10 Outstanding Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2022

mobile app development frameworks

There is a continuous expansion in the use of mobile phones as their users are increasing continuously. Therefore, developers use the best mobile app development framework to build robust apps. Therefore, a developer needs to have accurate information about the application development frameworks. First, however, we should look at more details of the app development framework through an example.

You are John, who always began his day by listening to your favorite music on an app. You daily use smartwatches having apps that work 24/7 to provide information about your fitness. Moreover, you can also quickly order meals through an online mode. A mobile app can do all this. Today, many developers choose an application framework to develop it.

A mobile application development framework is software to support mobile application development. Of course, every developer wants to use this framework. But, they are searching for the best framework that suits their requirement. Following is a list of frameworks for developing a mobile application.

  1. Swiftic
  2. Ionic
  3. React Native
  4. Flutter
  5. Corona
  6. Xamarin 
  7. Kotlin
  8. JQuery Mobile
  9. Sencha Touch Ext JS
  10. Mobile Angular UI


Swiftic is one of the easy-to-use mobile app development frameworks. This mobile app development technology is helpful as it doesn’t ask for unique code. There is no need for developers to dive deep into coding using this framework. It holds an advantage over other frameworks as it has a user-friendly interface. It is a frontrunner in the list of frameworks as it provides the benefits given here.

  1. Intriguing push notifications
  2. Advanced analytics
  3. App publication assistance
  4. Third-party integration
  5. Build your mobile store


A cross-platform app development framework has a set of tools and libraries required to create an application. It is an open-source framework with a utility for building a hybrid mobile app. It is a free application framework for developing a great app. Ionic is a helpful Android framework for developing its application. Moreover, it is also beneficial to build Windows and iOS apps. It offers the benefit to a developer that is given here.

  1. A faster app development time
  2. More than 5 million developers trust Ionic
  3. Total control of building an application
  4. It gives you a uniform user interface
  5. Powerful app development platform

React Native

React Native is a popular framework for the development of mobile applications. This mobile app development framework can be used to build both Android and iOS applications. It is an open-source and cross-platform mobile app useful for building brilliant apps. It has some of the best features helpful in creating a robust mobile application.

  1. Cross-platform functionality
  2. Support both Android and iOS app
  3. Develops stable and robust application
  4. Coding is accessible on this platform
  5. A giant community of app developers


Flutter is a unique free mobile application development framework using the Dart programming language. It is notable as it has a vast range of in-build components. Using a single code base to compile the whole native application is widespread. This framework helps develop a new mobile app through a quick and improved app development process. It has made its place in the list of frameworks as it offers the following benefits.

  1. A User-Friendly Interface
  2. Support both Android and iOS
  3. Offers Efficient Debugging Process
  4. A Robust Widget Support
  5. Offers a Customizable Experience

Corona SDK

Corona SDK is highly used due to its advantages of being an open-source and cross-platform application framework. It is also known as an Android framework for it supports its development. All game designers use Corona SDK to build the most useful mobile apps. It has the unique feature of being lightweight to enable easy app development. Following are the benefits of using Corona SDK.

  1. Easy to learn and use for app development
  2. Pay less to use core functionalities
  3. The lightning application development process
  4. Strong API support for better integration
  5. A robust community of Corona SDK users


Xamarine is a .net-based application framework with the features of cross-platform and open-source. It also supports various components helpful in building an application. You can use this mobile programming feature to develop iOS, Android, and Windows mobile applications. It also comes with the benefits which are provided to all developers that are given here:

  1. The high-performing backend infrastructure
  2. Allows developers to get sharable codes
  3. Cost-efficient development framework
  4. Build the excellent mobile applications
  5. Use the state-of-the-art diagnostic tool

Onsen UI

Onsen UI is a type interface and a feature-rich mobile application framework. It is one of the most effective choices for building complex mobile apps. Android and iOS types of mobile apps can be made using this application framework. This framework is helpful as developers can use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build brilliant apps. This mobile application development framework offers the benefits that are mentioned here:

  1. Simple & easy to learn and apply
  2. Its utility is easy as it is cost-effective
  3. Enable a developer to build an app quickly
  4. It is highly scalable and flexible
  5. Platform to provide the best performance

JQuery Mobile

JQuery is one of the best app development frameworks for building responsive mobile apps. It is useful for developing framework-compatible applications. JQuery is helpful for the formation of Android architecture that works on all its platforms. It helps save the time of a mobile app developer through custom and personal experience. JQuery offers developers the ability to build interactive web pages. Following are the benefits of using this mobile app development framework.

  1. App development framework compatibility
  2. It helps you to build a responsive mobile app
  3. This framework is configured with HTML5
  4. A robust theming framework
  5. Simple yet effective API

Sencha Touch Ext JS

Sencha Touch is a UI JavaScript library for developing mobile web. It helps develop the user interface (UI) of any mobile application. It doesn’t require complex knowledge of the programming language. Its architecture follows the MVC pattern to separate the view and the application data. Another great feature of this framework is to develop a new mobile app using the benefits given here.

  1. Get customizable theme
  2. A simple and easy programming language
  3. Functional in-built components, charts, and widgets
  4. Adaptive and helpful user interface (UI)
  5. It gives cost-efficient mobile applications

Mobile Angular UI

Mobile angular is a practical mobile app development framework with an open-source nature. It is an outstanding framework for the development of hybrid applications. AngularJS, Bootstrap, and HTML5 are its main parts. This is one of the essential frameworks for developing mobile apps. The list of the benefits is given here.

  1. Versatile and useful components
  2. Helpful to build responsive apps
  3. Open-source mobile applications
  4. Simple and easy to learn the framework
  5. Offer a humongous community support


From all the details above, various information about the mobile app development framework can be ascertained. First, get the facts about the OS, necessary time, and others to develop a mobile app. Then, build a successful mobile application according to the requirement of a business. Finally, you can select the correct framework to develop Java mobile applications or use any other programming language to develop an app as a developer.

AppSquadz Software Pvt Ltd is one of the best companies having developers with many years of experience. We use the best framework for the development of your mobile application.

Helpful Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which is the best framework for web development?

Web app development is an excellent choice for a business as it expands the reach of a business. And of course, every framework is ideal; however, the only difference is the feature or features it offers. Thus, select a framework that suits your business goals.

What is native app development?

Native application development developing a mobile application for a single platform. In this type of application, tools and programming languages are specific to a single platform only.

Which framework is not helpful for an iOS app?

Many frameworks are helpful for iOS application development. Choose from Swiftic, Ionic, React Native, Flutter, Kotlin, and other frameworks. Then, develop the best content using an excellent method to build its state-of-the-art iOS mobile application.

Is PhoneGap an iOS framework?

Yes, PhoneGap is an iOS application development framework. Developers use it at a gigantic scale for developing a tremendous iOS mobile app. The Phonegap is also helpful for building cross-platform mobile applications.

Which is not present in the Android app development framework?

You will not find DialerManager in the Android app development framework. However, it has other helpful technologies to complete its task.


Few Reasons to Pick Ionic Framework for Hybrid Apps Development

Hybrid App Development

Companies do understand the dominance of mobile apps, so they are finding all ways to provide the convenience of using their services/products and approaching them to the customers on a single go. With mobile app development growing as a trend, various frameworks, technologies, languages, and paraphernalia are accessible in the market. The big decision is choosing the right one to develop the application for the companies as each has its pros and cons. From the beginning of mobile application development, native apps had the edge over hybrid apps. But things have radically changed and, so is the scenario for hybrid app development since the advent of the Ionic platform.

Unlike the days, when hybrid apps were criticized for sluggish performance and immature user interface, Ionic has succeeded to overcome these drawbacks of hybrid application development. Ionic has streamlined multi-platform application development, presenting a classy feel to the space of hybrid apps. In this article, we will see why web app developers should choose the Ionic Framework for hybrid app development. Before proceeding to the benefits of ionic app development, let’s look into what ionic framework is.

A brief introduction to Ionic-

It is an open-source User Interface (UI) toolkit used for building a high-quality desktop & mobile app which employs a combination of web technologies like HTML/CSS, and JavaScript. The main focus of Ionic app development is on the frontend UI interaction (looks), i.e. gestures, controls, animations, and the user experience. The best feature of the Ionic framework is that it can be integrated with other frameworks and libraries efficiently. Also, this can be used as a standalone framework that helps you get the best user interface for your targeted audience. So, if you are developing a visual app, Ionic app development is best for you will focus mostly on the looks.

Here are a few reasons to pick the Ionic framework to build your next mobile application:

It is more obvious to migrate across platforms

If you are planning to get an app developed that can work across all major platforms instead of focusing on a single OS, then Ionic Framework is your go-to platform. Ionic gives the ability to convert from one OS to the other with the option of languages more easily. You will have to spend a little more time and money in developing the app as well as learning each language for each platform by selecting a native language instead of a hybrid language.

It is free

This is one of the best benefits of using the Ionic Framework. Building an app is quite expensive usually being beginning with research and ending in a marketing campaign. You might have to spend a cost around $1000 in general for a framework, but with Ionic Framework you do not have to pay a single penny for it. So the fact that Ionic is free will undoubtedly ease some of the burdens. Instead of spending the money on app development, you can utilize that in research and marketing ad campaigns.

The user interface will turn out as a piece of art

As we mentioned it earlier, that if you are in the hunt for a beautiful app, Ionic Framework is the way to go for you. CSS and JavaScript features incorporated in Angular allow you to customize the app with different buttons, menus, color schemes, etc. This framework gives a lot of options in this area that enables Ionic app developers to create an app that looks not only good but also has high standards regarding the UI.

The Ionic framework is open source

Open-source means instability, which can be the fact that the Ionic framework can be a hindrance while it is valid for many but not for Ionic Framework. It is true that usually, open-source frameworks are unstable, but the Ionic framework is a very stable platform. The Ionic app developers can assure the stability of the app that is created on this platform and does not encounter any stability concerns.

The base framework of Ionic is Angular

Angular is a trendy framework for creating mobile applications and web applications both. Therefore, even if you have not learned this programming language before, after working with it, you will also be able to build web apps. It has a lot of other additional benefits like the choice to extend the syntax of HTML so that components can be incorporated within the application you created, as well as data binding.

Ionic uses Cordova plugins

Plugins is a piece of code attached to your app that is coded in JavaScript that is the most beneficial and inherent features in developing apps. This code is attached to the app that allows you to do several things because it is close to the native language of the platform you are working on. The ionic framework uses Cordova Plugins that enable you to access various features of an OS, like Camera, Battery, Geo Location, and so many others. By applying one or more of these features of the OS, this type of plugin allows you to build an app that may reach its optimal working capacity.

You have a big community to talk

It is a tough job to start with a new framework to figure out things even if you are a champion in web app development and mobile app development. Ionic is built on the top of successful technologies such as Cordova and Angular so has a vast and active community. They are an enthusiastic group of developers and users who are always ready to help you with any issues and questions. These people keep on posting and updating regarding the Ionic framework, Angular and associated subjects on different forums or specialized YouTube channels. You will find Ionic founders on social media if you search them, and if needed, they will also help you.


Compared to the iOS app or any Android app, Ionic Framework, when integrated with Angular JS and Cordova, provides a perfect platform for hybrid application development. Also, with Ionic app development, developers ensure maximum exposure and help in easy creation and deployment of the application. If your business demands a robust hybrid platform app development, you can consult a web and mobile application development company that follows the latest trends and features. Besides, you need a passionate team of web developers having the know-how of the Ionic framework and who would be able to create stunning hybrid apps that work best in the market.