Google has Announced Android Wear 2.0

Android Wear 2.0

Google on Wednesday announced Android Wear 2.0, the next version of its Android OS for smartphones. It will come with three new messaging features- a full keyboard, handwriting recognition and smart replies. The release will also have the fitness focused activity recognition API that will identify what the user body is doing and launch appropriate apps to track their activity.


LinkedIn’s New App Helps Students with the Selection of Their Career Path and Guides


LinkedIn has as of now established its position as the go-to interpersonal organization for working experts. Presently, it’s going for a more youthful gathering of people with its new application for students that slated to dispatch on Monday. Coming to Android and iOS, LinkedIn Students offers school people a glance at the vocation ways their degrees will bear the cost of them once they graduate.


An App that Generates Lead for Your Ventures


Producing leads isn’t simple, and making custom intelligent substance can take quite a while and additionally costing significantly more than organizations anticipate. Dutch organization Bandbox settles that with its substance studio that makes it simple to make diversions, tests and social bolsters without the immense in advance venture.

Let us Know About your Work in Two Sentences.

We enable organizations to create leads and drive deals through exceedingly captivating intuitive substance. Illustrations include: tests, photograph transfers, item consultants, identity tests and amusements. Organizations can cooperate with their (in-house) office or by doing it without anyone else’s help.