How is Online Live Class Software Changing the Manner of the Learning?

Online Live Class Software

Live and Interactive Online classes is a successful route for educators to show live online to understudies from any area where understudies additionally have the opportunity to go to these classes from any area. Online live class software gives homeroom instructing another measurement where instructors can educate, interface live, settle questions of understudies, and visit online. 

Today in India many educators show a large number of understudies live through live intelligent classes. 

How do Online Live classes work? 

The way toward leading/going to live classes is all you require is a PC, acceptable quality webcam, web, and a product on which one can direct live classes. When the entirety of this is set up the educator can plan a class and welcome understudies to be important for it at commonly advantageous timings. 

Request and Supply Gap of good quality instructors 

Accordingly, educators who have perceived this hole are attempting to use this generally untapped market by leading online teaching software to arrive at the greatest understudies. Then again, numerous understudies understand that are less few good quality educators accessible and in this manner, they search for other learning roads like live online classes/online mentoring where they can discover great quality instructors and study material. 

Intelligent Online learning 

Live classes are the smartest option for E-learning because live classes are intelligent. Learning is more viable when the association of the understudies is most extreme so albeit recorded video addresses are an acceptable approach to reconsider ideas and subjects, the learning happens when there is a connection between the instructor and the understudy. Additionally, with live classes, there is an open door for online gathering conversations which further advances inclusion of the understudies in the online learning cycle.

Fitting and Play 

Innovation astute live classes are anything but difficult to lead. An educator can utilize explicit delicate products and with the assistance of PC and dynamic web association at a tick of a catch, an instructor can begin showing Live and online. This will be a major empowering agent to support the development of live intuitive online classes. Scarcely any instructors likewise attempt you-tube for streaming live classes yet it does not have a coordinated, devoted, and vivid learning experience. 

Rising Internet and Smartphone Penetration and Usage 

As the entrance of the web improves and the coming of 5G will give a major lift in improving the experience of online mentoring which can upset the home coaching business as these guides will move to innovation and give educational costs live and online to understudies from their areas. 

Protected and Comfortable method of Learning 

Online learning software and live classes specifically give them an alternative to pick their coaches and class plans which work for them and all the more critically they can gain from the solace of their home. 

Business opportunity 

Taking a gander at the Rising Internet and Smartphone Penetration and Usage instructors and guides would need to money on the immense interest supply hole of good quality educators by offering their types of assistance online. With the coming of 5G and better e-Learning stages, it will be simpler than any time in recent memory to go educate and learn live online. 

Low Entry Barrier 

As the expense to begin a live class or online mentoring business is low. With the Right innovative help, a certain mentor will be effectively ready to enter and take into account this market. 

Live class Business is as yet in Nascent Stage 

Live classes and e-learning businesses are as yet in the incipient stage and have colossal business sectors to tap. Innovation shrewd there is a ton of development which is occurring and things like augmented reality and man-made brainpower will change how this business will take care of business. 

Bit of leeway to Early Adopters 

This innovation is as yet in an early phase of development and isn’t promoted to the grass-root level. The early adopters of live classes and e-learning would profit a great deal. Some organizations have brought a huge number of dollars up in financing by advancing their live classes. 


Easy-to-use for virtual study halls, empowering instructors and understudies to associate progressively, this will assist Participants with speaking with each other, see introductions or recordings, interface with different members, and draw in with assets. 

Questions and Answers

This is again intuitive highlights of this class will permit educators to cooperate with understudies. This is a Real-time talk in a virtual study hall that assists understudies with bringing up issues and inquiries during the class and it very well may be surveying multi decision questions or a bunch of polls to be asked during the meeting. 


Whiteboard planned explicitly for the best online learning experience. Whiteboard is the easiest approach to quickly draw and compose together online. This Online Classroom is intended to give you the ability to compose or draw easily. It has an element of drawing, paint delete; compose text which can be utilized by instructors to cause understudies to see well.

Screen Sharing

This element gives screen sharing on live class, sharing your screen makes it way simpler to survey any kinds of an educational mobile app with understudies. On the off chance that you need to see some of the lessons.

Recording of the class

The account of the class will be given to understudies after the class. The understudies can watch the chronicles quite a few times they need. On the off chance that you miss a class because of some explanation, you will in any case have the chronicle of the specific class that was led. 

Online live class software member will immediately get an email greeting with the connection join meeting to join the class. 


When the personnel begin a class the educator can instruct in comparative design as he educates disconnected. With instruments like screen sharing, whiteboard, and live visits the experience of educating and learning using the live class is as vivid and once in a while far and away superior to a disconnected homeroom experience. 


7 Popular Cross-Platform Apps Development Tools That Will Rule in 2021

cross platform app

With the quickly expanding advancements in innovation, developers are ceaselessly sticking their eyes to the app development tools or frameworks that can make their occupation simpler and limit the app development time. Regardless of whether you are an ace developer or an apprentice, here are the 7 most mainstream Cross-platform app development tools that you need to know in 2020. 

Today, in the exceptionally serious market, where developers are searching for incredible app development tools; then again, businesses are chasing the most ideal approaches to improve their businesses. From new businesses to multi-million organizations, applications are someplace adding a huge edge to the business development and causing them from numerous points of view. 

Presently the focal inquiry is, how might you get the privileged app development framework for your business? 

So what are the main cross-platform frameworks that you ought to pick in 2021? 

Before you burrow profound and dedicate enough time to exploration, we have gathered together a couple of best cross-platform mobile app development frameworks dependent on beneath referenced boundaries: 

  • Performance and Popularity 
  • Code reusability and rich-vault 
  • Easy to learn and uphold all parts of Cross-platform app development. 
  • Strong people group backing and reasonable documentation of framework for amateurs 
  • Ability to get to gadget capacities. 

Here is the rundown of best cross-platform mobile development tools 2021 leading the era with smart integration of coding languages: 

1. React Native (A Top Choice of Cross-platform framework among developers) 

React Native was dispatched by Facebook in March 2015 and has immediately gotten an ideal decision for developers knowing JavaScript. Moreover, planning the app with React Native is very quick and more agreeable for the developers as it is an open-source Hybrid app development and permits you to reuse the codebase for app development. 

2. Flutter (Ideal Framework to Develop Cross-platform Apps with Clock-Challenge) 

Flutter is one of the high-level degrees of UI kit dispatched by Google in 2018, and appropriate to the cutting edge app development climate. It is an open-source Software development kit (SDK) that offers a wide decision of UI components, gadgets, and a superior delivering motor that permits developers to tweak the application with smooth movements. 

3. Ionic (A Popular Cross-Platform Based Framework Based on Web Technology) 

With the critical market offer and web utilization insights of Ionic, developers are forcefully picking this framework to assemble native apps and reformist web applications. 

4. Xamarin (prominent Tool used to Develop Cross-Platform Application) 

As per the review, Xamarin is one of the fifth most famous tools for making superior cross-platform application development. Being sponsored by Microsoft, Xamarin underpins C# codebase and appropriate for .net developers. Building elite applications with Xamarin is very quick and more agreeable as it has a Test Cloud highlight that consequently tests your app and guarantees 100% code reusability. 

5. Cordova (simple to Learn Mobile Application Development Tool) 

As per Stack share, Apache Cordova has gotten 818 GitHub stars and 336 GitHub forks and urging developers to make all the more impressive applications by utilizing the properties of Native assets including Phone’s camera, accelerometer, compass, contacts, messages, geolocation, organizations, warnings and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Building up an application with Cordova is time and savvy as it uses high caliber and various arrangements of highlights that help in creating apps progressively. 

6. Appcelerator (Most Popular Mobile App Development Tool) 

Another advantage of utilizing Appcelerator is that it empowers you to reuse 90% of the code across various platforms which come out as the main bit of leeway when creating native apps. Thirdly, the platform gives admittance to different APIs through an element considered Hyperloop that empowers you to utilize APIs of iOS and Android utilizing JavaScript straightforwardly. 

7. Corona (A Perfect Cross-Platform Framework for Gaming Apps) 

Corona is allowed to utilize and simple to introduce platforms that permit developers to quickly see changes in Lua codes through the implicit Corona Simulator, so there’s no compelling reason to keep up the toolsets. Regardless of whether you are a professional or a beginner developer, each degree of development is permitted to get to the center usefulness of this framework. 


Toward the finish of this article, it merits referencing that despite having all these cross-platform app development frameworks with broad advantages, native app development frameworks have their coding favorable circumstances. 

There is no performance correlation between Hybrid app development and cross-platform development apps. In any case, with regards to sparing app development cost, time, and market time, an enormous fragment of SMEs, new businesses, and even million-dollar undertakings are picking cross-platform frameworks for their next app development venture. 

If you have a complex app development venture that requests the most recent specialized highlights, at that point, it is prescribed to hire a mobile app development company for additional help.


How Hiring Expert Mobile App Developers Benefit Your Business?

Mobile App

Progressively, innovation influences numerous aspects of our lives. With the advanced time of artificial intelligence and cell phones being an essential piece of our lives, various exercises have been smoothed out and enhanced by specialized mobile app development

A product designer assumes a basic part in rejuvenating your thoughts. This point alone underlines the requirement for most entrepreneurs and organizations to be more proactive in picking their developers. 

Notwithstanding, as the interest for programming development turns into a developing wonder, nations around the globe have begun producing skilled programming engineers who can execute such undertakings for clients. 

When Your Business Needs Remote Dedicated Mobile app developer? 

Re-appropriating the development of your product item to a devoted engineer will end up being profitable severally. 

So how about we investigate when you need to select devoted distant developers, here are the accompanying signs:- 

If you can’t utilize innovation adequately 

Programming innovation is quickly developing. You need to exploit those most recent advances; in any case in the serious commercial center, you will be abandoned. 

If you believe you are not benefiting as much as possible from current advancements, pick the alternative to enlist a committed distant engineer. 

If you have significant service bills to pay 

In-house groups require various hands-on utilities, for example, power, warming, cooling, and gas. You need to cover tabs to your in-house office by utilizing such offices. You’ll have the option to enormously high the energy bills. 

If you contend to hold your ability in-house 

The maintenance of mobile app developers is a tough test under conditions where the business is now confronting a tech-ability deficiency and a lion’s share is looking for different chances. 

In any requesting programming commercial center, you ought to decide to keep your group turning out easily for the far off committed developers. 

If you are battling to meet an opportunity to-advertise target

An opportunity to-market another delivery is short with the improvement of the product development advancements and systems. 

If you neglect to hold a more limited chance to-showcase for your product item or administration, you can choose the distant devoted programming developers to stay facing your adversaries in the rivalry. If you need your plan to be conveyed quicker 

The expense of each task will be intensely affected by the undertaking span. If you complete the undertaking snappier, you can essentially diminish the venture cost. To accomplish a serious edge in the business the current programming industry has gotten so quick. 

Why You Should Hire a Dedicated Developer for Your Project? 

Out-sourcing is a great alternative, particularly for organizations with long periods of mobile app and site development experience. 

Here are a couple of points of interest you could pick up from taking that course:- 

Financial plan inviting 

It requires some investment, exertion, and money related assets to assemble an entire in-house group without any preparation and add to their range of abilities. 

Other than the regularly scheduled installments which are, thusly, higher in many created nations, you may likewise have to give motivating forces and put resources into the development of their aptitudes to meet your item targets. 

In such a situation it is ideal to remotely enlist a committed engineer or re-appropriate the product development to a reasonable seaward programming development firm. In these cases, the elective shows to be reasonable. 


The more noteworthy bit of leeway of enrolling devoted development groups is adaptability. They fill in as your in-house development group extends and just work on your activities. 

This will help if you need to deal with the capital successfully at some random time. Each venture will require a one of a kind and separate blend of developers, architects, item administrators, QA, and so on 

Bother free Project Management 

The devoted development group will give you a more significant level of control alongside a venture director and a group chief to manage zero issues in your task. In any case, it will likewise give you adaptability, responsibility, and security

Improved Productivity 

The development group is expecting to deal with an occupation-based premise. When the assignments of this occupation have been finished, the cycle goes to additional proposals and testing measures, which is the reason it likewise assists with improving task quality and productivity. 


Recruiting the correct group to construct seaward mobile app development will guarantee that your cutoff times are met and that the task is conveyed on schedule. This will likewise help you spare the chance to deal with numerous developers for various front-end and back-end development factors in your task. 

When contrasted with building an in-house group without any preparation, the time spent in the following development through coordination is additionally less. 

Coding at Different Platforms 

The expert developer group gives insight and comprehension through a few programming frameworks, just as utilizing them when they work on the venture to make it considerably all the more captivating, helpful, and appealing. 

Excellent Assurance 

If you make an application from a mobile app development firm, regardless of whether you enlist or reevaluate your developers for a chose timeframe, they will accept accountability for security. 

Your information and your venture are incredibly secure. You will complete the venture inside the extended time and financial plan. 


It is basic to choose the correct company or a committed mobile app developer dependent on your necessities, one that fits both your range of abilities and hard-working attitude prerequisites. As the accomplished, developers will utilize their mastery and aptitudes to deliver stable and ensured results. 

So now in case you’re quick to recruit a committed development group, you don’t need to go anyplace else. We have a wide scope of experienced developers with skill in every single innovation and involvement with conveying various activities with various necessities. 


Online learning will not let Education Stop in Lockdown

Online learning

As there is a changing example in education, individuals are shifting from one mode to numerous methods of learning now and keeping in the psyche the education prerequisites Online classes, e-learning stages, virtual classes via web-based media stages have begun arising to proceed with the teaching-learning measure and scholarly arrangements like Education app development acting like some assistance in this pandemic circumstance for understudies.

Such stages are offering a smoothed out educational plan through very much planned incorporated parts which incorporates teacher’s handbook, understudies coursebook and practice book, appraisal backing, and teacher training.

What is Education app development and its key highlights and USPs? 

Education app development is a keen educational program that was imagined with a dream to acquire the change education that causes understudies to learn better through Empowered Teaching, Easy Learning.

The program is equipped towards making intuitive learning encounters with its assorted substance and action-based learning highlights that make a participative learning experience, in this way improving the psychological capacities of understudies and expanding their ability to focus. It additionally offers a smoothed out educational plan through very much planned incorporated segments which incorporate Teachers Handbook, Students Coursebook and Practice book, Assessment Support, Digital Content, Resource Kit, and Teacher Training.

How would you intend to make a new biological system in schools? 

Education app development is making an eco-framework in which schools see the educational plan program differently than they see their present sellers. It goes about as a scholastic accomplice to the school which normally implies that the occupation doesn’t get over once the ideal item/arrangement is delivered to the school.

Thorough teaching and learning materials alongside the help of its organization make it a capable scholastic accomplice whose achievement is connected to the school’s prosperity. With the schools previously grappling with difficulties like confirmations, funds, marking, teacher shortage and so on this mutual duty in scholastics comes as a consolation, so this makes the school tilt towards educational plan arrangement, and Education app development company specifically.

What changes have you seen amid the COVID-19 circumstance? 

Education app development, in contrast to different items in the business, really got a lift during school building terminations achieved by the Covid-19 pandemic. Schools were bolted and books didn’t reach on schedule, Education app developer brought the whole educational program online, utilizing a digital entry and mobile app, and prepared the teachers to lead online classes so that teaching/learning keeps during the lockdown. Simply in this period, the online teaching and learning through Education app development came to over 1.5 lac understudies across India.

To stay aware of the interest and its movement, the Education app development uphold group needed to adjust to the test and locally available schools to the program practically 100% distantly. Indeed, even the new schools who bought in for Education app development during this period were joined through online engagements. This significantly diminished our working costs and demonstrated a better approach to deal with our school tasks.

How is this application helping teachers and understudies with online learning? 

The teachers associate with understudies over a video call where they can show or share digital just as disconnected materials to engage and all the more critically, since the substance on the app is totally matched up with the scholastic books which the understudies have, and digital assets gave to the teacher are totally in a state of harmony with the evaluations they should give throughout the year.

What are your perspectives on the opening of schools amid COVID19? 

That is for the public authority to choose premise bigger interests. Nonetheless, what satisfies us is the way that our schools and we are prepared for any circumstance in the future and regardless of whether schools don’t open for the whole of the leftover scholarly year, the learning won’t stop.

In 2018 Education app development had numerous Schools with simply over a large number of understudies however this has now developed to around hundreds of schools and more than a lakh understudies in a time of only a few years. We anticipate that these figures should now develop at a lot quicker movement in the coming years. In the COVID drove lockdown stage, we have seen an expansion in the app downloads by 500% and the utilization of the application by guardians has additionally expanded by 70% which is an enormous bounce.


We will grow more online professional development intercessions for teachers, some key state sheets, and increase educational plan taking a gander at new open doors like coding and so forth in NEP 2020. AppSquadz, the leading Education app development company emerged with the vision to give a total scholarly arrangement guaranteeing better learning for the understudies as far as ideas, aptitudes, and comprehensive development and supporting teachers to turn out to be more compelling and arranged while teaching in class.


How to Ensure Security Standards in Mobile Apps Development?

Mobile App Development

In the period of cell phones, mobile applications have become a typical ware of shoppers and organizations the same. The usage of best innovation into mobile applications has won and developed after some time, and security is one of the areas that has been its essential shopper. All the most recent and most refined security advances gloated by mobile app development company today have become their essential selling point. Following the most skilled and top tier rehearses in guaranteeing information security has become the objective of each mobile app development company today. 

With the ascent of cybercrime episodes, this has gotten considerably more pervasive than it was only years prior. Subsequently, it is basic that organizations drawing in with a mobile app development company guarantee that an all-around designed and powerful security system be executed during the app development measure. Guaranteeing that the information of buyers, business, and development firm remaining parts flawless and sans scratch from any digital assaults has become the requirement for the hour. 

Anyway, how to accomplish ideal security during the mobile app development measure? Let us discover.

Dangers that can arise with weak security practices 

Following the privilege and lawed conventions for security is basic in forestalling any malignant digital assaults on mobile applications. If the safety efforts taken by a mobile app development company are powerless, it opens the entryway for some possible dangers, for example, 

Mobile app developers must be cautious and mindful of the correct security conventions being executed during the app development measure on all occasions. Let us dive into how precisely app developers guarantee ideal security.

Approaches to improve security for mobile apps 

There are numerous manners by which app developers can guarantee tight safety efforts during app development. Here are the best ways:

Making sure about the mobile app’s code

The code is the center establishment for any mobile app development company. It ought to be the essential need of an app development company to ensure that the codes are made sure about to the most elevated measures. Web applications normally exist in a safe climate, which can be intricate workers. In any case, local mobile apps are more inclined to being defenseless against digital assaults as they exist on mobile devices, or all the more explicitly, client’s devices. This makes their codes more open to assaults. 

Guarantee that back-end is secure

Data penetrates or any type of unapproved access happens from the back end. Mobile App developers may be utilizing outsider workers which are being gotten to by the mobile app’s API, which leaves the back end powerless against assaults. Subsequently, it is basic that the APIs are scrambled and checked, which could help in forestalling any unapproved admittance to the app’s code and the touchy data of the customer too. Here are how app developers guarantee that the back end is secure.

Building a robust api strategy

A mobile app’s significant piece goes into making sure about the API of the application from a mobile app development company. Approving who can get to the information from numerous workers, distributed storage, and check of different clients is an unpredictable cycle that becomes powerless if even a solitary component is strange. Verification, Identification, and Authorization (AIA) are the mainstays of security for any mobile application development, which are basic to API. Consequently, app developers must form a strong establishment for an API procedure for guaranteeing ideal security. 

Confirmation, identification, and authorization

As said beforehand, these AIA are the mainstays of a strong security establishment. This is particularly valid for mobile apps that are reliant in any capacity on an outsider API. The least weakness is the objective if the API is to get to specific components of the mobile app.

Consequently, the three-venture measure for any mobile app developers ought to be to validate the clients, recognize their motivation, and approve them to get to the mobile application or its code. Applications with amazing coding and programming techniques from the best developer team at the leading companies for its amazing leadership from the best of technical services. getting top development ethics completely depends on the best services from organization you trust. Getting to a perfection in online business.


These are a portion of the manners by which mobile app developers guarantee ideal security during the app development measure. Actualizing these measures guarantees a consistent mobile app development company, measure, yet additionally gives a rich and sound client experience to the customers and business the same. Altering the safety efforts dependent on outsider APIs is the main advance in guaranteeing negligible weakness. AppSquadz is the leading mobile app development company witnessed by numerous clients known for the best services in IT industry from cross platform, AI, IoT, chatbot, etc. to the best software designs.


OTT Platform Development – Own an individual Video Streaming Platform

OTT Platform Development

In the current situation, all the business and individuals’ developments have been obliged because of the pandemic. Individuals are remained at their homes and need invigorating entertainment at their homes. Here comes the requirement for OTT platforms, as it can deliver the client wanted videos to their gadgets. OTT platform development company is going about as a medium to deliver the contents and web arrangement over the on the web. Let us quickly talk about the OTT App here.

What is OTT App?

OTT App is a Platform delivering the client demanding media to the client on their gadget over the web. OTT Platform is a streaming video to the client’s gadget according to the client’s demands. OTT platform delivers different kinds of media to the clients. It very well may be of streaming video content, sound substance, sound calls, and messages.

For what reason would it be a good idea for you to begin an OTT App?

In the current situation, the pandemic has made ruin over a wide range of OTT platform development company because of pandemic dangers and lockdown. While the OTT platform gets decorated and filled the hole by delivering engaging web arrangement to the clients without obstruction.

Significant variables to be considered to begin the OTT video streaming app:

Sensible expense:

OTT video streaming administrations are accessible at a sensible expense than the customary bundles. The client can’t watch the substance as they want rather, they need to watch the substance broadcasted on the media. here no more limitations like timings.

Quality substance:

The client can watch quality substance with a lively encounter on the OTT platforms. The OTT platforms deliver substance in 4k goal, commonly 3,840x 2,160 pixels, and is otherwise called UHD or Ultra-High Definition. This is the biggest degree of HD video quality conceivable to film, TV, and sports watchers nowadays. OTT suppliers like Netflix, Disney Plus, and Amazon Prime are giving 4k administrations.

Responsive in numerous gadgets:

OTT platform development company are gadget-free, clients can see the substance through different gadgets like cell phones, tablets to Apple TVs, Smart TVs, Chromecast, Xbox, Amazon Firesticks, and considerably more. Though in conventional links we can see the video just through the TV.

Huge Features of our OTT App:

Multilingual Support:

Multi-language content is conservative and simple to deal with independent of the language. It permits snatching clients from different geolocation and regardless of the language. The multi-lingual substance is accessible in the famous Netflix, and it gets a huge number of clients.

Search Bar:

A serious hunt alternative is extremely basic for the OTT streaming platform. Clients should feel the straightforward entry on the platform while exploring, it ought to give a drop-down box on the menus to pick among the accessible videos.

Client profile:

Each OTT platform development company give User profile choices, clients can deal with the login qualifications, passwords, subtleties, and installment alternatives. The client can add their ideal videos by choosing classifications, chefs, entertainers, shows, films, and so forth


Watchlist highlights empower clients to make a menu of things they need to observe later. Clients can spare their videos on Watch later show, it tends to be shown on the home screen as updates. On the OTT platform, the client will have the option to plan an individual watchlist for each record profile.

Pop-up messages:

The Push warning is a significant element in the OTT platform to give updates about their membership plan, it likewise assists with showcasing the new top-notch videos, bundles accessible on the app.

Social Features:

This is a very valuable highlight to make brand mindfulness among the colossal crowd through social sharing by the clients. The clients can share the loved videos to the ideal gathering of the crowd via online media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and so forth

OTT App Monetization Strategies:

Let us talk about the Basic OTT video streaming adaptation plans of action, that are right now followed by top OTT Apps like Netflix, and Amazon Prime.

Membership Video On-demand (SVOD):

SVOD or Subscription Video-On-Demand is likely to link bundles that deliver the substance to the clients as a month to month membership. The upside of OTT platform development company of membership where clients can exit the plan anytime time and this is anything but quite a while plot. This permits clients to hand-off on the OTT platform and it causes the OTT suppliers to give adaptable support to their clients.

Transactional Video On-demand (TVOD):

Subscription Video-On-Demand Unlike SVOD, where the client needs to on compensation for every view conspire. It is of two sorts, download to rent (DTR) permits clients to get to a specific substance in a fixed period at least expense and Electronic Sell-through (EST) permits the client to get to a specific substance unimaginably once they paid for it. Clients can utilize the plans according to their decision with no obstructions.


AppSquadz Software, a main OTT platform development company gives a start to finish custom OTT Platform directly from Plan, design, development, testing, dispatch, and backing according to your exact business demands.

If you want to start your own OTT video streaming app, at that point it’s an extraordinary thought at the correct time and the perfect spot. Regardless of this, the OTT app development measure requires a great deal of work perseverance and just expert OTT app engineers like AppSquadz can deal with.