Future & Obstacles of Augmented Reality Mobile Applications

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is a young technology and has seen unprecedented growth in significantly less time. It enables users to experience the natural world in a matter of few inches. 

How this works?

Augmented reality can offer computer-curated data in the form of graphics and videos. In addition, it enables a consumer to use AR mobile app on a tablet, mobile, or any other device that uses GPS. 

Smartphones are the backbone of AR mobile app development companies.

Moreover, the technology through which AR mobile apps are developed can be classified into two: Face-reorganization and location-reorganization.

Face-reorganization AR app has a core for identifying face and sounds through a digital partner; location-reorganization uses the camera and other features of the phone.

The Future Of Augmented Reality

People are getting comfortable with Augmented reality with each passing day, and now they even have more open access to it than earlier. Pokémon Go, launched in 2016, was the first Augmented reality game that took the whole tech market in a swing. The game used location-reorganization technology, which enables you to capture Pokémon at distinct locations virtually. 

Then came applications like Google Maps, Snapchat, SketchAR, IKEA Place, and so on, using face and location reorganization. For example, IKEA Place helps you to arrange your furniture virtually before buying it. 

AR mobile applications identify product images and graphics and send the required information to your phone. 

Similarly, the amalgamation of social media and AR has bestowed the platform in many ways. As a result, augmented mobile app development is making its pace slowly but steadily. 

The travel industry and AR have surpassing potential; these applications proved to be real game-changers. For example, AR mobile apps like Google Translate can translate in real-time name boards and other elements. And this has significantly made traveling easy and has saved many people from public embarrassment. 

To date, people have come along with augmented reality and have adjusted it in their day-to-day lives. However, the integration of AR with the mobile application is becoming seamless; the markets are flooded with AR-based glasses and gadgets that will produce a tremendous shift in the market.


According to a study, the Augmented reality mobile app industry will generate a revenue of $25 billion by 2025, leading to a bright future for this industry. As mentioned earlier, there is no single industry that hasn’t tasted this tremendous technology. 

The gaming industry has always shared a large part in the AR industry. It is believed to bring a revenue of $11.6 billion in the upcoming years, followed by healthcare, live events, and engineering that brings $13.9 billion as estimated. Implementation of these AR solutions solely depends upon the ongoing cycle of the product evolution in terms of delivery and integration with the current ecosystem. 

Moreover, the future of Augmented reality to be seen upsurging in the following industries.

  • E-Commerce

E-commerce companies are integrating augmented reality with brand applications. As a result, the app will enable people to experience seamless clothing of hats, jewellery, footwear, and makeup with the help of a camera fitted in a smartphone. 

  • Geolocation

Applications like Google Earth and Google Maps have changed the ability of devices we hold today. With the help of AR tech, they can inform users about nearby locations and restaurants. For example, Today, Google Maps can direct the fewer traffic routes to the best ways to be taken on your journey.

  • Educational Resources  

The developers are still attempting to find bestowed ways to integrate AR in a training situation. However, applications like 3DBear, Catchy Words AR, CoSpaces Edu are among the best applications in the education industry; they allow teachers and students to learn via AR.

Moreover, the military and healthcare industries are developing robust AR simulations, and AR in the education industry will introduce future experiences like having a seamless glaze of story characters.

  • Digital Marketing

Using augmented reality mobile apps became another thing when video streaming company Bilibili advertised a scannable QR in the air via drones in Shanghai. The process of advertising in digital marketing is unfolding each day; AR tech is integrating more with social media than ever. 

Marketing with AR will be seen as packaging via gaming apps, interactions with other products, etc. 


In a 2017 blog post of Forbes Agency council explained, “Augmented Reality gives you a more interactive platform to communicate a story guiding people to game-like features, deeper content, and bringing the consumers into the experience,”  

However, with this great technology comes hurdles, too; some of the possible issues that AR mobile apps face are as follows:

  • Hardware issues

The current augmented reality gadgets are bulky pieces of hardware that might be too expensive for the pockets. Moreover, AR headsets need to connect to a computer, which makes the entire experience inconvenient. However, one can use mobile AR apps, but usually, mobile AR applications face significant issues in displaying actual visuals. For example, cameras in our mobile phones are built for 2D capture and are incapable of rendering 3D images

  • Limited content

Developing new content for AR mobile app is essential as the content created for AR devices comes with games and filters used on social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. Also, AR developers have not developed enough high-functioning use cases that consumers can use daily.

  • Public skepticism

Users have used some of the most popular augmented reality mobile apps to try clothes, glasses, and accessories. First, however, consumers need education about the benefits of augmented reality and how to use these apps for their service. There is a lack of awareness among people about the AR mobile apps that leads to privacy and security while using AR-based applications. Hence, consumers’ concerns need addressing for better deployment of the augmented reality.

  • Lack of regulations

There are no regulations that may help businesses and customers to understand how AR applications can be helpful for them. For example, a cybercriminal can hijack your crucial accounts by drilling data output and manipulating AR content. In such cases, customers may ask about accountability, mitigation strategies for guarding the data, and avoiding such types of situations in the future. Thus, developing regulations for consumer privacy and security is among the significant challenges of augmented reality. 

  • Physical safety risks

An augmented reality-based mobile application can be distracting and physically risky. For example, many people got injured and lost their lives while playing PokemonGO. However, further research claims to enable the deployment of technology on a large scale. Once this takes place, the use of AR applications will be seen in departments like healthcare, education, finance, etc.


AR mobile app development has seen significant growth in the past years, from having attractive filters in Snapchat to games like PokemonGO. However, there is a lot to be developed; in other sectors, AR has changed how we look up to the world. 


Know Everything about 5G- The Next-gen Network Technology


It’s straightforward how remote correspondences innovation turns out to be profoundly applicable after some time: remote interchanges have advanced upgrades in associations, education, and innovation by working with improved admittance to the information making the rounds. As interchanges frameworks create, it will in general make associations between individuals also. 

Through this article, we will discuss what 5G technology gives today, how it is executed, or what the 5G world will resemble over the following 2-3 years. 

What is 5G, and how it works? 

The hyper-network of the coming years is now not too far off: applications for the Internet of Things (IoT), brilliant city frameworks, and unimaginable volumes of information are on a flood. There is a squeezing need for applications and gadgets and, at the same time, the innovation to help them. 

4G association speeds are not acceptable; making 5G technology, an innovation that converts savvy gadgets into super brilliant gadgets. 

5G is the fifth era of innovation and represents remote networking, i.e., the organization that cell phones can use to get to the web anyplace. It is a 4G innovation that will reform media communications and bring us into hyper connectivity, another world. 

How might 5G Implementation Improve Industries? 

The 5G organizations’ business system is to help gadgets or use cases associated with expanded requests for transfer speed or low idleness prerequisites. Here are the areas that are generally affected by 5G technology when execution is finished. 

• Manufacturing: 

5G utilizations producing cases are identified with the strategic idea of industrial facility robotization or various cycles that should occur in extraordinarily close courses of events to ensure that income isn’t lost. In this area, 5G will likewise require constant creation review and creation line support. 

• Healthcare: 

5G would make far off telesurgery and patient following easier in medical services, permitting specialists the chance to give care from a far distance. In clinical working environments, the organization could help Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) applications become more normal, empowering clinical experts and field labourers across different businesses to be more taught. 

• Energy and Utilities: 

At the point when 5G is carried out, oil, gas, power, and another crucial framework would be better related. Fundamental administrations, like power and utilities, would profit by 5G innovation, making more imaginative energy age, transmission, dispersion, usage arrangements, and the up and coming age of savvy framework advances and proficiency. 

• Agriculture: 

To improve agrarian cycles, including water the board, fertigation, domesticated animals security, and compost application, ranchers overall use IoT innovation, the examination closed. 5G will permit the assortment of information progressively, improve horticulture to track, screen, and computerize farming frameworks to look after profitability, effectiveness, and security. 

• Retail: 

In 2018, more than 100 million Americans made a cell phone buy, an examination noted, and the transition to portable shopping is mostly because of the increment of 4G/LTE. The higher rates that 5G will carry this number to another high. 

• Media and Entertainment: 

5G will make new versatile systems administration, portable advertisements, home broadband, TV openings, and vivid innovation like VR and computer-generated reality (AR). 

• Manufacturing: 

5G is resolved to make fabricating measures more flexible and valuable while additionally creating wellbeing and lessening upkeep costs. 

• Smart Cities: 

It is fundamental to interface the powerful association of all its expanded organizations with roads, homes, public and individual gadgets, and 5G will turn into a fundamental segment of the IoT framework. 

• Insurance: 

As they will have connections to the more precise information, 5G will help monetary guides settle on more viable choices. Discover more about the review by ISHIR on current developments in the 5G in mobile app development

Three different ways wherein 5G organizations improve business: 

Nowadays, 5G organizations are in the news all over. Even though the word is now utilized enough to be acquainted with this by numerous entrepreneurs, not every person understands what 5G is, its fundamental benefits and that it can change business to improve things. 

• Higher inertness permits a higher chance of: 

Inertness alludes to the reaction time-the time it takes among getting and sending things (like an information parcel). The current inactivity of 4G is up to 50 milliseconds. 5G inertness, multiple times faster than the flicker of the eye, would decrease it to around one millisecond or one-thousandth of a second. For anything which requires an exact, legitimate reaction, like self-driving vehicles and distantly controlled mechanical technology, low inertness is fundamental. It likewise implies more alternatives for expanded reality (AR) and augmented reality \VR). 

• The advantage of network: 

Utilizing more organization limit will improve the number of gadgets associated. Albeit the Internet of Things (IoT) turns out to be all the more broadly acknowledged, the majority of the contact and association utilizing cell phones happens today. With 5G, we can see an uncommon ascent in availability among gadgets and PCs. Specialists expect that 5G will want to relate multiple times more cell phones than 4G.

• A generous availability increment: 

Expanded 5G transfer speed will permit very quick download speeds, which will support applications and decrease bottlenecks. There might be an emotional change from 4G to 5G: 4G download speeds are 100Mbps; 5G download paces will bit by bit be 10Gbps. Supposition if each fan expected to end the field from a similar entryway at a b-ball game; that might be the experience on the over 4G organization.

Carrying out 5G organization innovation would set out unfathomable freedom to make and offer creative items and offices for telecoms and organizations. Media communications organizations will complete new sorts of administrations quicker, at moderate rates; with ISHIR, you can use organizations and edge registering to execute 5G advances. 


While a considerable lot of the 5G technology is required to influence how organizations work straightforwardly, the ramifications for the network can arrive at the extent of portable broadband and the adjustment of the security, wellbeing, and security of society further. As we venture into the Fourth Industrial Revolution and investigate all that 5G has to bring to the table, 5G innovation is fundamental for buyers and organizations for another high!


Snapchat & Spotify Collaborate for Diwali Theme Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

Snapchat and Spotify have coupled together for the Diwali-themed Augmented Reality lens, which solely works at a single location: The Gateway of India in Mumbai. It will revive the important bend milestone as it moves- broadens, inclinations, and turns, in the particular sense- to the beats of Spotify playlists to be explicit “Diwali Shuffle”, “Diwali Drive”, or “Diwali Bash”. It acts primarily just like any other Snapchat Lens. Open Snapchat when you are close to the Gateway of India, tap on the bolstered Spotify point of convergence in the location of the convergence carousel, and after that point your camera at the milestone. It will be available for the coming next ten days until October 23 at the Gateway of India in Mumbai.


The Diwali-themed, Spotify-driven Snapchat lens is a part of Snapchat’s “Landmarker” experience which was incipiently launched in April this year with five locations. The locations are namely-

  1. The Eiffel Tower in the Paris
  2. The Buckingham Palace in London
  3. The US Capitol, Washington, D.C.
  4. The Flatiron Building in New York, and
  5. The TCL Chinese Theater, Los Angeles.

Furthermore, it then extended to India in August with Agra’s Taj Mahal and the Gateway. By growing its India-centric features, Snap Inc. wishes to see more Indian users on board. Snapchat has collaborated up with different brands for themed activations previously as well. The collaboration included HBO for Game of Thrones’ final season, and Sony Pictures for Spider-Man: Far from Home, the Marvel movie.

For those thinking about how Snapchat assembled these “Landmarker” Augmented Reality focal points, their architects didn’t visit the landmarks to make a 3D model. Preferably, said 3D models are produced using client-submitted photographs and recordings to Snapchat’s “Our Story” area, which are accumulations of a spot, occasion, or subject in addition to other things.

“We needed to outfit Spotify’s clients with an encounter that they would need to impart to companions in a split second. Along these lines the possibility of the Gateway of India in Mumbai moving to the beats of Spotify’s Diwali playlist was conceived,” Snapchat’s head of business system and promotion monetization for India, Tarika Soni, said in a readied proclamation. “This is the first-historically speaking brand coordinated effort for Snapchat’s as of late propelled ‘Landmarker’ Lens in Asia.

Snapchat clients in Mumbai will be energized and amazed by this actuation when they go to the Gateway of India to see it. This is because it has now become active as it moves the whole physical world closer to the more advanced world via Augmented Reality.” “Spotify is continually hoping to bring fun encounters upgraded by music, to buyers,” Spotify’s head of promoting for India, Neha Ahuja, included. “The AR focal point will let customers share a couple of our playlists curated for Diwali, with their friends as well as family.

As a brand, we are continually hoping to accomplish new things that keep us associated with Gen Z and the twenty to thirty-year-old, and this enactment at the Gateway of India is particularly cool since this is a first for any brand in the nation.”


What Extended Reality is & what all We can be Done with It?

Extended Reality

Statistics demonstrate that the market share of augmented and virtual reality is suspected of surging by 2022 – it will scale eightfold as corresponded to 2018, amounting to $209 billion. At the same time, extended reality (XR), the new family member to virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) is also gaining steam & driving various processes and events.

Let us figure out what exactly XR is, what its core abilities are, and what market value it has.

The Genesis of Extended Reality

XR encompasses virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality, and the reason why XR has emerged is their (AR, VR & MR) proliferation and convergence. So in order to get a thorough understanding of this platform that fuses above-stated terms, we have to discuss them separately.

Virtual Reality

VR, also known as the computer-simulated reality, is a technology that lets humans immerse into a reality that is distinguished from the existing one or that replicates reality. Alternately, it forms a digital reality that supersedes a user’s real-world totally. Virtual Reality is authorized with specific headsets that present an environment by pragmatic pictures and sounds (audios), while a perfect VR environment comprises of all senses that include smell, taste, and touch. This approach furnishes individuals with a possibility to attain new experiences. VR technology is extensively used in the gaming & entertainment industries and various kind of training. VR may look very pragmatic or may resemble cartoon images, depending on the ultimate goal.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is not an environment that is distinct from an existing one entirely, unlike Virtual Reality. AR technology augments the existing physical environment by particular features such as enriching it by adding graphics, video (visuals), sounds, and additional data. Users can’t interact with an artificial environment, and as it adds some attributes but doesn’t replace it absolutely, it can be said AR is on the top of our reality. In simple words, it places an overlay on our environment; moreover, the camera of smartphones and headsets help humans put an overlay on their existing environment. AR has got an extensive utilization in the gaming industry for intensifying the presentation of games. Pokémon Go is probably one of the most vivid examples of AR and implementation.

Mixed Reality

Mixed Reality, as the name suggests fuses components of real & virtual environments both. It generates a new environment where physical & artificial objects come together and interact, reaching each other on a real-time basis. Compliance is a vital characteristic of Mixed Reality; that is why it compiles the best attributes of real and artificial environments. MR makes the best use of augmented reality and virtual reality, all while allowing users to view the real world along with some virtual objects. These objects are attached to a specific real point, letting the users treat them as real objects.

The Essence of Extended Reality

Now that we have a clear concept of AR, VR, and MR- phenomena that emerges XR, we will see the definition of extended reality and the critical features of XR. 

What Does XR Mean?

VR, AR, and MR are the three pillars on which Extended Reality stands. XR combines the core features of all the three and everything within these interrelated phenomena. XR incorporates real and virtual environments and concerns technologically powered interactions between humans and machines, according to the definition of XR. Innovations that bring on changes formulate new XR experiences as XR depends on underlying technologies, i.e., AR, VR & MR.

Why various verticals and business operations are increasingly using XR? 

The main cause of its employment is that it helps eliminate distance barriers. 36% of CEOs contemplate it to be the principal factor in adopting XR as per Accenture’s survey. Extended Reality assists in addressing issues that are due to remoteness as a large number of operations become geographically disbursed. XR solutions such as 3D environments significantly heighten obtaining valuable insights.

The Advantages of XR Reality

Now the question is extended reality restricted to improving the user experience, or it is good for business? Companies employing ER do get valuable advantages, such as:

The provision of a fantastic experience

A dive into a completely different reality enables companies to present their users with the opportunity of visiting areas of interest or experiment something and that too without leaving the house.

Efficient data uptake

XR presents its users with a more realistic view of their subject matter, which lets them be trained extra efficiently.

Secure training

Those who demand to practice in high-risk circumstances, like military or chemists, can practice securely from traditional classrooms.

Seamless data access

XR eliminates distance barriers, making it easy for humans to access remote data smoothly.

The Disadvantages of XR Reality

XR does have drawbacks as well in spite of the fascinating opportunities. These are:

Endangered privacy

XR is prone to cyber-attacks and in particular data thefts when compared to other technologies. Since XR-based solutions have access to individual information of tons, it can result in severe damage.

Decreased social engagement

Extended reality presents various means of amusement that may engross human minds and endanger to eradicate the need for interaction. Though XR enables people to interact, it lets it in a diverse way that lacks contact and personal communication.

Physical harm

Long-term use of VR devices and AR glasses can lead to eye disorders, nausea, faintness, and headache.

Massive cost of implementation

The development & implementation of XR solutions and devices that support this technology are high-priced, due to which it may come at costly prices.

Final Thought

Extend your business opportunities with Extended Reality as it provides valuable advantages to a business. Thousands of companies around the globe have already got the best of it. At the same time, just like the other emerging technologies, the implementation of Extended Reality is also still a bit risky and demands significant investment. If you choose to implement XR in your business, you will win half of the battle while finding a reliable mobile application development company. A right service provider must have considerable expertise that allows users to evade errors and minimize risks.


How Augmented Reality changing Mobile Travel Apps for better

augmented reality

So far, mobile technology and the internet have made the public dependent on themselves. The upcoming mind-boggling Augmented Reality can enhance everything to which it is added. Mobile app development company using augmented reality by eliminating the distance between that offers a digital experience of the real world from anywhere and everywhere.

Tourism is one of the growing industries around the globe. People now and then have to travel to other parts of the countries and the world. It is here that the augmented reality can make a massive difference in the experience of the travelers. Before commencing the trip, it is essential to have all the reservations made, for instance, the lodging, transportation modes, and so on. A perfect trip has all its booking is done prior, which can be stressful for the traveler. It’s a demanding task to plan every activity and adhere to it while on the journey in an unknown city. The recent updates augmented reality technology in mobile applications help travelers a lot while planning out their trips and tours to different parts of the world.

There are many ways in which the AR has made planning for a trip a piece of cake. Let us see how.

Selecting and Booking the Room

Much mobile development company has developed applications that offer virtual tours of the hotels and their rooms. During the journey, it is the stay that has to be very comfortable and also per the budget of the traveler. So with AR, the apps can provide more information about the rooms, hotels, spa, pool room, restaurant and much more. Accordingly, the tourist can make reservations.

Live Navigation

Besides the hotels, the apps with AR integration also provide interactive information about various places in the city. People can look for sites where events and parties are being organized. Not just that the apps also include information about the places and maps to guide the traveler to reach the destination. This helps the traveler get acquainted with the places nearby and look for the desired location during their journey very quickly. Such mobile application development help in enhancing the user experience while traveling through the world.

Language Translator

One of the exciting features added in mobile apps is a language translator. A traveler from any part of the world can freely travel to a new place without any hesitation of language as the apps come with a language translator. One can make use of the app and speak through it to the other person. The app will translate what one speaks to the native language of the person. Even anything written anywhere can be scanned and turned into the required language. The AR and AI help with such facilities.

Augmented Reality

The AR technology has managed to deliver breathtaking experiences to the end users. People can explore new places, cultures, features, histories, and so much more with such aided applications. The apps enable the user to understand what is being studied in a meaningful manner fully. The users gain virtual experience of the place beforehand through their mobile applications. Almost seventy-five percent of the real world can be witnessed from these apps on the mobile phone and smart devices.


Our mobile application development company the USA has been using the latest technology in various mobile app development processes to deliver the best services and facilities to the clients. The purpose of integrating augmented reality to mobile apps is to enhance and upgrade the level of user experience. If you have an idea of integrating AR uniquely to your travel and tour mobile apps for growing your business then get in touch with our expert team. We will make sure to deliver the product with an unmatched user experience that will surpass the competitive applications.