Get ready for the Android Wear Smartwatches

Android Wear Smartwatches

Android Wear Smartwatches

Last year, the Android Wear 2.0 update was announced to the public and it was stated that it will comprise many useful features such as standalone Google Play Store, a full QWERTY keyboard, new material UI and much more exciting. However, it was never launched and keeps on getting delayed as Google decided to launch developer preview updates in order to get rid of bugs and errors. The good news is that if you have been keenly waiting for your Smartwatch to get next Android Wear update, then your wait is over. As per some resources, it has been found that Google is finally going to launch Android Wear 2.0 at a special event scheduled for 9 February 2017. Two new Smartwatches is also supposed to be launched, both of which will be “Made by LG”. Get ready for Android Wear Smartwatches.