Is Apple’s Core ML 2 better than Google’s ML Kit?

Apple's Core ML 2

The last two months have been exciting for developers as both rivals, Apple and Google introduced their Machine Learning Kits named Apple’s Core ML 2 & Google’s ML kit. This marks as a new phase of development and it won’t be late now that some really advanced applications will venture into the market.

The focuses to develop these kits have been to reduce the pressure on implementing large data sets which are typically required for AI and ML development. Both Apple and Google have released the kits keeping developers in mind who are not very proficient in their coding.

First, let us look at Apple’s machine language it and following that the Google’s and compare which one is better.

Apple’s Core ML 2

This allows a robust integration of different models in machine learning. Using this framework, it is possible for developers to write machine learning applications with the least code possible. According to Apple, this Core ML 2 is 30% faster thanks to the capability of batch prediction and it can compress the models in machine learning by almost 75%. Batch prediction is the process of identifying several images at the same time, rather than trying to predict each of the image one by one. The models in machine learning can be compressed by representing the weights in fewer bits.

This framework for development allows the usage of deep and convoluted neural networks. and they support the different ree models as well as linear regression. This new version of the Core ML can also load the different models from cloud platforms such as the AWS and Microsoft Azure during the runtime. The Core ML is built on low – level technologies and thus, it ensures the minimal usage of the CPU and GPU while providing the maximum efficiency. The developers can almost run all their ML models onto the device so that the data will not be needed to leave the device, according to Apple.

Apple also said during the release by stating an example of a company called Memrise who have used the machine learning framework to build a website where people learn multiple languages. During the past, the developers would take almost 24 hours to train their AI to identify 20,000 images but with these frameworks, the time is brought down to just around 48 minutes. Also, the size of the models of the machine learning is brought down from somewhere around 90 megabytes to just around 3 megabytes.

The Machine Learning Kit from Google

During the conference by Google during the last month, they released this kit for developers who are not very strong with the implementations of Machine learning models. It is a type of cross-platform development framework along with the firebase development platform. Creating the ML requires a lot of work, as you will need to learn how to determine the exact weights, to use the different libraries and also acquire the sufficient training data to even build the most simple of the models.

Both the Firebase and the Android development kit makes it very easy for the developers to implement their models by allowing only some features of the machine learning to be called on the fire-base platform.

According to Google, one would not have to have the deep knowledge about deep neaural network and model optimization if they need to use this framework; they can achieve the task in a short span of time using minimal lines of code.

The framework supports certain ML features such as scanning the barcode, landmark, facial and text detection. Also, this model helps operate in both offline and online conditions. For instance, the offline version will be able to identify a particular image as that of a dog while the online version will be able to specify the breed of the dog as well.

So which one is the right for you?

Choosing between these developmental kits at the end of the day is purely a preference of the developer. The developmental kit from Google, although it is still in the Beta version, offers so much for even the amateur developer through the use of models, and pre-exists that if you want to get into the world of machine learning quicker, then this must be the option for you.

On the other hand, Apple’s framework is not as efficient as that of Google fist, mainly because it does not operate on multiple platforms. And second, it can only be operated on iOS devices and also is not a cross-platform suite which decreases its efficiency. But Apple has been claiming that their second apple updates the developmental kit is more efficient. It is to be waited and seen if that is truly the case.

Apart from these two, there are core machine language kits released from both Intel and NVidia. The former is free of cost and is great for students and scientists to test and conduct experiments related to machine learning. The latter on the other hand is a great tool for advanced users of Machine learning. Make sure that you choose the right one according to your needs.

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Android Vs iOS: Which is More Secure in 2018?

Android vs iOS

Android is the most usually accustomed platform for a huge wide variety of smartphones nowadays. On the contrary, IOS is only used by Apple gadgets which includes iPhone and iPad. In which android vs iOS, Android has an extensive distribution of channels, this means that that the programs aren’t restrained to only one app shop. The reverse is the case for IOS packages which can be completely allotted to the Apple store. However, the distinction also lies inside the security device used by them.

Android telephones are widely at risk of malware and bug attacks due to their less included protection gadget. Lots of applications bring sure-fire viruses with them, which via distinct mechanisms and depending upon the source of the application, penetrate via the safety device of the telephone and purpose hell lot of problems for the consumer.

With each of these working structures ruling over the current technical generation, it’s very difficult to conclude which one is better, IOS & Android. It is definitely a private choice of users, but nevertheless, to get more complete on the debate, it is better to evaluate the facilities furnished by using these operating structures. But, the centers furnished by using Apple and Google will range in their personal standards.

Apple packages definitely signify a totally revolutionary turning factor inside the world of generation, however, Google has mastered the truth with same excellence.

With the creation of these two running structures, a revolutionary change has taken place inside the world of mobile phones. With billions of users international, nearly the same range of tech-savvy users are using both Apple’s OS and Android in recent times. But android vs iOS, it is going to be incorrect to decide the overall performance of both the working systems in phrases of outlook due to the fact greater surprises are there internal.

The Android platform, with its several features, is proving to be a real cell OS and Google has created the identical type of intuitive enjoy that the IOS offers its users however with add electricity and versatility that a conventional windows OS might offer.

With its today’s OS Platform known as Jelly Bean, they have even delivered to the fluidity of use making it now a favored platform by using many and even causing people who were as soon as dependable to the IOS platform to convert over.

Considerations when choosing between IOS and Android:

android vs iOS, First, iPhone seems safer due to the fact Apple has imposed a few as a substitute stringent controls over what software makes its way onto the Apple App store. The open source fashion of Android and its App market does allow the malware writers, but it additionally method that software program submitted to it’s listing has thousands and thousands of eyeballs looking at, vice simply the pick few at Apple.

iPhone isn’t always more secure than Android but it definitely has much less publicized vulnerabilities that are more difficult for people outside the IT world to understand. The IOS systems make it more difficult to distribute malware, and regrettably, for Android, malware is something that even the least savvy era journalist can write about.

Second, just as Microsoft home windows is the dominant computing device platform, Android goes to get hold of an unfair amount of attention from the criminals, actually due to the fact the wide variety of ability targets is so much better. The Android app development platform lends itself to extra techno-savvy people. The open supply structure of Android lets in developers and handset owners to do nearly whatever they want to the platform. Does this make Android extra dangerous? Perhaps, But it also lets in malware and vulnerabilities which are observed to be recognized by means of the community, and fixed through Google, right away.


The Best iOS App Development Trends In 2018

ios app development

The mobile app development scenario is evolving rapidly. Every year sees new developments and changes happening and mobile app development companies leave no stone unturned to match the growing competition. The iOS app development scenario is growing by leaps and bounds each day with new technologies surfacing. It is but obvious the trends will change and every enterprise will have to update themselves accordingly. This article talks about the trends that are driving in 2018.


IPhone Application Development Company: Work with the Best App Developers

iphone application development company

IPhone is still a leading name and one of the most trusted brands in mobile across the world, particularly in the USA. According to studies, in the year of 2015, the number of iPhone users in the USA reached to 1 million. And this will continue to grow in the years to come, show other studies. Put simply, the brand has 42.9 percent share of USA Smartphone market. And on an average, the users spend on apps 35 dollars, of which 71 percent go for mobile game apps. 395 iPhones are sold every second on an average. With people increasingly moving to iPhone to meet their Smartphone needs, the demand for iPhone app development has gone up rapidly and so has the demand for a reliable iPhone application development company.

Choosing iPhone apps

Though the iPhone has far less share of Smartphone market globally against android enabled Smartphones, it has managed to remain the most trusted brand. It is a widely used brand in the USA both among individuals love gaming and businesses looking to boost expand their reach. The phone has revamped its functionalities, adding best-in-the-class features that aim to provide the incredible user experience. While it’s stunning camera will allow you to capture beautiful and appealing picture, you can share those picture with your friends and family through social networking sites. Facebook is the most popular app among iPhone users followed by Facebook messenger. So building an app is a good way to make your digital marketing strategy more effective. For that, you need to hire a top rated iPhone application development company or build an in-house team of experienced and skilled app developers and designers.

Building an iPhone app is a good investment that brings best ROI. A mobile app is one of the most powerful tools that play a vital role in today business world. Whether you want to simply allow your customers to connect with your business and provide them updates of offers or discounts or convey any business message, a mobile app is by far the ultimate choice. It has a lot of benefits that may include better customer engagement, sales increase, enhanced brand image and reduced cost on advertising and much more.

Hire experienced iPhone app developers

iPhone constantly updates its services as to provide better user experience.  Building a mobile app for iPhones? It is crucially important to keep the guidelines in mind. In addition, you need to have a good hands-on latest technology and cutting-edge tools that play a vital role in developing mobile applications. If you are planning to have the one but you have a too small budget to afford an in-house team of developers and designers. You should outsource your project to a trusted and renowned iPhone application company like AppSquadz, a fast emerging leader in affordable mobile application design and development.


Boost your Business with iOS App Development

iOS Application Development

iOS Application Development

Whether you are looking to hire iPhone application development services or iOS app developers, your main motive is to boost your business with highly advanced technology in order to maximize your ROI and flourish in this gung ho market. iOS application development to boost your business is very necessary for today’s market.


Reasons to Choose iOS for your Business App Development

Business App Development

Business App Development

In today’s time, the application development landscape is mainly dominated by Android and iOS. Both the mobile operating systems are accepted widely and devices of both platforms are used extensively by plethora of people worldwide. However, when it is about building an app for your business which can help you interact with your target audience easily and directly, you might need to choose the best operating system out of the both, if developing app for both platforms is not possible for you. Most of the developed countries like USA and UK prefer iPhone, iPad and other iOS devices for their personal and professional operations. Such factors makes up for the reasons to choose iOS for your business app development.