwords, API keys, and usernames are subjected to the more significant risks always. To eliminate such dangers, you ought to give transit encryption for your data. Whenever the data is transferred via unreliable and risky networks, it will be restricted from all interception and intrusion. Besides this, it’s also essential to know all the latest updated security practices and standards.

Security of API

To a great extent, Mobile app development and API are interconnected. Any risk to the safety of any of these two will hamper the other; so, you should ensure high-end security of the API to accomplish a secure mobile app. You must practice an authorized API in your mobile app for this purpose. Any flaw in API can affect all the connected apps with it so neglecting this may let hackers access the data. Hence, appropriate security rules and measures are to be followed to assure optimum security.

Give proper attention to consumer data protection

The essential aspect of an app’s security is protecting consumer data as any hamper in this aspect can severely damage the reliability of the mobile app and the creditworthiness of the brand. No mobile application development company take any risk in this case as their clients can witness long term downfall in their business because of data theft. But with the advancement of technologies and biometric authentication, this risk of consumer’s data theft can be covered.

SDK security

SDK controls special functions within an app, making it essential to pick the best SDK to provide the features you need. Although security is a raging concern in the mobile apps security world, securing mobile SDK is often dodged and leads to all sorts of obstacles for app business.

[Also Read:-  Tips for Mobile App Security ]


The security needs of every mobile application are different. After a detailed analysis and recommendations of mobile app developers, you need to figure out the security needs of your app. An efficient mobile app development team can help you with the security concerns associated with your mobile application. So you need to contact an expert mobile app development company when it comes to security standards and the latest security trends.


Apple Introduces New UI to help iOS Developers to Build better Apps with Less Code

iOS Developers

One of the latest announcements made by Apple at the Worldwide Developer Conference 2019 which gained the maximum popularity is for the iOS developers that are Swift UI which is a declarative syntax tool for developing a native app for Apple users with actually less coding.

The Swift UI code has already been doing much good to the iOS app developers. Being fast and easy to use, it produces clear and crisp, to the point code. The cutting-edge UI design will establish a new standard for the already existing visual coding model, which has been in use successfully for the past many years. The latest UI design will provide the apple developers with the ability to develop applications for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. It works by saving time and resources required by the app developers by providing them with various tools and application programming interfaces. The features like the increased speed of the mouse and Track-pad, Touch Bar are icing on the cake.

The original plan is to bring the Swift programming language into the market for developing cross-platform applications. Its many features attract Apple developers to work on the language for the development process. Various features that have and are still entering the Apple app development market are as follows:

Native-like features

Swift is a native programming language, and it is even designed to work effectively on all platforms. So it able to access all the native features of any platform and deliver interactive user interface at a quick pace. It is also integrated with application programming interfaces like ARKit and automatic language optimization to enhance the user experience as well as the developer’s job.

Declarative Syntax

The syntax is simple to comprehend and easy to write, which makes it easier to decide what functions the interface must perform. The declarative syntax as is the nature of the code lets the developer even mention the items he wants to fix like font, alignment, color, etc. There is a gradual shift in the time taken, performance and maintenance of the programs, for instance, in the case of Animation. There is even availability of a collection of ready-made effects and features that are written using just a few lines of code.

Select, drag, and drop

Another impressive feature of the Swift UI is that that the developers can now easily select a feature they want and drag it and drop it on their canvas. Not just that the developers can then even customize and modify its properties and arrange their controls. The best part of Swift is that these visual editor codes are also available in the code editors which let the developer modify each feature when they are writing the code on their own.

Preview the development

With the Swift UI, the developers can easily create several previews of the UI/UX development and then have it run of various displays with varied orientations. This allows the developers to fully play with their creativity to design and develop new features and functionalities.

Presenting dynamic preview

In Apple’s WWDC 2019 it was declared that the Swift UI compiler and its run time will be embedded with Xcode 11. This has allowed developers to develop and run the applications in real-time. In simple words, the design canvas will not just present the image of the app developed, but instead, it will play the live application of it to the developers.

Compatible with iOS 13

The technology comes up with a default provision for the Dark Mode, Dynamic type, and accessibility options to have a smooth Framework to write the code.


The latest generation of Swift UI has reduced a hundred lines of code to just a few lines of code. With the new XCode11, a preview of the most recent changes is available immediately on the device. With the facility to add graphical modules to add a segment of codes, it can merely modify and control the features. Along with these and many other features, the Swift UI has transformed how the developers develop the applications to enhance the overall experience of the app without losing and native app detail. Contact our mobile app development company to build your latest mobile app.


Boost your Business with iOS App Development

iOS Application Development

iOS Application Development

Whether you are looking to hire iPhone application development services or iOS app developers, your main motive is to boost your business with highly advanced technology in order to maximize your ROI and flourish in this gung ho market. iOS application development to boost your business is very necessary for today’s market.