Web Development Cycle of a Web Application

Web Development

With the revolution in information technology, many businesses shifted their offline business models to digital applications. Today, web development is considered the most effective solution for many brands to make their services reachable. Moreover, the difference in online presence comes in Native apps for mobile phones and web applications. Today, we all use a mobile application to make sales and purchases of more than one product and get them on time.

What is Website Development & Web Application Development?

Web app development refers to the process of website development, which is an overview of the business. In contrast, a web application is different from a mobile website. To be more concise, The Web App is simply a website designed to offer a fluid manner to view a mobile device. Moreover, the process of web development is more differentiated than that of a mobile application. Web applications were developed to interact with the browsers, servers, and different platforms.

Difference Between Mobile App vs. Web App

Unlike mobile apps, web applications need not be downloaded; users can access them through their browsers. In comparison, web apps are less efficient in user experience than native mobile applications.

A Native application works on a mobile phone that offers the users the ability to perform several tasks hassle-free. At the same time, the capability of web apps is more defined and distributed in nature. Therefore, a web application is fully functional and accessible on whatever device a user chooses as they run on a browser. They can also run efficiently on any device if they use the correct code base and web technologies.

Advantages of Web Apps

Web development can be much more than what we might presume right now. So let’s now discuss some of the advantages as mentioned below:

  • Web apps can work on a browser. Hence they need not be downloaded and installed.
  • This online software is much easier to maintain as they have similar codebases.
  • Free web series apps are simple and faster to build than mobile applications.
  • Updates can be automatically done on a web app to provide greater functionality without users doing anything.
  • Web Apps can be launched more quickly as App store approval is not required.

Advantages of Native Mobile Apps

  • These applications are much faster than web development apps.
  • Native apps are capable of utilizing system resources like GPS or a camera.
  • Mobile apps can function without the internet.
  • These mobile apps offer high security and the safety of users’ data.
  • These apps are much easier to develop

The Process of Web App Development

Web applications are built using JavaScript, HTML & CSS, and Python. Therefore, these applications do not require any standard software development kit for building web apps. However, developers generally use various templates, and in comparison to mobile apps, web apps are quicker and easier to make. Yet these applications do not offer simple functionalities, and they can be much more complex in features and functions.

The process of Web development by the best web app development company is as follows:

Requirement Understanding

The very first process is of understanding the requirement of web application development. Here, the developers use various methodologies and details to build unique software.

UI/ UX Designing

With web application development, user interfaces are designed with the utmost uniqueness. Because they offer maximum working and the web applications are made to allow users to complete their work with proficiency.

Application Development

Once the template is designed, the final application development phase starts. At this phase, the developers use various codes for web development. Moreover, they use different security encryptions to make the application secure for users. Also, they make the application responsive to operate over various platforms.

Software Testing

Once the application is made, the quality analyst team check the final application on various platform to check its quality. Furthermore, they also check the application’s performance and see its reliability for the future. Finally, they mark the web app as a quality certified.


At last, the web app is shared with the deployment team, who makes sure the final application is shared with the client properly. They also educate the clients about the working of their web development software.


The Support team works 24*7 to resolve the customer query.

Web Application Examples

Modern times require modern technology to work on. Hence with the help of web applications, the users can manage work efficiently. Therefore, today, web applications include shopping carts, word processors, online forms, spreadsheets, video and photo editing, file conversion, and file scanning.

Some free web series apps we use in our everyday life are Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Google Apps, and Microsoft 365. Moreover, Google has shifted the work proficiencies by introducing apps like Google Docs, Google Sheets, G-Drive, etc. Hence, by web development, you can easily manage our work and share the content with all team members. 

Benefits of Web App & Types of Web Application

A web application is a modern method of working online. It helps in managing work efficiently. Here, we have mentioned some benefits that you can leverage with Web applications:

  • Web apps can run on any OS as long as the browser is compatible.
  • All users have access to the same version, eliminating the compatibility issue.
  • Less space is required as they are not installed on a hard drive.
  • Terminate the problem of web development software piracy
  • It is an effective method of cost-cutting due to less support and maintenance.

Web App Types

There are the following types of Web development prevalent in the market in modern times:

  • Static Web Apps: Static web apps work efficiently in offline mode, and there is no need for 3rd party software to be installed.
  • Dynamic Web Apps: Helps manage the content, users, and updating the information. For example- Netflix, Facebook, and HubSpot
  • Single Page Apps: These apps allow for managing route and navigation experience. It helps to keep consistent visual structure using presentation logic. For example- PayPal, Gmail, and Pinterest
  • Multiple Page Apps:  These apps allow for optimizing each page for search engines and user interaction with different pages. For example – Google Docs and Trello
  • Animated Web Apps: With animated web development, users can get unique designs and attractive approaches to hold their attention. Usually made for Education, Games, Animation, and more. For example – Game of the year, Species in pieces, & Your Plan, Your Planet
  • Content Management System: These websites are mostly preferred for website content, and offer group functionality with easy integration. For example – WordPress, Joomla, & Drupal
  • E-Commerce Apps: These apps allow users to sell goods online and expand businesses globally. For example – Amazon, eBay, & Walmart
  • Portal Web Apps: All the documents, and information are centralized, making users search for things according to their preferences. For example – Udemy & Coursera
  • Progressive Web Apps: These applications are responsive, allow browser compatibility, and offer hassle-free online and offline working. For example – Starbucks, BMW, & Spotify

Web Development Future 

The future of website development is much more technology agonistic and focuses more on implementing innovative, unique architectures. Hence, the PWA, SPA, serverless architecture, and Motion UI will trend in the near future. Whereas the general technologies we are already using like AI, IoT, Blockchain, and Voice Search will prevail in the markets.

Moreover, this year’s other trends were Dark Mode UI, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), AI-Powered Chatbots, Mobile-first Design, and API-first Development.

[Related post: Choosing the Right Technology Stack & Maximize the Bang for your Web App Development]


A web application is much more essential for businesses to operate professionally. Today, many services are run on web-based software that helps these businesses manage their services operationally. Hence, we showed you the web development cycle to help you visualize a better future for yourself. Therefore, AppSquadz helps make unique and interactive Web Applications that can uplift your business proficiencies.


Q. What is a Web Application?

A web application is a website designed to offer fully-functional features that can be viewed on a mobile device.

Web Application Examples:

The web app examples are shopping carts, word processors, online forms, spreadsheets, video, photo editing, file conversion, and file scanning.

Q. Web-Based Application Development Process

The application development process is as mentioned below:

  • Requirement Understanding
  • UI/ UX Designing
  • Application Development
  • Software Testing
  • Deployment
  • Support

Q. How To Become A Web App Developer? 

Use the following web development software to become a successful and professional web app developer:

  • Web.com
  • Angular JS
  • Chrome DevTools
  • Sass
  • Grunt
  • CodePen
  • TypeScript
  • NPM

Q. What Are Web App Types?

Here is a list of web apps prevalent in the market:

  • Static Web Apps
  • Dynamic Web Apps
  • Single Page Apps
  • Multipage Apps
  • Animated Web Apps
  • Content Management System
  • E-Commerce Apps
  • Portal Web Apps
  • Progressive Web Apps


Why do you need to Redesign your Existing Business’ Website?

Business Website

We all know that in today’s digital world, it is highly important to have an online presence of your organization. On the other hand, it is also important to have a website that is highly designed and is interactive along with user-friendly navigation. When it comes to website development, it is crucial to focus on its design rather than any other aspect.

As we all know, the website presence drives organizations all across the world and therefore you need to reassess the set it and forget it approach for your existing website. Therefore, it is also important to hire the best web development company who can help you to redesign your existing business website and make your website more intuitive.

These days, the web development trends are thriving with new advancement, and therefore organizations are required to focus on custom web development trends and processes. Hence, the traditional websites of the company are now outdated and do not have a state of competing with rivals up-to-date website.

Even if you have developed your organization website a few years back, still you need to make sync with the current trends and criteria for an effective website and best results. Nowadays, web developers may focus on many criteria and factors while they develop or redesign the website and thus keep changing by keeping in mind all the business requirements.

As the best practices, the website tends to change over time and your current website may not remain effective in bringing leads, sales, and conversion which becomes a fundamental function then. The redesigning of your website not only helps to improve the complete outlook and feel of the page on your site but also enhanced user experience and optimizes site performance.

But, do you know what is the right time to revamp your existing business website? If you are still confused about whether you should go with redesigning your website or not, then you are in the right place. In this guide, we will discuss some of the top reasons why you need to redesign your website.

Reasons to redesign your website

Let us have a look on some of the major reasons why you need to hire web Development Company to redesign your existing website:

Feel of embarrassment

Are you going through the embracement being because your website is not attractive and good looking? Then, this is the right time that you should think about redesigning your website for better results. Many small business owners do not want anyone to visit their business website and this is all because they are embarrassed about being poor websites. They know that their website must be redesign and do not have any idea how to make it possible. For them, it is better to hire an experienced web app development company that can help you with the same.

Generate Leads

Your business website appearance plays an important role in generating leads for your business and therefore it is important to have the right navigation flow on your website. In this case, you need to consider revisiting your landing pages along with the right call to action and streamlined design which allows you to see where they are falling about. Whatever the reasons are it is important to start with making important changes to drag your customers deeper into sales funnel on your business website.

Web Standards

The web design standards mainly keep on evolving with the time and so the website seems to be outdated after every 2 to3 years as compared to the latest design trends and competitors. As per the latest design standards, the website design should be a simple pattern with modern looks which can cater to the mobile interface as well as desktop. There are many big giants’ organizations like Apple, Microsoft, and more who have a simple and minimalistic approach for design.

Reflects your brand

If you want to be a professional, reliable business then it is important that you need a great website that ultimately exhibits your brand image and thus can capture the essence of your brand. Therefore a stronger brand can take your small organization to the next level and put you at the forefront of your competition as well.

Not Responsive

If your website has responsive design, then you can make your website easily adaptable which can fit all screen sizes in any mobile device. The responsive design can assist your visitors to navigate your website across all unique devices and thus can provide a great user experience. Moreover, Google will crawl the site too and check whether your website is mobile-friendly or not, if not then this will affect traffic, sales, credibility, and lead generation.

Not secured

We all know that these days, cybersecurity is one of the major concerns of businesses and small businesses as they are more responsive to website hacking and viruses as compared to larger organizations. Therefore, if your business website was built years back and has not been updated since then, then your business is at a greater risk for hacking and malware.


If you want your website to get noticed in this competitive market, then it is important to redesign it and for this hire a top website development company that can help you to create a new website or revamp your existing website. You must always remember that appearance and performance of your business website can make your business web presence.


Web Animations that you can Use for your Web Apps

Web App

Nowadays we can find technology lovers in the corner of the world. As the world is growing up and moving to a digital era, learning and entertainment have improved with animation that is also a part of technological web app development. Appsquadz software Pvt ltd. have presented this blog post to help you with the best animation software and technologies you can you for your web animations. Animations can engage a large number of audiences with your web app if the animations would be added in a proper form, they are effective in creating a competing website.

If you want to make your web app more extraordinary and amazing then use versatile web animations will improve the user experience of your web app and attract more and more visitors hire a dedicated web app developer for more assistance. Read out the post and go through the web animations in web app development listed you can use. We will let you know the best design boost your web app interface.

Technologies for creating web animations

This blog post will serve the best animation web technologies, you can use, have a look hereby:


Animate.css is one of the littlest and generally simple to-utilize CSS liveliness libraries accessible. Applying the Animate library to your task is as straightforward as connecting the CSS and adding the required CSS classes to your HTML components. You can likewise utilize jQuery to trigger the animations on a specific occasion on the off chance that you like.


Bounce.js is a JavaScript liveliness library that centers around giving a determination of special fun, fun, Warner Brothers-esque animations to your site. Bounce.js is a flawless liveliness library that ships with around ten movements preset — thus the little size of the library. As with animate.css, the animations are smooth and faultless. You should consider utilizing this library if your requirements revolve around “pop and air pocket”- style liveliness types and could profit by a lower record size overhead.


AnimeJS is the freshest expansion to our rundown, however, has won a considerable number of proselytes since its creation. It’s unimaginably adaptable and incredible and wouldn’t be strange fueling HTML game animations. The main genuine inquiry “is its needless excess for basic web applications?” AnimeJS is portrayed as a “lightweight JavaScript activity library with a basic, yet incredible API. It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM qualities, and JavaScript Objects”. Truly marvelous.


GreenSock (or GSAP – GreenSock Animation Platform) is the Swiss armed force blade of web activity. For smooth and advanced animations that run easily, GSAP is perfect. You can quicken anything, from DOM components to SVGs, and its biological system incorporates some astounding modules that let you do a wide range of fun stuff, e.g., transforming SVGs, drawing SVG strokes, looking over usefulness, scrambling text, and considerably more. It’s quick, cross-program good, and its sentence structure is clear and natural.

Magic Animations

Magic Animations has been one of the most amazing movement libraries accessible. It has various animations, a large number of which are very extraordinary to web app development. As with Animate.css, you can execute Magic by basically bringing in the CSS document. You can likewise actualize the animations utilizing jQuery. This undertaking offers an especially cool demo application.


Zdog is a JavaScript library for making 3D plans and animations by David DeSandro. With its assistance, you can draw your structures utilizing the <canvas> component or SVGs and rejuvenate them in smooth animations with a smooth 3D impact. In case you’re acquainted with JavaScript, you’ll get familiar with the nuts and bolts of Zdog before long: it has a clear explanatory API, extraordinary docs, and a lot of learning assets. Look at my introduction to Zdog on SitePoint.


CSShake conveys precisely what it says on the container — a CSS library structured explicitly for shaking components inside your website page. As you would expect, there are various varieties accessible for shaking your web parts. Apple advocated the UI figure of speech of enthusiastically shaking a UI component (an exchange, modular, or textbox) when a client enters a mistaken reaction — impersonating an individual shaking their head. CSShake gives a scope of fascinating “shake” animations and there’s no absence of variety in this library.


Hover.css is a CSS liveliness library intended for use with catches and other UI components in your web app. It has extremely pleasant 2D advances, alongside a large group of other all around created animations. Hover.css is most appropriate for energizing discrete page components, for example, catches, logos, SVG segments or highlighted pictures instead of bigger, complex page animations. Seemingly, its most striking activity impacts are its unmistakable discourse air pockets and twists.


Our last library is fascinating for its exceptional methodology. AniJS is a movement library that permits you to add animations to components in a straightforward ‘sentence-like’ structure. AniJS is a library with an entirely sensible size calculating in its usefulness. The configuration utilizes for usage is very unique and diverse when contrasted with other activity libraries (which numerous others may discover offbeat).C


Animation integration help to make professional websites more engaging. The animation technology is a simple coding that can improve the whole integration of the web site or web app. we are leading globally for the best web app development company trusted for best service. Feel free to contact us at any time for further assistance.


UI Design Errors that Might Ruin your Conversion Rate

ui design

When talking about designing your website or the mobile application, User Interface (UI) is the king. Usually, users see the UI design of any app or website first and then interact with it. In addition to it, Website visitors give great importance to the UI, and the same level goes for the apps as well. A regular user makes an impression of your site instantly. For the growth of a website, it should provide a better user experience as a site which doesn’t give a better UX cannot develop much. Visitors generally leave websites or apps, if they find layout dull/ unimpressive or content useless/inappropriate.

If a site’s pages loading time is more than 2 seconds, its performance suffers too. Furthermore, when a website’s design is not interactive, or navigation is disordered, it profoundly affects the growth of the site. So, undoubtedly, UI is the key to the success of any website. We may encounter several UI design errors, which cause deterioration in the conversion rates of a website. Moving forward, let us come to the point and analyze what some common UI design mistakes committed by website designers, UI developers, and business owners are. So, if you have made the exact errors then take preventive actions depending on your understanding and analysis.

Messy layout

Websites with messy layout irritate the end-users and disgrace user experience. In case the design is cluttered and disorganized, it affects the site’s conversion rates because clients cannot get the CTA status. The use of unnecessary content, colors, pictures, and insufficiency in focusing on creativity can cause layout cluttered, which is not right for your site.

Wrong position of CTA

A site’s CTA must always follow the users’ state of mind. Their opinions and purchasing attitude would become active when you choose the specified features of your CTA like color, design, size, shape, location, language, and length. So you must determine the well-defined combination of features and check your CTA several times before making it live. Also, you must accurately describe the users that it can be clicked and they must hit on it. When you see the ideal balance, you will experience loads of conversions.

Unresponsive design

This is the significant UI design flaw which most of the UI developers make which restrains a website’s growth and causes failure. An unresponsive design depicts the site useless being responsive across platforms and devices as users cannot access the features using the devices of their choice. Moreover, responsiveness is liable for the ranking of the website, and sites that overlook this significant feature encounter a lot of issues. Even, an unresponsive design stops sites from giving a better UX.

Use of stock images

Stock images are undervalued as they are fake, and users immediately notice that. The visuals heavily influence website branding and marketing as it adds your site’s mood and tone, which cannot be done by stock photos. Also, users look for particular products or service, and when visitors visit your site, they believe in your products or service. However, you must not use stock photos as they portray falsehood, and if they find a false image on your site, it may ruin their psychology badly. You must recognize the reality that website imageries must be such that it boosts users’ confidence and engagement, which is only attainable by using authentic images.

Improper navigation

If your website’s navigation is not organized correctly and inappropriate, the users leave your site earlier than predicted. A site’s objective is to let users navigate efficiently from one place to another or through the website to have data easily. If there are accurate visual signs and images for everybody to move from one place to another, the navigation is spontaneous. If in case, the navigation is unclear and menus are not appropriately placed, it may irritate users and make them leave your site.

Inadequacy of social proof

In case the robust UI design is concerned, the user-produced contents, testimonials, or client feedback won’t be deliberated as the fundamental elements. An appropriate web page must comprise of all social proofs of your quality as these proofs are profoundly crucial for your website or app’s branding and conversion. If there is no credibility, visitors won’t visit your site, and they won’t trust you without social proofs. Furnish authentic messages to your promising clients to take a sigh of satisfaction, and this can offer you more increased conversion rates than the CTA or product details can afford. We cannot deny the fact that genuine client reviews are believed more than the sales pitch.

The slow speed of web page loading

Another user-interface error is the slow speed of web page loading could impact page views, make clients dissatisfied, and as a result, ruin the conversion rate. Besides, when the loading time is increased, the users move on to the next one, leaving your website, somewhat of your competitor which clients never expects.

Indulging yourself into the UI design

Involving yourself in the UI design is one of the deadly errors you can ever make. A UI/UX designer should follow & maintain all rules set for sufficient user experience. You can be creative but ensure that you maintain and follow all the terms fixed for obtaining adequate UX.  You should work skillfully with your team of sales and marketing to discover the most suitable ways of UI designing. Outline the most challenging UI aspects that provide excellent exposure.

Content congestion

Having loads of content on the pages can confuse users rather than keeping them focused on your site. Users don’t prefer reading excessive content to get information. Instead, you must focus on telling more in more restricted content and having a copy which makes emotional effect, not repetition. You can create dynamic website development and retain impactful content on site pages as this will overcome UI design errors.

Final words

It’s evident that UI comes with a lot of obstacles, but you can overcome them by applying the suggestions given above while designing the user interface of your app or website. And fixing the above-discussed issues will make your design perfect. While hiring a mobile app development company or a web app development company, ensure that they also follow the above suggestions. An efficient application would inevitably increase your site’s conversion rate, and you will undergo an improvement in client satisfaction.


How to Build Engaging News & Magazine WordPress Website?

Wordpress Website

Have you made up your mind to get a news and magazine website developed for your business? So you might be looking for attractive themes that can help you get the same design you always dreamt of. Developing an excellent website for your news or magazine business is essential to draw the concentration of your target audience, along with engaging existing clients as well. Today, we come across hundreds and thousands of newspaper and magazines WordPress website around.

WordPress is the most significant player in the Content Management System market. It started its journey as a blogging platform in 2003, but now, WordPress has proved itself as the most dominant web builder. Top brands all over the world rely on WordPress now for their online presence as businesses need not worry about anything with WordPress. With WordPress, you get all the convenience at the lowest cost.

Determining the right platform for website development

Developing a WordPress website is a great option and in turn, can help you in saving a lot of money and time. There are numerous website builders available on the internet, be it free or paid, but the essential part is to determine the right CMS for your website development. Either for simple news websites or interactive magazine apps, WordPress can be the right choice for your business. Since it is a self-hosted CMS platform, it assists you in getting awe-inspiring and feature-rich websites with required functionalities.

It is a highly flexible Content Management System that can be practiced by both small and large enterprises as the software is 100% free, and you need not worry about the license fees as it is free. WordPress as a dominant Content Management System today, powers 33% of online sites. It is easy to use, and this makes it a popular choice of several startups and small business enterprises. One can get a feature-rich website without digging a hole in the pocket, but the condition is that you should look for a team of experienced WordPress developer to build your website.

Select a domain name and hosting plan

After deciding you are building a WordPress website for news and magazine business, you need to select the proper domain name and hosting plan meeting your business needs and target audience. There are several options for hosting available in the market and for the domain name, you can pick a relevant domain name and purchase it from credible sources. At last, choose the most competent service provider for hosting for your website.

Choose the right theme

The significant benefit of WordPress web development is that it offers a wide range of themes which encourages you to keep a check on the features and customization options while choosing the theme. If you are looking for a news and magazine WordPress theme, you can opt for Ybrant, which is a premium WordPress theme. It has a responsive layout and lets the users customize the page the style they want. Also, Ybrant WordPress theme offers a professional look and feels to your website and includes menu support to formulate a beautiful mega menu for your website.

Attach important pages and elements

While building a news and magazine WordPress theme, ensure that the design is user-friendly and at the same time appealing also. Exhibit eye-catchy images on your website associated with news and magazine industry to attract the attention of the target audience in a sense that the web pages reflect your brand. Home pages, latest news updates, about us, testimonials, and contact us page are few of the requisite sections for your WordPress website. Must-have features of a contact form are:

  • Contact form
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Physical address
  • Hours of operation

Lead generation tools

You should apply several lead generation tools for WordPress website to grow your news and magazine business. Use of social media buttons or popups using plugins can be a good idea to improve your mailing list. Strengthen the visitors to share the pages through social media platforms/channels.

Wrap up

Are you till now wondering how to develop a News and Magazine WordPress theme for your website? Well, to solve this issue, several ready-made themes are available in the market that can be customized the way you want them. This doesn’t signify that it is enough one of the most important things is to find a WordPress development company that can build the themes from scratch. Moreover, you need expert WordPress developers and programmers as well who can create the theme matching your exact requirements within the specified budget and helps you achieve your business objectives.