Role of Mobile Apps Development in Context with the App Store


A Mobile Application Store is a type of digital distribution platform for computer software, which is generally consider for mobile and other handheld devices. It offers a specific set of functions which by definition do not require the running of the computer itself. These applications are building to run on specific devices, and are designed for a specific operating system.  These applications are offered as an automatic download, after which the app installs. Some app stores may also include a system to automatically remove an installed program from devices under certain conditions, with the aim of protecting the user against malicious software. Apps optimize the appearance of displayed data, taking into consideration the device screen size and resolution.  App stores usually organize the apps they offer based on these considerations: the function provided by the app (including games, multimedia or productivity), the device for which the app was designed, and the operating system on which the app will run. Mobile App Development is undoubtedly an exceptional platform for business to be on.

Mobile applications are much simpler, effective and advanced. All what is required for developing an app is just to have an idea and transform it into a mobile reality. From hospital to hospitality and manufacturing to retail, every industry can utilize the power of mobile application for their business as per their specific requirements.

At present, the whole world is app-friendly and this is what makes it essential for a business to have an application which could help in paving the success of it. Applications are amazingly programmed software that makes countless things happen to the users. For Smartphone users, life has become less difficult now. You can easily fetch any information at the jet speed relaxing in your own home or maybe your office.

Enthusiastic entrepreneurs always prefer creativity and invention. They have lot of tips to promote their products or services. AppSquadz Technologies wholeheartedly welcomes and wish to be a partner in developing a mobile application which not only bring maximized ROI for a business but also bring something innovative and new into the mobile world for the users. With a dedicated team of designers, developers and marketers, AppSquadz Technologies strives to develop remarkable mobile application for your business or idea.


Google Play Introduced New System to Bust Developers Using Illegal Ways to Rank their Apps High

Google Play

Google Play Introduced New System to Bust Developers

On 31st October 2016, Google today announced that it is introducing a new detection and filtering system for the Play Store to bust those developers who use unethical ways to promote the ranking of their applications in the top charts of Google Play Store. The company stated that this will mainly have an effect on applications which practices means such as fake reviews, fraudulent installs, and incentivized ratings.


List of Things that Turn Down the Google Play Store

Apps That Google Play Turns Down

The official app store of Android, Google play is getting huge day after day. The number of apps downloaded has soared from 1 billion in August 2010 to whooping 65 billion till the first half of 2016. This success should surely be credited to the relentless effort of every Android mobile app development company and their dedicated developers.