Web Animations that you can Use for your Web Apps

Web App

Nowadays we can find technology lovers in the corner of the world. As the world is growing up and moving to a digital era, learning and entertainment have improved with animation that is also a part of technological web app development. Appsquadz software Pvt ltd. have presented this blog post to help you with the best animation software and technologies you can you for your web animations. Animations can engage a large number of audiences with your web app if the animations would be added in a proper form, they are effective in creating a competing website.

If you want to make your web app more extraordinary and amazing then use versatile web animations will improve the user experience of your web app and attract more and more visitors hire a dedicated web app developer for more assistance. Read out the post and go through the web animations in web app development listed you can use. We will let you know the best design boost your web app interface.

Technologies for creating web animations

This blog post will serve the best animation web technologies, you can use, have a look hereby:


Animate.css is one of the littlest and generally simple to-utilize CSS liveliness libraries accessible. Applying the Animate library to your task is as straightforward as connecting the CSS and adding the required CSS classes to your HTML components. You can likewise utilize jQuery to trigger the animations on a specific occasion on the off chance that you like.


Bounce.js is a JavaScript liveliness library that centers around giving a determination of special fun, fun, Warner Brothers-esque animations to your site. Bounce.js is a flawless liveliness library that ships with around ten movements preset — thus the little size of the library. As with animate.css, the animations are smooth and faultless. You should consider utilizing this library if your requirements revolve around “pop and air pocket”- style liveliness types and could profit by a lower record size overhead.


AnimeJS is the freshest expansion to our rundown, however, has won a considerable number of proselytes since its creation. It’s unimaginably adaptable and incredible and wouldn’t be strange fueling HTML game animations. The main genuine inquiry “is its needless excess for basic web applications?” AnimeJS is portrayed as a “lightweight JavaScript activity library with a basic, yet incredible API. It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM qualities, and JavaScript Objects”. Truly marvelous.


GreenSock (or GSAP – GreenSock Animation Platform) is the Swiss armed force blade of web activity. For smooth and advanced animations that run easily, GSAP is perfect. You can quicken anything, from DOM components to SVGs, and its biological system incorporates some astounding modules that let you do a wide range of fun stuff, e.g., transforming SVGs, drawing SVG strokes, looking over usefulness, scrambling text, and considerably more. It’s quick, cross-program good, and its sentence structure is clear and natural.

Magic Animations

Magic Animations has been one of the most amazing movement libraries accessible. It has various animations, a large number of which are very extraordinary to web app development. As with Animate.css, you can execute Magic by basically bringing in the CSS document. You can likewise actualize the animations utilizing jQuery. This undertaking offers an especially cool demo application.


Zdog is a JavaScript library for making 3D plans and animations by David DeSandro. With its assistance, you can draw your structures utilizing the <canvas> component or SVGs and rejuvenate them in smooth animations with a smooth 3D impact. In case you’re acquainted with JavaScript, you’ll get familiar with the nuts and bolts of Zdog before long: it has a clear explanatory API, extraordinary docs, and a lot of learning assets. Look at my introduction to Zdog on SitePoint.


CSShake conveys precisely what it says on the container — a CSS library structured explicitly for shaking components inside your website page. As you would expect, there are various varieties accessible for shaking your web parts. Apple advocated the UI figure of speech of enthusiastically shaking a UI component (an exchange, modular, or textbox) when a client enters a mistaken reaction — impersonating an individual shaking their head. CSShake gives a scope of fascinating “shake” animations and there’s no absence of variety in this library.


Hover.css is a CSS liveliness library intended for use with catches and other UI components in your web app. It has extremely pleasant 2D advances, alongside a large group of other all around created animations. Hover.css is most appropriate for energizing discrete page components, for example, catches, logos, SVG segments or highlighted pictures instead of bigger, complex page animations. Seemingly, its most striking activity impacts are its unmistakable discourse air pockets and twists.


Our last library is fascinating for its exceptional methodology. AniJS is a movement library that permits you to add animations to components in a straightforward ‘sentence-like’ structure. AniJS is a library with an entirely sensible size calculating in its usefulness. The configuration utilizes for usage is very unique and diverse when contrasted with other activity libraries (which numerous others may discover offbeat).C


Animation integration help to make professional websites more engaging. The animation technology is a simple coding that can improve the whole integration of the web site or web app. we are leading globally for the best web app development company trusted for best service. Feel free to contact us at any time for further assistance.


Make a Giant Impact on your Small Business with a Responsive Website

responsive website

To transform one’s small business into an extensive, successful one, he/she needs to have a responsive website. When a developer follows a responsive website design, the website displays different sized layout for various devices. A responsive website should ensure that A series of necessary modifications in the Google search algorithm is required to make its presence significant in an all-inclusive google search. Optimizing your mobile site is the best way to get noticed and attract more users to engage in the website. 

How does responsive website work

Responsive sites use fluid grids. All the page elements are sized by portion depending on the type of devices such as oversized desktop, tiny mobile screen, tablet to make the website reading compatible with the devices. 

Impact of responsive web design

  • It drives more mobile users to the business.
  • It increases the conversion rate of the website.
  • It helps you to keep your branding across multi-platforms.
  • It reduces the loading time as it does not require any redirection to convert it into the device-optimized view.
  • The small business apps owners find it cost saving in promoting business using responsive design.
  • A single Google bot agent needs to crawl only once to retrieve all versions of the content.
  • Responsive web design is a setup in which the server sends the same HTML code to all devices and CSS is used to alter the rendering of the page in the device.

Challenges faced while developing responsive apps:

Using navigation

It is important to design the navigation bar for the website considering the content of the website and why and how the users will be scrolling through the website. Mainly the navigation is placed in the form of three dots at the top left corner of the website.

Images and Icons

The images and icon in the website should be designed in such a way that it allows the users to see the graphics with high pixel density in all the devices.

Showing data on the small screen

To make the tables full of data easily readable from the small screen such as the timetable of flight, etc, the tables are made free of grid layout so that horizontal scrolling is not needed. Several elements coming under a single subhead is accommodated by using the dropdown menu. 

Rich experience with fast loading

The web app developers should take care that only those elements are visible which are necessary. Only the details will be visible depending upon the need of the users. The web app developers should bestow high performance keeping in mind that the internet of the users may be poor.

Conversion of a fixed site into a responsive website

In case of small website it is convenient to rebuild the website into a flexible one which suits all the platforms. In case it is a bigger and complex website, greenfield rebuilt is a better option.

Additional Features

Improves social sharing

Responsive website helps in growing social sharing that in turn helps in growing more audience base and increases its search ranking.

Offers better UX

The design elements of a webpage play a crucial role in offering a good user experience. Consequently, it gives positive reviews, increases traffic, and branded search.

Reduce downloading time

All the websites should be designed in such a way that it loads faster and optimizes the search result. 


The web development company should aspire to give a better user experience by improving the features of a responsive website. A responsive website quickly adapts to any device and any screen size. It boosts the business to a great extent by providing a user-friendly experience. The developers are still struggling to come up with a quick and advanced version of the responsive website maintaining the rapidly increasing demand so that the websites can get a high rank in the Google search engine.


Few Reasons to Pick Ionic Framework for Hybrid Apps Development

Hybrid App Development

Companies do understand the dominance of mobile apps, so they are finding all ways to provide the convenience of using their services/products and approaching them to the customers on a single go. With mobile app development growing as a trend, various frameworks, technologies, languages, and paraphernalia are accessible in the market. The big decision is choosing the right one to develop the application for the companies as each has its pros and cons. From the beginning of mobile application development, native apps had the edge over hybrid apps. But things have radically changed and, so is the scenario for hybrid app development since the advent of the Ionic platform.

Unlike the days, when hybrid apps were criticized for sluggish performance and immature user interface, Ionic has succeeded to overcome these drawbacks of hybrid application development. Ionic has streamlined multi-platform application development, presenting a classy feel to the space of hybrid apps. In this article, we will see why web app developers should choose the Ionic Framework for hybrid app development. Before proceeding to the benefits of ionic app development, let’s look into what ionic framework is.

A brief introduction to Ionic-

It is an open-source User Interface (UI) toolkit used for building a high-quality desktop & mobile app which employs a combination of web technologies like HTML/CSS, and JavaScript. The main focus of Ionic app development is on the frontend UI interaction (looks), i.e. gestures, controls, animations, and the user experience. The best feature of the Ionic framework is that it can be integrated with other frameworks and libraries efficiently. Also, this can be used as a standalone framework that helps you get the best user interface for your targeted audience. So, if you are developing a visual app, Ionic app development is best for you will focus mostly on the looks.

Here are a few reasons to pick the Ionic framework to build your next mobile application:

It is more obvious to migrate across platforms

If you are planning to get an app developed that can work across all major platforms instead of focusing on a single OS, then Ionic Framework is your go-to platform. Ionic gives the ability to convert from one OS to the other with the option of languages more easily. You will have to spend a little more time and money in developing the app as well as learning each language for each platform by selecting a native language instead of a hybrid language.

It is free

This is one of the best benefits of using the Ionic Framework. Building an app is quite expensive usually being beginning with research and ending in a marketing campaign. You might have to spend a cost around $1000 in general for a framework, but with Ionic Framework you do not have to pay a single penny for it. So the fact that Ionic is free will undoubtedly ease some of the burdens. Instead of spending the money on app development, you can utilize that in research and marketing ad campaigns.

The user interface will turn out as a piece of art

As we mentioned it earlier, that if you are in the hunt for a beautiful app, Ionic Framework is the way to go for you. CSS and JavaScript features incorporated in Angular allow you to customize the app with different buttons, menus, color schemes, etc. This framework gives a lot of options in this area that enables Ionic app developers to create an app that looks not only good but also has high standards regarding the UI.

The Ionic framework is open source

Open-source means instability, which can be the fact that the Ionic framework can be a hindrance while it is valid for many but not for Ionic Framework. It is true that usually, open-source frameworks are unstable, but the Ionic framework is a very stable platform. The Ionic app developers can assure the stability of the app that is created on this platform and does not encounter any stability concerns.

The base framework of Ionic is Angular

Angular is a trendy framework for creating mobile applications and web applications both. Therefore, even if you have not learned this programming language before, after working with it, you will also be able to build web apps. It has a lot of other additional benefits like the choice to extend the syntax of HTML so that components can be incorporated within the application you created, as well as data binding.

Ionic uses Cordova plugins

Plugins is a piece of code attached to your app that is coded in JavaScript that is the most beneficial and inherent features in developing apps. This code is attached to the app that allows you to do several things because it is close to the native language of the platform you are working on. The ionic framework uses Cordova Plugins that enable you to access various features of an OS, like Camera, Battery, Geo Location, and so many others. By applying one or more of these features of the OS, this type of plugin allows you to build an app that may reach its optimal working capacity.

You have a big community to talk

It is a tough job to start with a new framework to figure out things even if you are a champion in web app development and mobile app development. Ionic is built on the top of successful technologies such as Cordova and Angular so has a vast and active community. They are an enthusiastic group of developers and users who are always ready to help you with any issues and questions. These people keep on posting and updating regarding the Ionic framework, Angular and associated subjects on different forums or specialized YouTube channels. You will find Ionic founders on social media if you search them, and if needed, they will also help you.


Compared to the iOS app or any Android app, Ionic Framework, when integrated with Angular JS and Cordova, provides a perfect platform for hybrid application development. Also, with Ionic app development, developers ensure maximum exposure and help in easy creation and deployment of the application. If your business demands a robust hybrid platform app development, you can consult a web and mobile application development company that follows the latest trends and features. Besides, you need a passionate team of web developers having the know-how of the Ionic framework and who would be able to create stunning hybrid apps that work best in the market.


Comprehensive Guide for Selecting a Framework Concerning Web Development

Web Development

When you run a business, it is essential to have an online presence. A more significant part of the population accesses information from the internet for all sorts of queries. The pace at which the online space is growing expeditiously, it is not easy to amuse the clients with a bare essential website. So, choosing the right of framework development is quite a significant decision for the business owners. It is necessary to understand various aspects of the business to decide which framework is best suitable for the company finally.

A website is considered to be adequately designed when it adheres to the required constraints like easy navigation, minimal website loading time, being responsive across all platforms, having a website that is designed with proper patterns. Such a site is visually appealing, and it should be able to deliver relevant content to its potential visitors or target audience. Few of the popular web app development frameworks are mentioned below:


Google’s Angular Js latest release is doing better and is on the top of the list, fulfilling all the constraints for developing a framework. Being a Javascript-based structure, AngularJs is open source front end development framework. With the sophisticated controllers, directives, and components of Angular Js, the developer needs to have proper knowledge of this leading technology to develop a pro application. It is a popular frame to develop sole page web apps based on model view controller architecture with a two- way binding. It will be a right decision to choose Angular for the next web project.


Facebooks’s ReactJS is another in the list of open-source JavaScript-based frameworks, whose libraries are managed by Facebook and other significant community of developers to address and resolves the challenges faced by the developers. Its libraries are majorly used to develop user interfaces for web-based applications whose data keeps changing from time to time. So ReactJs is another framework one can use for developing an app with regular content changes.


Vue.js is another open-source JavaScript framework for the development of user interfaces. It features the development of single-page applications. With more than 50 K stars on Github, it has been an exceptional framework since 2013 as of now. It shares some similarities with React Js development like use of Virtual DOM, reactive view components along with the various core library functions that are managed by companion libraries. Trying VueJs for a new web project is equally a good option.


Laravel is a framework based on one of the most used web language, PHP. Taylor Otwell built this open-source framework for backend development using MVC structural design. The popularity of the language makes it desirable for many businesses to go for Laravel development. It provides efficient ORM, queue library, convenient authentication, and routing facility. It provides an excellent application program interface support, functions that help in application deployment and its maintenance, and assist in organizing and accessing the database. Many famous websites like Yulair, Fox47, etc. have been using Laravel for backend support.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a popular web development framework that uses Ruby language with the model view controller structure. The ease of use, rich codebase with easing assembling and testing of the code makes it an excellent option for the beginners. Airbnb, Basecamp, GitHub, Hulu are some of its products. Ruby on Rails is performed on the Linux operating system. With the built-in security functions, library-based dependencies to enhance the performance of the application, developing web applications with RoR is fast and efficient. Developers can always take the support of the large friendly RoR community.


The Web application development must be cost-effective and must provide a smooth channel to the customer to reach the website via Google. The site looks appealing and irresistible to the visitor if it is updated and developed as per the latest technologies. Our development company has skilled and expert developers dealing with the latest web development technologies and frameworks.


A Comprehensive Study of Pioneer Features in the Ionic 4

Ionic 4

With the all-new features that push it beyond the front end framework, Ionic 4 is one of the most dependable frameworks. It is an excellent choice for creating PhoneGap applications, prototypes before building the native applications, and HTML5 app development. Over years of research and consistency, ionic has upgraded itself to a powerful user interface and app framework.

With the latest release, it is a set of web components with custom elements along with the shadow DOM application program interface in all most recent browsers. This allows all web developers to use standard web API’s so that the Ionic component API’s stay stable without getting affected by the frontend and framework opted.

There are the latest advancements in the framework as follows:

Components for web

With the most recent set of web platform APIs developers can produce new custom, reusable and encapsulated HTML tags for web applications and pages. These web components have custom widgets that can be used with any JavaScript library or framework to work with HTML across the latest browsers. The web components have less of written code and improved startup and load time that improves the performance of Progressive web applications.

The web component’s custom elements allow modernization of HTML by creating new tags and makes way for designing new DOM elements. The Shadow DOM that develops component-based applications fixes the CSS and DOM. The stencil is the new web component compiler that can work with or without any other front- end framework and makes use of any addition API’s like Typescript, Virtual Dom and so on.

Progressive Web App development

Ionic Four is designed to build high performance oriented PWA’s which ensures the components are packed tightly in sets of collection for asynchronous component loading and delivery.

Helps in customization

CSS custom properties have provided structure to the developers to upgrade the customized Iconic components in future without having compatibility issues. It also offers public theme API that allows to theme the apps irrespective of the frontend framework used in the app. With this facility the developers no longer have to alter the inner CSS styles; on the whole, changes can be made easily by modified CSS custom properties.

Integrating Frameworks

The latest framework works well as an individual web component library or by integrating JavaScript frameworks. It is expected to incorporate more frameworks in the coming future. It can make regular internal improvements without the need for respective updates in any other integrated framework.

The ionic command line interface

CLI is a tool that aids the developers by allowing them to choose any framework while developing a new project. It has a built-in development server, debugging tools. It also helps in administering the developer’s account, other deployments and manages cloud builds.


The latest version uses native Angular Routing, besides putting the components into ion-nav, now the components have to be mapped to routes. With an ion-router single element, it can control all communications with the browser history. Ion-router-outlet and the Angular router are used for Angular projects.

A Brief Comparison Between Ionic 4 vs. Ionic 3

On evaluating a large number of a new component developed using the latest technology like ion-backdrop, ion-picker, ion-ripple-effect, ion-route and so on it is found that performance has improved along with customized themes and UI by 1.5 times than the previous version. New web components are developed using Stencil are top scorers on the Lighthouse Benchmark tool by Google.


With power packed changes like the use of Stencil along with the use of any other framework besides Angular, version 4 is a success. With the pioneering features, it has managed to revolutionize the ionic framework development. Contact our mobile app development company for progressive web development, cross-platform applications for mobile and desktop platform now!


Choosing the right Technology Stack & Maximize the Bang for your Web App Development

Web App Development

Deciding the technology stack for the web app development is a tedious task, in case of startups and small businesses, as the initial budgets are usually low. It is imperative to choose the technology stack that is right for the company and one which is beneficial in terms of conversions. But what is technology stack? A technology stack is a group of tools, frameworks, programming languages that the web app development company uses to develop the web app.  It is always better to decide it first than to find out later that there is no market for the product you have produced.

Key Aspects to Consider while Choosing the Technology Stack

Type of Web Applications:

There are various kinds of web apps, ranging from the simple one-page web application to multiple paged e-commerce websites. There are three types of web applications based on the level of complexity. The web applications with just one page or the landing page are the simplest ones which can be developed using CMS. The enterprise applications or ones designed for e-commerce are complex to create. The mid-level of web applications are developed using frameworks. The web applications developed using development technologies and various programming languages are highly complex applications called the complex types. The kind of app decides the development method suitable for it.   

Time to Develop the Web App

Various technology stacks differ in the time involved in web development. Application development like out of the box, third party web application development; which uses open source codes; and developing brand new code for the web application can take an expert developer and time to develop the web app. Time is money. The early you develop and release the application better you perform in comparison to your competitors.

Cost of Developing a Web App

For every technology stack, there is a developer who develops it. The more complex and latest is the technology, higher is the cost of developing an app in it. Maintenance of the application comes along with its development. Likewise, maintaining an application in a complex and latest technology stack is costlier than simpler ones.

Secure Web Application Development

A lot of web applications are developed each day that contain a huge amount of necessary data and credentials. Choosing a technological stack is one job, but making sure that it is developed implementing security procedures is another. As long as the product is not safe to use, its development goes in vain. So choosing a technology stack that fits well with the type of application and safeguarding it from malicious thefts is very important for the success of the web application development.

Scalable Web App Development

A scalable technology stack is one which can accommodate new users with the growing time without damaging to the working of the application; and one in which more component or modules are added without affecting the performance of the application. Choosing a scalable technology stack is useful while making changes in the future without harming the application.


Choosing a suitable technology stack is a difficult task. One has to wisely select a stack according to the type of web application. It is not sure that fast developing technology is always a better option. Every option will have its highs and lows. Proper consideration with the suggestion of our developer team is required before you start with the web app development. Our web app development company has developed many fully-functional web applications using the right technology stack that suits your type of web application. Are you ready to create one for you? Contact our app development company to avail web app development services.