Is Apple’s Core ML 2 better than Google’s ML Kit?

Apple's Core ML 2

The last two months have been exciting for developers as both rivals, Apple and Google introduced their Machine Learning Kits named Apple’s Core ML 2 & Google’s ML kit. This marks as a new phase of development and it won’t be late now that some really advanced applications will venture into the market.

The focuses to develop these kits have been to reduce the pressure on implementing large data sets which are typically required for AI and ML development. Both Apple and Google have released the kits keeping developers in mind who are not very proficient in their coding.

First, let us look at Apple’s machine language it and following that the Google’s and compare which one is better.

Apple’s Core ML 2

This allows a robust integration of different models in machine learning. Using this framework, it is possible for developers to write machine learning applications with the least code possible. According to Apple, this Core ML 2 is 30% faster thanks to the capability of batch prediction and it can compress the models in machine learning by almost 75%. Batch prediction is the process of identifying several images at the same time, rather than trying to predict each of the image one by one. The models in machine learning can be compressed by representing the weights in fewer bits.

This framework for development allows the usage of deep and convoluted neural networks. and they support the different ree models as well as linear regression. This new version of the Core ML can also load the different models from cloud platforms such as the AWS and Microsoft Azure during the runtime. The Core ML is built on low – level technologies and thus, it ensures the minimal usage of the CPU and GPU while providing the maximum efficiency. The developers can almost run all their ML models onto the device so that the data will not be needed to leave the device, according to Apple.

Apple also said during the release by stating an example of a company called Memrise who have used the machine learning framework to build a website where people learn multiple languages. During the past, the developers would take almost 24 hours to train their AI to identify 20,000 images but with these frameworks, the time is brought down to just around 48 minutes. Also, the size of the models of the machine learning is brought down from somewhere around 90 megabytes to just around 3 megabytes.

The Machine Learning Kit from Google

During the conference by Google during the last month, they released this kit for developers who are not very strong with the implementations of Machine learning models. It is a type of cross-platform development framework along with the firebase development platform. Creating the ML requires a lot of work, as you will need to learn how to determine the exact weights, to use the different libraries and also acquire the sufficient training data to even build the most simple of the models.

Both the Firebase and the Android development kit makes it very easy for the developers to implement their models by allowing only some features of the machine learning to be called on the fire-base platform.

According to Google, one would not have to have the deep knowledge about deep neaural network and model optimization if they need to use this framework; they can achieve the task in a short span of time using minimal lines of code.

The framework supports certain ML features such as scanning the barcode, landmark, facial and text detection. Also, this model helps operate in both offline and online conditions. For instance, the offline version will be able to identify a particular image as that of a dog while the online version will be able to specify the breed of the dog as well.

So which one is the right for you?

Choosing between these developmental kits at the end of the day is purely a preference of the developer. The developmental kit from Google, although it is still in the Beta version, offers so much for even the amateur developer through the use of models, and pre-exists that if you want to get into the world of machine learning quicker, then this must be the option for you.

On the other hand, Apple’s framework is not as efficient as that of Google fist, mainly because it does not operate on multiple platforms. And second, it can only be operated on iOS devices and also is not a cross-platform suite which decreases its efficiency. But Apple has been claiming that their second apple updates the developmental kit is more efficient. It is to be waited and seen if that is truly the case.

Apart from these two, there are core machine language kits released from both Intel and NVidia. The former is free of cost and is great for students and scientists to test and conduct experiments related to machine learning. The latter on the other hand is a great tool for advanced users of Machine learning. Make sure that you choose the right one according to your needs.

If you are looking to develop or design a Mobile application, please contact us for any support.


How will Mobile Apps be Affected By 5G Network in 2019?

5G Network

Just in a month’s time, we will be entering a new era of technological advancement. It will mark the beginning of the world of wireless 5G network which will work towards supporting in making the perfect combination of data computation with some several millions of devices and that too within some fractions of seconds.

Let’s take an example… the time you need to blink of your eyelids within that short period more than millions of data will get transmitted right from the device you own to uncountable numbers of connected devices of this world. So how will that be possible will be the question in your mind. Well, all thanks to the powerful and effective technology of 5G Wireless Networks. This network was is a discussion for long and all set to alter the world of mobility.

After checking the potentiality of 5G technologies which it is promising to offer it will be wrong to call it only a network. The 5G can is, as the underlying fabric ideal for the complete ecosystem which is designed to make a perfect connection between devices. 5G is going to make huge changes in business and economic policies. The valid reason for which 5G has managed to make its place among Top 10 tech trends in the coming time is that it promised to make 180-degree changes in the business protocol.  This transformative technology witnessed interest from several businesses aside to the charts which are drafted for estimating the number of subscriptions.

The pattern shift in which 5G technology is showcasing presents the scenario which will create a lasting effect spreading across multiple industries in such promising ways that it will open up doors of innovation and transformation. Earlier things that were assumed to be highly difficult to reach can now be achieved. In short for 5G technology we can say that it brings a shift which will help in speeding up faster than time. 

We already mentioned that 5G manages to create a huge impact on several industries so here we will make an attempt to understand how it affected various industries.  Taking into account all industries will make it difficult for us to explain and so we are picking the mobile app economy as an example.

In recent times the phone designers of any Mobile App Development Company, as well as the telecom providers, are edging towards making the deployment of 5G. But do you have any idea as to what 5G actually means to the mobile developers and its millions of end-users who all are looking for benefits with new mobile experiences? Undoubtedly fast mobile internet is something which all surely expects, but is that all? Well, definitely not as it is only one of the many benefits it promised to offer. Before you get an idea as to what are the impacts of 5G you need to understand as to how different it is from 4G via a comparison between 5G vs. 4G.

5G VS 4G: Understanding why 5 G is better:

•   5G offers faster fiber comparable speed minus wires

•   Low in latency – which means less delay and interference

•   Offers excellent wireless power which gives the opportunity to allow several devices to stay connected via an IoT network

•   Offers brilliant experience with multiple coverage option and facilities

•   Excellent opportunity with wireless connectivity

How it is going to benefit the industry of Mobile apps?

Excellent speed:  The fast download speed which will represent the 5G technology will make it easier for app users to make fast downloading of apps in friction of second even when the MB size of the selected app is huge. It will be like a genie in the lamp for businesses which are banking on in-app download based monetization plans. 

Fast Transferring of file: With fast speed, the user can make fast transferring of files, money or absolute anything which is transferable in nature. The 5G mobile app is going to create a revolution for those mobile apps which follow the business module where it needs to make the transfer of money or data from one account to another in the fastest possible time.

Latency moved to almost Zero: Delays turn deadly for your business if you’re trying to manage machines for taking critical decisions in the fastest possible time. 5G is promising a feature to offer near-zero latency. The quick app download is something that is much in demand.  It is highly beneficial for AR/VR based mobile apps.

Excellent user experience: Don’t you feel the above 3 factors are sufficient enough to justify that it’s an ideal choice for the best user experience? One of the biggest advantages with 5G is the clarity it offers in internet speed. The effect you will notice in the app UI will be an elevated one to a large extent when the same is used or streamed using 5G networks.

So by this time you are sure now as for how will Android application be affected by 5G network in 2019? If you ever tried using your mobile internet in any crowded place you will understand how important connection density is. The 4G network can max support 2000 devices with its current capacity within .38 square miles.

With the increase in the number of devices, you will notice a sudden fall in the capacity as it turns inadequate. But with a 5G network, things will show a rapid change and can manage more than 1 million devices in the same space. This is certainly great news for the developers of IoT (Internet of Things) and for any Mobile App Development Company.


Upcoming Version of Android- Android Q and its Top Features

Android Q

Google is constantly updating its products, and though Android Pie arrived on the devices of ordinary people, the team in Google is working further. They’re currently developing the newer version of Android OS- Android Q. It will be an incremental upgrade to the Pie version, and it will create a whole unique user experience for Android apps.

The essential features that seem exciting in Android Q have been listed below:

1)  Support for the Foldable Phone

It will support the devices of Android that will have foldable displays. The same was announced recently by Samsung for Galaxy F and Galaxy X. The idea has been appreciated by tech giants for making foldable devices arrive in the Android market. These will enable the best services to the users. They’ve also introduced new updates in the feature of the battery, such as turning off the screen it will switch on the battery saving feature. It will ensure that exemplary services are enjoyed by Android users and consume less battery. It also encourages the companies developing apps to enable customization of the apps and thus, create more revenue for themselves.

2)  Multi Resume Feature

It is the advanced feature of the Picture in Picture and the Split Screen mode. Through this feature, one can playfully use the split-screen. All the apps will be running simultaneously and independent of the interactions one has with the screens of the other apps opened. This will enable multitasking. It is predicted to make this feature compulsory for foldable devices.

3)  Warning for old apps

It will create the warning and notification against the older apps, intending to inform the users that the installed app based on the earlier version like Lollipop or an even older version won’t be compatible with the most updated features in their smartphone. It will prevent them from having a bad experience.

4)  Vulkan API to render the UI

It will use the API to deliver an exceptional experience for the users.

5)  Treble Support Improved

The company will improve its compatibility with Treble with the latest Android version. In addition, it will help the users experience quicker software upgrades and flash the Generic System Images on any Android device.

6)  Earlier Testing Access to Android Q

It had been announced during the Android Dev Summit 2018 by the Google team that the update for the latest version is first got on the GSI before it will be accessible on the AOSP. The source code can be accessed by the Mobile app development company and users to test it for performance.

7)  Assisted Dialling

It will automatically add a country’s code to the dialed number, which will be helpful to international travelers.

8)  Emoji 12.0

It will have emoji for the deaf person, the couple who hold hands, 55 skin tones and combinations for gender, the introduction of safety vests, emojis for skunk, yawning face,  kite, onion parachute, diving masks, and briefs.

9)  Desktop experience

It will allow users to use a desktop in their device through a particular UI.

10)  Multi-monitor support

It will allow connecting to a monitor placed externally, and one can use the screens of both the monitor and the phone simultaneously. Such feature is currently available in the Note 9 and the Tab S4 provided by Samsung.

11)  Manual Google drive backups

It will allow the backing up of the files on the drive when there is no Wi-Fi and battery power.

12)  Prevent incoming call’s ringtone from playing when a call is on hold

It is an excellent feature as the phone’s ringtone won’t be played when a call comes while the other is kept on hold.

Even Xiaomi has confirmed the receival of Android P on Poco F1. As declared during a Reddit AMA, the Essential Phone will have Q like the last primary OS on the PH-1phone. It will receive monthly security patches till August 2019.

It is also estimated that the sharing menu might be redesigned with the version. It is expected to be out by March 2019 for the developer preview build. Thee-public beta version may be released in May 2019. However, the stable release may follow in August 2019. Many enthusiasts are wondering as to what Android Q is named after.

Historically Google has named all its OS versions after the desserts. So, the guesses go like Quesadilla, Quiche, Quinoa, Quail, Questo, Surabaya, Quaker oats, Quenell, Quinoa pudding, and more. Phones with Oreo pre-installed will be joining the high-end models receiving Android Q. 

So, these are the remarkable features that one can expect from the Android Q version, and it is undoubtedly a product that many Android users are waiting for. The plethora of changes that it is offering is sure to enhance the user experience of many android applications substantially and refine the already beautiful and seamless operating system over and over again.


Best UI Trends To Build Your Application For 2019

UI Trends

As a proficient team which develops mobile apps, one should prepare for the challenges of the upcoming year by focusing more on the app designing rather than researching the latest technologies. With every passing year, the expectations of the users rise and in a competing market like Mobile app development, keeping the users satisfied is the key to create an impression. Every year witnesses updated UI trends. To keep up with these trends is one of the basic tasks you should be sincere at if you’re looking forward to getting your mobile application more downloads.

There is never a guarantee that your new application will face the same rate of getting success in the case like Uber and Amazon. Statistical reports point out how 60 out of 100 applications are hardly downloaded on the phones by the users. To make things worse, statistics also show that of the apps that are downloaded, 21% have been employed only for one time in 2018. Admittedly, there could be numerous reasons why users do not download a mobile application, data storage, and utility being some of them. But it has been found that the absence of user-friendly interface is a major cause for this.   

Apart from creating an intuitive user interface, utilizing and adopting the latest design trends for the user interface that alters frequently is also a significant measure. Mere updating of your mobile application twice a year may not bring you to the desired position, given the competition that prevails in the market. The following are some of the latest trends in designing a user interface that could aid you in being ahead of the race.

1. Using the Illustrations that explain for themselves

Engaging through high-quality content is now an out-dated version of introducing them to your app’s features. Try the same by telling a story. This has been proved to be more efficient and less time to consume for the users to receive the information that you are trying to convey. Illustrating the features and functionalities of your mobile app can even be through the depiction of characters that are similar to humans for fruitful interactions with the people using the app. This makes your app more vibrant, favorable and interactive.

2. Being Transparent

This is the tried and tested method of increasing the impact of the interface of the app is to add opacity to boost the transparency of the application. Use a variety of settings for transparency to accomplish a beautiful surface design. This feature can be used to design the app logo as well.

3. Interface that is flawless

The feature should be treated with the utmost priority in case of a mobile application development team. The best mobile app is one that reaches out to the targeted audience and gives them a great experience. Your page should load systematically and that the viewers get to the important content right from the beginning.

4. Employing the Impacts Wisely

Use of the overlapping feature for fonts and designs are critical. It makes the user interface look more spacious and furnished. This is a widely used tool by the designers, and it is recommended that you combine features along with shadows for an enhanced UI UX designing.

5. Pictures that fill the screen

Coming to the forefront in recent times is the trend of using the design components and to employ them as fully – scaled images that fill the screen. This component has the intensity to appeal to a huge audience effectively. While theuser tries to retrieve more information about your app, he will browse throughdifferent pages, and these pictures would make such browsing more refreshing.

6. Employ Colors Intelligently

Colors speak louder than words, especially in the design of the UI of a mobile application. It is the easiest and convenient ways of exhibiting your creativity and designing skills. Colors play an important role in the design of a mobile application, which has an equal impact as that of background images. It grabs the attention and helps to set the artistic tone of the app. Even theexperts of the market like Whatsapp and Instagram keep renovating their colorcombinations to give their UI a fresh look.

7. UI Without Buttons

Welcome to 2019! Now the UI Trends of a mobile app would not need buttons to navigate the user. An example of this is the Instagram stories; you don’t have to press anything to shift between the stories and change them, it changes by itself. This has made the UI more user-friendly and convenient for usage than ever before. Even the e-commerce applications do not have separate buttons to add items to the cart these days: all you have to do is drag the product on to the checkout cart.

8. Usage of  Animations

Theseplay an important role in the design of a UI, particularly for a mobile application. Designers are looking forward to more communications and the animations for functionals in 2019 to represent fonts and images.

9. Voice Assist

With 2019 just a few weeks away, interfaces with voice – assists have become application becomes a convenient way of guiding the users throughout the mobile app.

10. Images of heroes in the landing pages

Themain pictures are usually placed at the top portion of the app UI and are asignificant part of a UI UX development  interface. They describe the functions andfeatures of the application as a whole.

11. Navigation Becomes Smoother 

With the advancements in the UI UX Development Company designs, navigation through your mobile application becomes faster and simpler.


Top 5 Trends in the Enterprise Mobile App Development

Undoubtedly, the mobile app industry is one of the fastest growing industries of this century. One can not deny the fact that the mobile app development industry is one of the biggest influencers in the world economy, right now. By the passage of time, each and every enterprise is coming up with bold and unique ideas to provide their user a never-like-before experience. And as a result of that, they are following some specific trends, which are allowing them to get progressed more and more. Here, we are going to discuss those trends, which they are following. So, if mobile app development fascinates you, look no further:

  1. Artificial Intelligence

From the last few years, Artificial Intelligence is the center of attention because it is one of the major breakthroughs in this field of technology. To make the apps smarter and to save some extra money, Artificial Intelligence is one of the best possible options, which an app development enterprise can follow. In addition to that, artificial intelligence has permitted the exponential growth of productivity of an organization with investing a much lesser amount of money.

  1. Android Instant Apps

To make things suitable for both the users and developers, Google launched the instant apps in the year 2016. These are the inbuilt apps, which works like websites and with the help of their functionality they are capable of attracting more people. These instant apps are available in Google Play Store, but you don’t need to download or install them. You can access them instantly. And as a result of this, all the barriers between these apps and the users have been removed.

  1. Internet of Things

In the course of time, the Internet of Things has emerged as a very big industry. Today, all the mobile app development enterprises are going gaga over this thing because this is a one-of-its-kind technology, which lets you control non-IT things with the help of a remote or an app. Nowadays, it has been observed that the Internet of Things is becoming a significant part of a user’s life. So, to cope up with those, android app development enterprises are leaning towards ‘Internet of Things’ friendly apps. Also, according to a study, the Internet of Things investment will reach $120 billion by the year 2020.

  1. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

In collaboration with Twitter, this is one of the latest projects by Google. The motto of this project is to accelerate the speed of mobile pages with a stripped-down version of HTML. It will allow developers to create heavy web pages and websites with high performances, fast loading speed and lower bounce rates for all mobile devices. With a good AMP score, you can acquire a better conversion rate, maximum user retention and also the enhancement of the user experience. Also, with the increased AMP of your website, you will get a better visibility on search engines.

  1. Mobile Wallets

With the development of E-Commerce and online banking, a flabbergasted growth has been observed in online payment options for the users. Blockchain technology is developing day by day and as a result of that people are leaning towards mobile payments. So, you have to give importance to powering up your app which has more secured money transaction options. In addition to that, users prefer mobile wallet because the encrypted security of these wallets ensures the fact that money of the users is safe.

Sitting in the 21st century, with an increased number of apps, users are expecting more and more benefits. So, to keep pace with those expectations, go through the above-written article and make your app more acceptable amongst the users.

If you are looking to develop or design a web application, contact us for any support and best mobile app development company and web app developers.


Features That Make JavaScript more Trustable & Worthy

In the area of net engineers and surfers, JavaScript is particularly mainstream as client scripting dialect for net programs. In any web application, JavaScript can be utilized to put in power simple viewpoints like rollover of pics as legitimately as to make offbeat solicitations to the server.

Browser support

To inspire admission to streak content, you need to convey streak module in your program. Be that as it may, to utilize JavaScript, you don’t need to utilize any module whatsoever. This is on the grounds that all programs have frequently happening JavaScript as a scripting dialect for them and gives coordinated help for it. You should simply to deal with a portion of the undertakings that are organized on DOM (Document Object Model) of particular programs appropriately.

Can be used on the client side as well as on server side

As JavaScript has admission to the content of a program, you can without a doubt change the structure of web pages at runtime. Because of this, JavaScript can be utilized to add particular impacts to website pages. On the diverse hand, JavaScript should be utilized on the server aspect also. For instance, in Alfresco which is a famous open source substance organization framework, JavaScript is utilized in creating web scripts. This makes adding tasks very straightforward.

Functional programming language

In JavaScript, the highlight might need to be doled out to factors simply like any unique information kinds. Not just that, anyway a component can accept conveyance of another trademark as a parameter and can likewise restore a capacity. You can have highlighted with no title too. Obviously, this offers you the ability to code in utilitarian programming style.

Support for objects

JavaScript underpins a large portion of the question arranged standards while being easy to inspect and utilize.

These are among the extraordinary highlights inside Javascript one will find plausible extremely valuable.


  • Provides strong help of key specialized viewpoints with accentuation on expressiveness, quick and convenient coding, and the DOM.
  • Contains rapid and succinct JavaScript Library that rearranges how you cross HTML reports, control occasions, make activities, and incorporate Ajax for quick web advancement.
  • Robust chart and calculated displaying required for genuine web applications.
  • It incorporates some straightforward UX improvements with the central library and comprises of a few gadgets or segments that make the advancement of eye-getting interfaces significantly less demanding.
  • Includes a wide fluctuate of issues that can be utilized to solid the viewpoints to your own one of a kind one of a kind net site or web application


  • The precursor to the mass appropriation of dynamic web utility improvement defaced by utilizing issues with DHTML
  • An open source DHTML toolbox is written in JavaScript.
  • Contains part of highlights, for example, Ajax, occasions, bundling, CSS-based questioning, liveliness, JSON, dialect utilities.
  • Excellent documentation and highlight many enchanting models and demo applications.
  • Includes people group with a functioning discussion, IRC channel and mailing records.
  • Easy APIs for custom gadgets.
  • Most cunning pictures package that invigorates components, and DOM.


  • Light JavaScript library for simple utilize, anyway performs entangled capacities
  • Small and clear documentation
  • Ajax coordination
  • Smart spring up menus
  • Capable of utilizing CSS selectors and brisk goals from in excess of a couple of utility strategies treat, frame, string, and DOM for undertakings


  • Widely considered as the most grounded structure which is being an expanding number of utilized in the endeavor with solid help to central specialized highlights.
  • Robust outline and theoretical demonstrating for genuine web capacities with more than 20 design designs, comprising of Flyweight, Fa莽ade, Visitor and Observer.
  • It moreover bolsters a tough customer side certainties mannequin and helps for component model and configuration designs.
  • It comprises of a plenty of factor models with help for expansions and module, some powerful matrix controls with the guide for inline altering, pagination, separating, gathering, rundowns, buffering, and certainties authoritative.
  • Rich library of cross-program all around coordinated gadgets comprises of tabs, graphs, windows (discoursed), trees, plan directors, more noteworthy structure controls, toolbars and menus, intuitive, and coordinate remoting.
  • Contains a prosperous library of gadgets, consolidate with various JavaScript libraries in some way,
  • Supports AJAX, DHTML and DOM scripting


  • Exciting cross-program application capacities.
  • Includes a stage free improvement apparatus chain.
  • Advanced customer server correspondence layer.
  • Advanced UI/UX components with gadget accumulation
  • Small designer network help for the library, for example, online journals, gatherings, and so on.
  • Open supply underneath LGPL/EPL

Fundamentally, HTML labels make what you put into your page and JavaScript grants you to control what you put into your web page. Simply consider a web page that just has HTML on it. It would simply resemble a certain composed record. You would not be skilled to go to the consequent page. Be that as it may, in the event that you utilize JavaScript on your web page, you would have the capacity to move matters around.

Also Read:-  Best Android App Development Programming Language: Java vs Kotlin

Advantages of the utilization of JavaScript in the HTML code

  1. JavaScript will enhance ocular examples. As referred to prior, if a net page will be evident HTML, it would be only a site page brimming with text. You would now not be skilled to move around, and you may not be in a situation to go to the following page.
  2. JavaScript will permit many page results Some page impacts that JavaScript permits are:
  • Client’s chance on page
  • Popups and tooltips
  • Crumbling content
  • Page timeout
  • Shading adjustments and blurs
  • Font sizing and blurs
  • Extreme fader
  • Installed sound
  • Print page/component
  • Looking over standards
  • Flying content
  • News scroller
  • Robotized popups
  • Picture advances
  • Flip catches
  1. JavaScript will include user intuitiveness

The particular results that are conveyed to the web page will make it additional intuitive. The client/guest of your site will continue investigating inside the net site.

  1. JavaScript will give consistent incorporation client modules

JavaScript now not exclusively offers to get the section to HTML objects, it additionally offers to get admission to the program and stage particular items like program modules (e.g. Adobe Acrobat, Media Player).

  1. JavaScript will allow customer side client shape approval

In the event that JavaScript is accessible, a starter approval of the site’s buyer can be refined to test for simple oversights, for example, missing certainties or non-numeric characters erroneously situated in a non-numeric field. Therefore, the individual of the web website gets snappier input than sitting tight for a reaction from the server.

  1. JavaScript will allow getting passage to some machine data

You require JavaScript to make your site outwardly attractive to practicable clients and site guests by utilizing including intelligence and elements to HTML pages. All things considered, who might support to go to a web webpage that just had one website page loaded up with content? The net page would not appear to be great, now also exhausting.

If you are looking to develop or design a web application, contact us for any support and best mobile app development company and web app developers.