Ways the Wearable Devices Transfiguring Healthcare Industry

Wearable Devices

It may be surprisingly shocking that wearable devices have been around for centuries. Since then, mobile application development companies have been engaged in developing wearable mobile apps. In today’s world, the popularity of Wearables has shifted to the healthcare industry also. There emerged the need for the Wearables ultimately as people are a bit busy and can’t take care of their well-being in a conventional way.

The Emergence of Wearables- need for Wearable Technology

These devices are the perfect solution which is worn continuously on the body that monitors several health parameters, and suitably transmit information about the health conditions to the users and doctors. In the last four years, the use of wearable technology has tripled because of the increasing demand of consumers More than 80% of users are willing to use fitness Wearables- a study from Business Insider Intelligence stated.

Under the influence of medical Wearables, the traditional patient-doctor model is undergoing significant changes. Sensors in wearable devices automate processes, speed up diagnosis procedure, and treatment. 

In the past decade, Wearables like fitness bands, Smartwatches, or Google glass are adopted extensively by consumers. As per the current research, by 2027, the wearable technology market is set to reach $150 Billion. These wearable devices are connected to the Internet of Things, (which is again an impactful technology) is disrupting medical practice at a vigorous pace forming a modern era of the healthcare industry.

What is Wearable Health Technology?

Wearable technology is about the electronic devices that users wear for accumulating diverse natures of data of their health conditions that can be used for multiple purposes. These kinds of devices are incredibly user-friendly and unobstructed. Healthcare Industry uses these Wearables extensively; especially Hospitals most often use Wearables. Healthcare sector uses Wearables because doctors and nurses have to keep constant updations of patient’s vitals and conditions that too in very less time.

Some factors that propel the popularity of medical Wearables are:

Grant more innocuous working conditions and predict employee injuries and fatal accidents due to fatigue or other factors

  • A rise in the number of smartphones in the present scenario
  • Integration of sensors into user devices
  • A more convenient approach to take medical support
  • More freedom
  • Elevated health and fitness awareness
  • Involvement of giants like Apple, Google, and Microsoft
  • Promote customer service
  • Raise productivity

Where there are so many advantages of wearable devices, then it is obvious it also has some restrictions.

Here are the factors that prevent the implementation of Wearables.

  • Huge Cost incurred
  • Private data security concerns
  • Absence of common standards
  • Interoperability issues may arise

Discussing further, let us move onto way by Wearables are transfiguring healthcare industry and what devices are out in the market and how they are benefitting the users and the doctors.

How wearable devices are driving the healthcare sector:

Wearable Fitness Trackers

Wearable Fitness Trackers, one of the simplest and innovative forms of wearable health technology, are wristbands that have in build sensors in it, which keeps track of a user’s physical activity accompanying the heart rate. This wearable device provides recommendations by syncing to several smartphone apps which makes it useful from the perspective of the users.

Smart Health Watches

Presently, Smartwatches have transformed into clinically viable healthcare tool. In 2017, Apple launched the Apple heart study app that observes the heartbeat of the users and alerts those who were experiencing atrial fibrillation. With the Smartwatch, the user may also perform tasks of the routine like reading notifications, send simple messages, and make phone calls. Also, it suggests some of the health tracking benefits of fitness trackers.

Wearable ECG monitors

Wearable ECG monitors can measure electrocardiograms and send the reading to the user’s doctor, as well as detects atrial fibrillation. Along with this, Wearable ECG Monitors can also track the pace, distance, and elevation. Also, automatic tracking for walking, running, swimming, and biking can also be done with these monitors.

Wearable Blood Pressure Monitors

This year, Omron Healthcare launched the first wearable blood pressure monitor named HeartGuide. It is an oscillometric blood pressure monitor which can measure blood pressure along with daily activities such as steps taken, distance walked, and calories consumed. Wearable Blood Pressure Monitors can store, track, and share data with the doctors, which can help provide the best treatment to the patients.


Biosensors are entirely different from wrist trackers and Smartwatches. A biosensor is a self-adhesive application which enables patients to move around while accumulating data on their movement, heart rate, respiratory rate, progress, and temperature. This wearable again has got great potential and ability to improve patient’s outcomes and perhaps lessen staff workload.

[Also Read: Wearable Devices App Development – The Next Big Thing in IT Industry]


Wearable technology has got enormous potential, and this fact is no more a mystery. With lots of dependence of each industry on technology, daily new inventions and discoveries take place to make the functioning of these industries comfortably. The potential that Wearables possess is not hidden in today’s world. People are likely to adopt wearable devices because Wearables have become a trend. Wearable technologies are making a splash in the market due to increased demand. In the fast-moving digital world, if you want to know more or get a wearable application developed that would benefit many, connect to a wearable app development company.


Major Wearable App Development Challenges

Wearable App Development

Wearable technology is on the boom in the present scenario, a lot of individual mobile app developers and business houses have been experimenting with wearable apps for a long time. There are many challenges for wearable app development. Some of the major ones which are likely to be the roadblocks in the way of efficient wearable app development are listed below:

Market Viability:

Before investing in the idea, the wearable app development company must analyze the needs of the market. Is your app something which would suit the requirements of consumers? Would it be desired by the market? Does any existing wearable app serve the same purpose? Does your wearable app offer any distinct features?


One of the core challenges for each wearable app is to stick with the minimalistic design. Heavy designs shoo away the users. It has been also observed that most users uninstall clumsy apps with complex animations. 

User Interface:

If your wearable app developers don’t use native user interfaces, your wearable app would fail to give the native feel to its users. Due to the smaller screen size, it is tough to include all relevant features, navigation and flash icons. Wearable app developers should try to focus more upon micro-moments ascertaining better user experience.

Ever Changing Features:

In this dynamic world, one of the biggest challenge faced by every mobile app development company is being in line with the latest features. Just wearable app development doesn’t just end at the developing of the app, but also to keep revamping from time to time.


Proper testing prior to launching is a must for wearable app developers alike every other app developer. No one wants their app to fail in the market. It is always advisable to go with wearable app development which guarantees automated testing with the wearable app development.


Who would like to keep charging their devices repeatedly? Wearable apps which are short on battery life is a big No-No.  The wearable app developers need to ensure that the wearable apps are battery friendly. Wearable apps which tend to drain on battery never work well on the market front.


The issue of fragmentation also poses a hindrance in the way of wearable app development. Most wearables don’t have cross-platform compatibility. This lack results in embedding with the problem of fragmentation. This leads to increased costs in wearable app development. It is better to stay away from fragmentation.


Delivering any effective product well in time lets you gain a greater market share than your competitors. This is not only relevant for regular mobile app development company but also wearable application development company. Launching an efficient wearable app would act as a first-mover advantage and your wearable app would be able to cater a bigger target segment.

Privacy and Data security:

Data security is one of the biggest concerns in today’s scenario. A study conducted by Rackspace stated that 51% of technology users are hesitant towards wearable app due to fear of privacy breach and other data security problems. Wearable device app development company should give extensive attention to the security of sensitive or confidential data. Effective security measures taken by wearable app developers is the only way to enhance the confidence of the user.

Protocols and APIs:

Most of the times, applications are futile on operations due to lack of protocols and API standards. To solve this compatibility issue, wearable app developers must keep themselves updated with the latest API.

Multiple platforms:

Wearable app development could only be successful if your app is available on multiple platforms. Wearable app developers could only target a larger base if launched apps are on multiple platforms including Android and iOS particularly. Platform capability is the key solution.

Tethered Devices:

Most of the wearable technology is dependent on larger devices such as tablets, smartphones, etc. for complete usage of all the features. If the battery of larger devices dies or gets damaged, even the smaller wearable app can’t function. In the case of wearables connected with the Bluetooth devices, staying in the range is crucial.


Wearable application development is transitive, but Wearable apps are of great potential in serving distinct verticals like Healthcare industry, the gaming industry, and various other industries in the market. We have already discussed the roadblocks in the way of efficient wearable app development earlier.


Developing Wearable Devices Application! Watch Out for These Tips

Wearable Devices Application

In this quick moving mechanical time, things are transitioning from one phase to another very fast. Take for example, the ever versatile and expanding mobile application development company. Before, there was struggle to build up a profoundly responsive mobile application just for smartphones. Yet, today the region of its movement has extended and it’s not any more limited to creating applications for the Android or the iOS platforms. The application development industry has now stepped into developing applications for wearable technologies, stepping into new ventures. This is most obvious that these wearable technologies have brought a critical computerized change around the world. It has turned into the best decision for the device sweethearts and also settled its strength in the midst the youth of the coming generation! The need of wearable devices application is currently drawing the consideration of mobile application engineers. Likewise, organisations are seeing a few focal points in getting wearable innovation to their work forms, systems, individuals, accomplices and prospects.