Should You Buy or Build Your Own Virtual Classroom Softwares?

Virtual Classroom

You must have seen different learning companies providing learners across the world online lea ring services by platforms like websites and software, there are many learning sites like Khan Academy, Coursera, Alison, edX, Future learn, Udacity, etc. are very popular and doing well in the market some are built and some are bought.

The content aims to engage you with the strategies that help to decide the better way to own an educational application. Learning processes performed by the educational software are better than the physical education system.

Online learning software for schools and institutes

Live class software development utilized in eLearning has numerous components and marvelous things A typical misguided judgment is that live coaching is just about live video spilling. WebRTC is the leap forward innovation that is permitting great video/sound through the program yet is more earnestly than it looks. 

Initially, you have to watch that the client is permitting the program to get to the camera and mouthpiece. It’s extremely basic for clients to neglect this…so shouldn’t something be said about your hardware check before the class? Shouldn’t something be said about investigating? Shouldn’t something be said about specialized help? 

Presently, you have live video, how are you going to give a superior encounter to a Skype class? You will need to manufacture or locate a rich online whiteboard arrangement that is made for language learning. It should be basic for instructors to instinctively comprehend and not be overloaded with an entire pack of insignificant highlights that messiness the client experience. It needs to synchronize appropriately, permit multi-media (video, sound, YouTube), and be world-class. 

Education needs to see when classes are on or have the option to choose from educator accessibility. studies will be over the world so you’ll have to consider overseeing distinctive time zones? At that point, there are the notices to remind, affirm, drop, reschedule classes. Or then again you have to consider including another outer booking programming like Calendly which isn’t modest on the off chance that you need one record for each teacher…How do you get the oversight of what all educators are doing? Does this procedure speak to your image and picture? Does this work process cause rubbing, raise drop-off rate, and breakpoint your business opportunity? 

Should you construct or purchase programming? 

You might be thinking that what process will be better for your convenience in development. Since you have studied all the perspectives of the eLearning software then you must get a view of the advantages and disadvantages of building or buying an educational mobile application.

Advantages of getting own virtual classroom software

There are upsides to building your online school stage. You have full control and duty regarding the new form. You can make the stage any way you like. You can alter the stream freely and include custom highlights voluntarily. These are openings however accompanied by a sticker price. 

Disadvantages of getting own eLearning programming 

As you can envision, it’s anything but an immaterial assignment to make your own live classes software or education app. There are various expenses. 

It’s slower to work without any preparation 

As an accomplished task supervisor, you realize that the 80/20 standard is going imply that building an answer without any preparation is going to accept twice as long and multiple times the cost. 

The building takes quite a while because you have to choose the idea, scope out the full venture, assemble, test, learn, reconstruct, enhance, rehash. 

You must ask few questions to yourself like:

  • How focal is live web-based education to your business methodology? 
  • If your rivals are just utilizing current software…what is the expense of that head-start? 
  • What amount of income do you “pass up” while you’re in the 6 – multi-month construct stage? 
  • Where is the live mentoring market going to be in a year once you’ve fabricated it? 
  • Does your organization have the tolerance and assets to maintain your core interest? 

There is consistently the impulse to re-appropriate your online live classes solution in a low-wage nation like India or Pakistan yet are these designers going to decipher your vision? Is it accurate to say that they will have the option to think quickly and think ahead? How put would they say they are right now? 

You must get fortunate in finding a “reasonable” and top-notch advancement organization in India. The venture director was incredible and the group was informative and said they had confidence in the vision. 

A live class solution is a better way toward educational success in mentoring processes. Schools and institutes can get the app developed to avail their students with notes, tests, practice questions, sample papers, live class, recorded video lectures, updated articles, etc. all in one platform. This can be very comfortable for the teaching process and fast forward in learning to manage the time for the revision process.


Online class solutions will be a trend in the future and the most accessed software in the future. Educational software is one of the most developed things in this digital world. It aims toward educational development by online devices like live class solutions. Providing study material and video lectures through the software. The virtual classroom software development company, AppSquadz providing with various educational software for android, iOS, and Microsoft devices.


A Brief Guide to Developing an Educational App: Its Features and Useful Tips

Educational App

The educational mobile app market size is growing at a brisk pace, and as per the report by Statistica, the revenue from m-education is forecasted to touch $37.8 Billion U.S. dollars by the end of 2020. Due to rapid growth and advancements in technology, it becomes mandatory for educational application developers to invent new ways of learning and facilitate the users in a better way. The patterns of learning & teaching are driving towards a personalized learning environment and virtual classroom, where the users can learn from anywhere at any time.

Educational application development lets you impart education and provide training, along with high-speed interaction among teachers & students. Distance learning has come into effect because of the advent of educational mobile app development as the students can access the study materials at any point as per their convenience.

Here, in this blog, we will explain the essential features that need to be present in an educational application along with some basic tips that educational app developers must follow during educational mobile app development to make it a successful one.

Educational App Features

Features of an educational mobile app depend either on the nature of the app you wish to develop or on the institutions & end-users. Here we have discussed a few fundamental components that an educational app development company must incorporate in their apps.

Push Notifications

A modern mobile app must have a push notification feature as it works as an unobtrusive approach to suggest about oneself and boost the user engagement factor. This way, you can notify the students about the latest information that your students must be aware of.


Reviews can be positive or negative and at times, even aggressive. Reviews are a fabulous way to enhance your app as per the wants of your users.

Search System

Because of the presence of this feature, users can navigate within the app quickly and obtain the data required without futile attempts. The quicker the user receives the desired outcome; the more are the probabilities of using your educational application.

Social Network Integration

Social network integration is the most characteristic feature that all the apps (not only the educational or e-learning app development solutions) use. This feature turns out to be a massive timesaver as you don’t have to enter your name and other personal info manually.

Planning and Scheduling

Education has persistently remained an organized procedure, and with the assistance of plans and objectives and last terms, it will be precious for the students just as for the instructors that battle to keep up and can plan their work appropriately.

Surveys and Test

It is always good to incorporate surveys and test features in the educational app as these features are beneficial for teachers as well as the students. Because of this feature, teachers can observe how all the information falls in, and the learners get the opportunity to examine themselves.

Cloud Integration

With the advent of Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft Office, and various cloud services, you and your pals both can keep the work in the same file. Cloud Integration feature is convenient when you are working in a group as the work of all members of the group can be kept in a single file.

Videos and Live Streams

Video content is simpler to digest when compared to theoretical. So, video and live streaming must be incorporated into educational apps so that the application becomes popular among the users.

Useful Tips that one must consider during educational app development

While developing educational apps, educational mobile app development companies must keep up with some tips in mind that will make the app handier for the users.

Applying Practical Teaching Methods

Education should be adequate, and in case you don’t know the pedagogy, then you shouldn’t confine on the expert’s opinion also.


It’s time to put the education into practice, determining that learning apps should be executed as impressive games for the end-users.

User-friendly Interface

The UI must be simple, beautiful and bright for navigating. Moreover, when talking about kids, the integrity of the design is supreme.


You don’t have any predefined idea on which platform the users prefer to use your app, hence compatibility matters (make it compatible with all possible platforms) for better results.

Sound Effects

Make sure the sound effects can be turned on/off to suit the demands of all the end-users.


Developing an educational app demands extensive business research before initiating the development. In this blog, we tried to make you aware of the essential features that an educational mobile app must possess, along with the useful tips for development. The demand for Educational apps or e-learning app development is at its peak, and if you have an idea to get an educational app developed, to get an edge and prominent position at the app stores you need a team of experienced professionals.


How Educational Apps Will Transform the Modern Way of Learning and Teaching?

Educational Apps

IIn this contemporary highly tech-savvy world, we have become dependent on our gadgets for various services, receiving educational service is one major thing among them. Since the time in 2010 Apple invented iPad, the users worldwide have started studying from various android education apps installed in iPad. Then iPhone, Tablet, Kindle, smartphone all gradually resumed focusing in providing this educational service in more than one way. The statistical analysis has concluded that the class equipped with the educational apps in their gadgets have performed quite better compared to those who have learned only in a traditional way.

Features of education apps

While choosing an education app it is important to check that it has the features which will keep the learners engaged.

Lessons videos and test series

The learning app should have a series of videos of lessons. Once a learner finishes watching one module, he will have to go through a test. There should be a score board depending upon his performance in it. If his performance is well enough, a higher level of lesson module will be open before him. So, there should be a list of lesson modules and a list of test series to judge the level of knowledge of the learner. The learning app should be moduled in such an encouraging way that the users have the desire to get back to the application again and again. These visually attractive lessons give an audio-visual sense and make the learning very appealing to the students.


The education apps should consist of informative lessons so that the students can remember those and can perform well in their classroom tests when they are asked objective questions.

Offline facilities

The application should be well operational in the offline mode so that the learning process for the students become very convenient even when they are in no network zone.

Teaching materials

The teaching material should be relevant to any examination which the members aspire to clear. The success in those examinations will help the members to rely on the education apps and will certainly give good reviews about the application.

Interactive sessions

You are sitting in a classroom and the teacher wants to test your knowledge and to engage all the students in a discussion on the topic which she has already taught in the class. She made a group of five students and asked each group to open different test series in a particular Web app as she handed a digital device to each team of the students. She made sure that each group put collaborative efforts to solve the problems. It instills team spirit, positivity and digital learning capability among them.


  1. It playfullypromotes learning and teaching.
  2. The teacher or student can track the previous learning performance.
  3. It gives insights to the students as the learning process is self-initiating, not seems like a traditional compulsive one.
  4. It saves paper.

These E-learning mobile apps are not only used by students for academic benefits, rather by professionals of various fields as these E-learning mobile apps helps the professional to know about new policies, training, concepts, and idea. In a way, education and knowledge gaining have been entertaining by the bliss of these apps. It has a very high retention rate as the user interface is made to produce a highly inspirational environment. It results in the saving of time and money that would have been wasted in classroom-based training. The flexibility of learning at any place and any time, even while traveling makes people engage in learning as their favorite task.

Smart class board

Smart Class Board is an interactive whiteboard which helps the teachers to show any subject materials to the students that all the students can understand easily. The smart class board can accommodate different style of learning in a visually lucrative way. These smart white board is connected to the computer and internet so that the teacher can present various topics available in the educational website and educational applications. As the teachers will no longer need to give handwritten notes to the students so it is very eco-friendly educational process.

Learning management system

Learning management system is a software application which is utilized for administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, delivery of educational courses and training. This LMS has emerged from eLearning. This acts as a platform for online educational contents. It has been designed utilizing analytical data and to provide the learning and training gaps.


Educational learning and training application has brought revolution in the way the knowledge is received. In all walks of life, we have been very depended on these android education apps to keep as updated and remain informative so that we can place our point of views with information and idea in the time of professional meetings. The students have been greatly benefitted as learning through these education apps has been as entertaining as watching television or playing video games.