Is Blockchain Technology a Solution to the IoT Security Issues?

Blockchain Technology

There are tremendous possibilities in the field of the Internet of Things and Blockchain technology. IoT deals with receiving and transmitting large amounts of data through systems and devices in real-time.

There has been recent adoption of blockchain technology in the last years.  Since it has provided the underlying framework for the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, many industries are depending on the technology. It ensures the protection of data and communication, and it successfully provides privacy and security to businesses. The data in the IoT has to flow across various devices, machines, and integrated solutions that have analytic capabilities. While the data moves in the network of devices, it has to pass through a variety of administrative borders. In such a scenario, to manage the data and have proper functioning of the entire IoT system, there is a need to collaborate with security technologies like Blockchain.

IoT Security Issues

The IoT ecosystem is based on a centralized model, which means that the devices and machines are recognized, linked, and tested using cloud facilities with a large amount of data storage. The internet is the mode of conduct for these devices, even if the devices are miles away or as near as two steps. Massive amounts of costs are incurred in setting up an IoT Ecosystem, as many devices are required to connect via the internet. Accordingly, the rate of communication through these channels will also increase that will need managing issues like their scalability and maintenance. Furthermore, Cloud services are the next bottleneck that is essential for the smooth function of the IoT system.


In the blockchain, the data is upheld in a dispersed record book called the ledger to retain data proceedings and dealings. Transactions are related to participants and recorded in the form of blocks with an associated timestamp. Since technology is dispersed in nature, there is no dominant power or supervisor. The main aspect of this technology is that it is based on the cryptography algorithm that prevents distortion of data and ensures high security. With the hash included in every record to the previous record, it is impossible to replace and make any alterations with the records. Hence, it has a security mechanism that saves it from tampering.

IoT and Blockchain

The amalgamation of blockchain with IoT has led to the protection of IoT. The decentralized facility of blockchain to IoT networks will solve many security issues of the ecosystem, making it more scalable, trustworthy, decentralized, and autonomous. The team of both technologies will ensure effective processing of multiple transactions, and help in tracking and coordinating millions of devices, machines, and so on. The entire approach is to manage the tasks and things at all levels in the IoT ecosystem.

Blockchain technology can be easily used in two ways to provide IoT network security. The company can incorporate all the devices and machines to carry on transactions and transmit the data, and then it can be linked with the Blockchain network through the Blockchain app development company. Or another way is to implement the quick contact via Ethereum that will automatically automate the smooth process of secure exchange of messages between the connected devices and machines.


Business companies have many IoT security challenges. Whatever ways one may organize the IoT system and networks; there will be one or the other nitty-gritty that will come up now and then. Especially in the case of large IoT ecosystems, that have scalability and maintenance-related issues. So the new combination is trending these days. Our iPhone app development company has been dealing with IoT app development and blockchain app development as it helps in the smooth functioning of the IoT network system. Contact our expert developer to discuss your idea about your IoT business app development.


How is Blockchain and JavaScript Best Suited in Mobile App Development?

Blockchain and JavaScript

The Blockchain and JavaScript development company together have realized the potential in combining the two technologies in the process of app development. The blend of two techniques offers developers and programmers the facility to develop applications with pellucidity, improved security, and at low costs.

Technology today is evolving at high-speed and has accelerated the growth of app development at the stake of innovations. One of the promising platforms- Lisk allows users to develop apps using Blockchain using JavaScript code without any expertise in Blockchain technology. Being a quite flexible multi-paradigm, JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that has many functional patterns that people are still keen to learn and work on it.

Abecedarian developers can also have benefited from Blockchain technology.  It has restructured the traditional app development processes by enhancing the transactions and efficacy of the application. It has been seen that Blockchain and JavaScript form an unprecedented combination. So what makes the above technologies so better.

How has this combination altered the approach of developing a platform for apps?

Whatever platform is chosen, there is always a need for authority at the central level to look into the interactions with the user, like for instance it is the case with eBay or messaging portals like Twitter there is a body that takes care of the interactions with the users.

Next, it becomes essential to safeguard and manage the data owned by these authorities. With decentralized platforms like Blockchain, there is no need to secure or maintain the data. One is only accountable for its data without depending upon the data provided by any other party. It helps in improving the network size and interactions with the user.

How developing an app on Blockchain different for the developers?

No wonder that traditional and Blockchain app development technologies have much in common, like the way of fetching data from API, front-end development. But the significant difference that the developers feel when working with the latter technology is that there are a variety of options to collect data from trustworthy sources.

As the developers need to be aware of the traditional database and the Blockchain, they should know to use the nodes to solve inconsistencies that keep arriving and be competent enough to handle and take security measures as and when needed.

How is JavaScript a suitable choice for Blockchain?

Using JavaScript with Blockchain applications makes apps readily available to everyone. It is best to choose JavaScript as it keeps upgrading itself with new developments and improvements, for instance, ES 2015. The reason that it is available on any browser with any of the front-end and back-end processors, with the facility to be used on any number of nodes, like GUI clients and command-line interfaces has made it a suitable choice to team up JavaScript with Blockchain.

What type of applications are developed using the above combination?

When combined, both the technologies work to develop decentralized applications that need the developer is used to create at least the server-client apps. In the Blockchain, a developer has to deal with nodes and other complexities, which requires one to have experience with handling the nodes. This helps in developing applications that are pellucid with no particular authority to make changes to the data and information that is available to everyone. The apps provide efficient communication and interactions, and the data which is once available in the system remains there forever.


Though the programming language has several resources to work on, a developer needs to be an expert in JavaScript to develop anything on Blockchain. Our expert, JavaScript and Blockchain developers, create highly customized business apps for social media, gaming, networking, e-stores, etc. These two technologies are dominant now and in the future. Contact our mobile app development company now to develop a useful business app using the latest technologies to maintain your competitive edge today and in the foreseeable future.


How are Emerging Technologies Completely Redefining Education Apps?

education apps

Classroom teaching has always been evolving. Earlier, where the blackboards were the only display item to look at and to explain the concepts now, there are innumerable ways implemented to make education a real-life practical experience and one such example is the advent of education apps. These emerging technologies have the ability to make studies enjoyable, complementing the methods of teaching and learning.

Now a single tap or a click can help students with their tasks and experiments at schools and colleges. With the variety of devices that can simulate and track experiments, students take up online courses from the education applications like ByJu’s, Khan Academy and so on to supplement their study. Education app development has made learning simpler and fast. Edtech has a significant impact on the way of learning.

Let’s explore the latest technologies in educational apps:

Virtual reality

Indulgence of VR in the field of education has given drastic results. Students tend to take more interest in studying the topic via VR as it is more engaging and exciting. The percentage of child’s retention is way more in studies supported by VR than the traditional methods.

Live and virtual interactions using 3D modeling are successful ways for engaging and learning experiences delivered through education apps that are in synchronization with the VR equipment. It provides unforgettable understandings in the simulated environment. It even gives a boost to the creative minds of children and is an effective and fast means of delivering education.

Augmented reality

The book based classroom can be transformed into engaging, and highly interactive space build on a stable base, augmented by videos, animations, sounds, and ideas. The educational apps help in increasing the rate of engagement resulting in better levels of learning of concepts. The curriculum lessons are made more exciting and help the teacher in transforming the entire object or even the whole classroom.

Students can take their own decisions, for example on using AR technology to visit back into a place and time. They can explore where and as they want to: Below, under, around the buildings, gardens, etc. The pattern of learning with AR has opened new channels for students to imbibe and learn in the right manner.


Children of any age click very well with games. Gaming is the way one deals with these educational apps. Games introduce the concept of competitors, scoring high points in quizzes and assignments, learning the value of time with the ticking of the clock and so on. Educators find gamification one of the most efficient ways to motivate students towards their studies and to enrich their overall performances.

Cloud-Blockchain technology

Students in colleges and universities use the Blockchain technology to send and receive notes, organize certificates and merit cards all via applications. The data in this format is accepted as valid proof besides relying on the paper-based documents. It is a practical and safe way to share learning material on cloud technology.

Maintaining their assignments and submitting them from anywhere in the world is more comfortable, faster and simpler. It has merely ruled out the process of carrying hard copies of books, assignments. The device containing the app has it all.


Technology in education has revolutionized the whole concept of teaching and learning. Collaborating study materials by using educations apps and similar programs on the internet along with the need to have Edtech in the field of education and training has opened a new realm of learning altogether.

Our education app developer pioneer in education app development so that knowledge doesn’t stay confined to four walls of the classroom. If you have a fresh concept, then contact our mobile app development company to deliver a promising learning experience to the students.


What is the Impact of Blockchain Technology in Entertainment Industry?

Different ways the blockchain will benefit the entertainment industry in upcoming days

Blockchain has emerged as the most popular and sought-out technology all of a sudden. And it is finding itself being utilized where no one has thought before. People certainly don’t need to understand the blockchain technology to reap the benefits of it. It is making its foray into the glorious world of the entertainment industry, and it can be said that it will transform the industry for good in every period of time.

Easing the way of content creation and consumption globally

When it comes to entertainment industry launching new music isn’t as simple as it sounds. One has to get a deal with a label which takes the task of recording, distribution as well as monetizing the product in the form of music to reap benefits both for the artists and the firm. Same goes true for the film and television segment content. Blockchain will help in making it easier and streamlined for the entertainment firms to distribute content and resolve the unwanted disputes erupting in between the artist and the firm.

Blockchain technology will also help in getting rid of the problems which are plaguing the access to the content on a variety of online channels. Digital public records being managed by the Blockchain technology will help in efficiently handling the assets, digital rights as well as financing. These factors are known for causing a rift between the labels and artists which simply spoils the overall experience of the consumers.

Piracy will start becoming a thing of past

Privacy leaks are bigger concerns for the entertainment industry as it gears up to bring a wider audience to music, movies, and shows across different segments. Any kind of leak will not just result in loss of product but also the valuable privacy of the users which will undoubtedly hurt them more than one can assume.

Some of the major players in the entertainment industry namely YouTube, Warner, Netflix, Sony Music, and others are tweaking and improving their royalty payment dealing to resolve the unwanted disputes. Blockchain technology, in this case, will help in making the entertainment industry much fair in dealing with the artists and keeping the privacy of the frequent users under military grade security. A number of tech experts have stated that bringing blockchain technology into entertainment will only result in the elimination of the middle players like Satellite and cable TV. However, this elimination is not expected to happen overnight upon the broader adoption of the Blockchain technology in the entertainment industry.

Concern over digital rights will subdue

Apart from the micropayment, the primary concern for entertainment industry happens to be the dubious digital rights management. It has been a difficult and quite laborious task to track down the person or firm who owns the right for any particular content. Blockchain technology will be a valuable addition for the industry as the task of record keeping will be present in the public domain which will make it easier to track down not just the owner as well as users with ease. Blockchain technology will embed the content with a unique ID which will help in keeping a close eye on the performance of the content across the globe.

Distributors, artists producers will get paid quickly

In the world of music and entertainment getting paid isn’t a simple process. But the implementation of the blockchain technology will be boon for the artists, producers, and distributors as they will get paid instantaneously the moment their content gets distributed or sold on a variety of platforms globally. Secondly, the cost associated with this quick service offered by the Blockchain technology is next to near zero value which isn’t the case right at the moment in the industry.

If you are looking to develop or design a web application, contact us for any support and best mobile app development company and web app developers.