The entry of Technology in our Life – Learn the Pros & Cons


From the existence of life, human beings are dynamically using their brainpower to make their life easier. This is what gave rise to technology and enhanced it from the roots of human existence to the very end. From the invention of basic tools to the robots that work for us, all are outcomes of this regular effort toward a simpler and comfortable lifestyle. Whether we accept it or not but the existence of technology in our lives is irreplaceable and unmatchable.

Although technology has gifted us electricity, modern machinery, internet, also we can see the nuclear weapon lead to world war, lots of distractions, cyber threats, etc. so deciding that whether we are emerging toward boon or bane is very difficult. Let’s check out the major pros and cons, we got from technology in our life. To develop better technology in entire human welfare, check out the major terms that represent both faces of technological inclusion in our lives:

The Pros of Technology

More access to the information:

The Internet has increased the reach of everyone to everything. It has offered us a vast range of informational resources. When you experience surfing the internet, you get to know different ideas, perspectives, and cultures as well. Realtime updates of new stories and affairs, connecting with people, knowing about their lifestyles like what they are up to this include profession, creativity, hobbies, pictures, etc. collaboration through new platforms, chats, and feeds are available on internet to know much more.

We should be thankful for the incredible gift of technology that is Internet of Things (IoT) development, you can access a set of services on it. Connecting with people worldwide has made us explore the world from one corner itself. Maximal data can be transferred through the internet from one device to another easily in very less time.

It helps you save time:

Technology saves your time, must think about the older time when people had to write a letter to send a message, the letter used to reach to the receiver in a minimum duration of 2-3 days. And it used to take the same time in reply. You can analyze the total time that is about 1 week used to be consumed in the entire process of a message and its reply. Now various messaging apps are available where people chat and share numerous messages sometimes in a minute even. This represents a huge difference in the ratio of time consumed and saved by technological ideas.

If you wanted to travel somewhere before, it used to take a lot of time in searching for a way that is quite unsafe and time taking also. Now numerous navigators like google maps are there for you to show the entire route and get a better evaluation of the best-suited way for you to reach easily. Upgraded features of Google maps also let you know the traffic on different routes now.

Communication turned easy, fast and efficient:

Over a long time, artificial intelligence has improved our way of communication and information transmission every decade. At the time of the industrial revolution, we developed great resources for better communication because of excessive requirement. As the need give rise to the invention. We invented the telegraph, which gave rise to the landline telephone, then we developed cell phones and now we are living in the smartphone era. The invention of fiber optics enhanced the data transmission process well.

Technology decreased the cost of many things:

One of the major advantages of technology that has benefited lower class people most is the decrease in the cost of things and resources. Manufacturers all over the world can produce different things in a high amount and in less time through the help of technology. This has raised the competition and competition led to a decrease in the cost of things. Now people can access everything easily as compared to before. Now with the assistance of technological ideas and smart machinery more and more businesses are heading to the market with versatility. This pool of idea has suppressed the cost of articles and services in the market.

The Cons of Technology

It created a dependency:

No one can deny that they cannot live without electricity, smartphone, automobiles, the internet, as well. Less than 5% of people will hardly agree to live without these things worldwide. Most of us have lost our mind power to a level due to technological assistance. People do not remember phone number due to mobile, all the documents and details are handled by your smartphone this is the reason you have nothing on your mind related to such perspective. Calculators prevented mental calculations; these all things represent that we are dependent on technology somewhere.  

Data storage brought security concerns:

People use banking and UPI apps for easy transfer of funds, but this also raises the security risk because you have all the credit and debit details of your bank on the mobile app. A hacker can clear your account in seconds if it gets the access credentials. Firstly, the software is designed and then a security check, flaw penetration, testing, bug fixing, source code security, watermarking, etc. processes are performed further on it. Our almost information from details, photos, videos, audios, docs, all are on the server in a risk.

It is being addictive:

Technology gives you comfort, it often introduces new topics and slowly you become addicted to these things, technology is so amazing the user starts loving it. The major example of this is a smartphone, People are addicted to them, even we spend an average of 3hr45min on screen and it becomes different when you change the field like, an IT person spends more than 12 hours in front of the screen.  

There have been several things that turned user flinched when they asked to leave like video games, smartphones, WiFi, and more. Moreover, fake news or twisted truths spread so fast with technical assistance and people trust it due to a deep trust in tech assisted things.

Summing up

We discussed both advantages and disadvantages of technology and its integration into our life. We cannot deny that technology is very good to us but cannot ignore its negative impacts also. For this, we have to solve this problem we need to consider everything carefully ad use it in a limit as well. Perhaps the comfort of life lies with technology now.


How to Ensure Security Standards in Mobile Apps Development?

Mobile App Development

In the period of cell phones, mobile applications have become a typical ware of shoppers and organizations the same. The usage of best innovation into mobile applications has won and developed after some time, and security is one of the areas that has been its essential shopper. All the most recent and most refined security advances gloated by mobile app development company today have become their essential selling point. Following the most skilled and top tier rehearses in guaranteeing information security has become the objective of each mobile app development company today. 

With the ascent of cybercrime episodes, this has gotten considerably more pervasive than it was only years prior. Subsequently, it is basic that organizations drawing in with a mobile app development company guarantee that an all-around designed and powerful security system be executed during the app development measure. Guaranteeing that the information of buyers, business, and development firm remaining parts flawless and sans scratch from any digital assaults has become the requirement for the hour. 

Anyway, how to accomplish ideal security during the mobile app development measure? Let us discover.

Dangers that can arise with weak security practices 

Following the privilege and lawed conventions for security is basic in forestalling any malignant digital assaults on mobile applications. If the safety efforts taken by a mobile app development company are powerless, it opens the entryway for some possible dangers, for example, 

Mobile app developers must be cautious and mindful of the correct security conventions being executed during the app development measure on all occasions. Let us dive into how precisely app developers guarantee ideal security.

Approaches to improve security for mobile apps 

There are numerous manners by which app developers can guarantee tight safety efforts during app development. Here are the best ways:

Making sure about the mobile app’s code

The code is the center establishment for any mobile app development company. It ought to be the essential need of an app development company to ensure that the codes are made sure about to the most elevated measures. Web applications normally exist in a safe climate, which can be intricate workers. In any case, local mobile apps are more inclined to being defenseless against digital assaults as they exist on mobile devices, or all the more explicitly, client’s devices. This makes their codes more open to assaults. 

Guarantee that back-end is secure

Data penetrates or any type of unapproved access happens from the back end. Mobile App developers may be utilizing outsider workers which are being gotten to by the mobile app’s API, which leaves the back end powerless against assaults. Subsequently, it is basic that the APIs are scrambled and checked, which could help in forestalling any unapproved admittance to the app’s code and the touchy data of the customer too. Here are how app developers guarantee that the back end is secure.

Building a robust api strategy

A mobile app’s significant piece goes into making sure about the API of the application from a mobile app development company. Approving who can get to the information from numerous workers, distributed storage, and check of different clients is an unpredictable cycle that becomes powerless if even a solitary component is strange. Verification, Identification, and Authorization (AIA) are the mainstays of security for any mobile application development, which are basic to API. Consequently, app developers must form a strong establishment for an API procedure for guaranteeing ideal security. 

Confirmation, identification, and authorization

As said beforehand, these AIA are the mainstays of a strong security establishment. This is particularly valid for mobile apps that are reliant in any capacity on an outsider API. The least weakness is the objective if the API is to get to specific components of the mobile app.

Consequently, the three-venture measure for any mobile app developers ought to be to validate the clients, recognize their motivation, and approve them to get to the mobile application or its code. Applications with amazing coding and programming techniques from the best developer team at the leading companies for its amazing leadership from the best of technical services. getting top development ethics completely depends on the best services from organization you trust. Getting to a perfection in online business.


These are a portion of the manners by which mobile app developers guarantee ideal security during the app development measure. Actualizing these measures guarantees a consistent mobile app development company, measure, yet additionally gives a rich and sound client experience to the customers and business the same. Altering the safety efforts dependent on outsider APIs is the main advance in guaranteeing negligible weakness. AppSquadz is the leading mobile app development company witnessed by numerous clients known for the best services in IT industry from cross platform, AI, IoT, chatbot, etc. to the best software designs.


A Brief Guide to Developing an Educational App: Its Features and Useful Tips

Educational App

The educational mobile app market size is growing at a brisk pace, and as per the report by Statistica, the revenue from m-education is forecasted to touch $37.8 Billion U.S. dollars by the end of 2020. Due to rapid growth and advancements in technology, it becomes mandatory for educational application developers to invent new ways of learning and facilitate the users in a better way. The patterns of learning & teaching are driving towards a personalized learning environment and virtual classroom, where the users can learn from anywhere at any time.

Educational application development lets you impart education and provide training, along with high-speed interaction among teachers & students. Distance learning has come into effect because of the advent of educational mobile app development as the students can access the study materials at any point as per their convenience.

Here, in this blog, we will explain the essential features that need to be present in an educational application along with some basic tips that educational app developers must follow during educational mobile app development to make it a successful one.

Educational App Features

Features of an educational mobile app depend either on the nature of the app you wish to develop or on the institutions & end-users. Here we have discussed a few fundamental components that an educational app development company must incorporate in their apps.

Push Notifications

A modern mobile app must have a push notification feature as it works as an unobtrusive approach to suggest about oneself and boost the user engagement factor. This way, you can notify the students about the latest information that your students must be aware of.


Reviews can be positive or negative and at times, even aggressive. Reviews are a fabulous way to enhance your app as per the wants of your users.

Search System

Because of the presence of this feature, users can navigate within the app quickly and obtain the data required without futile attempts. The quicker the user receives the desired outcome; the more are the probabilities of using your educational application.

Social Network Integration

Social network integration is the most characteristic feature that all the apps (not only the educational or e-learning app development solutions) use. This feature turns out to be a massive timesaver as you don’t have to enter your name and other personal info manually.

Planning and Scheduling

Education has persistently remained an organized procedure, and with the assistance of plans and objectives and last terms, it will be precious for the students just as for the instructors that battle to keep up and can plan their work appropriately.

Surveys and Test

It is always good to incorporate surveys and test features in the educational app as these features are beneficial for teachers as well as the students. Because of this feature, teachers can observe how all the information falls in, and the learners get the opportunity to examine themselves.

Cloud Integration

With the advent of Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft Office, and various cloud services, you and your pals both can keep the work in the same file. Cloud Integration feature is convenient when you are working in a group as the work of all members of the group can be kept in a single file.

Videos and Live Streams

Video content is simpler to digest when compared to theoretical. So, video and live streaming must be incorporated into educational apps so that the application becomes popular among the users.

Useful Tips that one must consider during educational app development

While developing educational apps, educational mobile app development companies must keep up with some tips in mind that will make the app handier for the users.

Applying Practical Teaching Methods

Education should be adequate, and in case you don’t know the pedagogy, then you shouldn’t confine on the expert’s opinion also.


It’s time to put the education into practice, determining that learning apps should be executed as impressive games for the end-users.

User-friendly Interface

The UI must be simple, beautiful and bright for navigating. Moreover, when talking about kids, the integrity of the design is supreme.


You don’t have any predefined idea on which platform the users prefer to use your app, hence compatibility matters (make it compatible with all possible platforms) for better results.

Sound Effects

Make sure the sound effects can be turned on/off to suit the demands of all the end-users.


Developing an educational app demands extensive business research before initiating the development. In this blog, we tried to make you aware of the essential features that an educational mobile app must possess, along with the useful tips for development. The demand for Educational apps or e-learning app development is at its peak, and if you have an idea to get an educational app developed, to get an edge and prominent position at the app stores you need a team of experienced professionals.


Opting an Agile Approach is Worthy for Mobile Application Development- How?

Mobile app development company

As we know, for sure, with the augmentation in the use of smartphones, the mobile app development market is growing rapidly. It’s completely a challenging task to develop an app with a long life span as well as an app which can be a big hit in the market in this harsh competition. Users experience and expectations from a mobile app become the key concerns for a successful mobile app. Hence, it’s mandatory for app development companies to adopt the agile approach plus uniformly changing market trends to have positive outcomes.

Now moving further, let’s talk about agility?

Well, Agile isn’t a tool or mechanism but it’s a development methodology. An agile methodology is a requisite approach that benefits the mobile app development company to create mobile apps. This process is helpful in streamlining the critical development process and makes it quicker & adaptable, empowering you to make modifications as needed. It’s the comprehensive process of segregating into distinct development cycles. This method requires breaking the complete task into several sub tasks and therefore, all subtasks become a separate module.

How can you set a breakthrough adopting an Agile Approach?

Following an agile approach, one can learn how to create a more valuable and useful product. This is one of the primary benefits of adopting agile process. Agile application development helps to organize designs and planning methods, development and testing practices during the app development lifecycle. Elaborated below are the reasons to go for agile for the purpose of mobile app development.

Develops quality outcome

It’s a traditional & very popular approach to examine the mobile app prior to the final launch so that there is no room for bugs & issues. However, following an agile approach, testing is integrated completely during all phase of app development to guarantee a quality-rich app.

Experience adaptability

Adaptability is accredited as the most advantageous reason to go for an agile mobile development process. This is because there are chances for specific modifications as there’s always a space for mistakes which certainly will increase your website traffic.

Provide solutions within the budget

It provides quality solutions at affordable rates plus it saves money and most importantly, it assists startups to invest funds prudently. This way it will lead startups & enterprises to attain more ROI spending less.


Users love to use an app which is catchy and handy. Agile Methodology helps you in obtaining Result-oriented outcomes, thus helps in the boost in customer engagement heading towards the profit achievements and results.

Manages all risks effectively

Users don’t like apps that don’t function properly or have many bugs and this leads to a total failure of the app. This is why an app can be built using an agile methodology which detects the existing bugs and the developers can make the changes accordingly to manage the risks timely

Enhances user experience

Opting agile process developers enhance design responsiveness, sustainability in app usage meeting with customer expectations and better user experience, enabling an increment in the quality and performance of the app.

Ending Note:

There’s always a room to select a better approach for a robust mobile app development solution. Selecting the agile methodology for developing mobile apps becomes an effective approach for mobile app development companies for sure, as it delivers several advantages over the conventional method of app development. It allows you to make decisions faster making the process more spontaneous by developing a seamless app in a short period of time.


How will Mobile Apps be Affected By 5G Network in 2019?

5G Network

Just in a month’s time, we will be entering a new era of technological advancement. It will mark the beginning of the world of wireless 5G network which will work towards supporting in making the perfect combination of data computation with some several millions of devices and that too within some fractions of seconds.

Let’s take an example… the time you need to blink of your eyelids within that short period more than millions of data will get transmitted right from the device you own to uncountable numbers of connected devices of this world. So how will that be possible will be the question in your mind. Well, all thanks to the powerful and effective technology of 5G Wireless Networks. This network was is a discussion for long and all set to alter the world of mobility.

After checking the potentiality of 5G technologies which it is promising to offer it will be wrong to call it only a network. The 5G can is, as the underlying fabric ideal for the complete ecosystem which is designed to make a perfect connection between devices. 5G is going to make huge changes in business and economic policies. The valid reason for which 5G has managed to make its place among Top 10 tech trends in the coming time is that it promised to make 180-degree changes in the business protocol.  This transformative technology witnessed interest from several businesses aside to the charts which are drafted for estimating the number of subscriptions.

The pattern shift in which 5G technology is showcasing presents the scenario which will create a lasting effect spreading across multiple industries in such promising ways that it will open up doors of innovation and transformation. Earlier things that were assumed to be highly difficult to reach can now be achieved. In short for 5G technology we can say that it brings a shift which will help in speeding up faster than time. 

We already mentioned that 5G manages to create a huge impact on several industries so here we will make an attempt to understand how it affected various industries.  Taking into account all industries will make it difficult for us to explain and so we are picking the mobile app economy as an example.

In recent times the phone designers of any Mobile App Development Company, as well as the telecom providers, are edging towards making the deployment of 5G. But do you have any idea as to what 5G actually means to the mobile developers and its millions of end-users who all are looking for benefits with new mobile experiences? Undoubtedly fast mobile internet is something which all surely expects, but is that all? Well, definitely not as it is only one of the many benefits it promised to offer. Before you get an idea as to what are the impacts of 5G you need to understand as to how different it is from 4G via a comparison between 5G vs. 4G.

5G VS 4G: Understanding why 5 G is better:

•   5G offers faster fiber comparable speed minus wires

•   Low in latency – which means less delay and interference

•   Offers excellent wireless power which gives the opportunity to allow several devices to stay connected via an IoT network

•   Offers brilliant experience with multiple coverage option and facilities

•   Excellent opportunity with wireless connectivity

How it is going to benefit the industry of Mobile apps?

Excellent speed:  The fast download speed which will represent the 5G technology will make it easier for app users to make fast downloading of apps in friction of second even when the MB size of the selected app is huge. It will be like a genie in the lamp for businesses which are banking on in-app download based monetization plans. 

Fast Transferring of file: With fast speed, the user can make fast transferring of files, money or absolute anything which is transferable in nature. The 5G mobile app is going to create a revolution for those mobile apps which follow the business module where it needs to make the transfer of money or data from one account to another in the fastest possible time.

Latency moved to almost Zero: Delays turn deadly for your business if you’re trying to manage machines for taking critical decisions in the fastest possible time. 5G is promising a feature to offer near-zero latency. The quick app download is something that is much in demand.  It is highly beneficial for AR/VR based mobile apps.

Excellent user experience: Don’t you feel the above 3 factors are sufficient enough to justify that it’s an ideal choice for the best user experience? One of the biggest advantages with 5G is the clarity it offers in internet speed. The effect you will notice in the app UI will be an elevated one to a large extent when the same is used or streamed using 5G networks.

So by this time you are sure now as for how will Android application be affected by 5G network in 2019? If you ever tried using your mobile internet in any crowded place you will understand how important connection density is. The 4G network can max support 2000 devices with its current capacity within .38 square miles.

With the increase in the number of devices, you will notice a sudden fall in the capacity as it turns inadequate. But with a 5G network, things will show a rapid change and can manage more than 1 million devices in the same space. This is certainly great news for the developers of IoT (Internet of Things) and for any Mobile App Development Company.


Why a Small Business must Invest in Mobile Applications?

mobile application

In today’s era, if you still doubt the viability of a mobile application then you are lagging behind. Your business definitely requires a mobile application development for uncountable reasons. This blog talks about why your business needs a mobile app development company to help it rise!

Keep reading, if you are interested in knowing how android app development, iPhone app development, iPad app development or web app development can help boost your business.