Top Magento E-Commerce Development Trends 2019

Magento E-Commerce Development

Over the years, the e-commerce trade has gone under considerable transformation. It has very eloquently embraced the various technologies which have transformed the way people shop online. The websites must acclimatize to the dynamic behavior of the online customer to remain ahead in the race of e-commerce development.

Magento is a framework that is widely used by the e-commerce development company. Magento E-Commerce Development has managed to blow the world’s socks off by providing the perfect ways to develop online e-commerce stores. Magento development company even offers web promotions of the websites using SEO schemes.

Top trends for Magento E-commerce development in 2019

AI and chatbot inclusive

AI has gone ahead a wide margin as of late, to impress human life with excellent services to offer. The time has come where devices communicate, understand and react and assist in making life more comfortable. Chatbot can answer in real time. Magento’s integrated chatbot is aimed at understanding the customer’s preferences and take the shopping experience to the next level. Chatbots have replaced the workforce in customer management. They are successfully managing to give the ultimate personalized shopping experience to their customers.

Customer oriented experience

Magento development has managed to help the businesses to meet various challenges from boosting sales to generating maximum revenues. Likewise, the customer experience has a high priority in the e-commerce market. There is a dire need to satisfy the user shopping at your website. Whether the customer is online or offline, their preferences/choices should be kept at the top.  Products and services should be suggested depending on their likings. Various discounts and offers must be made, if need be on the spot, for the customers. If a company has to grow online, then they have to be customer oriented.

Intelligent organic search

With the increase in the e-commerce websites available on the search engines, there is a need to have smart search enabled websites. Magento developer fixes smart Filters, breadcrumbs, and auto-complete features into the site, to make the web content available to search and access. As a result, the customer will be able to find you in the search results. Also, the website must be user navigation friendly to make the user experience worth visiting the site.

Once the customer is at your website, it is essential to provide the customer with an exclusive experience and services to keep him engaged. Thus, allowing the customer to go through the whole web space occupied and furnished by your services.

Push notifications

Push notifications are one of the best features available in mobile devices and applications. Magento development services can use this feature for their best. Many tailor messages can be sent to a selected group of people regarding the various offers and discounts made on sales. These push notifications are intended to reach the customer. It has been seen that push notifications offer incredible deals.

All that needs to be done is to ask one’s Magento developer to arrange for push notification feature and keep the customer updated about various offers at the e-shop. But it is worth concern to limit the times the customer is pinged as it might lose the customer interest besides engaging them.


Magento E-Commerce Development continues to be the first choice for e-Commerce solutions in small and large businesses. With the ability to adapt to changes with the changing technology, Magento development allows e-commerce businesses to adapt to the changes to increase online sales and generate higher revenues. Is your e-commerce website developed in Magento platform? To avail, Magento development services contact Magento development company.


By What Ways AI Increases User Experience in Web Apps

AI App Development

Artificial intelligence has an impact on user experience design. How AI accumulates information and learns is similar to the user experience. Computer-based intelligence translates the data and predicts human conduct thus does the UX. It additionally comprehends human behavior to examine the next activity by the person. The Artificial intelligence has gone ahead a wide margin as of late, and the point is that it enables machines to work and respond to how people do. There have been excellent ways in which AI has magnificently added braininess to computers and web apps. Web application development is now done with consideration of AI and is hence called AI app development.

Ways in which Artificial Intelligence Transforms the User Experience in Web Apps:

Better calculative response

Machines are merely pieces of metal that cannot understand emotions. But AI, integrated into web apps by web app development company, can understand as well as react to the input appropriately.  For example, web apps are supported by chatbots. These are capable of providing quick response to the user, without an error. Chatbots intelligently deal with complicated tasks. Besides using the scripted answers, if need be, chatbots can answer to the user in real time and take the user experience to another level.

AI-voice support

Web application development provides voice support with the help of AI. Such a feature is a product of machine learning technology. It becomes familiar with user behavior over time.  For example, Siri and Alexa are virtual assistants that help by setting alarms, schedule meetings, calling and answering phone calls, managing smart home devices. Virtual assistance has become a feature of AI app development for better user experience.

Machine learning

Not just in the case of voice support, machine learning analyzes the user behavior to predict the intention of the user and responds to it accordingly. The computer uses an algorithm to learn from the user, and no explicit programming is required.

Future of e-commerce

As per the present trends, it is believed the AI will control 85% of consumer communication. It is also observed that as an application of natural language processing technology and machine learning technology chatbot will be the upcoming web apps for user interaction. The retailers use AI to analyze the customer data, and his behavior, to in return offer a personalized recommendation to shop. The virtual assistance provided by chatbot is an essential part of e-commerce companies, for enhancing user experience and letting customers buy more smartly.


Artificial Intelligence is an up-to-date and intuitive technology that adds value to your web application development by enhancing the user experience. In the upcoming years, AI app development will have a pivotal role in carrying the web and users along. Nowadays, people recognize and realize the worth of AI in the UX sector. The consistent growth of many users of AI shows that in future businesses will use AI for enhancing brand experience. The evolution of AI app development company is to help and provide assistance to people with their errands to increase their efficiency and productivity.


Principal Objectives of the PHP Development Company

php development company

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used server-side programming language which interacts with multiple database languages including MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, etc.  Besides, it is claimed to remain the most widely used programming language for web application development in the forthcoming years. PHP is powering up to 70% of websites, and by using it, PHP development company construct robust and functional websites that deliver results.

PHP is empowering millions of websites over the digital panorama due to its user-friendliness features it is one of the most preferred and widely accepted languages used for the web app, web design, web development, and programming. PHP can be easily embedded directly into an HTML page furthermore, it doesn’t depend on the user’s computer or browser speed, it operates completely on the server side.

Importance of PHP in app development

PHP programming language is an outstanding option for accelerated prototyping and development of both static and dynamic websites and applications that can successfully run on web and mobile. PHP as a web development choice is always secure, steadfast and swift. Startups, advertising, and media agencies, as well as small software organizations, are the industries where PHP programming is widely used. PHP also provides support languages including MySQL, Oracle, and Sybase.  PHP provides compatibility to servers like Apache and IIS. PHP can be run on many platforms including Windows, Linux. And indeed, PHP provides its support for database management system and other open source databases. PHP also has compatibility with open source software integration including Joomla, Drupal, OS Commerce, and Typo3 CMS.

PHP Development tools

PHP is designed in such a way that it simplifies the process of mobile app development. It is one of the most reliable, secure, and maintainable web development languages which facilitate programmers to enhance the performance of web applications without increasing the memory consumption. PHP development company moreover accelerates their custom websites and application development procedures by powering full-stack developers and employing PHP frameworks such as CodeIgniter, Laravel, CakePHP, Yii, Zend, and many more.

Generally opted PHP tools include:

  • Aptana Studio
  • Eclipse
  • Sublime text
  • Zend Studio
  • PHP designer
  • NetBeans
  • PhpED
  • PHPStorm
  • Code lobster

PHP Development Company

The PHP development company is an extremely powerful company which is proficient enough to produce high-quality websites which caters unique requirements of all businesses irrespective of size. These companies are well-versed with able PHP developers who are working on development projects and possess major expertise in technical aspects which are required for building the best-in-class PHP application or website development solutions.

PHP Development Company provides PHP web development services and multiple other associated services to its clients across various verticals of IT. The main purpose of existence of PHP app development company includes:

  • PHP Web Development: PHP developers and designers design software in such a manner that generates a dynamic background for websites.  They are the one who enables you to access the digital world by transforming ideas into virtual existence.
  • Custom PHP Development: Developers leverage organizations by presenting them with tailor-made solutions. Custom development services synchronize with business needs to provide cutting-edge web solutions which are adjusted with modernized tech solutions.
  • CMS Development: CMS is a software development program for an application which is used to create and manage digital content. CMS allows firms to manage and organize the content of the website with the ease of effective and automated content management.
  • Ecommerce PHP Solutions: E-commerce solutions allow enterprises to sell their products and services online. PHP development companies design user-friendly websites for firms and work on such management tools that provide digitized results that help in maintaining projects that deliver results.
  • PHP Cloud Solutions: PHP cloud solutions enlighten the performance of mobile applications and websites that provide scalable and attainable digital results. PHP development companies work on multiple backend solutions such as PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS to encourage the performance of applications.
  • API Integration: API is basically a set of tools and protocols that are used to build software applications. All operating systems including Windows and iOS use API and enable their programmers to write apps which are consistent with the specific operating environment.

Conclusion: Designing a secure PHP website can be a challenging task as most of the PHP codes are drafted by developers of a PHP development company with security and experience. We have already discussed the benefits associated with PHP, and so it has become mandatory for all the organizations to adopt PHP development.


5 Advantages of Hiring a Web Development Company for Startups and Small Business Organizations

Web development company

For the startups and small businesses, it is really difficult to manage all the things, and the most important part of their business is to create unique and featured Website, to run the business and to cater competition. Any business that wishes to compete in the online world must have a professionally designed website as the website is the reflection of the business. So the business owners must invest in a website as a long-term investment. It doesn’t matter how small or large your business is.  Every business and every organization needs to have a website to reach the masses. It makes things easier for both, the company and the customers and allows you to save a lot of time, money, and energy.

To ease their task, many companies develop websites with rich features at an affordable cost to reach out to your target audience better than your competitors. A professional Web development company is familiar and stays updated with frequent changes in search engines. They use the latest technologies and frameworks according to the search engine algorithm that helps them in creating SEO friendly websites.

New business owners don’t have any idea about time-to-time updates by search engines. This is the main reason that they need to hire Web Development Service Providers for their Website development. Below are some reasons mentioned how hiring a Web Development company plays a significant role in uplifting the startups and small business houses?

  • Uniqueness: Web design companies can help your business to stand out from the competition. The advantages of hiring a Web design company are undeniable in terms of how you present your business as one-of-a-kind among all the market rivals. If the owners want to make the first impression a long lasting one so that their business remains at the forefront of the customers’ mind, you need to have a unique website so that you can retain a good market position.
  • Marketing of Services: You need Marketing help if you want to get more Customer-Engagement in the business and for that purpose; you need a Web development Service provider. There are several kinds of marketing such as email marketing, Social Media Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Word of Mouth (WOM) Marketing, SMS Marketing, and so on and only a true experienced expert can provide you with true marketing support. Marketing experts of Web development companies can help you effectively in marketing your website and products so that you get more customers.
  • Your Website will be Reliable: Even if you do make the website yourself, it may not be a reliable one. You aren’t a web design expert, so you need to hire a Web app development company which will develop a reliable website because the Web developers have good experience in handling the same kind of projects. They know how to follow all the schedule and getting things done on time.
  • Expert Business Advice: When you’re working with a web application development company, you’re not just getting web design, web development, SEO, and marketing services, you will also get business advice so that you can achieve success with your website. They have a lot of experience in the field of entrepreneurship and probably failed several times before being successful. So they know which techniques and strategies are good and which aren’t. The business advice that you will get from the service providers can lead your business to massive success.
  • Business Expansion: By applying the best strategy for your business by the experienced professionals, the development company comes over the hindrances easily to achieve your business goals effectively. It is easy to spread your business and get a wide customer reach with the web presence. So, you can easily boost your ROI and potential customers and easily expand your business as well.
  • Helpful in Generating more Money: The website will look attractive and real, so your clients will get a good first impression and trust your company. This, actually symbolizes that you’ll gather more customers who are willing to do business with you. Your website will also rank higher in the search engines, which will let more new customers find you.

Final Words:

In this article, we have had a glimpse of the interests of hiring a web development company for startups and small scale businesses. But one thing I’d like to mention, that the charges of hiring web development companies are generally high. At the same time, not all companies have high rates; some of them have low rates as well. But keep in mind that you’ll always get more value than what you pay.

I would like to suggest a Web development company that has been providing excellent website development services for years, and their web designs and development services are the best in the market, you can rely upon easily.


Web Development Frameworks in 2022- Responsive Web Design Tools

web development framework

It is 2022, and the developers are spoilt for choice for the web development framework they have to use for their next project. Unfortunately, the plethora of options available confuses even the most experienced developer. This choice is essential, though, since the way the website will look and run once built will mostly depend on the framework on which it is made.

The web – development world is undergoing changes every day, and it is vital to understand where and how these changes are occurring. The following list will make it simpler for you to be updated with the latest list of the web development frameworks available used by web application companies and the features for each one of them.


It is a product of Google and is one of the most popular nodeJS web application frameworks based on JavaScript. The library of the framework is rich enough, and it provides a lot of flexibility to the developer and the latest features to use in the websites.

The framework is highly vast though, and it will take months for a developer to learn to use all the tools enough so that he/she can rightly utilize them. The Angular.JS supports animation, patterns, structure management, and other latest features. Due to the rich functionality that it provides, it is finding its use in more angular JS web application company in the development of projects.


Laravel is known for its elegant and expressive syntax and it is one of the few frameworks that offer full–stack support for both front–end and back–end developers. The developers consider that the documentation that this platform provides is the best and the most complete. It is one of the most common tools any web design company uses.

Some of the key features of the framework include that it has a script collector that is inbuilt and the SCSS. The service provider packages are responsible for providing the additional modules. The REST API usage offers possibilities that are flexible enough. And lastly, the developmental framework supports multiple frameworks.

Laravel is keeping its pace with the development in the web – world, and learning this framework will also keep you in sync with modern developments.


If you are looking to create front–end solutions that are complex, then this is the option that you must opt for. In 2013, it was first introduced on Facebook, and from then on, it has gained a lot of popularity quite quickly. Netflix, Yahoo,, and Airbnb are some of the most popular companies that use this tool for production today.

The concept used by the web developmental framework depends on dividing the user – interface into many sub–parts that can be maintained easily and expanded when needed. The components can also be separated and used in multiple projects by transferring them from one project to another.

This enables the developer to have the option to choose from a variety of approaches to develop the applications. And this is one of the main features which makes React.JS stand out as a web development framework in 2022.

Ruby on Rails

This framework operates on a multi–level and is fully-fledged, and creates web applications by utilizing databases. Since it has arrived in the market, it has become a trendy choice for developing web – applications for startups and MNC’s alike. The main advantage that this framework provides is the speed of development.

The high developmental speed is determined by the ready-to-use Ruby on Rails tools which are pretty extensive enough to cover all required features on the websites. Apart from the, there are plenty of solutions already created in the community, and the coding is extremely simple.

Further, the standards employed during the writing of code in this framework can be extended to other projects as much as possible.


This is a framework that creates web applications using the MVC platform, and thus, it is most effective to use. The coders who use this technology use it for the convenience and the flexibility that it offers. The coding model that this platform uses is also highly effective, and it helps build a purer coding architecture. The application also has better testability.


YII is a highly efficient PHP-based framework for web development, and it is designed to develop web applications that are both quick and efficient. Moreover, it allows one to reuse the code to the maximum extent, and this helps in speeding up the web development.


Thus choosing the web development services framework mainly comes down to the developer’s need and the type of web – application he is aiming at. All these are t trend in 2022. With the advancement of framework development android and web applications incorporating a lot of additional features, it will make more sense to go with solutions that offer the latest features.


Top 5 Trends in the Enterprise Mobile App Development

Undoubtedly, the mobile app industry is one of the fastest growing industries of this century. One can not deny the fact that the mobile app development industry is one of the biggest influencers in the world economy, right now. By the passage of time, each and every enterprise is coming up with bold and unique ideas to provide their user a never-like-before experience. And as a result of that, they are following some specific trends, which are allowing them to get progressed more and more. Here, we are going to discuss those trends, which they are following. So, if mobile app development fascinates you, look no further:

  1. Artificial Intelligence

From the last few years, Artificial Intelligence is the center of attention because it is one of the major breakthroughs in this field of technology. To make the apps smarter and to save some extra money, Artificial Intelligence is one of the best possible options, which an app development enterprise can follow. In addition to that, artificial intelligence has permitted the exponential growth of productivity of an organization with investing a much lesser amount of money.

  1. Android Instant Apps

To make things suitable for both the users and developers, Google launched the instant apps in the year 2016. These are the inbuilt apps, which works like websites and with the help of their functionality they are capable of attracting more people. These instant apps are available in Google Play Store, but you don’t need to download or install them. You can access them instantly. And as a result of this, all the barriers between these apps and the users have been removed.

  1. Internet of Things

In the course of time, the Internet of Things has emerged as a very big industry. Today, all the mobile app development enterprises are going gaga over this thing because this is a one-of-its-kind technology, which lets you control non-IT things with the help of a remote or an app. Nowadays, it has been observed that the Internet of Things is becoming a significant part of a user’s life. So, to cope up with those, android app development enterprises are leaning towards ‘Internet of Things’ friendly apps. Also, according to a study, the Internet of Things investment will reach $120 billion by the year 2020.

  1. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

In collaboration with Twitter, this is one of the latest projects by Google. The motto of this project is to accelerate the speed of mobile pages with a stripped-down version of HTML. It will allow developers to create heavy web pages and websites with high performances, fast loading speed and lower bounce rates for all mobile devices. With a good AMP score, you can acquire a better conversion rate, maximum user retention and also the enhancement of the user experience. Also, with the increased AMP of your website, you will get a better visibility on search engines.

  1. Mobile Wallets

With the development of E-Commerce and online banking, a flabbergasted growth has been observed in online payment options for the users. Blockchain technology is developing day by day and as a result of that people are leaning towards mobile payments. So, you have to give importance to powering up your app which has more secured money transaction options. In addition to that, users prefer mobile wallet because the encrypted security of these wallets ensures the fact that money of the users is safe.

Sitting in the 21st century, with an increased number of apps, users are expecting more and more benefits. So, to keep pace with those expectations, go through the above-written article and make your app more acceptable amongst the users.

If you are looking to develop or design a web application, contact us for any support and best mobile app development company and web app developers.