Things to Remember while Designing an iPhone Application

iPhone Apps

iPhone Apps

According to Statistic, as of June 2016 Apple’s App Store has over two million apps available to download, making it the second largest application store in the world. And as you read this, thousand other application ideas are either being conceived or in pipeline ready to be launched on the store. Designing and executing an application are two crucial phases in iPhone apps, wherein both are inter-dependent. So unless your design is solid, shaping up your application can give you sleepless nights. Don’t worry; this blog has got you covered to start-off with your iPhone apps.

Here is a list of essential elements to remember while designing an iPhone Apps:

Maturity of the platform

3D touch, multi-tasking, new fonts, auto layout, stack views and adaptive layouts are some of your handy tools and techniques for an advanced and perfectly compatible iPhone application. Make sure to use them wisely while setting up the base design of your application.

Points & Pixels

The device iPhone has primarily four resolutions- 320 x 480 pt(iPhone 4), 320 x 568 pt (iPhone 5), 375 x 667 pt (iPhone 7) and 414 x 736 pt (iPhone 7 Plus). While designing the application for iPhone, it should be remembered that the layout doesn’t scale itself but expands based on the assigned resolution. Additionally, elements inside it remain intact. So, a design should be such that it transcends and adapts to the screen resolution for which the points and pixels are of utmost importance.

App Icon

The branding of the app is fulfilled by the app’s icon and so is an indispensable element while designing an iPhone Application. Since it’s the first thing that your users will see, it should be convincing enough about what your application is. Plus, it appears on multiple places like Home Screen, the App Store, in spotlight and in settings. So it is advisable to work ardently on its icon design, icon grid, colors and shape.

Sketch it up

Visualizing pre-hand and sketching up the layout of the app is very useful while execution comes into picture. Pictures and jot on the paper as how the app would look like, what information it would present, the interface it is going to provide and the flow of information, images, text, etc. Sketching will make your task easy and you’ll be right on your schedule too.

So, there you go. Get started with your application. Good luck!