China Overtakes in the iOS Games Revenue

iOS Games Revenue

China has surpassed the US and Japan to become the number one country in iOS games revenue, by market researcher App Annie. In the mid of April, insights discharged by App Annie anticipated that China would surpass different markets far and wide in the coming quarters this year, highlighting that the development was driven “completely by amusements”.


How To Hire An iPhone Application Development Company in India

iPhone Application Development Company

At present the most focused field to fight on is the mobile business sector. The most popular name in Smartphones is iOS apps development India. This progressive gadget with unrivaled usefulness, better client interface and energizing elements has truly turned the business sector of cell telephone industry. These are the reasons which make iPhone the most requesting advanced mobile phone all through the world. AppSquadz is one of the fastest growing iPhone application development company in India.


Most Leading Logo Design Company

Logo Design Company

A Company without appropriate recognizable proof and picture looks unprofessional and doesn’t leave expansive impact on clients and customers. To have proficient and alluring impression, a logo is constantly required and this is the thing that best logo design company is here for.


Does your Hotel Need a Business Application?

Business App

In this tech world, clients utilize their Smartphones for most and everything. They surf their smartphones to improve their network with their companions, brands, and family. On the other hand, they likewise utilize their smartphone to buy from e-commerce. Clients have generally expected the portable channel to collaborate with their top choices marks and promptly get data through their handsets. An Application is only a Mobile Access point to your business. How profound you let that entrance point go, whether it is only an advertising apparatus or is genuinely operational, will totally change the profundity of your application. As I expressed before, there is no expense and one response to whether you require it. So we should take a gander at a couple of the substances we are seeing regarding the Hotel App making this inquiry.


Google Names Android N OS as Android Nougat

Android Nougat

Google has formally reported the name of the next version of Android. Android N will be formally being called Android Nougat. The news comes six weeks after Google put the name to the general population.

Google on Thursday announced ‘Android Nougat’ as the name for the upcoming Android version ‘Android N’, continuing the desert theme names for the operating system. ‘Nougat’ refers to the family of sweets made from honey, nuts and White Egg. This was the first time that the company crowd sourced the name of the mobile operating system. AppSquadz is a top-notch android app development company in USA.


Top Five Medical Application on this Doctor’s Day

Top Five Medical Apps

Top Five Medical Apps

It is safe to say that you are a motivating specialist and paying special mind to some applications for your Smartphone that can really bail you out in your calling? All things considered, don’t you stress! We have a rundown of Mobile Applications that are accessible on Google Play Store which can be downloaded to essentially every Android or iOS Smartphone.