Speaking Tree: India’s first Spiritual Social Network



Speakingtree.in is India’s first spiritual social network, where over 5,00,000 spiritual enthusiasts have embarked on their spiritual journey under the guidance of world-renowned spiritual masters like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Deepak Chopra, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Andrew Cohen, Maulana Wahiddudin Khan, etc. Spirituality means something different to everyone – for some, spirituality is about practicing religious rituals and visiting temples, churches and mosques; while for others, spirituality is far more personal, like getting in touch with their spiritual side through meditation, prayer, yoga, and mindfulness. Indeed, spirituality can release mental blocks, let ideas materialise, and make your life artful!

The App allows you to watch satsang videos, browse through good thoughts, read inspiring spiritual quotes, express views, share experiences and connect with renowned Masters to learn more about inner peace, life, spirituality and mythology.