Future of Online Learning- What’s Next?

Online learning has become one of the prominent and most leading ways to study at your home and is fullest on the rise due to the Covid19. As per the recent reports, it was noted that 46% of the graduates took online credit as a part of their degree and lot more are still alive into this race. More and more people are turning into combing distance learning or virtual classroom learning into traditional classroom methods. Numerous students are worried about their studies during this coronavirus pandemic. But, with the ease of flexibility that has attracted to the students, the mechanism to use online learning has combined students with their commitments and their studies as well.

Online learning requires software such as virtual classroom software that combines to make your (students) studies more flexible, comfortable and can stay at their home, safely. Distance learning is time-consuming and less expensive where you need not have to pay for your traveling conveniences and can stay at your home at learning and merge with your studies. A generic 3 to 4 years graduation degree cost you about $50,000, but with online learning, the course may vary dramatically, but as compared to traditional classroom learning, your cost can be decreased to around less than 50% than online learning which is a huge saving of your money as well as your time which you usually spent on traveling.

In coming years, it has been observed that the online learning will become the future of every education technique quite soon. As we know that technology is playing a huge role in our lives and has become the medium for each platform. We all know that there are numerous students who have vast range of knowledge to make their career at more advancement pace and hence, online learning will create more abundant and more creative segments in learning, coding or programming for students as well as teachers.

Benefits of online learning

If we talk about the benefits of online learning, then the list is endless because there are a vast number of online learning benefits that can help students in several ways. This creates an imperative barrier between the students and their studies to learn with full flexibility and comfort in their studies. Virtual Classroom Software creates a medium of generating a plethora to students and hence making their learning experience more vulnerable and flexible.

Online studying will give you the option for career advancement more flexibility. It also gives you the advantage to choose your learning environment which works for you better either in your bedroom, or café or street or anywhere else. It also provides another useful benefit to lower cost and debts that makes you need not have to pay for your tuition fees and your books, online application and a few others. It creates a self-disciplined and smooth learning environment for you who makes you responsible for your learning and helps you to self-motivate and teaches you time management skills as well.

The reality of online learning

The era of online learning creates a virtual plethora of opportunities for students and teachers as well but, still, there are some drawbacks and disadvantages that students should consider for their learning management process. The huge amount of real benefit of this learning system is to create a greater disparity in the quality of teaching techniques, online resources, and students’ reports. This is one of the surest ways to check the credibility of schools.

There are most of the employers who can accept the online degree and we all know that accreditation is one of the most important and vulnerable signs of your course that has entered into the realities of your new profession. While online learning systems through live class software provide the kind of flexibility to almost all the students and the teachers who are looking to underestimate the impact of working without having any regular direction from tutors.

Future of online learning

For lots of universities, the online courses and the hybrid learning will play one of the most powerful and important roles in long term survival and hence many students put off the expensive fees that are being associated with campus-based courses. Keeping up with the consumer demand and with the help of altering technologies, any large organization needs to understand the mechanism of online learning and hence work through it. Moreover, online learning that is been used by universities and the schools share more encouraging and interactive than anything else.

The development of online learning platforms is wilder forms to speculations, but it is important to note that the schools and the universities are big techs who are focusing on the interaction part of learning services. The real-life teachers will still play a crucial role in educating their students as well as their teachers in the next coming generation. It is not only about learning content, but also it is about how students and teachers get well apart from all learning measures and hence creates imperative support for everyone to understand how well online learning will create its impact in coming near future.


Lastly, we must understand that there will be a place for traditional classroom forever, but even these traditional classes are becoming more integrated with online learning. The traditional classroom will have their impact on students and online learning will create even more in this busy world that will acquire the entire market and provide them the best online learning classes through live class software.


How do Companies benefit when Employees Work Remotely?


In today’s highly competitive market, it is imperative to find the best solution in any category. Working smarter is actually means the manifold to benefit of working remotely. Whether you are saving your traveling cost or business is saving their clamoring up to the mark, there are lots of benefits to working from home for various companies.

There are many companies who often think that working remotely can help to increase their business growth and can streamline their productivity. We all are aware of this pandemic prevention of coronavirus update that has made shut down almost all the organizations and forced their employees to work from home.

Today, working remotely is one of the best and useful trends in the market which allows employees to work from their home at any time with all comfort zones. There are more employees, who actually want to change the way they work by sitting long hours in their office premises. It has predominantly become harder and harder to thus secure the talent to offer to entice with the best employees. As per the reports, it has been noticed that 43% of Americans work remotely for years and will continue the same in the near future.

How to isolate the benefits of working remotely?

While working remotely, the productivity of your business does not decrease because they are the same employees who were working earlier with you at the office premise. The only thing that matters the most is how passionately the employees are still working for you and your business.  When on the limited basis employee’s work for your organization, then the productivity actually increases by about 4.4% from their location.

This is because they have the smoothness towards your work and feels fresh and undisturbed. By allowing your workers to work remotely, will help you and your business to cut down the salaries less costly and effectively will increase their real incomes. Hence, it is a supplement that working remotely can help your business in better ways than working from office because it allows employees the freedom to work from anywhere at any time with no disturbance and no boundaries that make them fresh and relaxed.

Benefits of companies when employees working remotely

To learn more about how working remotely can help and benefit app Development Company and also can create a positive impact on your businesses as below:

Increased productivity

This is one of the most important and strongest benefits when it comes to working remotely for companies. To incorporate remote workers into your workplace, your business will have increased productivity to a greater extent towards your target audience. In a survey, it has been noted that around 45% of the employees who work from home are able to work smartly and less time. It has also been seen that about 44% of the people say that when they do work from home then they have less distraction and they accomplish their work accurately than they do in the workplace. Therefore, working from home can highly increase the productivity of your business and the employees working standards as well.

Work-Life balance

The work-life balance majorly describes the employee’s ability and the standard that they meet to work in their professional as well as personal life. When employees work from home then they have the time frame to work in those 9hrs but they have flexible scheduling that allows employees to take breaks in different working hours and can manage themselves in better ways. As per the report, around 53% of employees value their work from home miniature and promote the work-life balance in the best possible way.

Improved employee retention

One of the biggest headaches of all businesses especially small businesses who always have a kind of fear of losing the employees and that ticks their mind every time. Small organizations cannot always beat them in the competition of salary or benefits, but yes they can in some other aspects. Homeworking might help your employees to be stable at your organizations no matter what condition it made them stay with you. This is another one of the major advantages that organizations can have from allowing the employees to work from home which results in their brand reputation management also.

Increased savings

By empowering the workers to get engage in working from home is a good option to save your business in terms of money. This way you can lead with a good amount of money to be wasted on many perpendicular activities. Lots of activities like parties, electricity, journals, and other overhead stuff you might be giving the rent off in your office. In this way, your electricity bills, your furniture, food, and many more items can help you save money for your business if you allow work from home to your employees.Reduced salary

Here we are not suggesting you that just pay your employees a cut of salary in return to more flexible workplace practices, but yes, about 36% of employees choose to work from home and that might reduce their salaries. It might happen that your employees might be working for the full day and then the amount of work is decreased from their end. This way you can reduce their salary so pay for what hours they are working for your business.


After having a clear understanding of how app Development Company can benefit if they allow their employees to work from home. Based on these statistical analyses, the remote working is one of the best options for your business that can help you and your business to stay updated, flexible, and fresh and relaxed in terms of work and other activities.


5G Edge Computing Solutions are now Superior by Google Cloud and AT&T Teamwork

Edge Computing Solutions

Google cloud and AT&T have come to a new collaboration to use 5G edge computing services that will help to bring businesses and industries to a new range. Highly advanced and 5G speed cloud computing services allow companies to process at high speed and store data more securely with Google cloud.

Why Google Cloud is Invincible:

  • Better Pricing Plans Available
  • Enhanced Execution
  • Benefits of Live Migration
  • Private Network
  • Commitment to Constant Development
  • Control and Security
  • Redundant Backups

This hybridization has simplified the data collection and computing produced from the Internet of Things (IoT). Edge computing solutions will use the core services of Google cloud, like Kubernetes, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Analysis. They are providing Edge computing data and applications for companies, to avail computing access in large storage and concoct them at high speed. Google and AT&T will also work with individual dealers, developers, software analysts, and other technological associations.

AT&T 5G Broadband will Provide:

  • Greater speed
  • More capacity of remote execution
  • Implementation of virtual networks is possible
  • Enhanced network to eliminate debility

In a recent press release Thomas Kurian, CEO, Google Cloud said, “Our co-innovation with AT&T aims to bring a multitude of 5G and edge computing solutions to address a diversity of use cases, driving real business value in industries like retail, manufacturing, gaming and more.”

Benefits of edge computing services are storage and processing access is easily available in a remote zone. Companies can easily optimize user interface to provide end to end amazing user experience. This will be a great revolution toward the improvement of b2b relations. Therefore, minimum quiescence in cloud computing services gives an extreme smoothness in running applications to deliver the best results to clientele.

“Combining AT&T’s network edge, including 5G, with Google Cloud’s edge compute technologies can unlock the cloud’s true potential. ” statement given by Mo Katibeh, EVP and also the chief marketing officer, at AT&T Businesses, in their press release.

Both the companies the Google cloud and AT&T are adjoined for revolutionary changes in business processing in developing and remote locations too. Edge computing will be a great present for industries like production, import/export, gaming, etc. They are also thinking of partnerships with more other companies for better development. Contribution from different companies will take these ethics to great betterment. Edge computing is being preferred over other sorts of data storage and performance to improve the user experience for various businesses.

[Read More: A New Era of Mobile App Development with 5G Technology]


The Google cloud foundation and AT&T networks are collaborating to provide outstanding edge computing services. They will improve data computing and storage for the companies and industries in areas with less or no network connection. Their teamwork is growing forward, to develop cloud computing services with the fastest network of this time.


Instagram Releases Progressive Web App with Direct Messaging Feature on Microsoft Store

Progressive Web App

Instagram has been the most widely used and popular social media platform nowadays. In the past couple of years, Instagram has shied away from many real features and has added a new layout for the users. The Facebook-owned app imperatively wants one or the other user to just keep belonging and downloading the mobile apps. But things are going to be changed, as they don’t seem too.

As per the current reports, Instagram has now released the progressive web app on Microsoft store with lots of enhancement for the users. The
the progressive web app is not a real desktop app but it gives us the feel of native Window.

The Instagram app, which is a Facebook-owned photo-sharing app has now availed progressive web apps and is available for the users on Microsoft store updates for Windows 10. This adds has supported message features or can say a direct message feature for the users which has been missing on desktop or web for long.

The companies have been testing the direct messaging features for so long for the desktop version and have now become available for the users. Instagram app users on Windows 10 can send and receive the direct message sent by their friends and family on their desktop itself.

This also signals that the newer Instagram has a lot many things to provide to users than the old version we already had. This latest update has also promised users to make it more stable and robust for desktop use.

With the help of direct messaging which is coming to desktop, users can close to get the feature on the web or desktop as well. Earlier, Instagram has also added a new feature that allows users to send or react to the GIPHY.

From Android and iOS mobile apps, Instagram has also removed the button of IGTV and has killed the standalone messaging app which is called direct messaging that allows users a customer-centric approach.


Reasons to Employ Virtual-Reality Technology at the Workplace

Virtual Reality Technology

The impact of technology at the workplace cannot be overstated. In the present scenario, technology has become imperative in all businesses all over the globe, with such a large number of diverse applications from traditional desktop PCs to correspondence smartphone apps. Contingent upon your company and your viewpoint, you can get enormously creative with tech in the working environment. The more you innovate with the technology, the more you will find how astounding the opportunities are for boosting profitability, workplace life, sales and more.

As you witness more technology advances, you can anticipate that the outcomes of its usage in the business get better. Furthermore, new avenues for experimentation unlock the basics of office set-ups, and one such ‘new avenue’ is Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality is a technology that appeared to be the case of science fiction a decade ago. Today, the scenario has modified, implying that VR has sound and practical applications in the regular workplace. The VR app development solutions offer benefits that you probably won’t anticipate. So, here we will investigate some valid justifications to utilize VR in the workplace.

Virtual Reality Training Programs

We can say that by now, the application of Virtual Reality by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the military for providing training to personnel is pretty well-established. Earlier, VR training was more for the sake of jobs, where to train under distinct situations or in the correct scenarios was rather high-priced or risky. Time has changed now, and all sorts of big companies are opting for Virtual Reality to render training to their staff.

Indeed, it has attained the level now where it has become economical and capable enough, creating a fantastic and enjoyable approach to prepare new employees or update practices for the existing ones. Imparting training is an integral part of business organizations. So, it is advisable to investigate it a little and witness what the consequences are. Review whether it is helping your workplace or not.

Virtual Reality Interviews

Frankly, it is a bit futuristic for sure. Although it undoubtedly plays an influential part in future company practice if you desire to be ahead of the curve. The video call interview is something for which the people were excited, yet it has demonstrated itself a bit underwhelming. It has got pros, yet it has not stood as a real world-beater.

Virtual Reality interviews improve the interview experience. The candidate experiences all in all an immense degree, just like a face-to-face interview. No travel needed as you have the option to be ace to face with applicants. Virtual Reality interviews would be a truly excellent addition to companies as companies can conduct interviews anywhere in the world.

Customer Service

This one is a restless department of companies. There is invariably some different theory, or practice specialists continue to experiment and comprehend how about the effectiveness of raising customer satisfaction and sales. Admittedly, by instant chatbots, customer service messaging & social media cooperation, the accentuation is profoundly on connectivity among customers and the support staff.

The network doesn’t generally get more prominent at a distance than through Virtual Reality. On account of this innovative technology, you can hugely hoist your service side to the workplace. It will give customers a sense of direct connectivity that already wouldn’t have been heard. Efficiency in customer support is continually pursued after concept, one that has been appeared to have a considerable effect on organizations in each area. Along these lines, it’s a good investment.

Design and Collaboration

Consistently individuals at workplaces have opinions that don’t exactly come across effectively merely through words. Visual projects regardless of whether that is an architect’s concept or by week bulletin design templates, are sometimes hard to display in a manner that can be clear and collective both. Virtual Reality has a complete host of software explicitly focused on this area, permitting employees to view and work on physical, visual thoughts in an inventive three-dimensional space. This will prompt quicker outcomes that better reflect the work of the representatives.


You can now understand the consequences that VR is having on a wide range of various zones of business. Furthermore, that isn’t even a hint of something more substantial. There is a lot more to come. Prepare for some experiments and get involved. If you are planning to get yourselves a VR application, contact a VR app development company that can help you stay ahead of the curve.


Forthcoming Mobile App Development Trends to be followed in 2020 and Ahead

Mobile App Development Trends

Technology has continued to grow at a rapid pace and disrupted our lives by presenting us with smart solutions that fulfill our demands. Things that were science fiction till yesterday are today’s reality. From the advent of the personal computer, smartphones to the ascent of technologies like AI, Wearables, Beacon, and IoT technology has been exponentially progressing. As of now, when talking about the fastest-growing areas of technology, mobile technology is one of the fast-growing areas. Organizations are harnessing the power of technology, especially the mobile application industry is revamping their reality.

To accomplish enormous growth and sustainability, each organization needs to integrate the most recent mobile app development trends. The global app development industry is supposed to ascend to 6.3 trillion USD by 2021, and by 2023 the apps are expected to generate a revenue of 935.2 Billion USD. Mobile apps are enhancing the UX by making it speedy, simple, and effortless.

Recent Mobile App Development Trends 2020

New trends are emerging as people are shifting towards mobiles. Across the years, the mobile app industry will witness further improvements. In 2020, these are some of the trends that can be seen in action.

AI presenting the apps smarter

Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly the most suitable technology, making apps smarter. Smart assistants like Siri and Alexa are already in the market to accomplish particular tasks on voice commands. There is plenty of scopes where Artificial Intelligence can be adopted as a robust tool and can be integrated with mobile apps them considerably smarter.

Android instant apps

The user experience of the apps has been better after the launch of instant apps by Google in 2016. Instant apps act like websites and present an assortment of features to hold people with diverse functionalities. Instant apps are smaller in size, possess functionalities of a website, offer excellent user experience, and don’t utilize device memory.

IoT adoption in healthcare

Mobile apps integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) are meant to monitor patient’s health and provide them with health-related suggestions and tracking their fitness. Real-time health monitoring is the need of the hour right now, and it can be executed by a mobile app that integrates IoT, which not only saves time but also improves security.

The dominance of wearables

Wearables like smartwatches, fitness bands, health trackers or smart rings have changed the way Wearables are used in today’s world. These devices can be integrated with smartphones and will become more independent. By 2020, we will witness the increase in the usage of fitness trackers and a lessened dependence of wearable devices on smartphones.

Use of blockchain in mobile apps

Data breach security issues happen daily because of which the personal data is on the verge of exploitation. For this security purpose, Blockchain-based apps can turn out to be a savior. Blockchain is a distributed ledger and applies a cryptographic layer to present data security. In 2020, the Blockchain apps will be dominating the mobile app industry for sure.

Accelerated mobile pages (AMP)

Website building and its maintenance is not a simple task. However, practicing a stripped-down version of HTML, i.e. AMP that accelerates the pace of mobile pages, can be performed smoothly. AMP lets mobile app developers build bulky websites & pages with high-speed loading and lower bounce rates to realize tremendous performance on mobile devices.

Prominence edge computing

Data handling activities, for example, computation of data & its storage can be put nearer to the spot where it is demanded, which saves time plus bandwidth. The influence of such activities permits unlimited data to be processed and more reliable storage with stabler data analytics.

Impact of 5G Wireless Services

Speed is the chief concern that comes in our heads after reading 5. By the end of 2020, we may see 5G services in action, and it will go to great extents to transform the app development industry. Alongside the high speed, the 5G will introduce various additional features like data security, 3D gaming, augmented reality, to name a few. With such elevated requirements and services, mobile app developers should design the applications in a manner that meets the ideal prerequisites.

The evolution of beacon technology

For transmitting signals, Beacon makes use of Bluetooth technology which is one of the most vital mobile app development technologies used in museums, hotels, hospitals, and so on. They are remote, simple to utilize and pretty efficient in location tracking and proximity marketing. They have a considerable extent of applications when converged with IoT, for example, mobile payments beacons, automated machine learning algorithms, and beacon treasure hunting.

[Read More:- Top Emerging Technologies & Trends]


In 2020, the mobile app development industry will continue to progress with all the above-discussed mobile app development trends. New technologies bring in new possibilities, but its quick adoption is uncertain. By understanding these trends, its adoption can be made more accessible. Since you are aware of the trends now, you won’t confront any difficulty coexisting with them. But if you still face any trouble getting along with them, you can connect with a mobile app development company.