Make Your App Indexed, Ranked & Installed By Simple Steps

Would you like to promote your App? AppSquadz a prominent mobile application development company provides some basic tips for helping your app to appear in Google’s ‘app pack’ search results.

Do you have an app that you’d like to rank in mobile search engine results? If so, you’re going to need to make room in your SEO strategy for app optimization.

For apps, there are distinct ranking factors. Although they are similar to ranking factors for a standard web page, there are differences that you need to know about.

Here’s how you can optimize your app to get the best possible rank.

According to a recent Google report, 27 percent of users find apps through a search engine. That’s up from 2 percent to 3 percent in 2014.

That trend will likely continue. Why? Because Google is emphasizing app downloads from search results while brushing aside Google Play as a search engine. Google has also become better at ranking apps, a trend we can expect to continue.