How much does a Mobile App Development Cost in the 2022?

Mobile App Development Cost

Presently, most businesses are planning to develop a mobile application as their potential customers are available there. At present, 2.87 million (approx.) Android apps are available on Google play. This makes it a business to invest heavily in the development of mobile apps. As billions have smartphones in which they can download mobile apps for the development of an application. However, they are concerned about the App development cost. For this, they are required to pay something as everything has a price tag.

However, at AppSquadz Software, the cost to develop a mobile application is affordable. But, do you know what is excellent about us? we do not compromise on the quality of app development services. Our highly-skilled developers are adept at the app development process. We know that India is a rising market for many businesses. They want to know the mobile app development cost in India. All they want is the best price and quality service for the money they pay.

To get this, one of the best options is to connect with AppSquadz Software Pvt Ltd. We have more than 15 years of experience and have a squad of more than 200 developers. Our cost-effective service dramatically reduces the Android app-making cost in India. Among many, you can select us to develop an application as we use innovative and advanced resources to build the mobile application.

What factors affect the mobile app development cost?

Many factors are present that affect the price of developing a mobile application that runs on the Android or iOS OS. Let’s take a look at the factors that decide the cost of mobile app development India.

  1. Complexity Involved in Development
  2. Kind of Business Model
  3. Size of the App Development Team
  4. Mobile App Design Development
  5. The Functionality of an Application
  6. Security Features in an App
  7. Update and Maintenance
  8. UI/UX of Mobile App Development

The Complexity of App Development

It is normal that the more your app development complexity is, the more will be the app development cost. The reason for this is the requirement of a business and its implementation in the mobile applications they develop. This complexity requires more developer skills that decide the mobile app development cost in India.

Type of Business Model

It is underrated, but it is one of the main reasons that influence the cost of developing a mobile app. Kind of businesses impacts the audience size, target users, additional features, etc. Moreover, the time included in mobile app design development is also a decisive factor for any application.

App Development Team Size

If you have a large project that consumes more time for developers. Obviously, the cost involved will be high as you are required to use more resources or extra time. Moreover, the deadline of your project decides the mobile app development cost in India. You can develop the best mobile app using a top-notch team of developers of any size.

Mobile App Designing

Sometimes, businesses have some specific requirements for which they need to develop a custom mobile application. Adding some special features to it increases the mobile software price. The awesome design of the mobile application by the highly-skilled app developers also impacts the actual cost involved in the development of the mobile application.

The Functionality of this App

The functionality of your mobile application also decides the cost of developing your mobile app. The functionality of your mobile app is also important for you to reach the target audience and increase the revenue for your business. Adding more functionality requires the proper use of the updated technologies. Thus, you require to get the booking of the best and the most helpful services.

Application Security Features

Today, security is necessary for the success of any mobile app. This is necessary as mobile phones carry a lot of data and a need to transfer it. Therefore, you need to add various layers of security to that mobile app. This increases the app development cost as it requires special expertise, which only a few app development companies have.

Maintenance and Updates

Every mobile app requires regular updates and maintenance. These updates allow your application to remain free from any bugs that hamper the functioning of your mobile app. Regular updates are necessary as it allows your application to work flawlessly. This is one of the significant factors in deciding the mobile app development cost in India.

UI/UX of Mobile App Development

It is mandatory for your application to have a great UI/UX that will ensure its success. The reason is simple: users want to use that app that gives them the best experience while using it. Push Notifications, compatible graphic images, and other customization.

Cost of Mobile App Development

Now, let’s come to the crucial part of mobile application development. In which we will know the development process of our application. This is beneficial for you to learn the pricing of your mobile app development project. At AppSquadz Software, we do not charge a high amount to develop a mobile application for you. In fact, the mobile app we have developed comes with a special low-cost feature.

Our experienced and highly-skilled developers know that your application needs maintenance. Moreover, we know that developing software costs more to maintain than it does to develop. To save your money, we develop apps at a pocket-friendly amount. However, the cost varies according to the factors that are given above. But, we can assure you that we will not make any compromise with the mobile app development process event on a limited budget.

Benefits of developing a low-cost mobile app with us

  1. Allow you to build a stronger brand by boosting the branding efforts.
  2. Enable you to quickly connect with your customers and use it properly.
  3. Improve customer loyalty by increasing the customer retention rate of your business.
  4. Align the goals of your business by adding special features to the mobile app.
  5. Permit you to have a competitive edge over your competitors in your niche.
  6. Personalize your marketing through push notifications and proper analytics.
  7. Increase communication with your target audience using the social media icons you use for apps.
  8. Provide 24/7/365 customer service through the chat window you give using our best-in-class mobile app.


Therefore, it is correct to say that app development cost while using the state-of-the-art services of AppSquadz Software Pvt. Ltd. is affordable. You can choose us and leave the rest of the mobile app development process to us. We will build a top-notch mobile application for your business using the great and latest technology. You can rely on us as we have more than 1.5 decades of experience in developing helpful mobile applications.

Our mobile applications development service is cost to cost, and it is suitable for SMEs as they don’t have a big budget to develop mobile apps. To know about the exact amount of your mobile app development cost in India, kindly connect with the officials of AppSquadz Software Pvt. Ltd.


Significant benchmarks to select the best Mobile App Development Company?

Mobile App Development Company

You had an incredible app idea, and you are also aware of the app development process. Still, something went wrong! Ever questioned yourself that what went wrong with the development, if you are likely to get a mobile application developed, then you must be ready to spend. Hiring top mobile application development companies can be an ideal choice for you. The expertise of every mobile app development company lies in different domains, and no firm can be a perfect option for every type of app development.

Among the reasons for app failure, poor execution is the most common one. The chances are that you might have the wrong development team working for you. Many entrepreneurs fail to set the proper criteria and determine the strengths and weaknesses of the companies. They get carried via the eloquence of the sales team, or top Google ranking, or low cost, or proposals and more.

Through this blog post, we will recommend specific criteria to select your mobile or web app development company so that you can choose based on your unique project requirements. Here we will discuss almost all critical aspects that are too kept in mind while closing a deal.


Initially, you can start by making the list of companies that you think could be the right fit for your project. Examine their experience on their websites, Company size, and global delivery capability, in-country location of resources, and expertise to address managerial and legal obligations. An overview of the website is enough to get the details of the efficiency of the company. Be aware top-ranking companies on Google may not be the best fit for your project. Determine the user’s visit on their website and keep a check on Content clarity, text size and pictures, and or navigation. Based on this criterion, eliminate those companies that don’t go well with your requirements.

Array of Practice

Look for the app development portfolio of the companies so that you can check if they have previously worked on projects that fall in your requirements. If you find a company that has an excellent portfolio, you may discuss your requirements directly with the company. You may check the technology they practice, design and industries they have served so far. You may also have a quick look at case studies for more descriptions of their strengths and capabilities. The one whom you think has an impactful portfolio can be considered for your project. 

Proposal Structure and Detailing

Ask for the proposal and look into how effectively the organization addresses business requirements, design, development, execution, testing, and deployment. Some questions need to be answered in the app development proposal.

  • How strongly they get your business requirements and about added value proposition?
  • What solution do they propose and their credibility?
  • How well-resourced are people in the company to present the solution?
  • What ought to be their goal throughout the development process?
  • How will they perform and proof of being qualified and competent?
  • What metrics will they arrange to mark the completion, and what would be the crucial metrics?

Development Team 

With the proposal, companies also provide the name and designation of people involved in development. You need to know who all your development team is. Ideally, a proposal, when made, is made by the app development team and sales team, but sometimes the sales team commits to getting things done without consulting the technology team. It is you who should acknowledge if the development team does the things right with the same perspective of features, functionality, timeline, and budget. If everything falls in the right place and seems right from your end, then you can consider that the company and other companies can be dropped.

Technology Stack

An accumulation of programming languages, frameworks, and tools used for developing a mobile application is collectively called a technology stack. If you want your app to be seamless, you have to have a well-planned technology stack. With the help of application Development Company, decide a technology stack by considering the following:

  • Type of app
  • Time to market
  • Application security
  • App development platform (Android app development/ iOS app development/ Cross-platform app development)
  • Developer community strength
  • Availability of expertise
  • Development cost
  • Migration
  • Scalability

Select those companies which have proofs of handling similar kinds of projects with the same level of complexity that your project has.

Development Methodology— the Course of Action

It is the approach by which a company completes the project. What methodology does the company use to accomplish a project? Typically, the app development life cycle has 5 phases. Here are they-

  • Requirement Gathering
  • Design
  • Development
  • Quality Assurance
  • Maintenance

This criterion is the decisive criterion. Development methodology plays an important role, and by now, you must have got 4-5 companies that fit your requirements.

Operational Practices & Management Capabilities

The mobile app development company must have in-depth knowledge and follow best practices. The service provider must be flexible to customize the best practices as per your project terms. Scope and Objectives, Deliverables, Project Planning, Communication, Tracking and Reporting Project Success, Change Management, and Risk Management must be checked at this stage by the project manager as a manager is integral to the accurate implementation of best practices for risk mitigation & performance optimization.

App Development Cost

Cost is substantial, and the low cost is tempting and has certain drawbacks. Extremely talented mobile app developers won’t work at low wages. They charge a considerable amount for their service. The entrepreneurs and small business owners have a limited project budget. The app developers have nearly 3-8 years of experience in a mid-sized app development company, so their charge is relatively high.


Now that you have all the knowledge about criteria to select the best app development companies among so many, get your best fit. Your project is precious to you as you invest a large amount on getting your app developed. Take your decision cautiously and get your app developed by experts. Build your dream project at the best prices that can turn out to be a big surprise for your business.