Google begins app defense alliance to subdue malicious mobile apps from play store

Mobile Apps

On the 7th of November 2019, Wednesday google announced the mobile apps defense alliance on the play store. It reinforces the security rules and regulations to prevent any bad app from entering the play store. And it is all about the security of the users because there are more than 2.5 billion android users, and the number of mobile apps on the play store crossed the 2.9 million by March 2020. The probability of bad activities has increased. But now the App Defense Alliance has raised the scanning of every app before they are listed on the play store.

Because maybe you accidentally download them, now the developers and mobile app development company will have to take more care about the security of data entered by users. The app defense alliance is a collaboration of three companies on the board right now. with the new features bug identification, smoothness check, and security breaches are integrated.

Tackling malicious mobile apps and activities

In the reports by Google about removing the malicious application, millions of downloads are expected in threat. Google found 172 malicious mobile apps and 335 million downloads were found in September 2019. Along with this 42 malicious with a collective download of 8 million downloads were removed. With these assistances, app defense alliance is a welcome addition to the security. Android app development companies that are very reputed and leading in the technological field need to take care of the integrations and accessibilities of the files they develop. Play store is enough strong now to identify the malignant application. This was very important to save other apps and users from the drastic loss of security and trust.

Welcoming three organizations on-board for enhanced security

The major companies in technological niche ESET, lookout, and Zimperium to result in this activity. The app defense alliance is a function to stop the malignant app before they reach users. Filtration and scanning before they go publicly active in the part of the alliance. A malignant app is an app that contains useless activity that can harm the data present in the device, or does nasty promotions. All three boards in the alliance coordinate the work function of google play protect.

The above process will make the checking more streamlined to avoid any suspicious app from stealing user data or affecting the device with malware. “The Android biological system is flourishing with over 2.5 billion smartphones and tablets; however, this prevalence additionally makes it an appealing objective for misuse. This is valid for every single worldwide stage: where there is programming with overall expansion, terrible entertainers are attempting to assault it for their increase. Working intimately with our industry, accomplices offers us a chance to team up with some genuinely capable specialists in our field and the location motors they’ve manufactured. This is all with the objective of, together, decreasing the danger of application-based malware, distinguishing new dangers, and ensuring our clients,” the above was directly quotes by Google in a blog entry about the App Defense Alliance.


The reports released by google are reported about the harmful apps from the PlayStore that removed about 700000 apps in 2017 and numerous downloads too. Along with these 42 toxic apps with 8 million downloads removed in October. The google play store has seen the many cases of terrible apps that are being transferred and making a threat. This is the reason google propose the App Defense alliance the program highly integrated with the latest tools and techniques enhancing the security and protection. The company has updated it also one play store as play protect has seen in new updates of play store.


How Educational Apps Will Transform the Modern Way of Learning and Teaching?

Educational Apps

IIn this contemporary highly tech-savvy world, we have become dependent on our gadgets for various services, receiving educational service is one major thing among them. Since the time in 2010 Apple invented iPad, the users worldwide have started studying from various android education apps installed in iPad. Then iPhone, Tablet, Kindle, smartphone all gradually resumed focusing in providing this educational service in more than one way. The statistical analysis has concluded that the class equipped with the educational apps in their gadgets have performed quite better compared to those who have learned only in a traditional way.

Features of education apps

While choosing an education app it is important to check that it has the features which will keep the learners engaged.

Lessons videos and test series

The learning app should have a series of videos of lessons. Once a learner finishes watching one module, he will have to go through a test. There should be a score board depending upon his performance in it. If his performance is well enough, a higher level of lesson module will be open before him. So, there should be a list of lesson modules and a list of test series to judge the level of knowledge of the learner. The learning app should be moduled in such an encouraging way that the users have the desire to get back to the application again and again. These visually attractive lessons give an audio-visual sense and make the learning very appealing to the students.


The education apps should consist of informative lessons so that the students can remember those and can perform well in their classroom tests when they are asked objective questions.

Offline facilities

The application should be well operational in the offline mode so that the learning process for the students become very convenient even when they are in no network zone.

Teaching materials

The teaching material should be relevant to any examination which the members aspire to clear. The success in those examinations will help the members to rely on the education apps and will certainly give good reviews about the application.

Interactive sessions

You are sitting in a classroom and the teacher wants to test your knowledge and to engage all the students in a discussion on the topic which she has already taught in the class. She made a group of five students and asked each group to open different test series in a particular Web app as she handed a digital device to each team of the students. She made sure that each group put collaborative efforts to solve the problems. It instills team spirit, positivity and digital learning capability among them.


  1. It playfullypromotes learning and teaching.
  2. The teacher or student can track the previous learning performance.
  3. It gives insights to the students as the learning process is self-initiating, not seems like a traditional compulsive one.
  4. It saves paper.

These E-learning mobile apps are not only used by students for academic benefits, rather by professionals of various fields as these E-learning mobile apps helps the professional to know about new policies, training, concepts, and idea. In a way, education and knowledge gaining have been entertaining by the bliss of these apps. It has a very high retention rate as the user interface is made to produce a highly inspirational environment. It results in the saving of time and money that would have been wasted in classroom-based training. The flexibility of learning at any place and any time, even while traveling makes people engage in learning as their favorite task.

Smart class board

Smart Class Board is an interactive whiteboard which helps the teachers to show any subject materials to the students that all the students can understand easily. The smart class board can accommodate different style of learning in a visually lucrative way. These smart white board is connected to the computer and internet so that the teacher can present various topics available in the educational website and educational applications. As the teachers will no longer need to give handwritten notes to the students so it is very eco-friendly educational process.

Learning management system

Learning management system is a software application which is utilized for administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, delivery of educational courses and training. This LMS has emerged from eLearning. This acts as a platform for online educational contents. It has been designed utilizing analytical data and to provide the learning and training gaps.


Educational learning and training application has brought revolution in the way the knowledge is received. In all walks of life, we have been very depended on these android education apps to keep as updated and remain informative so that we can place our point of views with information and idea in the time of professional meetings. The students have been greatly benefitted as learning through these education apps has been as entertaining as watching television or playing video games.


Why Android Application Development is the Best Option for Businesses?

Android Application

The popularity of Mobile applications is indisputable as the entire world is now running places by swiping fingers over the screen of smartphones, especially when talking about Android applications. There is a vast scope for mobile apps as there is an increased penetration of smartphones in the market. In recent years, Businesses are shifting to mobile apps to expand their strategies to tap a higher customer base due to an unfathomable growth of mobile users across the world. Mobile apps have become a vital portion of the lives of people. They now use mobile apps for an abundance of purposes such as entertainment, shopping, daily planning, booking movie tickets, etc. Not only for these purposes, but also these apps modernize the work process of industries too.

For a business, it’s essential to have an app, and Android applications remain at the top option among businesses as Android apps serve a variety of purposes. Also, Android app development offers enormous strategic and operational benefits to the enterprises and expected to surge even further in the coming years. Undoubtedly, the biggest community of people is using android apps. As mentioned above, mobile applications have completely transformed the scenario of the business processes. This blog aims to highlight why android app development is best for your business and how these apps help in accelerating your business growth.

Why should you look for android application development?

Android Operating System dominates the mobile app development market with over a share of 86.8%. Now in the epoch of intelligent work, as per the latest estimates, there are 3 million plus apps on Google Play Store, about 1 billion people use Google Play & download android applications at lightning speed. Also, these applications are generating revenue of $77 billion for their brands altogether. Due to the increased use of Android apps, there emerge vast opportunities for any Android Developers.

A business can merely hire android app developers to create an Android app with great features and functionalities, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money to build up an app. Therefore despite the size of the business, businesses are leveraging android app development to foster their business and surge their revenues. Also, Android apps make it more comfortable for businesses to interact with the customers and reach out to a broader audience.

Let us start to make the query solved, explaining why Android applications are the best options for an enterprise/business:

More users

Due to an increased user base of Android apps, you get a great opportunity in the cutthroat competitive environment. You can easily create more visitors to your application and these visitors, in turn, will convert into your potential customers. If you want a successful business app, it should be apt as per the requirements of your target audience.

Target multiple platform

Android app development isn’t really, only restricted to Android, and businesses can target multiple platforms with Android app development. Using Java as a programming language for android business app development makes it easy to port an app to other operating systems like Blackberry, Ubuntu, and Symbian, etc.  This is one of the reasons why businesses choose Android development as you don’t only target the Android audience, but your app can operate on multiple platforms.

Open source platform

With no surprise, most businesses and developers are opting to build Android apps. When you have nothing to lose, you have a lot to win. The best thing about using android app development is that Google doesn’t charge a fee on the same. Not only it is free of cost, but it comprises a rich repository of SDK libraries that can be used in your app, without paying big licensing fees. And the icing on the cake is that it lowers barriers to entry into the mobile app development market.

Customization options

Android, being an open-source platform, offers potentialities for different customizations. If we compare, Android apps and its features can be more diverse than iOS and different operating systems. Customizations let your business be on the corresponding side that of the prevailing market trends which are remarkably beneficial for the growth of your marketing.

Powerful marketing tool

Mobile users are spending nearly 77% of their day and 90% of their free time on their favorite Android apps, so there is no better place to publicize your app. People depend on apps for reasons varying from research to reading reviews about brands, comparing prices, finding directions, making purchases, and varied other purposes. So having an android app makes sense.

High ROI with lower costs

The principal advantage of Android app development is the easy availability of the Android SDK as android app developers use the material design from these SDKs to build interactive apps. The developers are only required to pay a one-time registration fee for application administration, ensuring low investment and the enterprise gains a higher return on investment.

Faster deployment & scalability

Business apps have an agile development cycle that lasts for about a few hours. When talking about Scalability and Versatility, Android apps integrate with the entire Android ecosystem, including smartphones, tablets, wearables, and Android TV. One of the significant Android app benefits is that it makes Android Apps compatible with emerging technologies like IoT, and AR/ VR. Moreover, the versatility of the Android app platform allows mobile app development companies to build dynamic mobile applications that serve multiple purposes.

Final words:

To conclude, all you need is an android application for your business that has clean coding, excellent interface, and actionable analytics to highlight among the top. We already studied numerous advantages of android app development, also it helps businesses to address a higher range of audiences, and gain immense popularity. If you want a result-oriented android application that matches your business processes, hire us. We are a prominent Android application development company that has already built more than 350+ Android applications. Our mobile app developers understand the trends of the market, along with the requisites of the users. Android applications cost you nothing much but could give stupendous returns. Avail the business-friendly android app development services from an experienced IT firm like us. Know your audience, grab their attention, and flourish your business and sales. HURRY UP!


How Digital Technologies are Transforming to Business Processes?

Digital Technologies

Digital technologies are causing great transformations in business processes to gain the maximum benefit of the opportunities laid down by the techniques and their effect across the world in an organized manner. Public and private sectors are developing technologically at a fast pace.

The adoption and acceptance of the latest developments in technologies have shown many businesses a path of success. The techniques have helped the companies become people-centric, and deliver products and services efficaciously in the areas that are most affected by the digitization.

Businesses that have shifted to integrate these tools like cloud, big data, social platform, and mobile technologies have by far experienced progress and growth in their revenue generation instead of those who are yet to incorporate these features. The purpose of a mobile app development company is not just to create a copy of an existing form, but to develop a better version of the technology.

Mobile apps encourage businesses

Mobile applications create new opportunities for the business companies to re-introduce their services and products, their process and store at the professional and social front. Smartphones equipped with business apps help in leveraging growth in revenue generation.

Applications connect employees and work

The presence of business apps allows the user to have access to corporate tasks anywhere and at any time, thus, increasing the output of the employee. The employees find it easy to stay connected to each other and stay updated with what is happening in the business on the whole.

So, how digital competencies have revolutionized the business arena?

Enhanced user experience

A customer has a notion if a retailer offers mobile technology in the store it will provide better client services. With the help of mobile apps, it is easy for the consumers and the retailers to stay connected and informed about the pros and cons of the services. The customers no longer have to wait to get their complaints answered. Better personalized query handling again results of having information at hand for the customers.

Enhanced operational efficacy

Using mobile technology in the manufacturing industry has provided users with business apps. Here, the users can stay more aware and informed about things like inventory, quality, and production of goods, etc., to make wise decisions and perform activities like revert to their emails on their smartphones and many other things that interest them.

Better customer loyalty

The presence of brand apps on mobile phones has made the client stay engaged with the app and stay loyal to the brand. The customers can inquire about their queries and suitable receive quick replies from the business store keeps the customer entertained and satisfied with the services. Also, real-time access to the information allows more customers to stay connected, thus stay loyal to the brand. Companies and brands who are still pondering to integrate a business app must not regret later on seeing other brands leverage a lot of revenue with their business app.

Enhanced ways to generate revenues

The mobile platform has opened many channels to earn business for many brands that are using mobile technology for their business to improve, increasing customer loyalty and brand retention. Small cycles of sales and minimum costs in customer acquisition have led to cost savings and more revenue generation along with enhancing the output, using resources efficaciously and least operational prices.


The presence of digital technology has significantly renovated business processes. Whether one has to re-invent an existing product or service or launch new services into the market, digital applications help businesses to indulge in profit-making ways and improve their productivity and keep the expenditure in check. Contact our mobile app development company today to inquire about your business app. Our skilled and experienced team of developers knows it well what is required for your app to succeed in the market.


How much does it Cost to Develop Video Streaming Mobile Apps Like Netflix?

Mobile Apps

The estimated cost of video streaming mobile apps like Hulu or Netflix boils down to different components – the volume of aspects that you are inclusive of the Mobile application, the amount of phases that the application would carry, lastly, the area you’re joined together flexible application headway association is based out of.

How much does it cost to create and keep up a versatile Mobile Apps?

The fact of the matter is the cost to create a site like Netflix changes all mobile apps Development. The improvement of a video site and application like Netflix or Hulu may cost around $10,000 – $50,000 roughly.

Dependent upon the number of aspects, you can parcel the headway system in 3 segments:

  • Light – User enlistment, portion entryway, video show, online life joining, basic video player, request, and settings.
  • Medium – The light frame features + confinement, subtitles, impelled video player
  • Premium – Along with the features determined above – User profiles, ability to check for mates, push see, visit, reviews, and comments.

The cost would rise in a climbing demand as you move from one phase, say Android or iOS to both Android and iOS Development and a while later would be higher when you incorporate Web in the mix.

Generally, the cost to manufacture a VOD like Netflix, or Hulu frequently outperforms USD $50,000. Note: This money related arrangement is from headway created utilizing the scratch.

The truth is the cost to develop VOD changes comprehensively.

From Netflix to Amazon Prime you think about how the world is changing to video streaming Mobile apps. There are diverse web plans that you may like or unmistakable exhibits that you may take after which are open just available to connect on such applications so to speak.

Brands like Netflix and Hulu et cetera have started an application order that has now extended to more than fifty of different brands now, all observing a salary improvement of over 40%.

    Things to consider in App Development.

  • A course of action of Age and Genre Wise Content

A video spilling stage to end up celebrated and comprehensively recognized by the millions of customers who swing to a video arrange like Amazon Prime or Netflix for their delight needs, the video library should be made of a grouping of classes mixing orders with News and Live shows as well.

  • Multilingual Content

Netflix, stashed 93 million customers, with in excess of 150 million extended lengths of video spouting normal, in 2016, once the brand included multilingual substance in its library.

2016 was the year when the brand announced the overall rollout of spouting substance to more than 130 countries, a number which was before only available in limited countries.

  • Interest

A Search option is an irrefutable prerequisite have in video streaming applications. The option should be arranged in a way that it is obvious for all ages or social events. Moreover, try to have many sort options in the Search drop-down menu.

  • Customer Profile

This component is a simple choice. Your all application like as Android App and IOS App Development should have a customer profile wherein you should give the customers the decision to manage their entire application.

If you furthermore need to combine various screens in the application, have a separate region for each one of the customers, each with their course of action of features.

  • Watchlist

Another must-have feature of your video streaming application should be a watch list. This is the place the customers add programs that they

wish to observe straightaway.

  • Social Features

Social parts are what allows an individual to share the application and would get it achieved by consistently targeting the amount of traffic you want to feast your eyes into to achieve maximum profitability.

There should be a probability for the customers to share the substance that they are seeing on their internet organizing stages. In like manner, having an online login option will in like manner impact the onboarding process.

  • Screen Mirroring

You can moreover offer the offer to see the video on your app on various screens like TV or Laptop with the help of Wi-Fi.

If you are looking to develop or design a web application, contact us for any support and best mobile and web app developers.


Cyber Attack Hit ATM’s: How to Save It?

Save your ATM from Cyber attack.

As we all moving to digitization in every field. India seems in problem from Cyber attack. Recently 30 million debit cards issued by the biggest banks in India may get some malware in their ATM systems. This seems that how fast technology will affect you.

This modern hacking plan included a gathering of International hackers who hacked into a credit card processor that took care of exchanges for Prepaid MasterCard debit cards. Axis Bank said the malware attack was recognized in time and was properly informed to the RBI. The bank’s internal monitoring system recognized such a danger as of late and the sum total of what steps have been attempted to kill the same, it said. “We remain focused on our clients and it has dependably been our attempt to guarantee that our clients’ advantages are constantly secured. There has been no misfortune to our clients,” Axis Bank said.

India’s managing an account is generously done through ATM’s, debit cards and Credit cards, and now, increasingly by Mobiles Apps (Mobile App Development Company in India). As we embrace the Unified Payments Interface, the requirement for all-round security mindfulness will be more prominent, for skimming information from unprotected Smartphones will be vastly simpler, particularly when client mindfulness about safe practices and anti-virus protection for mobiles are basically non-existent.

Save Your ATM: Always keep in mind when using your ATM

  • Never let anyone see you entering Pin.
  • Always wait for the Welcome Screen to be displayed after transaction.
  • Ensure your mobile numbers are well registered with your respective banks, and you get your alerts on time.
  • Watch out if anyone is there in ATM when you are using transaction.
  • Always change your Pin with in a particular time interval and don’t write the Pin in your mobile, dairy or any other place especially on the ATM cards.
  • Do not hand over your Card to anyone, because it all about security.
  • Never chat or talk on your Smartphone while transaction because it’s distracts you.
  • Use only your Bank ATM as possible.

In the Digital world Of Future, where Russia, China and USA investing huge money in secure from Cyber-attacks. Hacking of Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton emails is also in news. So India will also take a further move to save the digital world. Government should start a cyber-awareness program, our dependency on Chinese hardware and software should be ban, because they are cheap and easily hacked products.

India needs to secure their market from malware attacks and Make awareness from the School level.

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