How the Kotlin language excelled the Android App Development industry?

kotlin app development

By May 2017, Google announced support for the all-new programming language Kotlin in the android mobile app development industry. Kotlin is a statically types programming language based over Java Virtual Machine expected to be a revolution in the Android app programming domain. It was not being used widely but google announced the official support to Kotlin. And the support turned its first-class android mobile app development language in 2017.

So, we will discuss in this latest blog post that, what is the world of Kotlin and how it excelled in the Android app development industry?

Kotlin Programming Language: Brief History & Overview

We know that Kotlin is called the future of android app development due to the power a smoothness introduced to the programmers they call it safer and to create reliable code. The Kotlin ensures to take less time in creating code and a developer would save time on repetitive code. With Kotlin language developer does not waste time in quality assurance and bug testing. Kotlin is highly capable of building bugs and crash-free reliable apps.

As we know that, Kotlin was created in 2011 by JetBrains – a Czech-based development company that develops IDE solutions for project managers and developers, and officially released in 2016. Initially, JetBrains wanted to solve its internal development problems in a conceptualized way that is why they made Kotlin public through open-source platforms. JetBrains team was looking for a java based modish language for android app development.

Java includes a huge amount of repetitive code to write simple tasks. It is very difficult to Understand the code what it is trying to explain and achieve. JetBrains decided to remove the inherent verbosity issue through Kotlin. More than 70% of the products from JetBrains are developed of java programming language, so it became very important to replace it and introduce a new language compatible with java with all modern features.

Developers ware very practical toward Kotlin before google announced official support to it. They thought about risks and other things. If Google changed the way of the android system, all apps written in unsupported language will not be functional. But google opened up the doors for Kotlin in May 2017 and raised the demand for Kotlin android developers globally.

Now, official support from JetBrains and google, Kotlin is widely adopted as a primary development language in android globally. Leading brands in the industry like, Pinterest, Basecamp, Uber, Evernote, and Pivotal are using Kotlin for android development and easy benefits.

Kotlin: Use Case & Applications

Numerous coders, programmers, and developers adopted Kotlin worldwide in their startups because of the ease and compatibility with java. So that developer does not have to learn from the start they can merge and match it with java. The most amazing thing is Kotlin is not used in Android only, it can be used to develop the software that runs smoothly on laptop and PC also.

Jetstream invested a huge amount in making Kotlin a main programming language and released numerous tools to help develop to translate Kotlin code into such form making it iOS friendly. This means apps developed using Kotlin are efficiently functional with iOS. Kotlin is going to lead the future app development industry.

Companies successfully using Kotlin for Android App Development

Pinterest: Introduced Kotlin and is being used by 150 million people every month

Uber: Uses Kotlin to build powerful internal tools

Corda: An open-source distributed ledger platform completely developed in Kotlin

Gradle: Using Kotlin to write build scripts

Evernote: Integrated Kotlin language into Android application

Advantages of Using Kotlin

The Kotlin offers a huge number of advantages for you as a developer. A portion of the generalist benefits that Kotlin offers include:

  • Complete Java Compatibility:

Java and Kotlin can be bury worked. Kotlin is viable with all Java devices and systems making it simpler to relocate from Java to Kotlin. Additionally, the all-encompassing development condition Java and Kotlin guarantee together can grow the extent of programming in a solitary undertaking.

  • Automatic Java to Kotlin Conversion:

JetBrains built up a total Java-Kotlin converter that was incorporated into IntelliJ to spare developer’s time. This spares time during movement and recoveries the problem of retyping enormous measures of code.

  • Increases Productivity:

Kotlin was created to take out the verbosity of Java language. This implies not, at this point a coder needs to manage a tremendous measure of dreary coding. With a brief, natural, and reduced coding sentence structure, Kotlin spares coding time and affixes the entire arrangement measure. for example, When App Lock mobile app was changed over from Java to Kotlin, there was a 30% decrease in incomplete lines of code. This shows Kotlin can diminish coding and sending time, incredibly.

  • Promises Safer, Reliable, and Better Apps with Reduced Bugs:

Kotlin’s codebase is substantially smaller and clearer contrasted with Java. This leaves less space for mistakes and stable code. Additionally, the Kotlin compiler distinguishes mistakes at the accumulate time itself and not run time, making the last app considerably more steady and solid.


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A Study on Cross-platform Frameworks for Mobile Application Development

Cross-platform Frameworks

Being a business owner and understanding it how important it is to have and maintain web and mobile application for the business is very important these days. Of all Android and iOS are the highly opted platforms, and developing the same app for both the platforms separately or developing native mobile applications requires enough time and money. However, the entrepreneurs look for quick mobile app development services to save their time and money and instead invest them in the market. To resolve this problem cross-platform mobile app development is used to save time and money while developing a mobile app.

A cross-platform app is developed to run an app on different operating systems.  Such applications are developed by writing a single codebase which is deployed across all platforms. It offers a bunch of benefits like faster development, lower development cost, and broader audience reach to make it a cost-effective approach. It provides rich UI experience, easy integration and maintenance, and offline support.

There is a list of cross-platform frameworks for app development that are well established and have significant features:

Flutter App Development

Flutter was announced by Google in February 2018 that opens the door to developing applications for Android, and iOS with just one codebase. It is an open-source mobile user interface framework and is based on the Dart programming language. With its Hot Reload feature, it enables the developers to see real-time changes in the application while developing the app, which helps in fixing bugs and carry on the development in the right direction. It is robust and can produce complex multifunctional widgets with its broad capabilities for the app. Most of all, Google provides it a large community of developers to support the development of next-generation solutions.

PhoneGap App Development

PhoneGap is an open source cloud-based Adobe’s cross-platform app development framework. It is based on Apache Cordova. With this framework, the developers build the app in JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS for leading operating systems. It allows the developer to add required functionality and plug-ins without facing any hardware restrictions as it doesn’t depend on the device’s native features and its performance. The framework has earned massive demand due to its features and support it offers.

Kotlin App Development

Kotlin is an open source language based on JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and was designed to address the issue of Java. It has several benefits like it takes lesser coding than Java to implement a feature, which enhances the development time and improves its execution. Kotlin offers inter-operability that makes it easy to use its features on the existing project without changing its previous codes.  Thus, it can co-exist with Java on the same project. Its system detects bugs and errors in real time and makes it robust and saves costs that are spent on fixing the bugs. With all its features along with a steeper learning curve, it is a good option for cross-platform development of applications.

Ionic App Development

The Iconic framework is a famous name in the field of cross-platform app development. It makes use of technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. With a powerful CLI, it can code, test and deploy an application to the required platform. Its primary coding language is TypeScript which is a superset of JavaScript that makes it easy to detect errors while coding and results in better quality code. All of its features, with inbuilt elements, and a large community of developers have made it one of the frameworks that can build native-like mobile apps.

Titanium App Development

Titanium allows the developer to create, run and pack native mobile apps for Android and iOS with the help of cross-platform application program interface like JavaScript. It helps in writing code for a native app but using a portable, cross-platform JavaScript code. Titanium consists of Titanium SDK, Appcelerator CLI, Titanium API’s and Modules and so on. It helps developers to use their ability to code in JavaScript to develop native-like mobile apps that are deployed on multiple platforms.

Xamarin app development

Microsoft owns Xamarin, one of the popular cross-platform frameworks that work on the principle of write once and deploys it on any platform. It has allowed the developers to design native apps using the C# code base and then use the same IDE, language, and APIs everywhere. The framework develops an application that delivers native app-like experience, and the apps are attractive. It offers the facility to reuse the code, and its tools and functions make it apt for rapid app development. It has been used for more than 15 thousand companies now.

Sencha App Development

Sencha app development platform is an excellent choice for cross-platform mobile app framework which is used to develop apps using the hardware acceleration technologies. The applications built with Sencha are highly tested, tightly- integrated UI elements and libraries. It can create significant business apps and maintain them with ease. It even supports the PhoneGap/Cordova integration for native application program interface to access and packaging.


In the mobile app development world, the cross-platform frameworks are the tools to develop mobile applications. Are you looking to create a dynamic, robust and attractive mobile application for your business? The frames mentioned above are highly recommended to choose to create a cross-platform app development. Before choosing any of the structures, it’s essential to see if the cross-platform frameworks meet the needs of the business.