Top Five Ways to Attract More Users to Your Apps


With the growing amount of competition in the mobile application development zone, it is important for businesses to engage audience with mobile app. Development companies tend to lose track after they develop an app with relevant features. What these companies usually lack is a blend of the right amount of promotion strategies along with the development procedure. A great android and iOS application development project will also be incomplete if it is not promoted correctly. Thus, we have drafted this piece of information to help you meet your promotion expectations.

Keep reading to unlock different ways of attracting users to your application.

App Store Optimisation:

The objective of application store streamlining is to give the client a chance to discover, click, and download your app through the application store. Further, it centres around keyword and change rate advancement. The key factors that impact application position in the list items are the quantity of downloads, client surveys, and number of remarks.

To upgrade your app for the application store, consider these points:

1) Be creative with your title:

You need clients to recall your application’s name, hence choose it with strategies and by investing time. It is possible with your application’s title.

2) Utilise important keywords:

Make it easier for  users to find the answers to their queries. Therefore, use keywords that clients will use to search in the app’s search box.

3) Choose an adequately framed, keyword-rich description:

Put the most critical application includes in the start of the depiction to drive clients to tap the “read more” catch. The ideal number of keywords to specify in the portrayal is five.

4) An aesthetic logo is a win-win:

An appealing logo makes the application stand out as that is the first thing a user notices. Consult with your UI/UX designers to design an appealing and unique logo!

Exploit Social Media:

Web clients invest 30% of their energy online via social media networking. The majority of them get to online networking utilising a cell phone. This implies it will be simpler for them to download an app that gets their consideration in their newsfeed. The web-based social networking stages you pick ought to rely upon your intended interest group.

The most well known stages are Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Tumblr, all with various sorts of clients. For instance, if your app targets recent college grads, think about utilising Instagram and Snapchat, stages twenty to thirty year olds utilise most. If you have a B2B application, advance your app on LinkedIn and Twitter, where different organisations can be found.

The primary idea for app development, nonetheless, is the same for all stages: Create viral substance, increment preferences and endorsers, and spread the news about your app. When considering digital marketing services, think about both free and paid strategies.

Publicise Using Your Website:

Make use of your company website to promote your app. Additionally, make a separate page for your app and utilise it to explain it’s features and programs on the headers. Hence, be sure to include minimal content on this page which navigates users to the App Store or Google Play Store.

Make Use Of Email Marketing:

This is an old technique which is slowly surfacing again. Additionally, push notifications have reached a limit where users have begun ignoring them. Therefore, app development companies make a shift to using email notifications to keep their current and potential subscribers in loop.

Focus On Building Public Relation Techniques:

This step is crucial as it is a building block for zeroing down on target audience and how to make sure they engage with the application. Moreover, this can include reaching out to companies for publishing articles about your app, signing up with bloggers to promote your app, talk to magazines, online portals and more things of this sort to publicise your application.

If you want further assistance about making your app the favourite among your target users, get in touch with us and we’ll help you out!