Ways to overcome your Mobile App Development Cost by Hiring a Dedicated Developer

Mobile App Development

The process of mobile app development is done strictly according to the technological aspects of trending ideas. As smartphones are highly trending in the market all youngsters love to use apps that provide amazing startup follow-ups. No one can think of better technology and strategy for mobile app development than a professional developer. The benefits of hiring a mobile app developer personally are beyond your imagination. Behind the visible points, there is a hidden gamut of features that you get after hiring a dedicated mobile app developer.

Reasons why custom app development cost goes over budget:

  • As per the Harvard Business Review, app development projects go over budget over 27% of their proposed price.
  • Generally, one in every six projects encounters an over-budget of 200%. 
  • IT breakdown rates are assessed to be within 5–15%, accounting for damage of $50-$150 billion every year in the US only.
  • Organizations waste the budget due to poor project performance, even if 80% of the project is being completed on time.

Every point and beneficial trend you get is better for your business in some way directly money saving. When you think of getting an app there are two different ways of getting an app, maybe you can hire an app developer or contact a mobile app development company for better assistance. There is a different impact of contacting a company or hiring personally.

Firstly, you have to consider your purpose that what kind of app you need to develop, and how big your project is. What level of versatility your idea has, and according to your thought how many professionals are enough to accomplish your expectations? These things matter a lot.

Now have look what benefits you will get if hire a mobile app developer, mentioned below the further context:

Better for startups and big projects:

As already here mentioned whether you are going to get startup, where you are going to invest, and taking risks without knowing the results, you need to opt for a low-cost option where it is best. And on the other hand, if you have a successful business and now thinking of a big project, there also will be a person who will be better suited.

Availability of technical expertise and resources:

A person working for you only will be available for you all the time and provide better assistance in every perspective whether it is technical or about design and layout of the application.

Tuned workflow:

You always have eyes on your project and stay tuned about the status of the work process over your app development project. The developer hired by you will work for you only and will accomplish the project at a faster pace than other options.

Less legal issues:

When the mobile app developer is working for your project only, everything is clear and mirror-like clean in between your ad the person going to help you in the project. Then any kind of legal issue like late delivery, duration swings, payment issues, etc.

Long-term relationships:

When someone works with you for a long time then it is always aware of your thinking pattern, and your choices. Similarly, whenever you will get to develop a new project you can contact it again, this is cost-effective, time-saving as well as you can get a better help as compared to contacting new platform evetime. You have a surety all the time regarding the project and have to get fewer eyes overwork process than before.

Companies care about their products and they might not let you get your delivery on time but when you get your project it will perfectly be programmed and teste both manually and technically. As well as companies take responsibility for the modification and bug fixing for a limited period. On the other hand, hiring a dedicated mobile app developer is Budget-friendly in every aspect.


The mobile app development companies have professional teams and not even they provide the services only, but also the leading mobile app development companies like AppSquadz that are trusted globally or the incredible services. We have a team that is always ready for your assistance, you can also here the developers personally for your projects. Professionals here are highly experienced in working for huge projects and startups.


Things to consider while Planning Budget for On-demand Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps

On-demand mobile apps are building a niche in the world, and have grown as a rising trend in the mobile application development market- this is not an overstatement. These types of mobile apps are in demand due to their convenience and availability features, conclusively meeting the requirements of the users. Today, most of the new businesses are looking forward to getting an on-demand mobile application developed. Post success of on-demand business apps like Airbnb, Uber, and Postmates, it is evident that these apps will skyrocket your business in terms of revenue generation and profits.

A study suggested, by the end of 2025, on-demand market revenue is estimated to touch $335 Billion.Moreover, with each passing day, the number of users of on-demand apps is rising exponentially in recent years because of its accessibility. So, with these stats in hand, it won’t be wrong to say that on-demand businesses will be ruling the digital economy in the years to come.

The beauty of on-demand apps is that it allows performing tasks within seconds. With the advent of On-demand mobile apps, smartphones seem like a magical instrument and making life much more comfortable.

Why are On-demand business apps getting popular?

Applications that are exclusively built to meet the particular requirement of the users are referred to as on-demand apps. Basically, these apps emphasize on consumer demand and reshaping the living habit of urban elites by providing accessibility and convenience. From food deliveries to laundry pick-up, chauffeur-driven vehicles to plumbers, all activities can be materialized instantly within seconds. On-demand apps offer gratification, superior shopping experience, mobility, and quickest delivery, making it a more viable option for users. Numerous tasks consume time, efforts and energy if all such tasks can be accomplished through technology, why not to go for it and just hit the jackpot.

The Structure of a Typical On-demand Mobile App:

The structure includes three components:

User app

App for the customers who will be using the services. In the user app, a user has got the search option for products & services, reviews, map navigation, shopping cart, order history, pricing details, tracking orders, product recommendations, best sellers, alerts and other services. For the user app, the overall cost incurred for the development scales from $10,000 to $15,000 for iOS or Android.

Service provider app

It is for service providers which consist of profile, portfolios, active orders, product description, chat history, and offer an interface to clients. You may expect that the cost of development can be around $6,000 to $8,000.

Admin panel

It is a maintenance element which efficiently maintains users and services providers. It answers all the queries and abuse reports to offer a seamless experience to services providers as well as users. Also, it adds news feeds, track payments and user access. Development of this panel will require you $4,000 to $5,000 approximately.

Why Budgeting is necessary for On-demand Mobile Apps?

The cost incurred on an on-demand app depends on several factors and considerations. Budget planning may give a rough idea of the estimated cost that you will need for your on-demand application development. Not only a rough idea, but it also helps you prepare a blueprint of the development process. Budgeting is tricky; still, undoubtedly it will provide you with an insight into the project’s technical and business feasibility.

By any chance, if you are planning to get an on-demand app developed, then you should strategize its development budget properly. Here we have specified some guidelines and the information for you that must be applied while planning the budget of your on-demand business app. These tips will help you make the best estimate of your budget to get started with your project within no time.

Factors that are to be considered while planning the budget of an on-demand mobile app:

Identification of your market domain

Before you get started, think once for which specific industry you are getting your app developed. It is to be done at an early stage as on-demand services include multiple sectors viz food industry, transportation, laundry services, and so on. As soon as you are done with the identification of the market domain, your budget planning becomes a little bit easier.

The platform for on-demand app development

Here, you will be deciding the platform for which you want your app to be developed if you wish for native platform or cross-platform app development. You may choose the one which best suits your requirements based on the concept of your on-demand app as both native and cross-platform have got certain limitations.

Prepare a product requirements document

It is a technical requirement document which is to be prepared while estimating the budget the app. This document covers the whole on-demand application development process, including the micro details. This document helps mobile app developers in determining the cost at each development phase like back-end development, testing, design, and other processes involved in the development process.

Outsourcing or In-house development

It is crucial to decide whether you are outsourcing the project or developing it in-house while preparing the budget for an on-demand application. This decision significantly impacts the overall cost of the project. In case you want to outsource, then you should find a mobile application development company with the quality of work, experience and expertise. Here, the cost of development is much higher contradictory to when you are developing in-house.

[Also Read: Must-have Features of On-Demand Apps and their Advantages]


On-demand apps are in vogue and trending nowadays. All thanks to its usability and the accessibility it offers to its users. By understanding and applying the points mentioned above, you can get a detailed insight into the cost incurred in the development.

On-demand application development is quite a challenging task but at the same time retrieves maximum revenue. If you hire a mobile application development company for the development purpose, there is a low chance of suffering losses.


Why do Businesses prefer Progressive Web Apps over Native Apps?

Progressive Web Apps

According to the data from Statista, nowadays, mobile currently accounts for over 60% of total internet usage. The chief reasons for it are ease in accessing the internet, portability, and cheap hardware. In this situation, UX obtains huge significance, and progressive web apps can aid in enhancing UX as they optimize websites on Smartphones. Flipkart, Twitter, Pinterest, and many more big businesses generated progressive web apps. These PWAs integrate characteristics of the web along with the mobile app, delivering the native or hybrid app-like User experience. Applications that offer an optimized website for mobile devices are referred to as Progressive Web Apps.

PWAs give access to the users to content via browsers and let users download the content whenever and wherever they browse. Native app development is suitable for a specific platform, whereas Progressive web apps are devised for usage in a browser. PWAs function similar to native apps almost, but they don’t command the complete hardware of the device.

Real-Life PWA Cases

Numerous well-established businesses adopted PWAs. The following case studies will present you with a better insight into the effectiveness of Progressive Web Apps.

Twitter Lite

Twitter ranks amongst the most popular social apps, with 328+ million users per month, and approx 80% of them access Twitter on mobiles. In April 2017, Twitter named PWA the default mobile mode for producing mobile quicker and more trustworthy for users.

Doing this, they realized:

  • A decline in Bounce rate by 20%
  • Posted Tweets progressed by 75%
  • Pages per session multiplied by 65%


Moreover, as PWA is just 600kB compared to the downloaded version, which is 23.5MB, Users save on their data plan with Twitter Lite. It takes only 5 seconds on a 3G network if you are downloading the first time and the app loads in less than 3 seconds for each return.

Pinterest is an image-based platform; assists users in making their catalog of ideas and has more than 200 million active users each month. In order to enhance user experience and augment the conversion to higher than app installation, the application development team revised the mobile website as a PWA.

They got tremendous results:

  • Weekly active users rose by 130%
  • Pins views number improved by 401%
  • Logins raised by 370% and new sign-ups rose by 843%
  • Page payload deducted from 490kb to 190kb
  • User engagement grew with an average session period surging by 296%

Flipkart Lite

Flipkart decided to close their mobile website tentatively and offer an app-only interface when India’s largest e-commerce website suffered the issue of addressing users with seamless experience because of various variables of network connectivity. They rethought their strategy and developed Flipkart Lite, a progressive web app as the PWA features replicated the native experience, and the consequences were significant.

The results were:

  • Time the users spent on the site increased by over 3x.
  • The re-engagement rate raised by 40%
  • Data usage diminished by 3x among users who visited the site through the option of Add to Home Screen
  • Conversion rate advanced by 70%

When to Consider Progressive Web Application development?

PWAs may not be a good option for the business whose customers don’t visit their website often as the app is not evident on app stores. Users become urged to download PWAs only if they are on the home screen. You must consider these points before deciding whether to go for Progressive Web Apps or not.

  • Customer acquisition cost: PWAs are vital for businesses looking at minimizing customer acquisition cost. Not all company can bear the high cost of user acquisition that native apps necessitate. PWAs can lessen customer acquisition costs can be reduced by ten times approx.
  • Importance of app store presence: Games and social apps that are special categories of apps are likely to be downloaded from app stores. Hence, if your company falls in a category that has more probability of displaying in web searches by keywords, then PWAs will helpful.
  • Processing requirement: While PWAs are accessible offline, so they are available in a limited version. They work well for e-commerce platforms, education portals, and other business websites that can operate with offline content.
  • Dependence on native features: PWAs gives push notifications that let businesses in reminding customers each time they advertise new content to launch a new product. In terms of accessibility, PWAs have limitations to access features like geofencing, accessing contacts/calendars or mobile payments and if these features are necessary for your app, go for native apps over Progressive Web Apps.
  • Existence of a mobile-optimized website: If your business has a mobile-optimized site already, then it would not be much expensive to convert to into a progressive web app as compared to building a native app from scratch.

How Do Progressive Web Apps Work?

Native apps can work without an internet connection as basic elements like UI components and data are stored on the device when a user downloads and installs them. The same goes with PWAs as well. By saving CSS files, HTML files, and images in the cache of the browser, Service Workers can be employed to provide developers full charge over the network call. When a user visits a website more than twice or thrice times, it implies they are interested in seeing content from the specific page. Browser is authorized to verify if the user visits adhere to decided frequency standards, following which the user gets a message to preserve the website as the app on the home screen. The user can visit PWA any time once the site is collected, even if they are offline, giving them a responsive and fast experience.

Will PWAs Replace Native apps

With a responsive design, the mobile web experience has been significantly enhanced. However, many website designs are not conceived as mobile-first as of which the experience lags in terms of speed where PWAs can help you to bridge the gap. Undoubtedly, Native apps provide a superior experience on mobile, but until your app stands amongst the top in its category, the high development and management cost is justified.

Progressive Web Apps: The Future for the Web

Despite the growing prevalence of native apps, there are numerous causes why Progressive Web Apps will be the future of the web.

  • Mobile websites with native-like experience: Native apps are preferred interface for seeing content, and this is likely to change as more businesses are adopting PWAs. They offer it all that users admire about the native interface like Offline access, app shell, navigation bar, and telephony, with other features.
  • Congested app stores: Competition is intense in the app stores, and almost impossible to compete with the giants like Facebook, YouTube, Facebook Messenger, Google Search, Google Maps, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and Google Play. Leading categories of apps when talking about share of minutes are Entertainment, Social Media, Instant Messaging, and Games. If your app does not fall in one of the categories stated above, it doesn’t make sense to spend on native app development.

Progressive web apps rank in Search:

The main advantage of PWAs is they rank in search engines, making it simple for businesses practicing SEO services for their website ranking. New apps won’t have the harm of the shortage of reviews/ratings, as well as the link of the website can be shared efficiently.

  • User retention and commitment: Native app development demands a substantial investment, and it isn’t simple to retain users, even if the initial downloads seem much promising. Native apps are reliant on users. Progressive web apps are more convenient as users not require to commit to downloading or to maintain the app in their home screen.
  • More revenue generation: Besides in-advertising, in most native apps, the app owners suffer a sizeable reduction in revenues as a portion of it is being payable to the app store owners for paid downloads, subscriptions and in-app purchases, among other sources. But with PWAs, all the revenue produced rests in the hands of the business.

Native, React-native or PWA, what to choose?

All frameworks have pros and cons that are to be evaluated before deciding on the most suitable option for your app.

Native Apps: Pros

  • As native apps development employs a language that is simple for the hardware to get, it makes it effortless for the developers to build features that the OS allows.
  • Performance is superior

Native Apps: Cons

  • As each platform expresses a diverse language, you have to study the language that the platform demands.
  • The app has to be developed independently for all platforms.

Progressive web apps: Pros

  • It runs across all devices and platforms
  • No limitations in style or design
  • Runs on all types of hardware
  • No requirement to be on the app stores

Progressive web apps: Cons

  • The app stops when the user closes the browser tab
  • It isn’t possible to administer background processes, so features like geofencing cannot be included.
  • It cannot be found on the app stores except Windows App Store

What features should Progressive Web Apps have?

Let’s see why web app developers are talking about progressive web apps being the future of mobile and the ones which are missing in non-progressive apps. Following are the features making the experience much better:

  • Reliability: Loading of pages is almost instantaneous, even when the device is not connected to the internet or connected on a low-speed network.
  • Speed: The transition and scrolling within pages are very smooth, accommodating users with a more satisfying experience.
  • Responsiveness: The app can respond across various devices, allowing fluidity in the design irrespective of the device utilized.
  • Easy to install: For PWAs to match native-like app user experience, they should be installable and accessible on the home screen of devices like native apps, enabling users to access them by a single click.
  • Splash Screen: The appearance of a splash screen at the startup can provide the PWA the native-like feel.
  • More engagement: PWA must have characteristics such as offline first, push notifications, and home screen icon that magnifies user engagement.

Technical components that form the foundation of PWAs

PWAs demand some components that run in sync to power them, which include Service Worker, Manifest file, and HTTPS.

  • Service Worker: It is a JavaScript code that works as a proxy between the browser and the network which stores resources in the cache of the browser during the first-time load. It also handles push notifications & works towards creating an offline-first web app by applying cache API, which speeds up the app performance.
  • Manifest file: It is a config JSON file with information for the application that could include details like featuring the icons on the home screen, when the app is installed, background color, theme, or any other information.
  • HTTPS: Service workers conduct actions on the client-side, like intercepting network requests and modifying responses. So, all PWAs require a secure protocol HTTPS.


If you are a business owner or an entrepreneur, this blog will help you allocate, which is better for your business. Progressive web apps have a bright future in the tech world, and this could be observed as businesses prefer Progressive Web Apps over Native apps. Before heading towards progressive web apps development, contact a mobile application development company that understands your client’s needs and your business needs. The company must be such that it can recommend the best framework for developing your app as per your budget and app strategy.


Apple Introduces New UI to help iOS Developers to Build better Apps with Less Code

iOS Developers

One of the latest announcements made by Apple at the Worldwide Developer Conference 2019 which gained the maximum popularity is for the iOS developers that are Swift UI which is a declarative syntax tool for developing a native app for Apple users with actually less coding.

The Swift UI code has already been doing much good to the iOS app developers. Being fast and easy to use, it produces clear and crisp, to the point code. The cutting-edge UI design will establish a new standard for the already existing visual coding model, which has been in use successfully for the past many years. The latest UI design will provide the apple developers with the ability to develop applications for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. It works by saving time and resources required by the app developers by providing them with various tools and application programming interfaces. The features like the increased speed of the mouse and Track-pad, Touch Bar are icing on the cake.

The original plan is to bring the Swift programming language into the market for developing cross-platform applications. Its many features attract Apple developers to work on the language for the development process. Various features that have and are still entering the Apple app development market are as follows:

Native-like features

Swift is a native programming language, and it is even designed to work effectively on all platforms. So it able to access all the native features of any platform and deliver interactive user interface at a quick pace. It is also integrated with application programming interfaces like ARKit and automatic language optimization to enhance the user experience as well as the developer’s job.

Declarative Syntax

The syntax is simple to comprehend and easy to write, which makes it easier to decide what functions the interface must perform. The declarative syntax as is the nature of the code lets the developer even mention the items he wants to fix like font, alignment, color, etc. There is a gradual shift in the time taken, performance and maintenance of the programs, for instance, in the case of Animation. There is even availability of a collection of ready-made effects and features that are written using just a few lines of code.

Select, drag, and drop

Another impressive feature of the Swift UI is that that the developers can now easily select a feature they want and drag it and drop it on their canvas. Not just that the developers can then even customize and modify its properties and arrange their controls. The best part of Swift is that these visual editor codes are also available in the code editors which let the developer modify each feature when they are writing the code on their own.

Preview the development

With the Swift UI, the developers can easily create several previews of the UI/UX development and then have it run of various displays with varied orientations. This allows the developers to fully play with their creativity to design and develop new features and functionalities.

Presenting dynamic preview

In Apple’s WWDC 2019 it was declared that the Swift UI compiler and its run time will be embedded with Xcode 11. This has allowed developers to develop and run the applications in real-time. In simple words, the design canvas will not just present the image of the app developed, but instead, it will play the live application of it to the developers.

Compatible with iOS 13

The technology comes up with a default provision for the Dark Mode, Dynamic type, and accessibility options to have a smooth Framework to write the code.


The latest generation of Swift UI has reduced a hundred lines of code to just a few lines of code. With the new XCode11, a preview of the most recent changes is available immediately on the device. With the facility to add graphical modules to add a segment of codes, it can merely modify and control the features. Along with these and many other features, the Swift UI has transformed how the developers develop the applications to enhance the overall experience of the app without losing and native app detail. Contact our mobile app development company to build your latest mobile app.


How’s App Quality an Inseparable Quotient for Mobile App Development

Around 5 Millions of apps are available in the market, and it’s a big figure in the mobile app development world. Many apps of food delivery, booking cabs, bank transaction, e-wallet, social networking, as well as for shopping are available on play store, but all of them don’t gain the same importance or same appreciation or number of users. The straightforward reason for that is the quality of an app because the popularity of any app is judged by its quality. And the irony is that people don’t even use the apps having low app quality, so to make an irreplaceable place in the world of apps it’s mandatory to develop the high-quality & feature-rich apps.

Why craze of apps took an instantaneous rise

Users love using apps for their various day-to-day activities as these apps allow them to perform several tasks sitting back at home with just a few taps. From paying electricity bills, to order food all can be done within seconds, but when it comes to quality users don’t wish to compromise/settle. Quality of the app is to be given prime attention while developing an app else user will keep switching to another app, just to find the most suitable solution. For mobile app developers, it’s a crux point to focus on the new and cutting edge technologies to deliver a quality-rich app that is apt to fulfill all the user requirements.

One thing that we can’t deny is the constant evolution of technology. This clearly signifies that apps also need maintenance and regular updates which can be another factor that defines the quality of an app. Not only the expertise of developers, strategies, tools, frameworks, and technologies used are the factors responsible for app quality but also some other factors that have a direct impact on the quality of an app. Here we’ve mentioned some of them:

Effective planning of the app

Planning before you initiate is extremely crucial in achieving the outcomes you desire to attain as you remain more cautious during the development of an app. Sometimes there are last-minute additions to an app which can agitate the design of the app. So planning should be done in such a way that it doesn’t hinder the development process at all. Healthy planning is beneficial to have an assessment of the required resources that’ll be necessitated for further accomplishment of the project.

Elegant app design

The design of the app must be simple though elegant, and with best UI/UX designs you can evacuate any complexity that users usually confront and provide better usability. The key to having a good app design is maintaining a balance of simplicity and elegance. The simple design influences the customer manageability of the application & easily enhances user interactivity. Henceforth, we can say that the design of an app also impacts the quality of the app.

App features

For a high-quality app, having top-notch features is a vital factor. The number of features and the type of features determines the quality of the app. It might be expensive for you to have various features loaded on your app, but users prefer to visit apps that offer multiple features. If the features of the app are low, then it seems that the app is of poor quality and users may leave your app. So, it’s again a relevant factor that determines the quality of an app.

Agile development process

Process one opts for developing mobile app matters a lot. Many mobile app development companies follow a different agile development process for their projects. An app with high-end functionalities does find numerous users for it, and people attract towards those apps because of its stunning expressive design. Following an Agile methodology will undoubtedly help you deliver outcomes that suit the taste of the users, which conclusively helps you to increase your customer engagement and improve the quality of your Mobile app.

Security of the app

Security is also a viewpoint when it comes to the privacy of the customers. Confidentiality of an app establishes the belief among your users towards your app. The data theft and hacking is a concern for users if they don’t find an app with great security features they won’t appreciate your app. Consequently, it is imperative to safeguard users’ information to retain your users and to make your customer stay safe so that they don’t disappear from your app. 

App testing

As far as Testing is concerned, it’s the final phase of Mobile app development as well as determines the app quality and strictly suggested for the quality of the application. An app with zero-error or a bug-free app delights the users as it conclusively enhances the performance of the app. Addressing bugs and solving them is done in this phase, likewise enable you to enhance the nature of the application to render satisfactory end results.


Success & Failure of an app completely depends on its quality. Not just coding but the quality of the Mobile app development solution is impacted by several components. To enhance the quality of the app above-stated aspects are to be examined so that more users visit your application.


Is Blockchain a Boon to Mobile App Development in Tech World?

mobile app development

Blockchain has come into the limelight after its first design of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency in 2008. Blockchain created digital ledgers to keep an account of all transactions distributed all around the network. It allows all the members of blockchain spread around the network to have the view of the transaction and contracts that are committed securely between two parties. Its unique problem-solving features are making the leading fields of industries adopt it to channelize their businesses. Blockchain app development companies have begun to deliver blockchain development services to many areas like health, banks, media, education. The technology is used in many websites and mobile applications to increase performance by all means.

Mobile application development and blockchain

Increased security

The transparency of blockchain makes it reliable to use for committing a transaction. The robust nature of technology makes it tough against any crash. The availability of data at every point in the network again makes it reliable. This makes it impossible to fake transactions and contracts. Thus, blockchain is secure to use. It can safely store more data as per the need by expanding itself. The blockchain is anytime suitable for blockchain app development that needs to save vast amounts of information.

Tamper resistant

Since the blockchain is reliable due to its robust nature to survive any crash, it is not possible to fake any information or data into the blockchain. The data is stored at every point in the network called blocks. Changing any information in one block leads to altering the neighboring block. Blocks count can vary from million to billions making it impossible to change the cryptographic information. The blockchain application development company is familiar with all properties and benefits of the technology to use it for blockchain app development.

Simpler – The better

Blockchain being a simple technology to use, develop applications, integrate into the system; is a fast-growing technology as compared to other technology serving a similar purpose. On cutting down the development time opposite to the sophisticated techniques that take a long development time, blockchain considerably reduces the cost of development.

Agile in itself

The blockchain is developing at a lightning-fast speed with the latest innovations taking place. With the ease of to access blockchain technology, there is an excellent scope for delivering exceptional applications shortly concerning all leading fields of technology.

A digital ledger

Blockchain technology works like a digital ledger, where the information is stored at different locations around the computer network. This works in maintaining consistency among all the members of the system. Whenever there is a change in one block, the changes are conveyed to all the other blocks holding the same data, and the data is maintained at the same time.

The blockchain is proving out to be an exception in mobile application development. The technology is so new with huge scope to show its grandeur. There are immense prospects to use Blockchain in association with other leading technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and so on. Blockchain so far has shown how it can securely improve businesses against malicious attacks that intend to degrade the performance of the system.


With the budding features of Blockchain technology, there is a visible growth in blockchain app development services in the mobile industry. Blockchain application development company is using the technology to prove it a boon for mobile app development. With the level of security that it provides along with the benefits offered by blockchain development services, avail the blockchain app development services for your business and get secured.